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  • TSK - ISAIAH 34


      1  The judgments wherewith God revenges his church.
    11  The desolation of her enemies.
    16  The certainty of the prophecy.
    VERSE 1
    - Come.
      This and the following chapter, as Bp. Lowth observes, form
      one distinct prophecy; an entire, regular, and beautiful poem,
      consisting of two parts; the first containing a denunciation
      of Divine vengeance against the enemies of the people or
      church of God; the second describing the flourishing state of
      that church consequent upon those judgments.  The event
      foretold is represented as of the highest importance, and of
      universal concern; all nations are called upon to attend to
      the declaration of it; and the wrath of God is denounced
      against all the nations who had provoked to anger the Defender
      of the cause of Zion.  By a figure frequently occurring in the
      prophetical writings, the cities and people mentioned here,
      who were remarkably distinguished as the enemies of the people
      of God, are put for those enemies in general.
       * Isa 18:3; 33:13; 41:1; 43:9; 49:1 Jud 5:3,31 Ps 49:1,2; 50:1; 96:10
       * Mr 16:15,16 Re 2:7
    - let the.
       * Isa 1:2 De 4:26; 32:1 Jer 22:29 Mic 6:1,2
    - all that is therein.  Heb. the fulness thereof.
       * Ps 24:1 1Co 10:26
    VERSE 2 
     - the indignation.
       * Isa 24:1-23 Jer 25:15-29 Joe 3:9-14 Am 1:1-2:16 Zep 3:8
       * Zec 14:3,12-16 Ro 1:18 Re 6:12-17; 14:15-20; 19:15-21; 20:9,15
    - and his.
       * Isa 30:27-30 Na 1:2-6
    VERSE 3 
     - slain.
       * Isa 14:19,20 2Ki 9:35-37 Jer 8:1,2; 22:19 Eze 39:4,11 Joe 2:20
    - and the mountains.
       * :7 Eze 32:5,6 Re 14:20; 16:3,4
    VERSE 4 
     - all the.
       * Isa 13:10; 14:12 Ps 102:25,26 Jer 4:23,24 Eze 32:7,8 Joe 2:30,31
       * Joe 3:15 Mt 24:29,35 Mr 13:24,25 Ac 2:19,20 2Pe 3:7-12
       * Re 6:13,14; 8:12; 20:11
    VERSE 5 
     - my sword.
       * De 32:14,42 Ps 17:13 Jer 46:10; 47:6 Eze 21:3-5,9-11 Zep 2:12
       * Re 1:16
    - upon Idumea.
       * Isa 63:1 Ps 137:7 Jer 49:7-22 Eze 25:12-14 Am 1:11,12 Ob 1:1-9
       * Mal 1:4
    - the people.
       * De 27:15-26; 29:18-21 Mt 25:41 1Co 16:22 Ga 3:10 2Pe 2:14
    VERSE 6 
     - filled.
       * Isa 63:3 Jer 49:13 Eze 21:4,5,10
    - the fast.
       * De 32:14
    - the Lord hath.
       * :5; 63:1 Jer 50:27; 51:40 Eze 39:17-20 Zep 1:7 Re 19:17,18
    VERSE 7 
     - unicorns.  or, rhinoceroses.
       * Nu 23:22; 24:8 De 33:17 Job 39:9,10 Ps 92:10
    - the bullocks.
       * Ps 68:30 Jer 46:21; 50:11,27
    - soaked.  or, drunken.
       * :3
    VERSE 8
        * Isa 26:21; 35:4; 49:26; 59:17,18; 61:2; 63:4 De 32:35,41-43 Ps 94:1
       * Jer 46:10 Mic 6:1 Lu 18:7 Ro 2:5,8,9 2Th 1:6-10 Re 6:10,11
       * Re 18:20; 19:2
    VERSE 9
        * Ge 19:28 De 29:23 Job 18:15 Ps 11:6 Lu 17:29 Jude 1:7 Re 19:20
       * Re 21:8
    VERSE 10 
     - shall not.
       * Isa 1:31; 66:24 Jer 7:20 Eze 20:47,48 Mr 9:43-48
    - the smoke.
       * Re 14:10,11; 18:18; 19:3
    - from.
       * Isa 13:20 Eze 29:11 Mal 1:3,4
    VERSE 11 
     - cormorant.  or, pelican.
       * Isa 13:20-22; 14:23 Zep 2:14 Re 18:2,21-23
    - stretch.
       * 2Sa 8:2 2Ki 21:13 La 2:8 Mal 1:3,4
    VERSE 12 
     - call.
       * Isa 3:6-8 Ec 10:16,17
    - nothing.
       * Isa 41:24 1Co 8:4; 13:2 2Co 12:11
    VERSE 13 
     - thorns.
       * Isa 32:13,14 Ho 9:6 Zep 2:9
    - an habitation.
       * Isa 13:21,22; 35:7 Jer 9:11; 10:22; 49:33; 50:39,40; 51:37 Mal 1:3
       * Re 18:2,20-24
    - owls.  or, ostriches.  Heb. daughters of the owl.
    VERSE 14 
     - The wild beasts of the desert.  Heb. Ziim.
       * Isa 13:21 *marg:
    - the wild beasts of the island.  Heb. Ijim.
       * Isa 13:22 *marg:
    - screech owl.  or, night-monster.
    VERSE 15 
     - nest.
       * Ps 104:17 Jer 48:28 Eze 31:6
    - lay.  lit. letteth escape.
       * Isa 46:4
    - hatch.  lit. cleave.
       * Ne 9:11
    - gather under.
       * Jer 17:11
    - the vultures.
       * De 14:13
    VERSE 16 
     - Seek.
       * Isa 30:8 De 31:21 Jos 1:8 Pr 23:12 Da 10:21 Am 3:7 Mal 3:16
       * Joh 5:39; 10:35 2Pe 1:19 Mt 5:18 Lu 21:33
    - my mouth.
       * Ge 6:17 Ps 33:6,9
    VERSE 17 
     - he hath cast.
       * Jos 18:8 Ps 78:55 Ac 13:19; 17:26
    - they shall.
       * :10; 13:20-22

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