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    13:1 [] Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Mwushn kai proV ton Aarwn, legwn,

    13:2 Otan anqrwpoV tiV ech epi tou dermatoV thV sarkoV autou prhsma h ywran, h exanqhma, kai geinh eiV to derma thV sarkoV autou plhgh lepraV, tote qelei ferqh proV ton Aarwn ton ierea h proV ena twn uiwn autou twn ierewn×

    13:3 kai o iereuV qelei qewrhsei thn plhghn eiV to derma thV sarkoV. Kai ean h qrix eiV thn plhghn meteblhqh eiV leukhn, kai h plhgh eiV thn oyin hnai baqutera tou dermatoV thV sarkoV autou, einai plhgh lepraV× o de iereuV qelei qewrhsei auton kai qelei krinei auton akaqarton.

    13:4 All' ean to exanqhma hnai leukon eiV to derma thV sarkoV autou kai eiV thn oyin den einai baquteron tou dermatoV kai h qrix autou den meteblhqh eiV leukhn, tote qelei kleisei o iereuV ton econta thn plhghn epta hmeraV×

    13:5 kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV thn ebdomhn hmeran× kai idou, ean idh oti h plhgh einai eiV stasin kai h plhgh den exhplwqh eiV to derma, tote qelei kleisei auton o iereuV allaV epta hmeraV×

    13:6 kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV ek deuterou thn ebdomhn hmeran× kai idou, ean h plhgh hmaurwqh kai den exhplwqh h plhgh eiV to derma, qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron× auth einai ywra× kai qelei plunei ta imatia autou kai qelei eisqai kaqaroV.

    13:7 Ean omwV exhplwqh perissoteron h ywra epi tou dermatoV, afou eqewrhqh upo tou ierewV dia ton kaqarismon autou, qelei deicqh palin eiV ton ierea.

    13:8 Kai ean idh o iereuV, oti exhplwqh h ywra epi tou dermatoV, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai lepra.

    13:9 Otan h plhgh thV lepraV hnai eiV anqrwpon, tote qelei ferqh proV ton ierea.

    13:10 kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV× kai idou, ean to prhsma hnai leukon eiV to derma kai metebale thn trica eiV leukhn, kai eurisketai kreaV zwn eiV to prhsma,

    13:11 einai lepra palaia eiV to derma thV sarkoV autou kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× den qelei kleisei auton, dioti einai akaqartoV.

    13:12 All' ean exhplwqh polu h lepra epi tou dermatoV kai h lepra eskepasen olon to derma tou econtoV thn plhghn apo kefalhV autou kai ewV podwn autou, opou kai an qewrhsh o iereuV,

    13:13 tote qelei qewrhsei o iereuV, kai idou, ean h lepra eskepasen olhn thn sarkan autou, qelei krinei kaqaron ton econta thn plhghn× einai kaqaroV.

    13:14 All' en opoia hmera fanh eiV auton kreaV zwn, qelei eisqai akaqartoV.

    13:15 Kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV to kreaV to zwn kai qelei krinei auton akaqarton× to zwn kreaV einai akaqarton× einai lepra.

    13:16 H ean to kreaV to zwn allaxh palin kai metablhqh eiV leukon, qelei elqei proV ton ierea.

    13:17 Kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV× kai idou, ean h plhgh meteblhqh eiV leukhn, tote qelei krinei o iereuV kaqaron ton econta thn plhghn× einai kaqaroV.

    13:18 [] H de sarx epi tou dermatoV thV opoiaV hto elkoV, kai iatreuqh,

    13:19 kai en tw topw tou elkouV egeine prhsma leukon, h exanqhma leukon kokkinwpon, qelei deicqh eiV ton ierea×

    13:20 kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV, kai idou, ean fainhtai baquteron tou dermatoV kai h qrix autou meteblhqh eiV leukhn, qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai plhgh lepraV, htiV exhnqhsen eiV to elkoV.

    13:21 Ean de qewrhsh auto o iereuV, kai idou, den hnai leukai triceV eiV auto kai den hnai baquteron tou dermatoV kai hnai hmaurwmenon, tote o iereuV qelei kleisei auton epta hmeraV×

    13:22 kai ean exhplwqh polu epi tou dermatoV, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai plhgh.

    13:23 All' ean to exanqhma menh en tw topw autou kai den exhplwqh, touto einai oulh tou elkouV× kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron.

    13:24 Ean de hnai kreaV, econ epi tou dermatoV autou kaustikhn flogwsin, kai to zwn kreaV tou peflogismenou merouV ech exanqhma leukon, kokkinwpon h kataleukon,

    13:25 tote qelei qewrhsei auto o iereuV× kai idou, ean h qrix eiV to exanqhma meteblhqh eiV leukhn kai eiV thn oyin hnai baquteron tou dermatoV, einai lepra exanqhsasa eiV thn flogwsin× kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai plhgh lepraV.

    13:26 All' ean o iereuV qewrhsh auto, kai idou, den hnai qrix leukh eiV to exanqhma kai den hnai baquteron tou dermatoV kai hnai hmaurwmenon, tote qelei kleisei auton o iereuV epta hmeraV×

    13:27 kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV thn ebdomhn hmeran× kai ean auto exhplwqh polu eiV to derma, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai plhgh lepraV.

    13:28 Ean de to exanqhma menh en tw topw autou kai den exhplwqh epi tou dermatoV kai hnai hmaurwmenon, einai prhsma flogwsewV, kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron× epeidh einai oulh thV flogwsewV.

    13:29 Kai ean anhr, h gunh, ech plhghn eiV thn kefalhn, h eiV to pwgwnion,

    13:30 tote qelei qewrhsei o iereuV thn plhghn× kai idou, ean eiV thn oyin hnai baqutera tou dermatoV kai eiV authn qrix xanqizousa, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV akaqarton× einai kasida, lepra thV kefalhV h tou pwgwniou.

    13:31 Kai ean qewrhsh o iereuV thn plhghn thV kasidaV kai idou, eiV thn oyin den hnai baqutera tou dermatoV kai den hnai qrix melanh en auth, tote qelei kleisei o iereuV epta hmeraV ton econta thn plhghn thV kasidaV×

    13:32 kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV thn plhghn thn ebdomhn hmeran× kai idou, ean den exhplwqh h kasida kai den hnai eiV authn qrix xanqizousa kai eiV thn oyin h kasida den hnai baqutera tou dermatoV,

    13:33 autoV qelei xurisqh, all' h kasida den qelei xurisqh× o de iereuV qelei kleisei ton econta thn kasidan allaV epta hmeraV.

    13:34 Kai thn ebdomhn hmeran qelei qewrhsei o iereuV thn kasidan× kai idou, ean h kasida den exhplwqh eiV to derma kai eiV thn oyin den hnai baqutera tou dermatoV, tote qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron× kai autoV qelei plunei ta imatia autou kai qelei eisqai kaqaroV.

    13:35 All' ean h kasida exhplwqh polu epi tou dermatoV meta ton kaqarismon autou,

    13:36 tote qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV× kai idou, ean h kasida exhplwqh epi tou dermatoV, den qelei ereunhsei o iereuV peri thV xanqizoushV tricoV× einai akaqartoV.

    13:37 All' ean qewrhsh oti h kasida einai eiV stasin kai ekfuetai qrix melanh en auth, h kasida einai teqerapeumenh× einai kaqaroV× kai qelei krinei auton o iereuV kaqaron.

    13:38 [] Kai ean anhr, h gunh, ecwsin epi tou dermatoV thV sarkoV autwn exanqhmata, exanqhmata leukwpa,

    13:39 tote qelei qewrhsei o iereuV× kai idou, ean ta exanqhmata epi tou dermatoV thV sarkoV autwn hnai upoleuka, einai alfoV exanqwn epi tou dermatoV× einai kaqaroV.

    13:40 Ean de h kefalh tinoV madhsh, autoV einai falakroV× einai kaqaroV.

    13:41 Kai ean h kefalh autou madhsh proV to proswpon, einai anafalantoV× einai kaqaroV.

    13:42 All' ean hnai eiV to falakrwma, h eiV to anafalantwma, plhgh leukh kokkinwph, einai lepra exanqhsasa eiV to falakrwma autou h eiV to anafalantwma autou.

    13:43 Kai qelei qewrhsei auton o iereuV× kai idou, ean to prhsma thV plhghV hnai leukon kokkinwpon eiV to falakrwma autou h eiV to anafalantwma autou, wV to fainomenon thV lepraV epi tou dermatoV thV sarkoV,

    13:44 einai anqrwpoV leproV, einai akaqartoV× qelei krinei auton o iereuV olwV akaqarton× eiV thn kefalhn autou einai h plhgh autou.

    13:45 Kai tou leprou, eiV ton opoion einai h plhgh, ta imatia autou qelousi scisqh kai h kefalh autou qelei eisqai askephV, kai to epanw ceiloV autou qelei kaluyei kai qelei fwnazei, AkaqartoV, akaqartoV.

    13:46 PasaV taV hmeraV kaq' aV h plhgh qelei eisqai en autw, qelei eisqai akaqartoV× einai akaqartoV× monoV qelei katoikei× exw tou stratopedou qelei eisqai h katoikia autou.

    13:47 [] Kai ean uparch eiV imation plhgh lepraV, eiV imation mallinon h eiV imation linoun,

    13:48 eite eiV sthmonion, eite eiV ufadion, ek linou h ek malliou, eite eiV derma, eite eiV pan pragma kateskeuasmenon ek dermatoV,

    13:49 kai h plhgh hnai prasinwph, h kokkinwph, eiV to imation, h eiV to derma, h eiV to sthmonion, eiV to ufadion, h eiV pan skeuoV dermatinon, einai plhgh lepraV kai qelei deicqh eiV ton ierea×

    13:50 o de iereuV qelei qewrhsei thn plhghn kai qelei kleisei to econ thn plhghn epta hmeraV.

    13:51 Kai qelei qewrhsei thn plhghn thn ebdomhn hmeran× ean h plhgh exhplwqh epi tou imatiou, h epi tou sthmoniou, h epi tou ufadiou, h epi tou dermatoV, ek pantoV pragmatoV to opoion einai kateskeuasmenon ek dermatoV, h plhgh einai lepra diabrwtikh× touto einai akaqarton.

    13:52 Kai qelei kausei to imation, h to sthmonion, h to ufadion, mallinon, h linoun, h pan skeuoV dermatinon epi tou opoiou einai h plhgh× dioti einai lepra diabrwtikh× me pur qelei kauqh.

    13:53 Kai ean idh o iereuV, kai idou, h plhgh den exhplwqh epi tou imatiou, eite epi tou sthmoniou, eite epi tou ufadiou, h epi pantoV skeuouV dermatinou,

    13:54 tote qelei prostaxei o iereuV na pluqh to econ thn plhghn kai qelei kleisei auto allaV epta hmeraV×

    13:55 kai qelei qewrhsei o iereuV thn plhghn, afou epluqh× kai idou, ean h plhgh den hllaxe to crwma authV kai den exhplwqh h plhgh, einai akaqarton× me pur qeleiV kausei auto× einai diabrwtikon, to opoion procwrei upokatwqen h epanwqen.

    13:56 Kai ean idh o iereuV, kai idou, h plhgh, afou epluqh, einai hmaurwmenh, tote qelei ekkoyei authn apo tou imatiou, h apo tou dermatoV, h apo tou sthmoniou, h apo tou ufadiou.

    13:57 All' ean fanh eti epi tou imatiou, epi tou sthmoniou, h epi tou ufadiou, h epi pantoV skeuouV dermatinou, einai lepra exanqizousa× me pur qeleiV kausei to econ thn plhghn.

    13:58 Kai to imation, h to sthmonion, h to ufadion, pan skeuoV dermatinon, to opoion hqeleV plunei, ean h plhgh exhleifqh ap' autwn, tote qelei pluqh ek deuterou kai qelei eisqai kaqaron.

    13:59 OutoV einai o nomoV thV plhghV thV lepraV epi imatiou mallinou, h linou, eite sthmoniou, eite ufadiou, h pantoV skeuouV dermatinou, dia na krinhtai kaqaron, h na krinhtai akaqarton.


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