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  • ТСК - 1-Y Паралипоменон 8


    8:1 Вениамин родил Белу, первенца своего, второго Ашбела, третьего Ахрая,

    1Пар 7:6-12 Быт 46:21
    * Числ 26:38

    8:2 четвертого Ноху и пятого Рафу.
    :2; 20:4,6,8
    * :37 2Цар 21:16,18,20,22
    * :2
    * :37
    * 1Пар 9:43
    * 1Пар 20:4

    8:3 Сыновья Белы были: Аддар, Гера, Авиуд,
    The variation in this name is occasioned simply by the transposition of a {Dѓleth,] {daleth} and [R€ysh,] {raish}; being in the parallel passage ['Ard <\\S#714h\\>,] Ard, and here [Addѓr <\\S#146h\\>,] Addar.
    Быт 46:21 Числ 26:40

    8:4 Авишуа, Нааман, Ахоах,

    1Пар 6:4
    * Быт 46:21 Числ 26:40 <\\S#265h\\>.
    * 2Цар 23:28

    8:5 Гера, Шефуфан и Хурам.

    Суд 3:15 [ShuppЊym <\\S#8206h\\>,] Shuppim, seems to be merely a contracted form of [Sheph-wphѓm <\\S#8197h\\>,] Shupham, or rather, Shephupham, which, by the mutation of [M€m,] {mem,} into [N-wn,] {noon,} is here changed into [Sheph-wphѓn <\\S#8197h\\>,] Shephuphan.
    * 1Пар 7:12
    * Числ 26:39 Huram appears to be an error for Hupham in the parallel passage of Numbers, which, by contraction, is written Huppim.

    8:6 И вот сыновья Егуда, которые были главами родов, живших в Геве и переселенных в Манахаф:

    1Пар 7:10 Суд 3:20-30; 4:1
    * Быт 46:21
    * 1Пар 6:60
    * 1Пар 2:25,54

    8:7 Нааман, Ахия и Гера, который переселил их; он родил Уззу и Ахихуда.

    :4 <\\S#281h\\>.
    * :7
    * 1Цар 14:3,18
    * 1Ki 4:3
    * Быт 46:21
    * 2Ki 21:18

    8:8 Шегараим родил детей в земле Моавитской после того, как отпустил от [себя] Хушиму и Баару, жен своих.
    and evening twilight. <\\S#7842h\\>. in the.
    Руф 1:1
    * Быт 46:23 <\\S#1199h\\>.
    * Быт 25:6 Matthew Poole notes, Ehud or Gera last mentioned; others join these words with the former, and render the place thus, "after he had sent them (his sons) away, with Hushim and Baara his wives," i.e., as he also sent his wives away from him; which may be here mentioned as a brand upon him, to show that he was without natural affection to his wives and children. And it seems the more probable that he divorced them, because we find him married to another wife, ver. 9.
    * Мат 19:3-9 2Тим 3:3
    * 1Пар 4:5 Быт 4:19

    8:9 И родил он от Ходеши, жены своей, Иовава, Цивию, Мешу, Малхама,
    In the preceding verse it is said that "Hushim and Baara were his
    wives;" and here it said, "he begat of Hodesh his wife," etc; and then in the eleventh verse, his children by Hushim are mentioned, but not a word of Baara. It is probable, therefore, that Hodesh was another name for Baara; and this is asserted by the Targumist: "And he begat of Baara, that is, of Chodesh, his wife, so called because he espoused her anew." But it might be more probable to adopt Poole's view, given in the Note to verse 8, then to suppose Shaharaim divorced then remarried Baara after sending her away, accepting her back again, now giving her a new and more suitable name.
    * Быт 10:29

    - Mesha. i.e., waters of devastation; making to forget; equalizing; existing; retreat, removal, deliverance. <\\S#4331h\\>. only here.
    * 2Ki 3:4
    * 1Пар 2:42
    * :9

    8:10 Иеуца, Шахию и Мирму: вот сыновья его, главы поколений.
    of Jah. <\\S#7634h\\>.

    8:11 От Хушимы родил он Авитува и Елпаала.

    Быт 46:23

    - Elpaal. i.e., God the maker; God the reward. <\\S#508h\\>.
    * :12,18

    8:12 Сыновья Елпаала: Евер, Мишам и Шемер, который построил Оно и Лод и зависящие от него города, --
    Ono is stated by Reland to have been three miles from Lydda.
    Ездр 2:33 Неем 6:2; 7:37; 11:35 Lod, or Lydda, was situated about four leagues from Joppa, and a day's journey, or about thirty-two miles N.W. from Jerusalem; and, according to the Antonine Itinerary, twelve miles from Jamnia, eighteen from Eleutheropolis, and twenty two from Bethar. Josephus says it was a village, not yielding to a city in greatness; and that it was one of three toparchies dismembered from Samaria, and given to the Jews. It was destroyed by Cesitus in the Jewish war, and, when rebuilt, was called Diospolis. It is now called Loudd, and is a poor village, situated in a fine plain about a league to the E.N.E. of Ramia.

    8:13 и Берия и Шема. Они были главами поколений жителей Аиалона. Они выгнали жителей Гефа.

    * 1Пар 2:49,50,52; 4:4
    * Иис_Н 19:42

    8:14 Ахио, Шашак, Иремоф,

    2Цар 6:3 longed-for. <\\S#8349h\\>.
    * :25
    * Ездр 10:26

    8:15 Зевадия, Арад, Едер,

    1Пар 26:2
    * :15
    * Числ 21:1; 33:40 Иис_Н 12:14 Суд 1:16
    * :15
    * Числ 21:1 Иис_Н 12:14 <\\S#5738h\\>.

    8:16 Михаил, Ишфа и Иоха--сыновья Берии.


    8:17 Зевадия, Мешуллам, Хизкий, Хевер,

    1Пар 26:2
    * 1Пар 9:12 <\\S#2395h\\>.
    * Быт 46:17

    8:18 Ишмерай, Излия и Иовав--сыновья Елпаала.
    Lord; he shall pour out suitably; he will cause her to flow forth. <\\S#3152h\\>.
    * Быт 10:29
    * :11

    8:19 Иаким, Зихрий, Завдий,

    :19; 24:12
    * :19
    * 1Пар 24:12
    * 1Пар 9:15
    * Иис_Н 7:1

    8:20 Елиенай, Цилфай, Елиил,
    :20; 12:20
    * :20
    * 1Пар 12:20 strength; God of might. <\\S#447h\\>.
    * :20,22; 5:24; 6:34; 11:46,47; 12:11; 15:9,11 2Пар 31:13 prophet.
    * 1Пар 6:34
    * 1Пар 11:46
    * 1Пар 11:47
    * 1Пар 12:11
    * 1Пар 15:9,11
    * :20
    * :22 Jordan.
    * 1Пар 5:24 Hezekiah.
    * 2Пар 31:13

    8:21 Адаия, Бераия и Шимраф--сыновья Шимея.


    8:22 Ишпан, Евер, Елиил,
    make them prominent. <\\S#3473h\\>.
    Быт 46:17
    * :20

    8:23 Авдон, Зихрий, Ханан,

    Суд 12:13
    * 1Пар 9:15
    * 1Пар 9:44

    8:24 Ханания, Елам, Антофия,

    1Пар 25:23
    * Быт 10:22 of Jah. <\\S#6070h\\>.

    8:25 Ифдия и Фенуил--сыновья Шашака.

    1Пар 4:4
    * :14

    8:26 Шамшерай, Шехария, Афалия,
    careful keeping of the
    Lord. <\\S#8125h\\>. early of Jah. <\\S#7841h\\>. shaken, taken away, or afflicted of the Lord. <\\S#6271h\\>.
    * :26 2Ki 11:1,3,13,14 2Пар 22:12 Ездр 8:7
    * 2Ki 8:26; 11:2,20 2Пар 22:2,10,11; 23:12,13,21; 24:7 Jezebel, and granddaughter of Omri.
    * 2Ki 8:16,26; 11:1-16 2Пар 21:6; 22:2
    * 2Ki 11:1
    * 2Пар 22:10,11
    * :26
    * Ездр 8:7

    8:27 Иаарешия, Елия и Зихрий, сыновья Иерохама.
    :27 2Ki 1:3,4,8,12 Ездр 10:21,26 Мал 4:5
    * :27
    * Ездр 10:26
    * 1Ki 17:1

    8:28 Это главы поколений, в родах своих главные. Они жили в Иерусалиме.

    Иис_Н 15:63; 18:28 Суд 1:21 Неем 11:1,7-9 Jerusalem, the ancient capital of Judea, is situated in long. 35 deg. 20. min. E., lat. 31 deg. 47 min 47 sec. N.; and, according to the best authorities, 136 miles S.W. of Damascus, 34 miles S. of Shechem or Nablous, 45 miles E. of Jaffa, 27 miles N. of Hebron, and about 20 miles W. of Jericho. The city of Jerusalem was built on hills, and encompassed with mountains, (Пс 125:2,) in a stony and barren soil, and was about sixteen furlongs in length, say Strabo. The ancient city of Jebus, taken by David from the Jebusites, was not large, and stood on a mountain south of that on which the temple was erected. Here David built a new city, called the city of David, wherein was the royal palace. Between these two mountains lay the valley of Millo, filled up by David and Solomon; and after the reign of Manasseh, another city is mentioned, called the second. The Maccabees considerably enlarged Jerusalem on the north, enclosing a third hill; and Josephus mentions a fourth hill, called Bezetha, which Agrippa joined to the former: this new city lay north of the temple, along the brook Kidron. See note ch. 34 9:34.

    8:29 В Гаваоне жили: отец Гаваонитян, --имя жены его Мааха, --

    1Пар 9:35,36

    8:30 и сын его, первенец Авдон, [за ним] Цур, Кис, Ваал, Надав,

    1Пар 9:36,37

    8:31 Гедор, Ахио, Зехер и Миклоф.

    1Пар 9:37

    8:32 Миклоф родил Шимея. И они подле братьев своих жили в Иерусалиме, вместе с братьями своими.

    1Пар 9:38

    8:33 Нер родил Киса; Кис родил Саула; Саул родил Иоанафана, Мелхисуя, Авинадава и Ешбаала.

    1Пар 9:39 1Цар 9:1; 14:50,51
    * 1Цар 9:1 Деян 13:21
    * 1Цар 14:49; 31:2
    * 1Цар 14:49
    * 2Цар 2:8; 4:12

    8:34 Сын Ионафана Мериббаал; Мериббаал родил Миху.

    2Цар 4:4; 9:6,10; 19:24-30
    * 2Цар 9:12

    8:35 Сыновья Михи: Пифон, Мелег, Фаарея и Ахаз.

    1Пар 9:41

    8:36 Ахаз родил Иоиадду; Иоиадда родил Алемефа, Азмавефа и Замврия; Замврий родил Моцу;

    1Пар 9:42

    8:37 Моца родил Бинею. Рефаия, сын его; Елеаса, сын его; Ацел, сын его.

    1Пар 9:43

    8:38 У Ацела шесть сыновей, и вот имена их: Азрикам, Бохру, Исмаил, Шеария, Овадия и Ханан; все они сыновья Ацела.

    1Пар 3:23 <\\S#1074h\\>.
    * :38; 9:44 Here is a case of a son being given a name which literally means "firstborn," but he was not born first, but second. This is another evidence that "firstborn" does not mean born first, but has primary reference to certain legal privileges pertaining to the birthright. The eldest son succeeded to the father's rank and position as head of the family or tribe, and as represntative of its perogatives. He also inherited a double portion of his father's property, a right guaranteed even when his mother was the less loved of two wives (Втор 21:17; 2 Ki 9 2:9). A birthright might be sold to a younger brother, as Esau sold his birthright to Jacob (Быт 25:29, 34; Евр 12:16). It might also be forfeited on account of misconduct (1 Ch 1 5:1).
    * 1Пар 26:10 Быт 41:51; 48:18 Лев 23:10 2Пар 21:3 Иов 18:13 Пс 89:20,27
    * Иер 31:9 Кол 1:15
    * Быт 16:11 Lord. <\\S#8187h\\>.
    * :38; 9:44
    * Авд 1:1
    * 1Пар 9:44

    8:39 Сыновья Ешека, брата его: Улам, первенец его, второй Иеуш, третий Елифелет.

    1Пар 7:16 gather together; he will succor; he will assemble (or hasten). <\\S#3266h\\>.
    * :39; 1:35; 7:10; 23:10,11 Быт 36:5
    * Быт 36:14,18 2Пар 11:19
    * 1Пар 1:35 Быт 36:5,14,18
    * 1Пар 7:10
    * 1Пар 23:10,11
    * :39
    * 1Пар 11:19
    * 1Пар 2:13; 3:1,15; 7:12
    * 1Пар 7:15
    * 1Пар 3:6

    8:40 Сыновья Улама были люди воинственные, стрелявшие из лука, имевшие много сыновей и внуков: сто пятьдесят. Все они от сынов Вениамина.

    1Пар 12:2 2Пар 14:8
    * Пс 127:3-5; 128:3-6


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