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    13:1 [] En th hmera ekeinh qelei eisqai phgh anewgmenh eiV ton oikon Dabid kai eiV touV katoikouV thV Ierousalhm dia thn amartian kai dia thn akaqarsian.

    13:2 Kai en th hmera ekeinh, legei o KurioV twn dunamewn, qelw exoloqreusei ta onomata twn eidwlwn apo thV ghV kai den qelei pleon eisqai enqumhsiV autwn, kai eti qelw afairesei touV profhtaV kai to pneuma to akaqarton apo thV ghV.

    13:3 Kai ean tiV profhteuh eti, tote o pathr autou kai h mhthr autou oi gennhsanteV auton qelousin eipei proV auton, den qeleiV zhsei× dioti yeudh laleiV en tw onomati tou Kuriou. Kai o pathr autou kai h mhthr autou oi gennhsanteV auton qelousi diatraumatisei auton, otan profhteuh.

    13:4 Kai en th hmera ekeinh oi profhtai qelousi kataiscunqh, ekastoV ek thV orasewV autou, otan profhteuh, kai den qelousin enduesqai enduma tricinon dia na apatwsi.

    13:5 Kai qelei eipei, Egw den eimai profhthV× eimai anqrwpoV gewrgoV× dioti anqrwpoV me emisqwsen ek neothtoV mou.

    13:6 Kai ean tiV eiph proV auton, Ti einai ai plhgai autai en mesw twn ceirwn sou; qelei apokriqh, Ekeinai, taV opoiaV eplhgwqhn en tw oikw twn filwn mou.

    13:7 [] Romfaia, exupnhson kata tou poimenoV mou kai kata tou androV tou sunetairou mou, legei o KurioV twn dunamewn× pataxon ton poimena kai ta probata qelousi diaskorpisqh× qelw omwV streyei thn ceira mou epi touV mikrouV.

    13:8 Kai en pash th gh, legei KurioV, duo merh qelousin exoloqreuqh en auth kai ekleiyei, to de triton qelei enapoleifqh en auth.

    13:9 Kai qelw perasei to triton dia puroV× kai qelw kaqarisei autouV wV kaqarizetai to argurion, kai qelw dokimasei autouV wV dokimazetai to crusion× autoi qelousin epikalesqh to onoma mou ka egw qelw eisakousei autouV× qelw eipei, outoV einai laoV mou× kai autoi qelousin eipei, O KurioV einai o QeoV mou.


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