PREVIOUS CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() FT1 The larger part of the ‘prayer on the work of Christ’ is now first printed from a MS. in Emmanuel College, Cambridge. FT2 The articles marked with an asterisk are now, it is believed, printed for the first time. FT3 Foxe, Acts and monuments, 1583, p. 1624 — 65; Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the martyrs, 1564, p. 251 — 489, 650 — 2. FT4 “I thank God heartily that ever I was acquainted with him, and that ever I had such a one in my house.” — Bp. Ridley, Lett. to Bernhere, Works, p. 380, Parker Soc. See also p. 331 — 7, 363 — 9, 377 — 91, of Works of Bp. R.; and p. 82, 464 of this volume. FT5 Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1603. FT6 Id. ibid. p. 1624. FT7 Protest of Bp. Latimer, A.D. 1554, Works, n. 258, Parker Soc. FT8 Bp. Ridley, Lett. to Gate and Cecil, Works, p. 337, Parker Soc. FT9 Strype, Ecc. Mem. 3 1.363-4. FT10 Id. ibid. 423. FT11 ‘heirs,’ MS.: ‘heirs; for if we he heirs of God, then are we fellow-heirs,’ 1562, 1564. FT12 Misprint for ‘me’. FT13 It will be remembered, that Edward VI. had come to the throne, Jan. 28, 1547. Bradford was entered at the Inner Temple, in London, the following 8th of April. The Order of Communion was printed March 8, 1548. The Preface of Bradford to Chrysostom on prayer is dated at the end, May 16, 1548: (vide p. 15.) and Whitsunday, 1548, fell on May 20: (vide tables in Sir H. Nicholas’ Chronol.) Bradford went to Cambridge about the ensuing midsummer. The first Book of Common Prayer of Edward VI. was set forth by authority in 1549. — The dates in this and other notes are (unless the contrary be noted,) according to our present reckoning. FT14 Foxe, Acts etc. (ed. 1583) 1661: or (ed. 1847) 7. 281-2. FT15 i.e. to conquer, to take prisoner, to put an end to. Vide Todd; Nares, 5. mate; Richardson. So in Marshall’s Primer, 1535, “Neither is it meet to make them check with our Savior Christ, much less then to make them checkmate.” — Three Primers, Oxf. (1834) 8. So too Bp. Coverdale, “Therefore would not Josue that any thing should be set checkmate with the cross and oblation of Jesus Christ, but that all honor of cleansing and forgiveness of sins should be ascribed only unto him.” — Bp. C., Works (Parker Soc.) The 01d Faith,50. FT16 Suscipe, sancta Trinitas, hanc oblationem quam ego indignus peccator offero in honore tuo, beatae Mariae, et omnium sanctorum tuorum pro peccatis et offensionibus meis, et pro salute vivorum et requie omnium fidelium defunctorum. — Missale ad vs. Eccl. Sar. 1555. Ordin. Miss. fol. CL; Ancient English Liturgy, Maskell (1844) 22, or (l846) 56. FT17 i.e. in part. FT18 An oath, meaning, By the Virgin Mary: corrupted afterward into marry. — Nares. FT19 Vide “A christen exhortacion vnto customable swearers,” attributed by Bp. Tanner (Bibliotheca) to Bp. Coverdale; without date, N. Hyll, signature A 2. FT20 An ancient expression of hatred: vide Hom.2. W. 212. FT21 Et nuncupavit (explanavit, Chald. vers. exsecrans, Jun. et Trem. expressit, Pagnin. Syriac. Tigurin. discerte, Tigurin.) nomen , et maledixit, Ar. Montan. Samarit. Pagnin. (vel, despexit, Oleast. Tigurin. (vel, blasphemavit, Chald. Syriac. Jun. et Trem.). — Poli Synops. In Leviticus 24:11. FT22 i.e. Lollard. FT23 He printed books, from 1551 to 1589. — Herbert, (Typogr. Antiq. 2. 779, et seq.) Maunsell, (Catal. 1595) 86, mentions “Philippians Melangton, his treatise of praier, translat. by John Bradford. prin. by Rob. Walg. in 12.” The entry of Maunsell is repeated by Herbert (Typ. Ant. 2. 1145), among the works issued by Robert Waldegrave, who began to print books about the year 1578. FT24 p. 20. FT25 Edward VI. died July 6, 1553. The Preface to Bradford’s Sermon on Repentance is dated July 12. Queen Mary was proclaimed July 19, and came to London, August 3. Bradford saved the life of Bourne August 13, and was committed to the Tower, “within three days after.” — Foxe, Acts, etc. (ed. 1583) 1409, 1604, or (ed. 1846) 6. 392, 7, 144, 145; Strype, Mem. (Oxf.) 3, 1. 3, 20, 26, 32. FT26 i.e. soon afterward. FT27 Vide Mosheim, Eccl. Hist. cent. 4. 2. 5. 24. FT28 Mo>nov eijsh>rceto eijv to Paris. 1659, p. 63 — 4.
FT29 p. 42.
FT30 p. 20.
FT31 p. 29.
FT32 A copy, imperfect, was formerly in the possession of Herbert (Typogr.Antiq., 3. 1572): and there was a copy also not perfect (possibly that which Herbert once had) in the library of the Duke of Roxburghe, 1812, noted (in Supplem. to Catal. 597), “Bradforde’s Sermon on Repentance, imp. 1553.”
FT33 Vide black letter title (1574), p. 27, and statement of Sampson, p. 29.
FT34 Was ordained Deacon by Abp. Cranmer, assisted by Bp. Ridley, 1549.
Rector of Alhallows, Bread St. 155l. Dean of Chichester, 1552. A chief translator of the Bible, 1560, Geneva. Refused the Bishoprick of Norwich, 1560. Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 1561; but (refusing to wear the appointed habits) was deprived by special order from the Queen, 1565. Prebendary of St Paul’s, 1570. Published “these remarkable memorials of this heavenly confessor and martyr” (Strype, Ann. 3. 1. 102) in 1574. Master of Whittington College, London; Master of the Hospital of William de Wygston, at Leicester. Died, April 9, 1589, aged 72. — Vide Strype, Cranmer, Oxf. 1812, I. 273, 356, 419, Parker, I. 368, Annals, 1. 2. 150, 151; Wood, Athenae Oxon.
Bliss, 1. 548; Newcourt, Repertorium, 196, 246; Life of Bp. Ridley, by Ridley, 302; Zurich Letters, Parker Soc. see index; Anderson, Annals, Eng. Bible, 1845, 2. 321.
FT35 “Sampson... studied the municipal laws in one of the Temples, where being converted to the Protestant religion, did shortly after, as ‘tis said, convert John Bradford the martyr.” — Wood, Athenae Oxon: Bliss, 1. 1548 — 9.
FT36 “Dr Nicholas Ridley...was not then Bishop of London, as Bradford’s friend mistakes, being Bishop of Rochester from near a twelve month before Bradford went to the University [which last took place about midsummer 1548] to the beginning of the year 1550, (Godwin de Praesul. Angl. et Rymeri Foed. Tom. 15. p. 164, 222) and also Master of Pembroke Hall.” — Biogr. Britann. 2. 1748, art. Bradford.
FT37 “The famous bear-garden on the Bankside in Southwark, contiguous to the Globe theater. So called from Robert de Paris, who had a house and garden there in the reign of Richard II.” Nares, Glossary. Vide Brand, Pop. Antiq. Ellis, 2. 285.
FT38 Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1603 — 1623, or ed. 1847, 7. 143 — 194.
FT39 Sir John Harrington of Exton in Rutlandshire. It is only right to place beside the above the words of Bradford in his last Examination before Bp. Gardiner: “My lord, I set my foot to his foot, whosoever he be, that can come forth and justly vouch to my time that ever I deceived my master. And as you are chief justicer by office, in England, I desire justice upon them that so slander me, because they cannot prove it.” — Exam, of Bradford, London, Griffith, 1561, signature a 6. Vide also Foxe, Acts, etc. ed. 1583, p. 1610, or ed. 1847, 7. 162. The subject will receive further notice in this collection of the Writings of Bradford.
FT40 At Boulogne. Vide Foxe, Acts, etc. ed. 1583, p. 1603, or ed. 1847, 7. 143: and see A.D. 1544, et seq., in Grafton, Chron. 1569, p. 1273; in Holinshed 1587, 2. 964; in Stow ed. 1615, p. 587; in Speed, Hist. 1623, p. 1050; and in Carte 1752, 3. 179: and see Playfair, Baronet — age, 1. 72.
FT41 The letter of Bradford to Traves, of May 12, 1548, and those which begin, severally, “Gratia, misericordia... If mine heart,’ and ‘The selfsame mercy,’ seem to lead to a different conclusion.-Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1661 — 4, or ed. 1847, 7 277 — 285.
FT42 i.e. plundering.
FT43 Cyprian. de Orat. Domin. Op. Oxon. (1688) 140.
FT44 “In the midst of dinner he used often to muse with himself, having his hat over his eyes, from whence came commonly plenty of tears dropping on his trencher.” — Foxe, Acts etc. ed. 1583, p. 1604, or ed. 1847, 7. 145.
FT45 A Letter from Bradford, inscribed “To my dear friends and brethren, R. and E. with their wives and families,” i.e. “to two faithful friends of his, one Royden and Elsing” (Foxe), is given in Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the Martyrs (1564) 338, and in Foxe, Acts etc. 1583, p. 1642, or ed. 1847, 7. 235.
FT46 Foxe, Acts etc. 1583, p. 1623, or ed. 1847, 7. 194.
FT47 ‘Sith’ occurs in the authorised version of Ezekiel 35:6. Vide, in Tooke, 1. 267, or Richardson, Dict. 5. sin, the derivation of ‘since.’
FT48 Bourding: jesting.
FT49 Vide Euseb. Eccl. Hist. 3. 5. ed. Vales. Paris. 1659, p. 75: and also annot. Vales.
FT50 The last ten words are omitted in all editions after 1553.
FT51 i.e. ‘woe on woe,’ or ‘alas, alas,’ from the Anglo-Saxon welawa, or walawa. Vide Johnson, Nares, Richardson, 5. ‘welaway.’
FT52 So 1553, 1574, 1581: ‘are,’ 1599.
FT53 Lady Jane Grey having been proclaimed July 10, 1553, four days after the death of Edward VI. — This preface is dated July 12: and Queen Mary was proclaimed July 19. — Strype, Mem. Oxf. 3. 1. 4, 21.
FT54 Vide Richardson, 5. fury.
FT55 So 1553, 1574: ‘work,’ 1581, 1599, 1617.
FT56 “Faith is a noble duchess: she hath ever her gentleman usher going before her, the confessing of sins: she hath a train after her, the fruits of good works, the walking in the commandments of God.” — Bp Latimer, 7th Serm. before Edw. VI. ed. 1578. sig. 63: ed. Parker Soc. 1. 237.
FT57 i.e. furniture.
FT58 ‘slender my store’ 1574 and after editions.
FT59 Vide p. 28 above.
FT60 Nomine enim hwhy a verbo hyj fuit, ducto, significari censebant Deum aeternum, immutabilem, qui nunquam non idem futurus sit. — Gesen. Lex.
FT61 i.e. ‘bare, as if picked or stripped,’ Nares, Gloss. So the word ‘peeled’ in Isaiah. 18. 2,7, ‘a nation scattered and peeled:’ expilatam, Jun. Et Trem. — 1574 and after editions read ‘vain.’
FT62 i.e. regret, repentance: see Nares, 6. ‘for’ and ‘forthink.’
FT63 Poenitentia: meta>noia hbwC( Isaiah 30:15), or µjn ( Hosea 13:14). Vide Gesen. Lex.
FT64 The last six words only occur in 1553.
FT65 See note A.
FT66 Psalm 6:32,38,51.102. 130. 143: Horae beat. 5. Mar. ad leg.
Sarisb. Eccl. rit. Paris. 1519, fol. ex. “These Psalms were very FT67 i.e. alms.
FT68 Sunt... quasi materia hujus sacramenti, ipsius poenitentis actus, nempe Contritio, Confessio, et Satisfactio: qui, quatenus in poenitente ad integritatem sacramenti, ad plenamque et perfectan peccatorum remissionem ex Dei institutione, requiruntur, hac ratione partes Poenitentiae dicuntur. — Concil. Trident. Sess. 4., Jul. Tert. Ann. 1551, cap. 3. Antv. 1564, fol. 66. Vide Thom. Aquin. Summ. Theol.
Pars 3. Quaest. 90. Art. 2, Colon. 1622, p. 207.
The subject is elaborately treated upon by Hooker, Ecc. Pol. 6.: and by Willet, Synopsis Papismi, 1600, contr.14. See also Bp. Taylor, Dissuasive from Popery, 1. 2. and 2. 1. 11; and Bp. Burnet on Art. 25., Ch. Of Eng.
FT69 Attritio significat in spiritualibus quandam displicentiam de peccatis commissis, sed non perfectam: Contritio autem perfectam. — Thom.
Aquin. Summ. Theol. Partis 3. Suppl. Theol. Lovan. Quaest. 1. Art. 2.
Colon. 1622, p. 3. — Concil. Trid. Ibid. cap. 4 fol. FT70 See note B.
FT71 Mammering: hesitation.
FT72 Ratio ... quare [indulgentiae valere possint, est unitas corporis mystici, in qua multi in operibus poenitentiae supererogaverunt ad mensuram debitorum suerum, et multas etiam tribulationes injustas sustinuerunt patienter, per quas multitude poenarum peterat expiari, si eis deberetur: quorum meritorum tanta est copia, quod omnem poenam debitam nunc viventibus excedunt, et praecipue propter meriturn Christi. — Thom.
Aquin. Suture. ibid. Quaest. 28. Art. 1. p. 32. Vide Hooker, Ecc. Pol. 6. 5. 9, ed. Keble; Willet, Synopsis, 662, 917, 1089; Field, Of the Church,3. app. 13 (1635) 331; Bennet, Conf. Popery, 1701, 2. 19; Bp.
Burnet on Art.14., Ch. of Eng.
FT73 See note C.
FT74 “Our Savior Christ by his own blood purged both body and soul ¼ But the bishop of Rome, to make himself also a mediator with Christ, hath taken upon him to purify the soul and conscience with holy water, holy salt, and other his holy creatures of his own devising, to the intolerable injury of Christ’s blood which only hath the effect.” — Abp. Cranmer, Answ. to the Devon. rebels, Remains, Oxf. 2. 226; or Parker Soc. 2. 177. Vide Becon, “Reliques of Rome,” 1563, fol. 158, ch. “Of holy water.”
FT75 See note D.
FT76 ‘Trental’ or ‘month’s mind’: an office of thirty masses said on thirty different days for a person deceased. Vide Du Cange, Gloss., 5. tricenarium; Becon, “Reliques of Rome,” 1563, fol. 207, ch. “Of trentals;” Brand, Pop. Antiq. ed. Ellis, 1813, 2. 213, et seq.
FT77 ‘mean for the taking away of 1553: ‘satisfaction for’ 1574, and after editions.
FT78 ‘taken’ 1574 and after editions.
FT79 Vide Bingham, Orig. Eccl.18. 2.1726, 2. 210; Nicholls, Comm. (1712), and Wheatley, Illustr., on Ash-Wednesday, and on the Commination Service.
FT80 “In the case of incest, or incontinency, the sinner is usually enjoined to do a public penance in the cathedral or parish-church, or public market, bare-legged and bare-headed, in a white sheet, and to make an open confession of his crime in a prescribed form of words.” But the penance “may be totally altered by a commutation.” — Burn, Ecclesiastes Law,5. Penance. Vide Remains of Abp. Grindal, Parker Soc. 455; Bp. Gibson, Codex, Oxf. 1761, tit. 46. 100. 2; Orig. Liturg., Palmer, 1846, ch. 23, on “public and private penitence.”
FT81 Sed defensionem. Quidam habent, sed excusationem: in Graeco autem ajpologi>an , id est satisfactionem praecepti, scilicet dicit. — Hieron.
Op. 5. col. 1025, ed. Bened. Par. 1693 — 1706, comm. incerti auctoris in epist. 2. ad Cor. cap. 7.
FT82 Vide Bp. Jewel, Defence, part 2. Works (1609) 141; Bp. Ridley, Works, Parker Soc. 338; Hooker, Ecc. Pol. 6. 4. 14, ed. Keble.
FT83 ‘one’ 1553: ‘of one’ 1574 and after editions.
FT84 The last nine words occur only in 1553.
FT85 Vide Hooker, Ecc. Pol. 6. 3. 5, Kebel.
FT86 Vide Homily of Repentance, Part 2. Ch. of England.
FT87 See Hooker, Ecc. Pol. 6. 4. 13, ed. Keble; Bingham, Orig. Eccl. 18. 3. 1726, 2. 215.
FT88 Two words of the original are omitted.
FT89 ‘stir up’ 1553: ‘stir up in you’ 1574 and after editions.
FT90 ‘beseech thee for thy mercy’s sake’ 1574 and after editions.
FT91 Toot: search, look.
FT92 A word of the original is omitted.
FT93 Proferatur speculum scripturae divinae. Speculum hoc neminem palpat: qualis es, talem to tibi demonstrat. — August. Serm. de Temp. Barbar. cap. 3. Op. 6. col. 609, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700: and vide tom. 4. col. 1131, enarr, in Psalm 103. serm. 1. 4.
FT94 So 1553, 1574: ‘live in’ 1581 and after editions.
FT95 Man-queller: murderer.
FT96 So 1574: ‘natural’ 1553.
FT97 Juvenal. Sat. 6. 164.
FT98 Vide Foxe, Acts, etc., 1583, p. 1038, or ed. 1846, 5:20; Becon, “Reliques of Rome,” 1563, fol. 237, ch. “the general sentence or curse;” Monumenta Ritualia, Maskell, 1846, 1. 226, ordo excomm., and diss. on occas, offices, sect. 12.
FT99 Slug: are lazy, dull.
FT100 Vide Sermon of Gilpin before Edward 6. 1552, in Life of Gilpin, 1753; Sermons of Bp. Latimer, Parker Soc. passim; Works of Bp.
Ridley, Parker See. 59, 60; Strype, Mem. 2. 2.131, et seq., ann. 1553, ‘view of the manners of all sorts of men in these times, nobility, gentry, yeomanry, judges, the poor, the clergy;’ Nares, Life of Burghley, 1. 497, et seq.; Haweis, Sketches, etc. 1844, ch. 7., ‘state of public morals under Edward.’
FT101 Pass: care, regard.
FT102 Placard: edict, notification.
FT103 “The 15th of April [1551], the infectious sweating sickness began in Shrewsbury ¼ In London, in few days, nine hundred and sixty gave up the ghost: ¼ people being in best health were suddenly taken and dead in four and twenty hours, and twelve or less ¼ Seven honest householders did sup together, and before eight of the clock in the next morning six of them were dead ¼ This sickness followed Englishmen ¼ in strange countries. Wherefore this nation was much afeard of it, and for the time began to repent and remember God; but as the disease relented, the devotion decayed.” — Stow, Annals (1615), 605; Holinshed 1587, III. 1066; Grafton (1569), 1315; Carte 1752, III. 259; Edward VI., Diary in Bp. Burnet, Reform. Records.
FT104 “In this year [1551 — 2] the sea brake in at Sandwich, insomuch that it did overflow all the marshes thereabout, and drowned much cattle, to the great loss both of the town and the country.” — Fabian, Chron., contin. (ed. 1559), 556.
FT105 ‘a little more’ only in 1553.
FT106 ‘more abundantly’ 1574 and after editions.
FT107 De Carthagine silere melius puto quam parum dicere, quoniam alio, properaro tempus monet. — Sallust. Bell. Jugurth. 22., ed. Wasse, Cantabr. (1710) 288.
FT108 i.e. ‘woe on woe,’ as above, p. 39. ‘Alas,’ 1617, 1619, 1652.
FT109 Haweis conceives that Bradford probably alludes to the will of the late King, whereby Edward left the crown to the heirs of the Duchess of Suffolk. — Sketches of the Reformation (1844), 293. Vide letter of Bradford to Sir James Hales, in Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1637, or ed. 1847, 7. 223.
FT110 i.e. to be surely depended upon.
FT111 ‘before thee’ 1574: not in 1553.
FT112 i.e. alms.
FT113 So 1574: ‘Leviticus 26, the prophet Esay from the fortieth chapter: in the thirtieth saith he, God tarrieth ¼ mercy’ 1553.
FT114 ‘also’ 1574: not in 1553.
FT115 The references in this sentence, having been according to the Vulgate, have here, as in other places, been altered in form, to accord with the authorised English Bible.
FT116 i.e. joy; the Anglo-Saxon wyn , ‘gaudium,’ from whence ‘winsome,’ merry, cheerful. Vide Jun. Etymol. Angl. ed. Lye, Oxon. 1743, 5. ‘wune.’ ‘Wynne’ 1553: ‘good.’ 1574, and after editions.
FT117 Poke: a bag or sack. ‘Opened the poke,’ a proverbial expression. Vide Ray, and Fuller, Proverbs, and Bailey, Dict.
FT118 See note E.
FT119 Vide p. 49 note 5, above.
FT120 “The tradition of the Jews, that Isaiah was put to death by Manasseh, is very uncertain; and one of their principal Rabbins (Aben Ezra, Com. in Isaiah 1:1.) seems rather to think that he died before Hezekiah; which is indeed more probable.” Bp. Lowth on Isaiah, p. 225, ed. 1825.
FT121 ‘to be’ 1574: not in 1553.
FT122 The word occurred in our authorised version of the Bible, 1 Kings 18:5, ‘that we leese not all the beasts’; but, is one of those readings which have been tacitly changed in the modern editions.” Nares, Glossary.
FT123 See p. 60, note 2, above: ‘assurance’ 1617, 1619, 1652.
FT124 i.e. unhappy ones.
FT125 ‘his’ 1553: ‘our’ 1574.
FT126 ‘might by his’ 1574: ‘that by his,’ and ‘might’ after ‘by his curse’, 1553.
FT127 ‘and’ 1574: not in 1553.
FT128 A passage very like the above occurs near the end of the Homily on the Nativity, in the second book of Homilies, which Bp. Burnet states (on Article 35.) as it ‘was not finished till about the time of King Edward’s death, so it was not published before Queen Elizabeth’s time:” “O how much are we” ¼ “at God’s hands.”
FT129 ‘they are’ 1574: not in 1553.
FT130 See p. 54, note 1, above.
FT131 i.e. He grovelling.
FT132 ‘woeful’ 1553: ‘wilful’1574.
FT133 i.e. careful.
FT134 ‘now’, a misprint, 1553: ‘not’ 1574.
FT135 So 1553, 1574, 1652: ‘part,’ an early impression of 1574 (vide p.28 above), 1581, 1599, 1617, 1619.
FT136 Two words of the original are omitted.
FT137 i.e. his lodging, or abode. See Nares, Glossary.
FT138 i.e. transfix, pierce through.
FT139 i.e. grind with teeth.
FT141 Three words of the original are omitted.
FT142 Bp. Ridley, in a letter to Bradford, 1554, writes: “Dearly beloved, I wish you grace, mercy and peace. According to your mind I have run over all your papers; and what I have done, which is but small, therein may appear. In two places I have put in two loose leaves: I had much ado to read that was written in your great leaves, and I ween somewhere I have altered some words, because I could not read perfectly that which was written ¼ Blessed be God that hath given you liberty ¼ , that you may use your pen to his glory, and to the comfort, as I hear say, of many.” — To this Foxe annexes the following side note: “This was a treatise of the Lord’s Supper, with other things, which Master Bradford sent to him to peruse and to judge thereof.” — Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1725, or ed. 1843 — 8, 7. 426.
FT143 This MS. is followed, unless where otherwise noted. The latter part of the Sermon, from p. 102, 1. 28 (‘the gravity and grievousness of sin’) to the end, is also contained in a MS. in the autograph of Bradford, 2. 2. 16. no. 20. in Emmanuel College, Cambridge. This MS. has supplied two lines at p. 107: MS. 1. 2. 8. no. 11. generally agrees with it closely.
FT144 ‘Circumcised ¼ be’, MS. 1.2.8: not in 1574.
FT145 Foxe states that, while Bradford was in prison in the King’s Bench and the Counter in the Poultry, he preached twice a day continually ¼ also the sacrament was often ministered; and through his means (the keepers so well did bear with him) such resort of good folks was daily to his lecture, and to the ministration of the sacrament, that commonly his chamber was well nigh filled therewith. Acts, etc. p. 1780.
FT146 ‘it,’ MS. 1. 2. 8: ‘that’1574.
FT147 The last seven words occur in MS. 1.2.8, but are not given in and after editions.
FT148 ‘goodness and’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT149 ‘it’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. FT150 See note F.
FT151 See the ‘prison-conferences’ of Bradford, as; referred to on the margin above. A like declaration is made by Bp. Ridley in his Disputation at Oxford, April 1554, Works, Parker Soc. FT152 ‘taught,’ MS.: ‘thought’ 1574.
FT153 ¼eujcaristi>a, ejk du>o pragua>twn sunesthkui~a, ejpigei>ou te kai< oujpavi>ou ¼ — Iron. Cont. Haer. Lib. Quinq. 4. 18 (olim 34) 5.
Op. 1. 251, ed. Bened. Venet. 1734.
FT154 Aceedit verbum ad elementum, et fit sacramentum etiam ipsum tanquam visibile verbum. — August. In Johann. Evang. 15 Tract. 80. 3.
Op. 3. 2. col. 703, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700.
FT155 ¼ejn aijsqhtoi~v ta< nohta> soi paradi>dwsi. Chrysost. In Matthew Hom. 82. (al. 83.) Op. 7. 787, ed. Bened. Par. 1718 — 38 ¼ divina autem illum sanctificante gratia, mediante sacerdote, liberatus est quidem ab appellatione panis, dignus autem habitus Dominici corporis appellatione, etiamsi naturn pants in ipso permansit. — Id. Ep. ad Caesar. Monach. Op. 3. 744; and in Routh, Script. Eccl. Opuse. 2. 127, Oxon. 1840. See the remarkable history of this treatise in connection with Abp. Cranmer and Peter Martyr, in Cave, Hist. Liter. Oxon. 1740, 1. 315.
FT156 ¼ ut ¼ significantia et significata eisdem vocabulis censerentur, ut sacramentum et res sacramenti, veritas et figura, usque adeo indivulsam haberent efficientiam. — Arnold. Abbat. Bona-vail. De unct. chrism, in Cypr. Op. Oxon. (1682.) Append. p. 48.
FT157 Si enim sacrament quandam similitudinem earum rerum quarum sacramenta sunt non baberent, omnino sacramenta non essent. — August. Epist. 98. ad Bonifac. sect. 9. Op. 2. col. 267.
FT158 ‘pyx,’ from the Latin ‘pyxis,’ the box in which consecrated wafers were kept for the sick. — Vide Du Cange, Gloss.
FT159 ‘also’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2.8.
FT160 Toute>sti, pro Hom.30. Op. 10. 270, ed. Bened. Par. 1718 — 38.
FT161 ‘and’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT162 ‘forgiveness of sins’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT163 ¼ susceptus a Christo, Christumque suscipiens, non idem sit post lavacrum, qui ante baptismum fuit; sed corpus regenerati fiat caro crucifixi. — Leon. Magni Serm. 63. de Pass. Dom. 12. cap. 6:Op. 1. col. 246, Venet. 1753 — 57.
FT164 Patefaction: disclosure, manifestation.
FT165 This line and the preceding paragraph are supplied by MS. 1. 2. 8, being omitted in 1574 and the after editions.
FT166 ¼ Spiritus autem sanctus, cum in pluribus sit, non habet substantiam circumscriptam. — Did. Alex. Do Spirit. Saner. Lib. 1. 6, Hieron. interpr, in Hieron. Op. 2. col. 112, stud. Vallars. Veron. 1734 — 42.
FT167 Una enim persona Deus et homo est, et utrumque est unus Christus Jesus; ubique per id quod Deus est, in coelo autem per id quod homo. — August. Libor ad Dardan. seu Ep. 87. 10. Op. 2. col. 681, ed.
Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700.
FT168 Secundum praesentiam majestatis semper habemus Christum: secundum praesentiam carnis, recte dictum est discipulis, ‘Me autem non semper habebitis. — Id. In Johann. Evang. 12. Tract. 50. 13. Op. 3. 2. col. 634.
FT169 Corpus enim Domini in quo resurrexit uno loco esso potest: veritas ejus ubiquo diffusa est. — Id. In Johann. Evang. 7:Tract. 30. 1. Op. 3. 2 col. 517.
FT170 ‘Nisi manducaveritis,’ inquit, ‘carnem Filii hominis et sangninem biberitis, non habobitis vitam in vobis.’ Facinus vol fiagitium videfur jubere: figura est ergo, praecipiens passtoni Dominicae communicandum, et suaviter atque utiliter recondondum in memoria, quod pro nobis caro ejus crucifixa et vulnerata sit. — Id. De Doctr.
Christ. Lib.3. 24. Op. 3. 1 col. 52.
FT171 ¼ recte intelligunt non dicendum esse eum manducare corpus Christi, qui in corpore non est Christi ¼ Ipse dicens, ‘Qui manducat carnem meam et bibit sanguinem meum in me manet, et ego in co,’ ostendit quid sit non sacramento tenus, sed re vera corpus Christi manducare et ejus sanguinem bibere ¼ Sic enim hoc dixit, tanquam diceret, Qui non in me manet, et in quo ego non manco, non se dicat aut existimet manducare corpus meum, aut bibero sanguinem meum. — Id. De Civit.
Dei, Lib. 21. cap. 25:3, 4. Op. 7. col. 646, 7: and vide In Johann.
Evang.6. Tract. 26. 18. Op. 3. 2. col. 501.
FT172 Improve: disprove.
FT173 i.e. guardian deities, XXX · Vide Daniel 11:38, marginal reading, authorised version; Mede, Apostasy of the latter times, 1.16, 17, Works, 1672, p. 667, et seq.
FT174 i.e. ground of contention; in allusion to the Trojan war. Vide Calv.
Instit. 4. 18:18. Op. 9. 1. 387, Amst. 1667-71.
FT175 Letted: hindered.
FT176 ‘Son’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT177 The last nine words in 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT178 ‘truth,’ MS. 1. 2. 8: ‘true’ 1574.
FT179 ‘and’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT180 ‘and,’ MS.: ‘or’1574.
FT181 ‘do’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT182 ‘true’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT183 ‘in any point,’ MS. 1. 2. 8: ‘barely’ 1574.
FT184 ‘and’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2.8.
FT185 See Bp. Ridley on the Lord’s Supper, Works, Parker Soc. 10; Nares, Glossary.
FT186 ‘water,’ MS. 1. 2. 8: not in 1574.
FT187 ‘they,’ MS. 1. 2. 8: ‘it’ 1574.
FT188 ‘perceived,’ MS. 1.2. 8: ‘received’ 1574.
FT189 So 1574: ‘10 and 11’ MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT190 ¼ immortalitatis alimonia datur, a communibus cibis differens ¼ Panis iste communis, in carnero et sanguinem mutatus, procurat vitam et incrementurn corporibus. — Arnold. Abbat. Bonae-vail. De Coen.
Dom. in Cypr. Op. Oxon. 1682, Append. p. 39, 40.
FT191 Illud manducare refici est: ¼ illud bibere quid est nisi vivere? Manduca vitam, bibe vitam: habebis vitam, et integra est vita. — August. Serm. 81, de verb. Evang. Johan. 6. 1. Op. V. col. 641, ed. Bened. Par. — 1700.
FT192 sch~ma plhrw~n e[sthken oJ iJereu Ridley, Works, Parker Soc. 201, attributes the sentiment to Eusebius Emissenus; and the words, “ut ¼ perennis victima illa viveret in memoria, et semper praesens esset in gratia,” occur in Euseb. Emiss. in Corp. Jur. Canon. Decret. Gratian. Deer. Tert. Pars, [De Consecr. Dist. 2. can. 35, Paris. 1618, p. 419.
FT193 ¼kai< loipo FT194 ¼ tanquam nobis ¼ nulla per sacramentum carnis et sanguinis naturalis communionis proprietas indulgeretur: cum... et per mantentem in nobis carnaliter Filium, et in eo nobis corporaliter et inseparabiliter unitis, mysterium verae ac naturalis unitatis sit praedicandum. — Hilar. De Trin. 8. 17. Op. col. 957, ed. Bened. Par. 1693.
FT195 Eij dia< mo>nhv ajfh~v th~v ajgi>av sarko Alex. In Joann. In Joann. 4. 2. Op. 4 361, Lut. 1638.
FT196 Oukou~n oJ trw>gwn th FT197 sa>rka ga FT198 ¼ ideo in similitudinem quidem accipis sacramentum, sed vere naturae gratiam virtutemque consequeris. — Ambros. De Sacram. 4. 1. Op. 2. col. 380, ed. Bened. Par. 1686 — 90. Cave and Oudinus consider this treatise spurious. — Cave, Hist. Liter. 1. 263, Oxon. 1740; Oudin.
Comm. De script, eccles. 1. col. 659 — 65, Lips. 1722.
FT199 ¼ hjqe>lhsen ca>riti eijpei~n, Tou~to> mou ejsti> to>de... — Epiphan.
Ansorat. 57. Op. 2. 60, Par. 1622.
FT200 Dupliciter vero sanguis Christi et caro intelligitur, vel spiritualis illa atque divina, de qua ipse dixit, “Caro mea vere est cibus, et sanguis meus vere est potus;’ ¼ vel caro et sanguis quae crucifixus [crucifixa, ed. Bened.] est, et qui militis — 42.
FT201 ¼iJere>a parestw~ta, kai< Pneu~ma meta< pollh~v th~v dayilei>av toi~v prokeime>noiv ejfipta>menon. — Chrysost. In Ep. 1. ad Cor.
Hom. 24. Op. 10. 218, ed. Bened. Par. 1718 — 38.
FT202 ¼ Moyses visibilibus sacramentis per ministerium suum, Dominus autem invisibili gratia per Spiritum sanctum, ubi est totus fructus etiam visibilium sacramentorum. — August. Quaest. in Heptateuch. 3. 84.
Op. 3. 1. col. 524, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700.
FT203 This paragraph is closely similar to a passage in the Disputation of Bp. Ridley, 1554, Works, Parker Soc. 201, 202.
FT204 ‘what profit...hath not,’ MS. 1. 2. 8: not in 1574.
FT205 ‘by faith,’ MS. 1. 2. 8: not in 1574.
FT206 ‘an increase of 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT207 ‘carnal’ 1574: not in MS. 1.2. 8.
FT208 ... ut scilicet quotidianum panem simul petamus et necessarium corpori, et sacratum visibilem, et invisibilem [Sic plerique MSS. At editi, ‘et sacramentum visibile et invisibile’ annot, ed. Bened.] verbi Dei. — August. In Serm. Dom. in Monte, 2. 7. Op. 3. 2. col. 211, ed.
Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700.
FT209 ¼ hoc solum habemus in praesenti seculo bonum, si vescamur carne ejus, et cruore potemur, non solum in mysterio, sed etiam in scripturarum lectione. — Hieron. Comm. in Ecclesiastes cap. 3 Op. 3. col. 413, stud. Vallars. Veron. 1734 — 42.
FT210 ‘now,’ MS. 1.2.8: ‘more’ 1574.
FT211 ¼ quando dicit, ‘qui non comederit carnem meam, et biberit sanguinem meum,’ licet et in mysterio possit intelligi, tamen verius corpus Christi, et sanguis ejus, sermo scripturarum est, doctrina divina est. — Id.
Braver. in Psalt. Psalms. 147 Op. 7. Append. col. 385. The commentary on the Psalms attributed to Jerome is considered spurious: vide Cave, Hist. Liter. 1. 273. Oxon. 1740.
FT212 Si quando audimus sermonem Dei, et sermo Dei et caro Christi et sanguis ejus in auribus nostris funditur, et nos aliud cogitamus, in quantum periculum incurrimus! — Id. ibid.
FT213 ¼ non minus reus erit qui verbum Dei negligenter audierit, quam ille qui corpus Christi in terram cadere negligentia sua permiserit. — August. Serm. supposit. 300. 2. (al. Homil. quinquag, 26.) Op. 5.
Append. col. 504, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700.] FT214 ‘the’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT215 ‘thence,’ MS. 1. 2. 8: ‘whence’ 1574.
FT216 The last eight words in MS. 1.2. 8.: not in 1574.
FT217 Tou~to mou ejsti< to< sw~ma to< uJpe FT218 ‘beholding it,’ MS. 1.2. 8.: ‘beholden’ 1574.
FT219 ‘reached’ MS. 2. 2. 16.: ‘taught,’ MS. 1.2. 8.: ‘touched’ 1574.
FT220 ‘being,’ MS. 2. 2. 16. and 1574: not in MS. 1.2. 8.
FT221 ‘made’ 1574: not in MS. 1.2. 8.
FT222 Tender: regard or treat with tenderness.
FT223 ‘being’ 1574: not in MS. 1.2. 8.
FT224 ‘in Divinity’ 1574: not in MS. 1.2. 8.
FT225 ‘mortal,’ MS. 1. 2. 8.: ‘a mortal man’ 1574.
FT226 ‘by him’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT227 ‘taking of him,’ MS, 2. 2. 16,: ‘communicating,’ MS, 1.2. 8. and 1574.
FT228 ‘and,’ MS. 1, 2. 8,: ‘or’ 1574.
FT229 So 1574: MS. 1. 2. 8. has ‘death into life, to make sin unto us grace, hell to us heaven, misery felicity!’
FT230 ‘human’ 1574: not in MS. 1.2. 8.
FT231 ‘he’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT232 ‘all,’ MS. 2. 2. 16.: not in MS. 1. 2. 8. or 1574.
FT233 ‘would ‘faith which might assuredly be,’ MS. 1.2, 8.
FT234 So 1574: ‘faith which might assuredly be,’ MS. 1.2.8.
FT235 i.e. nameth, calleth.
FT236 ‘a thanksgiving’ 1574: not in the MSS.
FT237 ‘now,’ MS. 2. 2. 16.: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT238 ‘are,’ MS. 2. 2. 16.: ‘be,’ MS. 1. 2. 8. and 1574.
FT239 ‘are, as it were, changed,’ MS. 1. 2. 8. and 1574: ‘pass,’ MS. 2. 2. FT240 ‘is’ 1574. ‘doeth,’ MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT241 Utquid paras dentes et ventrem? Crede, et manducasti. — August. In Joann. Evang. 6. Tract.25. 12. Op.3. 2. CO1. 489, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700.
FT242 i.e. harbor, station.
FT243 ‘of,’ MS. 2. 2. 16. and 1574: ‘for,’ MS. 1.2. 8.
FT244 ‘have,’ MS. 1.2. 8.: ‘hath’ 1574.
FT245 The last sixteen words occur only in the autograph MS. 2. 2.16. no. 20. in Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
FT246 ‘that we are counted for God’s children’ is only found in the autograph MS. 2. 2. 16. no. 20.
FT247 So MS. 2. 2. 16.: ‘from heaven should come’ MS. 1. 2. 8. And 1574.
FT248 ‘even,’ MS. 2. 2. 16. and 1574: not in MS. 1.2 8.
FT249 The last seven words in MS. 1. 2. 8., but not in 1574.
FT250 ‘holy scriptures and’ 1574: not in MS. 1. 2.8.
FT251 ‘that’ MS. 2. 2. 16. and 1574: not in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT252 So 1574: ‘you shall be endued’ after ‘of God,’ in MS. 1. 2. 8.
FT253 ‘with,’ MS. 2. 2. 16.: not in MS. 1. 2. 8. or 1574.
FT254 ‘the,’ MS. 1.2. 8.: ‘your,’ MS. 2. 2. 16. and 1574.
FT255 This line occurs in the autograph MS. 2. 2. 16. no. 20, but apparently in a different, though contemporary hand: it is also in 1574, but not in MS. 1.2. 8.
FT256 Bradford had been appointed one of the six chaplains to the king, Dec. 18, 1551. — Edward VI. Diary in Bp. Burnet, Reform. Records. Vide also Strype, Mem. 2. 1:522 — 4, Cranmer, 1. 432; McCrie, Life of Knox 1812, p. 68.
FT257 Copy, British Museum, professedly printed at Rome, but has the device of Singleton: vide Herbert, Typogr. Antiq.2. 741.
FT258 ‘amongst many other,’ a MS. quoted by McCrie, in his own possession, ibid. Append. p. 435: not in the Hark MS.
FT259 Dingy: ‘vex’ or ‘trouble.’ Vide Jamieson, Suppl. to Dict. 5. ‘ding,’ who however explains the word ‘dingy’ in the passage above by ‘‘deign.’ ‘Danger’ Harl. MS.: ‘disease,’ ed. Singleton 1554: ‘dingy,’ the MS. quoted by McCrie, ibid.
FT260 Compare the testimony to the preaching of Bradford given by Bp.
Ridley, Works, Parker Soc. 59, 331. A description like that of Knox, which may possibly refer to the same occasion, occurs in the Preface of Sampson, p. 31 above.
FT261 See title of that edition, p. 114 of this volume. fta1 This advertisement ‘to the reader’ was prefixed first to the ‘Godly Meditations’ of Bradford, Hall 1562, and was reprinted in various after editions. fta2 The meditation ‘on the Lord’s Prayer,’ p. 118 — 39; ‘ on prayer,’ p. 173-80; and on ‘the second coming of Christ,’ p. 185-7; after appearing in the ‘Godly Meditations’ of Bradford, Hall 1562, were printed in the ‘ Christian Prayers,’ etc. collected by Henry Bull, Powell (probably 1565, see ref. to ‘Ludlowe’s prayers,’ which are part of that collection, in Herbert, Typogr. Antiq. II. 735), and Middleton 1570: vide Parker Soc. edition, p. 9-41, 1-9, and 98 — 101.] fta3 This MS. has on a blank leaf the words prefixed, “ Familiaris meditatio in Orationem Dominicam per dominum Joannem Bradfordum.” fta4 ‘and all’ 1562: ‘and by all’ 1578, 1614. fta5 So 1562, 1578, 1614: the last eight lines (‘my heart is so’... ‘least of all do it’) are printed on the margin of 1567, and are omitted in 1607. fta6 So 1562 corrected in the list of errata, 1567, 1607, 1614: ‘lovest’ 157. fta7 i.e. by means of. fta8 i.e. obedient. fta9 ‘are’ 1562 corrected in the list of errata, 1567, 1607, and 1614: ‘is’ 1578. fta10 i.e. altogether. So in the authorised version of Judges 9:53, “ all — to brake his scull.” fta11 i.e. defile: Richardson, Dict. fta12 So 1562 corrected in the list of errata, and 1578: ‘bewray you, infect and corrupt you,’ 1567, 1604, and 1607: ‘bedaub and dress you, infect and corrupt you,’ 1614 and 1621. fta13 A nautical phrase, meaning ‘pull forth.’ Vide Encycl. Britann. vol. 10:Edinb. 1823, 5,’hale.’ fta14 ‘a swine’ 1578. fta15 This MS. has on a blank leaf the words prefixed, “Secundum Spiritum sanctificationis, in Symbolum apostolicum familiaris meditatio per dominum Joannem Bradfordum.” The MS. probably once belonged to Sampson ***(see p. 29, note 1, above),*** whose name is inscribed upon it. fta16 i.e. consciousness. fta17 i.e. government. fta18 i.e. hinder. fta19 ‘not’ 1567, 1614.: omitted in MS. 1. 2. 8. and in 1562 and 1578. fta20 ‘to thee, O Holy Spirit, I am unthankful,’ MS. 1.2. 8.: not in 1562, nor after editions. fta21 i.e. disclose. fta22 ‘fyfte daye’ 1562, 1567: ‘fifty dayes 1578, 1607, 1614. fta23 ‘Helpless’ 1562 corrected in the list of errata, and 1578: ‘helps’ 1567, 1607, and 1614. fta24 i.e. unhappy one. fta25 ‘The’ 1562 corrected in the errata, and 1614: ‘thy’ 1567, 1578, and 1607. fta26 ‘comunication’ 1562: ‘commination’ 1567, 1578, 1607, 1614. fta27 i.e. ready. fta28 ‘sacre’: to consecrate: ‘sacring,’ technically, the elevation of the host, at which time the ‘sacring bell’ was rung. See Becon, Displaying of the Mass, Works, Parker Soc. 3, 270; and a like passage in Abp. Cranmer, Works, Parker Soc. 1, 229: see also Ancient English Liturgy, Maskell, ed. 1846, p. 93. fta29 i.e. the perfuming with incense. fta30 i.e. variations of an air in music. fta31 i.e. food for swine. fta32 ‘Hast given’ 1562 corrected in the errata for ‘didst give,’ 1567, 1578, 1607, and 1614. fta33 ‘fatherly’ 1562 corrected in the list of errata, 1567, 1578, 1607, and 1614. fta34 i.e. subject to human government. fta35 i.e. governments. fta36 i.e. rashness. fta37 A few words of the original are omitted. fta38 See prefatory note, p. 112 above. fta39 So 1614: ‘commandment’ 1604, 1607. fta40 The heading in 1562 is, ‘A meditation concerning prayer, with a brief paraphrase upon the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer.’ fta41 So 1567: ‘roomth’ 1562, 1578, 1604, 1607, 1614. fta42 ‘perfection’ 1562 corrected in the list of errata. 1567, 1578, and 1607: ‘profession’ 1614. fta43 The heading in 1562 is, ‘Another paraphrase or meditation upon the Lord’s Prayer.’ fta44 ‘Haut’ or ‘haught:’ haughty. fta45 The heading in 1562 is, ‘A meditation concerning the sober usage both of the body and pleasures in this life.’ fta46 i.e. rereward, the rear. fta47 ‘the’ 1562: not in MS. fta48 The heading in 1562 is, ‘Another meditation to the same effect.’ fta49 The following meditations, ‘on mortification,’ ‘on the providence of God,’ ‘ on the presence of God,’ ‘on the power and goodness of God; ‘on death,’ and ‘on the passion of Christ,’ and the larger part of the ‘general supplication,’ p. 190 — 202; and the ‘prayer for the mercy of God,’ the ‘thanksgiving,’ part of the prayer ‘on the work of Christ,’ and the prayers ‘for faith’ and ‘repentance,’ p. 203 — 210; after appearing in the ‘Godly Meditations’ of Bradford, Hall 1562, were printed in the ‘Christian Prayers,’ etc. collected by Henry Bull, Powell (see p. 118, note 1, above), and Middleton 1570: vide Parker Soc. edition, p. 96 — 8, 109 — 20, 136 — 41, 159-61,188-9. fta50 ‘John Bradford,’ MS.: not in 1562. fta51 These two lines occur only in Strype, who printed from a MS. which had once belonged to Foxe. fta52 The name of ‘ Thomas Horton’ (see p. 31, 1-11, above) is written upon this MS. fta53 This line is in the MS., but not in 1562. The foregoing Meditation is mostly translated by Bradford from the by Ludovicus Vives, p. 149— 50, ed. Lugdun. 1558: vide prefatory note, in this volume. fta54 ‘for us,’ MS. 1.2. 8: ‘for our behalf,’ MS. 2. 2. 15. fta55 ‘for me,’ MS. 1.2.8: ‘for mankind and so for me,’ MS. 2.2.15. fta56 ‘faith, as well of the pardon of my sins,’ MS. 1. 2. 8: ‘as well faith, for the forgiveness of my sins,’ MS. 2. 2. 15. fta57 ‘he,’ 1562: not in MS. 1. 2. 8. fta58 ‘found,’ MS. 1.2.8: ‘foundest’ 1562. fta59 ‘or deadly pangs,’ MS. 2. 2.15: not in MS. 1.2.8, nor in 1562. fta60 ‘Moot-hall’: council-chamber, hall of judgment. ‘Moot’ or ‘ mote’; a meeting or assembly, from the Anglo-Saxon mot. and gemot. Vide Skinner, Etymol. ling. Angl. Lond. 1671, 5:’mote;’ and Todd’s Johnson, Dict. 5:’mote’ and ‘moot-hall.’ ‘In the mote hall,’ MS. 2. 2. 15: these words are scored across in MS. 1.2. 8. fta61 Rebated: beaten back, beaten down. Vide Richardson, Dict. fta62 ‘tempted,’ MS. 1.2. 8: ‘did sore tempt and assault,’ MS. 2. 2.15. fta63 ‘yea, even when very death shall approach,’ is only in MS. 2. 2. 15. fta64 This prayer in MS. 1.2.8. no. 84. in Emmanuel College, Cambridge, somewhat abridged, has the title, “A confession which he used daily in his prayers.” It is inscribed, in the ‘Christian Prayers,’ etc. of Bull (see p. 190, note 1, above), ‘A prayer to be said of such as suffer any kind of trouble or cross, either private or common.’ fta65 See p. 83, note 4, above.* fta66 The heading in 1562 is, ‘A prayer for the remission of sins.’ fta67 The heading in 1562 is, ‘Another prayer for remission of sins.’ fta68 ‘here them,’ MS.: ‘them here’ 1562. fta69 See p. 73, note 4, above. fta70 So the MS. The heading in 1562 is, ‘A prayer for deliverance from sin, and to be restored to God’s grace and favor again’. fta71 ‘earth’ 1562: not in MS. fta72 ‘maliciousness,’ MS.: ‘wickedness’ 1562. fta73 ‘that may make increase,’ MS.: ‘to increase’ 1562. fta74 The remainder of this prayer is now first printed from MS. 1. 2. 8. in Emmanuel College, Cambridge. fta75 Mundify: make clean. fta76 Vide p. 137, note 2, above. fta77 ‘Gobbets:’ fragments, morsels.] fta78 Part of the ‘Defense of election,’ which appears subsequently in this volume, is printed after this ‘Dialogue’ in the ‘Godly Meditations’ of Bradford 1562, and after editions. fta79 Vide Mosheim. Eccl. Hist. cent. 3, 2:5-2 — 10; Neander, Ch.Hist., Rose, sect. 4:2:vol. 2, 140-68, Lond. 1841—2. fta80 Vide Cicero. De Natur. Deor. Lib. 1, 15, De Fato Lib. Sing., Op.4, 408, 468 et seq. Lond. 1681; Cudworth, Intellect. System, ch. 1-3 ed, 1678. fta81 ‘there,’ MS.: ‘thereby’ 1562. fta82 ‘had,’ MS.: ‘hath’ 1562. fta83 ‘it is from above, and’ 1562: not in MS. fta84 i.e., the recovering life and what was lost by sin. fta85 ‘ seed promised,’ MS.: ‘promised seed’ 1562. fta86 i.e., passive. fta87 So the Benedictine edition, in which the argument of Augustine, on which the punctuation obviously must depend, is as follows: totum ex Deo: non tamen quasi dormientes, non quasi ut non coherent, non quasi ut non velimus. Sine voluntate tua non Grit in to justitia Dei.
Voluntas quidem non est nisi tua, justitia non est nisi Del. Esso potest justitia Dei sine voluntate tua, sod in to esso non po-test praetcr voluntatem tuam .... Resurrexit propter justificationem nostram. Quid est, propter justificationem nostram? Ut justificet nos, ut justos faciat nos. Efts opus Dei, non solum quia homo es, sod etiam quia justus es.
Melius est enim justum esse, quam to hominem esse. Si hominem to fecit Deus, et justum tu to facis; melius aliquid facis, quam fecit Deus.
Sod sine to fecit to Deus. Non enim adhibnisti aliquem con-sensum, ut to faceret Deus. Quomodo consentiebas qui non eras? Qui ergo fecit to sine to, non to, justificat sine to. Ergo fecit nescientem, jus-tificat volentem. Tamen ipse justificat, ne sit justitia tua, ne redeas ad damna, ad detrimenta et stercora, invenire in illo non habens justitiam tuam, ‘quae ex lege est,’ sod justitiam per fidem Christi, quae est ex Deo. — August. Serm. clxix. 13. de verb. apost. Philippians in. Op. 5:col. 815, Par. 1679 — 1700. Vide Fulke, Defence, Parker Soc. 386 — 7. fta88 See the colophon fta89 This prayer, after appearing in the Meditations of Bradford, 1559, was printed in the ‘Christian Prayers,’ etc. collected by Henry Bull, Powell (see p. 118, note 1, above), and Middleton 1570: vide Parker Soc. edition, p. 78-83, where it has the following title: ‘A form of prayer meet for our state and time, to move us to true repentance, and to turn away God’s sharp scourges yet threatened against us.’ The MS. has, after ‘Jesus Emmanuel,’ the words, ‘A fruitful and most godly prayer,’ in a separate line. fta90 ‘grievous,’ MS.: ‘grievously’ fta91 ‘Importable:’ insupportable. fta92 ‘but,’ MS.: ‘nothing but’ 1559. fta93 ‘contemn,’ MS.: ‘contemptuous’ 1559. fta94 ‘the’, 1559: not in MS. fta95 ‘and’ 1559: not in MS. fta96 ‘then’ 1559: not in MS. fta97 ‘art’ 1559: not in MS. fta98 ‘when,’ MS.: ‘how’ 1559. fta99 ‘desert,’ MS.: ‘wilderness’ 1559. fta100 ‘to’ 1559: not in MS. fta101 ‘glory,’ MS.: ‘justice’ 1559. fta102 ‘and’ 1559: not in MS. fta103 The last eight words are in the MS., but not in 1559. fta104 The last seven words are in 1559, but not in the MS. fta105 So 1559: ‘unto us the same, all,’ the MS. fta106 ‘our impenitent hearts’ 1559: not in MS. fta107 i.e. luxurious, sensual. fta108 ‘in thraldom’ 1559: not in MS. fta109 The last twenty-four words, ‘amongst whom…and trouble,’MS.: not in 1559. fta110 The last five lines, ‘our king and queen….subjects of our realm,’ MS.: ‘all the whole realm of England’ 1559. fta111 ‘and’ 1559: not in MS. fta112 ‘in our own realm and country,’ MS.: not in 1559. fta113 ‘keep’ 1559: ‘keeping,’ MS. fta114 The last twenty-two words, ‘which liveth….for ever’ 1559: not in MS. fta115 The following ‘Private prayers and meditations,’ p. 230-42, after appearing in the Meditations of Bradford 1559, were reprinted in the ‘Christian Prayers,’ etc., collected by Henry Bull, Powell (see p. 118, note 1, above), and Middleton 1570: vide Parker Soc. edition, p. 60- 77. The heading, ‘Private prayers for the morning and evening, and for other times of the day,’ is not in 1559, but is taken from the ‘Prayers,’ etc., Bull, 1570, p. 104. fta116 ‘part take’ 1559: ‘take part with the same of,’ Prayers, etc. Bull, 1570. fta117 ‘us’ 1559, a misprint for ‘up:’ omitted in 1578, 1604, 1614. fta118 i.e. ‘garment’ The editions 1578, 1604, 1614, have ‘reed,’ signifying ‘thatch:’ see Bailey, Dict., and Holloway, Provinc. Dict. 1838. The Latin of Vives is indumentum. fta119 The last fourteen words occur in 1559, but are omitted in 1578, 1604, 1614. fta120 ’which am’ 1559: not in MS. fta121 ‘O be gracious and tender towards me’ 1559: not in MS. fta122 The remainder of this meditation does not occur in the Excitationes animi of Vives: see prefatory note, p. 223 above. fta123 i.e. leading man, a pilot. fta124 ‘or’ 1559, 1578: ‘are’ 1614. fta125 The last ten lines are not in the Excitationes animi of Vives: see prefatory note, p. 223 above. fta126 The last five lines are not in Vives. fta127 Four words in this sentence are omitted in 1578, 1604, 1614. fta128 The last three paragraphs are not in Vives. fta129 i.e. compliant, obedient. fta130 The last six lines are in 1559 and after editions, but not in the MS.
Neither are they in Vives. fta131 The last three lines are not in Vives. fta132 ‘shall,’ MS.: ‘will’ 1559. fta133 ‘me’ 1559: not in MS. fta134 ‘and judgment’ 1559: not in MS. fta135 ‘heaven’ 1559, 1578: ‘haven’ 1607, 1614, and Bull, Prayers, etc., 1570. The Latin of Vives is portum. fta136 ‘A fruitful prayer for the dispersed church of Christ, compiled by R.
P.’ is printed in the Meditations of Bradford, Copland 1559, commencing on signature D 1, before the ‘prayer for Divine protection;’ and in the after editions. The ‘prayer compiled by R.P.’ is supplied in the Appendix to this volume. fta137 ‘the’ 1559, 1607: ‘thy’ 1578, 1614. fta138 ‘thy desired’ 1559: ‘thy servants desired’ 1614. fta139 Ephesians 6:12, so rendered in the Bible printed by Grafton and Whitchurch 1539. Vide English Hexapla, London 1841. fta140 ‘knowledging’ 1559, 1578, 1607: ‘acknowledging’, 1614. fta141 ‘knowledge to have received them’ 1559: ‘do acknowledge that we have received,’ Bull, Christian Prayers, etc., 1570. p. 160. fta142 ‘ that for’ 1559, 1578: ‘for’ 1607, 1614, and Bull, Prayers, etc., 1570. fta143 The clauses of the Lord’s Prayer in the side notes are from Bull, Prayers, etc., 1570, p. fta144 This prayer, after appearing in the Meditations of Bradford 1559, was appended with others to the Psalms in metre, Sternhold and Hopkins, printed by Day, 1566, from whence it was reprinted in the numerous subsequent editions of the ‘Psalms,’ which were very frequently bound with the ‘Book of Common Prayer,’ Ch. of Eng., though entirely distinct publications. It was republished in the Scottish ‘Book of Common Order,’ Edinburgh 1611, and Aberdeen 1633, among the prayers commonly used in private houses. It was given in the ‘Christian Prayers; etc., collected by Henry Bull, Powell (see p. 118, note 1, above), and Middleton 1570: vide Parker Soc. edition, p. 147, where it is entitled, ‘A thanksgiving to God for his great benefit, and prayer for grace to confirm and increase the same.’ It has also appeared in the ‘Liturgical Services of the reign of Elizabeth,’ Parker Soc. 1847, p. 264, being taken from the ‘Psalms’ 1566. fta145 See the Gentleman’s Magazine, July 1791, letter of W. Williams, Esq., vol. 61, p. 608; and March 1848, p. 245 — 7. fta146 That ‘to Mistress I. H.’ in Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the Martyrs 1564, p. 306; and that ‘to a faithful woman in her heaviness and troubles,’ in Bp. C. ibid. p. 322; and in Foxe, Acts, etc., 1583, p. 1640, or ed. — 8, 7:230. fta147 The original of this meditation is on four fly-leaves prefixed to the:New Testament 1548, described in the prefatory note, p. above. The several headings in this series are not in the original. fta148 The original of this meditation is written at the end of the ‘office of all estates,’ which is part of the New Testament 1548, described at p. above. fta149 The original of this short meditation is written on the last page of the New Testament 1548, beneath the colophon. fta150 The original of this meditation is written on a fly-leaf at the end of the Testament 1548. Twenty-four lines by Bradford in verse (which will appear in the concluding volume of his Writings) are prefixed to this meditation: these, with the ensuing meditations ‘on the conflict of faith,’ and ‘on a good conscience,’ occupy in the original six fly-leaves. fta151 Here a blank occurs in the original, as if for the name:, which Bradford may have deemed it prudent not to write. fta152 Vide prefatory note, p. 248, and note 3 in the last page. fta153 The last few words are rather doubtful, having been nearly cut off in the binding. fta154 Here a blank of some lines occurs in the original. fta155 The last six words are underscored in the original. fta156 Here a blank of some lines occurs in the MS. fta157 A pen-stroke is drawn in the original across the word ‘spiritual.’] fta158 i.e. be unwilling. fta159 Vide prefatory note, p. 248, and p. 253, note 3. fta160 In the original, ‘constred.’ fta161 These last words are doubtful, having been somewhat cut in the binding. fta162 The New Testament. fta163 ‘Theophilus:’ a person who loves God. fta164 This book is ‘richly bound with embroidered covers by the Ferrars, of Little Gidding, [about A.D. 1630,] apparently as a present to the noble family of Vaughan.’ — Preface to ‘Christian Prayers,’ etc. Bull, Parker Soc. p. 6, 7:Vide Memoir of Nicholas Ferrar, London 1837, p. 117, 152; Wordsworth, Eccl. Biogr. 9. 186 — 7, 213, 232, Lond. 1839.
The two meditations ‘of the life everlasting’ and ‘of the life to come,’ p. 269 — 75, are also in the earlier edition of the ‘Prayers, etc. by Bull, printed by Powell (see p. 118, note l, above.) Vide Bull, ‘Prayers,’ etc.
Parker Soc. p. 101 — 9. fta165 Robert Harrington was a younger son of Sir Robert H. of Exton in Rutlandshire, and an intimate friend of Bradford; to whom, under the name of ‘Nathanael,’ two among the letters of Bradford are addressed.
Vide p. 32, notes 2 and 3, above; Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the martyrs, 1564, p. 414 — 8, and Foxe, Acts, etc., 1583, p. 1653-4, or ed. 1843 — 8, 7:258 — 62; Betham, Baronetage, 1:107, Lond. 1801. ftb1 This meditation is now printed for the first time. Brackets are inserted in this series (as elsewhere in this volume), wherever a word or syllable has been supplied by the editor, to complete the sense of a passage otherwise imperfect. ftb2 ‘Lure:’ betray, deceive. Vide Bailey, Dict. ftb3 ‘the heart’ and ‘for us on’ are scored across in the original. ftb4 ‘Obsign:’ seal, ratify. ftb5 The figure of a cross was then and afterward prefixed to the alphabet for young persons. See, for instance, “The Primer in English moste necessary for the educacyon of chyldren,” Wayland, n. d. (qu. 1539) signature A 8.; copy, British Museum: and vide Nares, Glossary, 5. ‘Christ-cross.’ ftb6 This prayer is now printed for the first time. ftb7 The preceding five lines are scored across in the MS. ftb8 The MS. torn. ftb9 MS. torn. ftb10 ‘Immarcescible:’ unfading, incorruptible. ftb11 ‘Stole:’ robe, from the Latin stola . ftb12 ‘Bocardo:’ the old north gate of Oxford used as a prison, in which Abp. Cranmer and Bps. Latimer and Ridley were confined before their martyrdom: it was taken down in 1771. The door of their cell is preserved at Oxford, in the parish-church of St. Mary Magdalen, in the ‘martyrs’ aisle.’ Vide Skelton, Oxon. antiq. restaur. Vol. 2. Plates — 1, Oxf. 1823. ftb13 ‘Little-ease:’ a stocks for the neck and feet, see Nares, Glossary: also, a cell in which the prisoner could not either stand or recline, vide Theatr. crudel. haeret. Verstegan. p. 72 — 3, Antverp. 1592. ftb14 This prayer is now printed for the first time. ftb15 ‘The inheritor’ is written in the MS. over the words ‘the child.’ ftb16 ‘Walter:’ roll, tumble. ftb17 This prayer is now printed for the first time. The heading in the MS. is, ‘A prayer made by Master Bradford for the faithful people in’... ftb18 The MS. is here somewhat injured, and therefore not distinct. ftb19 MS. torn. ftb20 MS. torn. ftb21 This word is very faint, and therefore doubtful in the MS. ftb22 ‘Gate:’ road. Todd’s Johnson Dict. ftb23 See p. 49, note 5, above. ftb24 See note D. ftb25 ‘sacrilege and,’ MS. which ends thus imperfectly. ftb26 This paraphrase is now printed for the first time. It must have been written subsequently to February 12, 1554, the day of the execution of Lady Jane Grey, mentioned in p. 283, and before February 4, 1555, the day of the martyrdom of Rogers, who is spoken of as still alive, p. 289. — Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1422, 1493; or ed. 1843 — 8, 6. 424, 611. ftb27 Vide Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1037, 1200, 1124, 1240; or ed. 1843 — 8, 5:18, 438, 236, 550. ftb28 ‘Assoil:’ releasing, setting free. ftb29 ‘Seely:’ simple, harmless. ftb30 ‘Mowing:’ grimace, a look assumed in derision. ftb31 ‘Avowry:’ a guardian, a protector, (referring here to saint or angel worship,) from the Latin of the middle ages, ‘advocaria,’ i.e. ‘protectio,’ ‘tutela.’ Du Cange, Gloss. Compare Bp. Latimer, Works, 1:225, Parker Soc. ftb32 See p. 73, note 4, above. ftb33 MS. torn. ftb34 MS. torn. ftb35 ‘Eftsoons’: soon afterward. ftb36 MS. torn. ftb37 The original has ‘and,’ not ‘in.’ ftb38 Vide Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1079; or ed. 1843 — 8, 5:127. ftb39 See p. 283, note 2, above. ftb40 Two or three words are wanting here in the MS. which is torn. ftb41 MS. torn: the blank is supplied from a parallel passage, p. 201, above. ftb42 Vide p. 160, note 4, above. ftb43 ‘Draff:’ refuse. ftb44 Allusion to the parable of the prodigal son, Luke 15. ftb45 ...”lest, if I be too full, I deny thee, and say, What fellow is the Lord?” — Proverbs 30:9, in Matthew’s Bible, Hyll 1551. Compare p. 183, 50:12, 13, above. ftb46 See the history of doctor Crome in Strype, Mem. 3. 1:157 — 67. ftb47 See p. 282, note 1, above. ftb48 The names of ‘Barlow’ and’ Cardmaker’ are scored across in the original, probably by Bradford, because of the supposed recantation of the latter and the actual submission of the former. Bp. Barlow, having escaped into exile, returned on the accession of Elizabeth, assisted at the consecration of Abp. Parker, and was translated to the see of Chichester. Cardmaker, canon of Wells, was martyred in Smithfield, May 30, 1555. Vide Strype, Mem. 3. 1:241 — 3, 431 — 4; Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1578 — 81, or ed. 1843 — 8, 7:77 — 85. ftb49 MS. torn. ftb50 ‘Regiment:’ rule. ftb51 See p. 73, note 4, above. ftb52 ‘sense,’ MS. 2. 2. 16., not in MS. 1.2. 8. ftb53 ‘even,’ MS. 2. 2. 16., not in MS. 1.2. 8. ftb54 ‘John Bradford,’ MS. 2. 2. 16, not in MS. 1. 2. 8. ftb55 A transcript, of comparatively recent date, is in the British Museum, MS. Bibl. Sloan. 3205.4. ftb56 See prefatory note, p. 112 above. ftb57 The treatise upon ‘the old man and the new’ was also reprinted in the ‘Prayers,’ etc.collected by Bull, Middleton, n. d. (qu. 1578), and Beale 1619. ftb58 The title of this treatise in Foxe is, ‘A letter of Master Bradford, describing a comparison between the old man and the new, etc.’; before which it is observed, ‘To these letters of Master Bradford above specified, here is also adjoined another letter of the said Bradford, written to certain of his faithful friends, worthy of all Christians to be read; wherein is described a lively comparison between the old man and the new, also between the law and the gospel, containing much fruitful matter of divinity, necessary for christian consciences to read and understand.’ ftb59 The Emmanuel MS., being imperfect, begins with the words, ‘of God preserving him.’ ftb60 ‘yea’ 1567: not in MS. ftb61 ‘pertaining,’ MS.: ‘pertaineth’ 1567. ftb62 ‘and,’ MS.: ‘or’ 1567. ftb63 ‘Suitable:’ against whom an action would lie. ftb64 ‘is,’ MS.: ‘are’ 1567. ftb65 ‘and’ 1567: not in MS. ftb66 ‘of’ MS.: ‘to’ 1567. ftb67 This Treatise is now printed for the first time. ftb68 The MS. repeats, after ‘new creature,’ the words ‘and the spirit, inward man, new man, and new creature.’ ftb69 ‘Weesing:’ oozing, from the Anglo-Saxon woes, ‘water.’ Vide Holloway, Provine. Dict. 1838. ftb70 ‘Thoroughs :’ passages, channels. ftb71 See note 68 in the preceding page. ftb72 See p. 248 above, and p. 350. ftb73 See p. 112 — 4, and 211, above. ftb74 So it is regarded by Abp. Laurence, ‘ Authentic Documents,’ etc. 1819, p. xxi. ftb75 Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the martyrs, 1564, p. 358 — 9. The original of this letter in the autograph of Bradford, with the autograph signatures also of Bp. Ferrar, Rowland Taylor, and Adn. Philpot, is now in the very extensive collection of manuscripts belonging to Dawson Turner, Esq., Yarmouth.
A contemporary transcript or rough draft of this letter is in Emmanuel College, Cambridge, MS. 2.2.15. no. 69. ftb76 See letters of Bradford to Abp. Cranmer and Bp. R. and Bp. L., Careless, Adn. Philpot, Cole and Sheterden, Cole, to certain men, and to Trewe and Abyngton, in Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the martyrs 1564, p. 357 — 9, 373 — 4, 408 — 11, 470 — 6, 650-2; Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1645, 1657, or ed. 1843 — 8, 7:241 — 2, 267 — 8. Vide also letter of Bradford to a freewiller, in MS. 2.2.15. no. 74., Emman.
College, Cambridge. ftb77 Harl. MSS. 421.64. British Museum, Depositions of divers witnesses against some Kentish men, accused of holding erroneous tenets touching predestination, etc., about 1550. — Strype, Mem. 2. 1:369 — 70, Parker, 1:54-5, Cranmer, 1:502 — 5. Trewe on ‘The cause of contention,’ January 30,1555, in Abp. Laurence, Authentic Documents, 37 — 70, with which compare Adn. Philpot, Writings, Parker Soc. — 8. Strype, Mem. 3. 1:413, and 586 — 8. Letter by a freewiller, Letter by one who had been a freewiller, Confession of faith by Clement, Faith of the prisoners at Stratford-le-Bow, in Strype, Mem. 3. 2:321 — 34, 446 — 67, 469 — 71. Exam. of Careless, in Foxe, Acts, etc. 1563, p. 1529 — 34, or ed. 1843 — 8, 8:163 — 70. Stow, Life of Rowland Taylor, 1833, ch. 6. p. 179 — 213. Also, in MS. 53, Bodleian Library, Oxford, Bernhere on election; Bernhere, Testimonies from God’s book; Letter from Laurence and Barre to Bernhere; Bernhere, Answer to the Letter of Laurence and Barre. Also a letter by Henry Harte, MS. 2. 2. 15. no. 43., in Emmanuel College, Cambridge. These documents and statements have been carefully examined by the present editor. ftb78 Vide title of the Bodley MS., p. 305 above.
The heading of Part 1 of this Treatise, p. 310-18, in the Meditations of Bradford, 1562, (see p. 305 above), is, ‘A short and pithy defense of the doctrine of the holy election and predestination of God, gathered out of the first chapter of St. Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, by J.
The inscription of the portions of the ‘Defence’ given in Bp. Coverdale, Letters, etc. 1564, (see p. 305 above), is, “A letter written to a dear friend of his, wherein he entreateth as briefly so most perfectly, godly, soundly and pithily, of God’s holy election, free grace, and mercy in Jesus Christ.” ftb79 See p. 248 above, and p. 350. These three lines are now first printed. ftb80 ‘whole,’ MS.: ‘holy’ 1564. ftb81 The last twenty-three lines, “Therefore, as I said, I much marvel... sent to you at divers times,)” are now first printed from the Bodleian MS.
The printed edition of 1564 has instead, “Wherefore, my dearly beloved in the Lord, I have taken in hand at this present, something to write to you, and for your sake in this matter, which herewithal I have sent unto you, as well to be a help to you herein,” ftb82 The last four lines, “the comfort of his children... ever.” are now first printed from the Bodleian MS. The printed edition of 1564 has instead, “his glory and your eternal joy and comfort in him.” ftb83 So the MS.: ‘much less then hath it any enormities (as some do affirm),’ 1562, 1564. ftb84 ‘in myself and in many others,’ MS.: not in 1562 or 1564. ftb85 ‘them’ 1562, 1564: not in MS. ftb86 ‘and,’ ‘that,’ MS.: ‘as,’ ‘than,’ 1562, 1564. ftb87 ‘heirs,’ and ‘fellow-heirs,’ 1562, 1564. ‘heirs. For if we be heirs of God, then are we fellow-heirs with Christ,’ 1562. ftb88 ‘a’ 1562, 1564, not in MS. ftb89 ‘speaking of the reprobate’ 1562, 1564: not in MS. ftb90 ‘Away with:’ bear. So in the authorized version of Isaiah 1:13, “the calling of assemblies I cannot away with.” ftb91 ‘for the,’ MS.: ‘for’ 1562, 1564. ftb92 The following passage occurs in this place in the editions of 1562 and 1564, but in the Bodley MS. not here, but in the second part of this Treatise at p. 327, 50:35, and p. 324, 50:16, having evidently been transferred thither (with a few slight alterations) by Bradford. “And forasmuch as it pertaineth to us ‘which be within’ to see and to speak of those things which are ‘given unto us of God’ in Christ; let us labor hereabouts, and leave ‘them that be without’ to the Lord which will ‘judge them’ in his time. The apostle prayeth for the Ephesians for none other ‘wisdom and revelation’ from God than whereby they might ‘know God,’ and have their ‘minds illumined to see what they should hope for by their vocation, and how rich the glory of his inheritance is upon his saints.’ Further than this, I think, is unseemly for us to search, until we have sought out how rich God’s goodness is and will be to us his children: the which we can never do; but the more we go thereabouts, and the more we taste his goodness, the more we shall love him, and loath all things that displease him.” ftb93 ‘Comen:’ an old form of the participle, ‘come.’ ftb94 ‘and’ MS.: ‘or’ 1562. ftb95 It is not unlikely that this controversial piece, of which Bradford observes at p. 309 above, that he has ‘not left out one tittle of every word’ as the author ‘had put it abroad,’ may have been written by Henry Hart, then a leader among those called ‘free-willers.’ It must have been penned before October 11, 1554, the date of Bradford’s reply. The statement of Trewe (which also recounts many ‘enormities’) was written, January 1, 1555. See prefatory note, p. 305 — 6, and p. 310, 50:14, above. ftb96 ‘Uttereth:’ maketh manifest, bringeth out. ftb97 ‘holiness,’ MS. This seems an error of the early transcriber, for ‘ableness;’ see line 4 of the extract, p. 322 above. ftb98 See above. ftb99 ‘Improve:’ disprove. ftb100 See above. ftb101 See p. 112 and 294, and black letter title, p. 296 above. ftb102 Vide Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, calendar, July; or ed. 1843 — 8, vol. 1. ibid.; Diary of Henry Machyn, under July 1, 1555, p. 90 — 1, Camden Soc. 1848; Strype, Mem. 3:1. 355. ftb103 Strype, Mem. 3:1:364. ftb104 The title of the Bodley MS. is, “De morte. A treatise not to fear death, J. B.” ftb105 Vide prefatory note in the preceding page. ftb106 ‘and possession,’ MS.: not in 1567. ftb107 ‘a vantage’ 1567: ‘an advantage,’ MS. ftb108 Two or three words of the original are changed. ftb109 Quis autem non exhorreat, et mori eligat, si ei proponatur aut mors perpetienda, aut rursus infantia? — August. De Civit. Dei, 21. 14. Op. 7. col. 634, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700. ftb110 The last twenty words are in the MS., but not in 1567. ftb111 ‘Dulcetness:’ sweetness. ftb112 Compare the eloquent passage often quoted from Cyprian. De Mortalit. Op. 166, Oxon. 1682: “Illic apostolorum... . . transtulerunt.” ftb113 The last two pages occur, in part, in the meditation on the ‘felicity of the life to come,’ p. 273 — 5 above. ftb114 See ‘prayer for the presence of God,’ p. 264 — 6 above, and p. 266, note 1. ftb115 Vide p. 39, note 5 above. ftb116 ‘by whom all things are made,’ MS.: not in 1567. ftb117 ‘thus,’ MS.: not in 1567. ftb118 ‘Sallet:’ a helmet, a covering for the head. Vide Richardson, Dict.; Nares, Glossary. ftb119 ‘Amen’ 1567: ‘Amen. Amen. Amen.’, MS. ftb120 ‘John Bradford,’ MS.: not in 1567. ftb121 See the opposite page, line 1; and p. 248 and 307 above. ftb122 See prefatory note, p. 331 above. ftb123 Bucer. Metaph. et Enarr. epist. Paul. In Romans 8. 1:339 — 46, Argentorat. 1536: dedicated to Abp. Cranmer. Copy, Cathedral Library, Bristol. ftb124 Vide Preface of Sampson, p. 31 above; Foxe, Acts etc. 1583, p. 1603, or ed. 1843 — 8, 7:143; Letter of Car, in Hist. de Vit. Bucer. etc. 1562, fol. 20, 21, and in Bucer. Script. Angl. 1577, p. 874 — 5; Heylin, Quinq. Hist. 1681, p. 558; Fuller, Abel rediv. life, Bucer, 1651, p. 160; Strype, Mem. 2:1:383 — 4, Cranmer 1:356, Parker, 1:55 — 6, Annals, 2:1:394. ftb125 “Jesus Emmanuel... . godliness in Christ” is from the original MS. in the autograph of Bradford, in the possession of Dawson Turner, Esq. of Yarmouth. The Treatise, as given by Bp. Coverdale, (‘Letters of the martyrs’ 1564, p. 478,) begins, “Grace and peace, with increase of all godliness in Christ, I wish unto you, my dearly beloved.” Its heading in Bp. C. is, “To a faithful and dear friend of his, entreating of this place of St. Paul to the Romans, ‘The fervent desire of the creature waiteth when the children of God shall be delivered.’” ftb126 Vide prefatory notes in the last page and p. 331 above. ftb127 [Oti kai< aujth< hJ kti>siv ejleuqerwqh>setai. Ti> ejsti kai< aujth<; oujci< su< mo>nov, ajlla< kai< o[ sou ejsti< katadee>steron, kai< o[ ouj mete>cei logismou~ oujde< aijsqh>sewv, kai< tou~to> soi koinwnh>sei tw~n ajgaqw~n. jEleuqerwqh>setai ga Append. col. 75, ed. Bened. Par. 1686-90. This commentary is printed by the Benedictine editors as spurious. ftb129 Compare the ‘Catechismus brevis,’ published by royal authority 1553, Liturgies, etc. of Edward VI., Parker Soc., p. 510 — 1, 558 — 9; and the ‘Catechism’ by Nowell, (‘the larger Catechism heretofore by public authority set forth,’ canon 79, 1604,) p. 97 — 8, ed. Jacobson, Oxon. 1835. ftb130 Tota creatura congemiscitet parturit, adhuc exspectans et expetens meam restitutionem; nam corruptioni propter meum peccatum invita subjecta est. Haec tota liberabitur per Christum meum a servitute corruptionis, cum ille nos sua membra restituerit. Istuc cogitabo et perpendam, ut in me et rebus omnibus atrocitatem peccati, quod in me inhabitat, rite agnoscam, indeque Christo Domino et Servatori meo me totum addicam, consecrem, permittam, quacunque is cruce peccatum in me conficere, et quacunque via ac vocatione me ad vitae novitatem adducere velit: ad quod ei toto pectore inserviam mortificando studia carnis meae, et enitendo ad studia Spiritus, ad vitam Dei. Utque huic vitae alacriter insistam, et in eo conatu et studio infractus pergam, defigam mentem meam, quoad ejus ipse mihi Dominus dederit, in considerationem hujus tantae felicitatis meae, ad quam in resurrectione resti-tuar; quam nimirum exornatura etiam est liberata a corruptione fabrica mundi universa. Ista cogitabo, in ista animum meum demergam, securus de eo, quasnam mundi partes mecum Christus Dominus restituturus sit, aut quo modo, et quam illis daturus conditionem. Satis superque mihi est, me et mecum totam creaturam habituros felicius, quam mens mea nunc queat cogitatione consequi. Hine praedicabo et glorificabo Dominum meum, eique ipso donante studebo toto corde, tota anima, totis viribus, cantans illi, Et bene fecit, et bene faciet omnia; ipsi aeterna gloria in secula. Amen. — Bucer. Metaph. et Enarr. Epist.
Paul. In Romans 8:1. 343, Argentorat. 1536. ftb131 ‘Habitacles:’ habitations, dwelling-places. ftb132 ... figura hujus mundi mundanorum ignium conflagratione praeteribit, sicut factum est mundanarum aquarum inundatione diluvium. — August. De Civit. Dei. 20. cap. 16. Op. 7. coll. 593, 4, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700. ftb133 Illa itaque, ut dixi, conflagratione mundana elementorum corruptibilium qualitates, quae corporibus nostris corruptibilibus congruebant, ardendo penitus interibunt; atque ipsa substantia eas qualitates habebit, quae corporibus immortalibus mirabili mutatione conveniant: ut scilicet mundus, in melius innovatus, apte accommodetur hominibus etiam carne in melius innovatis. — Id, ibid. ftb134 Quod autem ait, ‘Et mare jam non est;’ utrum maximo illo ardore siccetur, an et ipsum vertatur in melius, non facile dixerim. ‘Coelum quippe novum et terram novam futuram’ legimus. — Id, ibid. ftbl35 ... fatendum est resurrectionem esse futuram... . . Corpora coelestia majorem claritatem accipient in illa innovatione... elementa induentur claritate quadam, non tamen aequaliter... plantae et animalia . . non remanebunt in illa mundi innovatione. — Thom. Aquin. Summ. Theol.
Partis 3. Suppl. Quaest. 75. Art. 1., Quaest. 91. Art. 3. 4. 5., p. 113, 142, 143, Colon. 1622. See also Aquin. Quaest. Disput. Quaest. 5.
Artic. 7. 9. p. 81 — 3 — 5, Venet. 1598. ftb136 RESPONDEO dicendum, quod cum innovatio mundi propter hominem fiat, oportet quod innovationi hominis conformetur. Homo autem innovatus de statu corruptionis in incorruptionem transibit et perpetuae quietis; unde dicitur primae ad Cor. 15. ‘Oportet corruptibile hoc induere incorruptionem, mortale hoc induere immortalitatem’...
Unde ad illam innovationem nihil ordinari poterit, nisi quod habet ordinem ad incorruptionem: hujusmodi autem sunt corpora coelestia, elementa, et homines. Corpora nunc coelestia secundum sui naturam incorruptibilia sunt, et secundum totum et secundum partes: elementa vero sunt quidem corruptibilia secundum partes, sed incorruptibilia secundum totum: homines vero corrumpuntur... ex parte materiae, non ex partae formae, scilicet animae rationalis... Animalia veto bruta, et plantae, et mineralia, et omnia corpora mixta corrumpuntur et secundum totum et secundum partes; . . et sic nullo modo habent ordinem ad incorruptionem; unde in illa innovatione non manebunt... — Id. ibid. Quaest. 91. Art. 5. p. 144. ftb137 th Paris. 1578. Vide annot. Stephan. et Bekker. in loc.: and see August.
De Civit. Dei, 21:8:2. Op. 7. col. 628, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700. ftb139 Si plantae et animalia remanebunt, aut omnia, aut quaedam. Si omnia, oportebit etiam animalia bruta quae prius fuerunt mortua, resurgere, sicut et homines resurgent; quod dici non potest, quia cum forma eorum in nihilum cedat, non potest eadem numero resumi. Si autem non omnia, sed quaedam, cum non sit major ratio de uno qnam de alio, quod in perpetuum maneat, videtur, quod nullum eorum in perpetuum remanebit. — Thom. Aquin. Summ. Theol. Partis 3. Suppl. Quaest. 91.
Art. 5. p. 143, Colon. 1622. ftb140 ajna>gkh ... . ei] ge ajei< e]stai aiJ suvech Hooper, Letter to Bp. Ferrar, Taylor, Bradford, and Philpot, in Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1513, or ed. 1843 — 8, 6:664 — 5; Strype, Mem. 3:1:221-3; Soames, Hist. Reform. 4:207-15, Lond. 1826 — 8. ftb147 Vide Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1441 — 54, or ed. 1843 — 8, 6:469 — 500; and Works of Bp. Ridley, Parker Soc. p. 189 — 252. ftb148 Vide Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1410 — 7, or ed. 1843 — 8, 6:395- 411, and Works of Adn. Philpot, Parker Soc. p. 179 — 214. ftb149 ‘stake,’ Foxe, Acts, etc. 1563: ‘fire’ 1570, 1576, 1583. ftb150 ‘according,’ Foxe, Acts, etc. 1563: ‘accordingly’ 1570, 1576, 1583. ftb151 The first General Council of Nice, A.D. 325. Symb. Nicaen. Concil. in Concil. stud. Labb. et Cossart. 2. col. 27-8, Lut. Par. 1671 — 2; and in Routh, Script. Ecclesiastes Opusc. 1:367, Oxon. 1840. ftb152 The second General Council of Constantinople, A.D. 381. Symb.
Concil. Constantinop. in Concil. 2:951 — 4; and in Routh, ibid. 1:398 — 9. ftb153 The third General Council of Ephesus, A.D. 431. Nicaen. fid. exposit, in Acts 6. Concil. Ephes. in Concil. 3. col. 671 — 2. ftb154 The fourth General Council of Chalcedon, A.D. 451. Defin. Fidei in Acts 5. Concil. Chalc. in Concil. 4. col. 561-8; and in Routh, ibid. 2:75 — 80. ftb155 The Council of Toledo, A.D. 400. Regula fidei in Concil. Tolet. 1. in Concil. 2. col. 1227-8. ftb156 The Council of Toledo, A.D. 633. Concil. Tolet. 4. capit. 1. De evid. cathol. fid. verit, in Concil. 5. col. 1703. ftb157 Athanas. Exposit. fidei in Op. 1:99, ed. Bened. Par. 1698; and in Routh ibid. 2:221 — 8. Athanas. Symb. de fid. cathol. Op. 2. (inter spur.) 728-35; and in Concil. Romans 2. in Concil. 2. col. 599 — 602.
Vide Waterland, Crit. hist. Athan. Creed, Cambr. 1728, who refers the creed to Hilary, Abp. of Arles, A.D. 430. ftb158 Exposit. praedic. verit. apud Iren. Cont. Haer. Lib. Quinq. 1:10. Op. 1:48-51, ed. Bened. Venet. 1734; and in Routh, ibid. 2:211-6. ftb159 Regula fidei apud Tertull. De Praescript. Haeret. 13. Op. 206 — 7, Lut. Par. 1675; and in Routh, ibid. 1:132-3. Also Tertull. De Virgin. veland, 1. p. 173; and Advers. Prax. 2. p 501. ftb160 Symb. Damasi Papae 1. apud Hieron. Op. 11. col. 145 — 6, stud.
Vallars. Veron. 1734 — 42: see Vallars. Admonit. Profess. fidei ex epist. Damasi in Concil. Romans 3. in Concil. 2. col. 900 — 4: and Damasi epist. 1. ad Paulin. Antioch. episc. De fide, etc. ibid. col. — 5. ftb161 “Every brother and sister that will say any Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday, one Pater noster , one Ave Maria , and a Credo in any church or chapel where they do dwell, and put to their helping hand to the sustentation and maintenance of the charges of the said guild, as often as they so do, shall have clean remission a poena et culpa , and the same remission as if they had visited the chapel of Scala coeli of Rome, and the church of St. John Lateranense, when the stations there be celebrated for quick and dead.” — Becon, Relics of Rome 1563, signature D d 2. Vide Bp. Latimer, Works, 1. p. 97, note 2, Parker Soc. ftb162 Vide p. 49, note 5, above. ftb163 ‘confirmation’ 1563: ‘carrying about’ 1570, 1576, 1583. ftb164 So Foxe, Acts, etc. 1563. The words ‘shall appoint’ are added in and after editions, which seems to be an error, being against repeated statements in this ‘Declaration.’ ftb165 See p. 290, note 1, above. ftb166 The initials ‘J.P.’ might possibly represent either ‘James Pilkington,’ afterward Bp. of Durham; or ‘John Parkhurst,’ afterward Bp. of Norwich; who severally were in exile at Zurich in the course of 1554.
See ‘Orig. Letters,’ Parker Soc. 2:752; ‘Troubles of Frankfort,’ 1575, p. 16. ftb167 The initials ‘T.M.’ might possibly stand, either for ‘Tho. Matthew,’ or ‘Tho. Massye,’ or ‘Tho. Moor,’ who were among the thirty-nine members of Parliament who absented themselves from the House of Commons, from Jan. 12, 1555, because of the measures then being carried against the Protestant faith. — Coke, Instit. Part 4. p. 17, Lond. 1797; Strype, Mem. 3. 1:262 — 3. ftb168 ‘Playing wily-beguile:’ deceiving. A proverbial expression. Vide Ray, Proverbs, p. 46, ed. 1817. ftb169 The word dai>mwn , ‘a divine being,’ according to Plato, was derived from dah>mwn , prudent, knowing... . o[ti fro>nimoi kai< dah Serran. Paris. 1578. ftb170 ‘to,’ MS.: not in 1564. ftb171 See p. 235, note 1, above. ftb172 The last eleven words are in 1564, but not in the MS. ftb173 The last nine words are in the MS., but not in 1564. ftb174 The last eleven words are in the MS., but not in 1564. ftb175 This Address is now printed for the first time. ftb176 ‘Girding’: casting reproach. Nares, Glossary. ftb177 ‘Pining:’ wearing out, making to languish. Todd’s Johnson, Dict. ftb178 The title of this letter in the Cambridge MS. is, ‘An epistle of the godly man Master John Bradford, prisoner of the Lord in the King’s Bench, for the testimony of his truth, unto his brother in Christ Richard Hopkyngs of Coventry, grocer.’ Another letter to Hopkins is given in Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the Martyrs 1564, p. 354 — 7, and in Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1648 — 9, or ed. 1843-8, 7:249 — 50, which will appear hereafter in this collection of the Writings of Bradford.
Hopkins, who was sheriff of Coventry at the time, was afterward committed to the Fleet prison for some “matter pertaining to religion,” and “being at length delivered... and minding to keep his conscience pure from idolatry was driven with his wife and eight young children to avoid the realm; and so... went into high Germany, where he continued in the city of Basil till the death of queen Mary; being like a good Tobias, to his power a friendly helper and a comfortable reliever of other English exiles there about him; God’s holy blessing so working with him therefor, that in those far countries neither he fell in any great decay, neither any one of all his household during all that time there miscarried, but so many as he brought out, so many he recarried home again, yea, and that with advantage, and God’s plenty withal upon him.” — Foxe, ibid. ftb179 Vide p. 39, note 5, above. ftb180 See note E. ftb181 Vide p. 49, note 5, above. ftb182 Compare p. 6 ¾ 8, above. ftb183 Vide p. 88, note 2, above. ftb184 Noli itaque dubitare ibi nunc esse hominem Christum Jesum, unde venturus est; memoriterque recole, et fideliter tene Christianam confessionem, quoniam resurrexit a mortuis, adscendit in coelum, sedet ad dexteram Patris, nec aliunde quam inde venturus est ad vivos mortuosque judicandos. — August. Lib. ad Dardan. seu Epist. 187:10.
Op. 2. col. 681, ed. Bened. Par. 1679-1700. ftb185 ‘Cope:’ an ecclesiastical vestment, a cloak worn in public ministration; from the Anglo-Saxon caeppe . Vide Palmer, Orig. Liturg. 2. append, sect. 3. and plates. ftb186 ‘it’ Emman. MS., Lansd. MS., and 1688: not in 1564. ftb187 ‘it’ 1564: ‘he,’ Emman. MS., Lansd. MS., and 1688. ftb188 ‘Obsign:’ seal, ratify. ftb189 The ‘fifth article’ of the Devonshire rebels, 1549, contained the demand, ‘We will have the sacrament of the altar but at Easter delivered to the lay-people.’... Abp. Cranmer, Answ. to the rebels, Works, 2:173 — 4. Parker Soc. Vide Becon, Catechism, 5. Works, 2:257 — 60, Parker Soc.; and Bingham, Orig. Ecclesiastes 15:9.
Works, 1:824 — 31, Lond. 1726. ftb190 ‘Mows:’ grimaces, looks assumed in derision. ftb191 Compare p. 87 above. ftb192 A word of the original is omitted. ftb193 ‘pastime and,’ Emman. MS.: not in 1564. ftb194 The Emmanuel MS. ends here, being imperfect. ftb195 “By whom this... remarkable... Declaration was drawn up, unless by John Bradford, I know not: for I meet with it in a MS?* which contains divers pieces of that good man.... This now is the second time a public challenge was made to justify king Edward’s Reformation; the former the last year by Cranmer, the latter now by divers of the learned men in prison.” — Strype, Cranmer, Oxf. 1:506.
This ‘Declaration,’ being addressed to both the king and queen, must have been penned after the marriage of queen Mary, July 25, 1554: and from the words in the fifth paragraph, “at this your assembly,” it was probably written after the meeting of the third parliament of her reign, which took place, November 12 in that year. See Strype, Mem. 3. 1:205, 321. * Now in the British Museum, Lansd. 389. ftb196 If the ‘Supplication’ mentioned in the title of this Letter is the document which is printed next in this volume, the date of the Letter would be about November or December 1554: see p. 403, note 2; and prefatory note, p. 366 above.
The title in Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the martyrs, 1564, is ‘A letter which he set as a preface before a supplication sent to queen Mary, her council, and the whole parliament; which supplication cometh not yet to our hands.’ The heading given above is taken from Foxe, Acts, etc. 1570. ftb197 ‘Pass:’ care. ftb198 This Supplication probably was addressed to the king, queen, and parliament, about November or December 1554, from the allusion in the fifteenth line to the memorialists having been in prison ‘these fifteen or sixteen months.’ ftb199 See above. ftb200 These Remarks are now printed for the first time. They were written by Bradford probably to accompany an account of the remarkable trial of Sir Nicholas Throgmorton, April 17, 1554: the expressions used by B. exactly describe the able defense of Sir N.T., and the proceedings of the judges and of the government upon the occasion. See the details of the trial in Holinshed, 1587, 3:1104; also in State Trials, London 1816, 1:869 — 902; and in Criminal Trials, Jardine, 1832, 1:62 ¾ 120. ftb201 ‘Losels:’ worthless persons, lost to all goodness. Nares, Glossary. ftb202 Vide Mosheim, Eccl. Hist. cent. 4:1. 1:12. ftb203 This ‘Admonition’ must have been written between February 9 and March 30, 1555, as it appears from p. 410, that it was penned after the martyrdoms of Bp. Hooper and Taylor, and before that of Bp. Ferrar. — Foxe, Acts, etc., 1583, p. 1510 — 27 — 55.
Its title in Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the martyrs, 1564, is, ‘An admonition to certain professors and lovers of the Gospel, to beware they fall not from it, in consenting to the Romish religion, by the example of the shrinking, halting, and double-faced gospellers.’ ftb204 ‘Vaward:’ forepart. ftb205 ‘Retchless:’ careless. ftb206 Vide p. 264, note 1, above. ftb207 Vide p. 407, note 3, above. ftb208 The ‘Exhortation’ without date, being in the same type, and apparently issued at the same time, with a translation executed by Bp.
Coverdale, was supposed by Strype to be by Bp. C. (Ecc. Mem. 3. 1:239 — 40); and has appeared in the Works of Bp. C., Parker Soc.
Vol. 2. p. 230 — 77. ftb209 Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1475 — 81, 1596 — 7, or ed. 1843 — 8, 6:567 — 84, 7:123 — 7; Strype, Cramner, 1:526 — 8, 2:968 — 9, Doc. 87. ftb210 The title in Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the martyrs, 1564, is ‘An exhortation to the patient suffering of trouble and afflictions for Christ’s cause, written to all the unfeigned professors of the Gospel throughout the realm of England, at the beginning of his imprisonment, and here placed as it came to our hands.’ ftb211 ‘Wood:’ mad, furious, from the Anglo-Saxon wod , ‘ rabidus.’ ftb212 ‘Sparred:’ barred, shut, from the Anglo-Saxon sparran . ftb213 This word is changed. ftb214 ‘Nill:’ be unwilling. ftb215 ‘Tale of a tub:’ a trifling or fabulous story. Todd’s Johnson, Dict. ftb216 ‘and,’ only in the edition without date: see prefatory note, p. above. ftb217 ‘Walter:’ lie groveling. ftb218 The duke of Northumberland, who, at his execution, August, 1553, professed himself to hold the doctrines of Rome. See Strype, Cranmer, 1:450 — 4, and append. no. 78. Vol. 2:917 — 8. ftb219 See Strype, Mem. 3. 1:125 — 39, 200 — 9. ftb220 See prefatory note, p. 412 above. ftb221 The last five lines, ‘How miraculously... to his right,’ do not occur in the edition without date. ftb222 See note 1 in the preceding page. ftb223 The last eight lines, ‘by the confession... loved the gospel,’ are taken from the ‘Exhortation’ without date, and do not occur in the ‘Letters of the martyrs,’ 1564. ftb224 ‘Robin Good-fellow:’ an imaginary being, a domestic goblin, supposed to be of use to farm-servants. Vide Nares, Glossary; and Warton on Milton, L’Allegro, Vol. 6. p. 95 — 7, ed. Todd, 1809. ftb225 This paragraph does not occur in the edition without date. ftb226 ‘to,’ edition without date: not in 1564. ftb227 The ‘Exhortation’ without date supplies, after this paragaph, a confutation of ‘four pillars of the mass,’ transubstantiation, the sacrifice, praying for the dead, and praying to the dead. ftb228 The last seven words occur only in the edition without date. ftb229 The last sixteen words occur only in the edition without date. ftb230 ‘Snarl:’ entangle. Vide Nares, Glossary. ftb231 ‘Mammer:’ hesitate. ftb232 The last four lines, ‘and puddle... into perdition,’ occur only in the edition without date. ftb233 An eminent lawyer of Citadella near Venice, who, having denied the Protestant faith, died in despair in 1548. His most affecting history has often been printed in a separate form, as for instance, ‘Relation,’ etc. by Nath. Bacon, Lond. 1681. Vide Sleidan. Comm. de stat. relig. 21. p. 474-5, Francof. 1568; and Seckendorf. Hist. Lutheran. 3:129. Vol. 2. 601, Francof. et Lips. 1692. ftb234 ‘and’ 1564: ‘set ever before us also the,’ edition without date. ftb235 ‘for’ 1564: ‘from,’ edition without date. ftb236 ‘in,’ edition without date: not in 1564. ftb237 The last two paragraphs are taken from the ‘Exhortation’ without date, and do not occur in the ‘Letters of the martyrs,’ 1564. ftb238 ‘After the time that Master Bradford was condemned, and sent to the Compter, it was purposed of his adversaries... that he should be had to Manchester where he was born, and there be burned: whereupon he writeth to the city of London, thinking to take his last vale of them in this letter. — Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1625, or ed. 1843 — 8, 7:198. ftb239 MS. 1. 2. 8. no. 51. has on it the name, ‘Cuthbert Symson.’ C.
Symson was ‘deacon of the Christian congregation in London in queen Mary’s days;’ and, after most severe torture on the rack, underwent martyrdom, March 28, 1558. — Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 2031-4, or ed. 1843 — 8, 8:454 — 61. ftb240 This last paragraph is written on the margin of MS. 1.2. 8. no. 66., and is printed in the margin of Foxe, Acts, etc. 1563, and of Bp.
Coverdale, Lett. of mart. 1564, but is given as above in the text of MS. 1.2. 8. no. 51., and forms part of the ensuing paragraph in Foxe and after editions. ftb241 See Article 8. Ch. of Eng. ftb242 ‘hole’ 1563: ‘holye,’ Emman. MSS.: ‘holy’ 1564: ‘whole’ 1570, 1576, 1583. ftb243 Article 6. Ch. of Eng. ftb244 ‘or’ 1563: ‘and,’ Emman. MSS., and 1564. ftb245 ‘I say’ 1564, 1570, and the after editions of Foxe; not in 1563, nor in Emman. MSS. ftb246 ‘the,’ Emman. MSS., 1564, 1570, and after editions: not in 1563. ftb247 ‘it’ 1564: not in 1563. ftb248 ‘high’ 1563, a misprint for ‘nigh.’ ftb249 ‘our’ 1564, 1570, and after editions: not in 1563 or Emman. MSS. ftb250 The last five words are in the Emman. MSS. and 1564, but not in 1563. ftb251 ‘ abrenounce’ 1563 and after editions, and Emman. MSS.: ‘forsake’ 1564. ftb252 ‘that,’ only in 1564. ftb253 ‘greater nor,’ only in MS. 1.2. 8. no. 51. ftb254 The Emmanuel MS. 2. 2. 15. no. 3. is in the autograph of Bradford. ftb255 ‘alonely’ 1563, 1564: ‘alone full,’ Emman. MSS. ftb256 i.e. the University of Cambridge. ftb257 ‘thus,’ ‘like,’ only in autograph MS. ftb258 ‘the,’ Emman. MSS. and Univ. MS.: not in 1563 or 1564. ftb259 ‘the,’ Emman. MSS., Univ. MS., and 1564: not in 1563. ftb260 ‘it’ 1563, 1564, MS. 1.2. 8. and Univ. MS.: ‘God’s word,’ autogr.
MS. ftb261 postrema 1563 and Emman. MSS.: ‘the last’ 1564. ftb262 ‘but plain,’ Emman. MSS. and 1564: not in 1563, or Univ. MS. ftb263 ‘but’ 1563, 1564, and Univ. MS.: ‘and of this world, but plain,’ Emman. MSS. ftb264 ‘of them’ 1563, autogr. MS. and Univ. MS.: ‘of of them’ MS. 1. 2. 8. and 1564. ftb265 ‘it’ 1564 and Univ. MS.: not in 1563 or Emman. MSS. ftb266 ‘Buskel:’ prepare. ftb267 ‘Bowne:’ ready, prepared. Jamieson, Scotch. Dict. ‘Haste’ 1563, 1564, and Univ. MS.: ‘thee bowne,’ autogr. MS.: ‘thyself bowne’ MS. 1. 2. 8. ftb268 See p. 61, note 3, above. ftb269 Compare the conclusion of Abp. Parker’s sermon on the death of Bucer, 1551, ‘Prospice tibi, Cantabrigia, cui Deus misit prophetas suos,’ etc. in Bucer, Script. Angl. p. 898, Basil. 1577. ftb270 See account of Perne in Wood, Fasti Oxon. 1. p. 141, ed. Bliss, Lond. 1815 — 20; and in ‘Exam.’ etc. of Philpot, p. 169, Parker Soc.: and see index to Oxford ed. of Strype. ftb271 Possibly the same as ‘Edmund Thompson,’ ordained by Bp. Ridley, Nov. 9, 1550. ¾ Strype, Mem. 2. 1:403. ftb272 ‘God,’ Emman. MSS.: not in 1563, or 1564, or Univ. MS. ftb273 ‘Ready to the stake,’ only in the autograph Emmanuel MS. 2. 2. 15. ftb274 The Emmanuel MS. 2. 2. 15. no. 109. is in the autograph of Bradford. ftb275 ‘heard’ 1563: ‘hear’ 1564 and Emman. MSS. ftb276 ‘this,’ only in autogr. MS. ftb277 ‘report of’ 1563: ‘report,’ Emman. MSS. and 1564. ftb278 ‘supper’ 1564 and Emman. MSS.: not in 1563. ftb279 ‘and’ 1563: ‘or’ 1564 and Emman. MSS. ftb280 ‘and’ 1564 and Emman. MSS.: not in 1563. ftb281 ‘in,’ only in 1564. ftb282 ‘off,’ ‘us,’ only in the autograph MS. ftb283 ‘of,’ only in the autograph MS. ftb284 Matthew 23:34 to the end is, in the second Book of Edward 1552, as before and since, the Gospel appointed for St. Stephen’s day, Dec. 26. ftb285 The autograph MS. 2. 2. 15. no. 109. ends with the words, ‘if you will,’ being imperfect. ftb286 ‘from’ 1564: not in 1563. ftb287 ‘our’ 1563: ‘your’ 1564, and MS. 1.2. 8. ftb288 ‘good’ 1564: not in 1563. ftb289 ‘John Bradford’ 1564, and MS. 1.2. 8.: not in 1563. ftc1 The Emmanuel MS. 2. 2. 15. no. 11. is in the autograph of Bradford. ftc2 ‘the’ 1564: not in 1563. ftc3 ‘for’ 1564: not in 1563: ‘of,’ Emman. MSS. ftc4 ‘is’ 1564, and Emman. MSS.: not in 1563. ftc5 ‘live’ 1563: ‘love’ 1564 and Emman. MSS. ftc6 ‘serve’ 1563 and 1564: ‘save,’ Emman. MSS. ftc7 ‘in covetousness’ 1564 and Emman. MSS.: not in 1563. ftc8 See p. 264, note 1, above. ftc9 ‘they must’ 1564 and autograph MS.: not in 1563, or MS. 2. 2. 15. no. 100., or MS. 1. 2. 8. ftc10 ‘etc.’ 1563, autograph MS., and MS. 2.2. 15. no. 100.: ‘and use’ and MS. 1.2. 8. ftc11 ‘good’ 1564: not in 1563, or Emman. MSS. ftc12 ‘it’ 1564 and Emman. MSS.: not in 1563. ftc13 ‘the’ 1564: not in 1563. ftc14 Abp. Grindal, Remains, p. 228 — 30, Parker Soc. The originals of these letters are in Latin. ftc15 See p. 518, note 1. ftc16 As for instance, p. 495, line 3 of text; and p. 534, lines 1 and 2 of fourth paragraph.
It should be observed that the various editions of the ‘Acts and monuments’ present the ‘examinations and conferences’ faithfully; the omissions in most instances not affecting the dialogues, but being either merely verbal, or connected with the change from the first to the third person, or referring to the personal history or character of Bradford. ftc17 The short headings of the various ‘Conferences’ (as for instance, ‘Talk between Dr. Harpsfield, archdeacon, and Master Bradford,’ p. 502, not being supplied in the ‘Examinations and conferences’ 1561, are taken from the ‘Acts and monuments’ 1583. ftc18 Bp. Coverdale, Letters of the martyrs, 1564, p. 65 —6; Bp. Ridley, Works, p. 369 — 70. Parker Soc. ftc19 ‘April,’ the edition of 1561, a misprint or error: ‘January,’ Foxe, Acts, etc. 1563. ftc20 ‘Thou hast been... authority,’ Emman. MS.: ‘that of long time he had been,’ etc. in the third person,... ‘without authority’ 1561. ftc21 ‘now’ 1561: ‘that now is,’ Emman. MS. ftc22 ‘that thou doest’ 1561: ‘thou speakest’ 1563. ftc23 ‘the queen’s’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc24 ‘but rather reward and praise,’ Emman. MS.: not in 1561. ftc25 ‘both,’ ‘to,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc26 ‘Quod:’ quoth, saith, or said. Vide Nares, Glossary. ftc27 ‘admitted’ 1561: ‘elected,’ Emman. MS. ftc28 The Latin edition of Foxe, Acts, etc., 1559, has... ‘sub mortem rursus regis, quando hoc idem jusjurandum promiscue a nobis omnibus eat repetitum.’ — Fox. Rerum in eccles. gestar, comm. p. 468, Basil. 1559. ftc29 Et aequum cuiquam videbitur, quia veritati pareo, appellari mendacem? quia in obediendo principi Deo inservio, sacrorum contemptorem dici aut jurisjurandi violatorem? Et quod ridicule objicitur marito post divortium, qui fidem non praestitit, quam dare non debuit; id mihi in hac causa graviter et serio objicietur, qui gravissimo quidem veritatis judicio ab illa Romana ecclesia, quam mihi retinere non licuit, divulsus, sponsam veritatem tandem postliminio redeuntem cogor agnoscere, atque illi firmiter adhaerere?... . Secundum quam rationem fit, ut ne in civilibus quidem legibus ulla sit turpium obligatio: videlicet ne in criminibus perseverantiam potius quam resipiscentiam probasse videantur. In ecclesiasticis veto sanctionibus, nullo eum teneri nexu, qui illicita juraverit, diffinitum est, cum juramentum non sit vinculum iniquitatis. — Steph. Winton. De vera obed. signat. 1:3 — 4, Lond. 1535. Copy, Bodl. Libr. Oxford. See note H. ftc30 ‘not’ 1563: omitted in 1561. ftc31 ‘behave’ 1561: ‘behaveth’ 1563. ftc32 ‘unto your and’ 1561: ‘and unto you’ 1563. ftc33 ‘faute’ 1561: ‘law’ 1563, and Emman. MS. ftc34 The Latin edition of Foxe, Acts, etc., 1559, has: ‘Erant temporibus Edouardi librorum ad sacrum ecclesiae cultum ac ritus attinentium plures editiones: qui etsi omnes reformandae serviebant religioni, tamen quia sic visum erat illis, quorum id interfuit, ecclesiae statum paulatim ac temporibus quasique intervallis quibusdam emendare, semel atque iterum mutabantur, vel potius corrigebantur codices. Eam varietatem exprobrans evangelicis Tonstallus episcopus Dunelmensis, velutique eos levitatis et inconstantiae insimulans, rogat illico Bradfordum, Quamnam religionis sub Edouardo formulam sentiret, quotoque in anno regni illius editam?’ — Fox. Rerum etc. comm. p. 469, Basil. 1559. ftc35 ‘a’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc36 The last nine lines are now first printed from the Lansdowne MS. no. 389. fol. 10. ftc37 The second transcript of this ‘Examination’ in the Lansd. MS. no. 389. and a fragment of an early transcript in Emman. Coll. Cambridge, MS. 1.2. 8. no. 14. 3. add here: ‘Thus have I written unto you the effect and order of the talk, as I heard it reported of a credible person that was not far off when the examination was made.’ ftc38 See p. 290, note 3, above. ftc39 ‘sight’ 1561: ‘seat’ 1563. ftc40 ‘Prefract:’ obstinate, from the Latin ‘praefractus.’ ftc41 ‘that’ 1570: not in 1561 or 1563. ftc42 ‘need’ 1561: ‘needed’ 1563. ftc43 ‘to’ 1561: ‘of’ 1563. ftc44 ‘creditors’ 1561: ‘debtors’ 1563. ftc45 ‘to’ 1561: ‘against’ 1563. ftc46 Foxe, Acts, etc. 1570, p. 1785, and the after editions, give the reasoning of Bradford in the following form: Argument.
Nothing is against charity, which is with God’s word, and not against it. The oath against the bishop of Rome’s authority in England is with God’s word, and not against it. Ergo the oath against the bishop of Rome’s authority in England is not against charity. ftc47 kai< deiknu The Latin version of Foxe, 1559, after, ‘eo rursus mutato consilio,’ has, ‘episcopi, sive occulto metu amicorum Bradfordi (erat enim apud suos gratiosus Bradfordus) sive occultiori aliqua fiducia ejus expugnandi sententiam, Londini apud se retinent menses aliquot, crebris interim colloquiis et legationibus eum adorientes.’ — Fox.
Rerum in eccles. gestar. comm. p. 484, Basil. 1559. ftc96 ‘Muttrel’: Montreuil, in Picardy, on the north east of France. ‘Journey’: a battle, or day of battle, from the French journee. The siege of Montreuil was conducted by the English army under the duke of Norfolk, at the same period with that of Boulogne, A.D. 1544. Vide references in p. 32, note 3, above. ftc97 ‘to think’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc98 These words only occur in 1561. Foxe reads, ‘But John Bradford kept still one answer.’ — Acts, etc., 1563, and after editions. ftc99 ‘he’ 1561, a misprint for ‘I.’ ftc100 ‘have had seemed’ 1561. ftc101 ‘third’ 1561: ‘fourth’ 1563. ftc102 ‘charity’ 1563: ‘tought free’ 1561. ftc103 The last three paragraphs occur in 1561 only. ftc104 ‘Improved:’ disproved. ftc105 ... . metapoiei~tai ga Venet. 1754 — 63: and vide In Matthew Comm. cap. 26. Op. 1. 146; and In Marc. Comm. cap. 14. Op. 1. 249. See Becon, Works, Parker Soc. 2. 289, and 3. 388; Abp. Cranmer, Works, 1. 188, et seq. Parker Soc., or Works, 3. 292, et seq., Oxford, 1833; and Bp. Jewel, Reply to Harding, Art. 11 div. 6. Parker Soc. 574 — 7. ftc106 ‘as’ 1561: ‘which’ 1563. ftc107 ‘saying’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc108 The ‘reasons against, transubstantiation’ are printed, p. 544 — 6. in this volume. ftc109 ‘see you’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc110 ‘& as’ 1561. ftc111 ‘for you’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc112 ‘he’ 1561: ‘Cresswell’ 1563. ftc113 The reader will find accounts, severally, of Harding, Harpsfield, Pendleton, Cole, and Weston; and of Bps. Bonner, Tonstal, Bourn, and Abp. Heath, in Wood, Athenae, Oxon. Bliss, 1:402 — 4, 491 — 3, — 6, 450 — 4, 295 — 7, 368 — 73, 303 — 7, 2:805 — 7, 817 — 20; and in the ‘Examinations,’ etc. of Philpot, p. 25 — 30, 167, Parker Soc. ftc114 ‘it’ 1561: ‘the world’ 1570. ftc115 ‘stood’ 1561: ‘stand’ 1563. ftc116 ‘and Luther’ 1561: ‘Luther and such’ 1563. ftc117 This and nearly the whole of the following conference exist in an early transcript in MS. 1.2. 8. no. 26. Emman. Coll. Cambridge. ftc118 ‘Mahomet’ 1561: ‘Turk’ 1563. ftc119 ‘exteriorly’ 1561: ‘outwardly’ 1563. ftc120 ‘for’ 1561: ‘I say outwardly, because’ 1563. ftc121 ‘his’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc122 ‘church’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc123 quod latet 1561: latet 1563. ftc124 ‘as the proverb is’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc125 ‘Prevent:’ anticipate. ftc126 ‘duly’ Emman. MS.: not in 1561, or 1563. ftc127 ‘administered? It hath the sacraments,’ 1563, and Emman. MS.: not in 1561. ftc128 See p. 524, further on. ftc129 ‘receive’ 1561: ‘have received’ 1583. ftc130 ‘in’ 1561: ‘and’ 1563. ftc131 ‘true’ 1561: ‘as you would have it’ 1563. ftc132 ‘is’ 1561: ‘your’ 1563. ftc133 ‘as of’ 1561: ‘of’ 1563. ftc134 ‘him,’ Emman. MS., and 1563: not in 1561. ftc135 “The Romanists, apparently in order to exalt the pope as the sole fountain of ecclesiastical power, did much to depress the authority and office of bishops. Sometimes in enumerations of the orders of the church, bishops seem hardly admitted to be a distinct order.
Discussions upon this point occurred at the Council of Trent; when those who held that all the apostles, and by consequence all bishops, derived their authority from Christ, were told that they took away the due authority of the pope. See Fra. Paolo. Hist. Cone. Tr. Lib. 7.” — Ayre on Becon, Catechism, Works, Parker Soc. 2. 319. ftc136 ‘For’ 1561: ‘By’ 1563. ftc137 ‘in your church’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc138 ‘to have’ 1561, and Emman. MS.: ‘which hath’ 1563. ftc139 ‘go’ 1561: ‘going’ 1563. ftc140 ‘going’ 1561: ‘coming’ 1563. ftc141 ‘four years’ 1561: ‘four hundred’ 1563. ftc142 [9 ‘talked,’ Emman. MS.: ‘called’ 1561. ftc143 ‘he,’ Emman. MS.: not in 1561. ftc144 ‘keep’ 1561: ‘deliver’ 1563. ftc140 ‘going’ 1561: ‘coming’ 1563. ftc141 ‘four years’ 1561: ‘four hundred’ 1563. ftc142 [9 ‘talked,’ Emman. MS.: ‘called’ 1561. ftc143 ‘he,’ Emman. MS.: not in 1561. ftc144 ‘keep’ 1561: ‘deliver’ 1563. ftc145 ‘whereby’ 1561: ‘through whom’ 1563. ftc146 ‘beginning’ 1561: ‘began’ 1563. ftc147 ‘what and how far we have gone astray’ (misprint for ‘yesterday’) 1561: ‘what we had said, and how far we had gone over-night’ 1563. ftc148 ‘beginning’ 1561: ‘therewith did begin’ 1563. ftc149 ‘Hispalen:’ the town of Seville. ftc150 ‘going by that’ 1561: ‘laboring by this’ 1563. ftc151 ‘hath him’ 1561: ‘had been’ 1563. ftc152 ‘he’ misprint for ‘I’ 1561. ftc153 ‘have’ 1561: ‘fetch’ 1563. ftc154 ‘more plainly’ 1561: ‘now particularly’ 1563. ftc155 ‘as to’ 1561: ‘to’ 1563. ftc156 So 1563: ‘careless and secure carnally’ 1561. ftc157 ‘will be’ 1561: ‘am and by God’s grace shall be’ 1563. ftc158 ‘an’ 1561: ‘an hundred’ 1563. ftc159 ... . ante Innocentium tertium Romanum episcopum, qui in Lateranensi concilio praesedit, tribus modis id posse fieri curiosius scrutantibus visum est: aliis existimantibus una cum pane, vel in pane Christi corpus adesse, veluti ignem in ferri massa, quem modum Lutherus secutus videtur; aliis panem in nihilum redigi vel corrumpi; allis substantiam panis transmutari in substantiam corporis Christi, quem modum secutus Innocentius reliquos modos in eo concilio rejecit. — Tonstal. De verit. corp. et sang. Christ. in Euchar. Lib. 1. p. 46, Lutet. 1554. Vide also p. 545 of this volume. The council of Lateran was held A. D. 1215. ftc160 ‘would’ 1561: ‘should’ 1563. ftc161 ‘make’ 1561: ‘confess’ 1563. ftc162 ‘which you believe not’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc163 ‘to’ 1563, and Emman. MS.: not in 1561. ftc164 ‘with Christ’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc165 ‘and’ 1561: ‘and not’ 1563. ftc166 Illi manducabant panem Dominum, ille panem Domini contra Dominum; illi vitam, ille poenam. — August. In Johan. Evang. cap. 13.
Tractat. 59:1. Op. 3. Pars 2. col. 663, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700. ftc167 ‘it’ 1561: ‘Christ’s body’ 1563. ftc168 ‘he’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc169 Omni . . hebdomada offerendum est, etiam si non quotidie peregrinis, incolis tamen vel bis in hebdomada. — Ambros. Comm. in 1. Epist. ad Tim. cap. 3. Op. 2. Append. col. 295, ed. Bened. Par. 1686 — 90.
These commentaries are spurious: vide Cave, Hist. Liter. 1. 263, Oxon. 1740 — 3; and see the ‘Admonitio’ of the Benedictine editors. ftc170 Gelasianum codicem de missarum solemniis, multa subtrahens, pauca convertens, nonnulla vero superadjiciens, pro exponendis evangelicis lectionibus in unius libri volumine coarctavit. In canone apposuit, ‘Diesque nostros in tua pace dispone, atque ab aeterna damnatione nos eripi, et in electorum tuorum jubeas grege numerari.’ — Gregor. Magni Papae I. Vita, auct. Johann. Diacono, II. 17. in Gregor. Op. 4. col. 50, ed. Bened. Par. 1705. Vide also Bedae Hist. Eccl. 2. 1. ed. Smith. p. — 8, Cantabr. 1722. ftc171 ... precem quam scholasticus [id est, vir aliquis doctus et eruditus, annot, ed. Bened. ] composuerat... . — Id. Registr. Epist. Lib. 9. Indict.
Ad Joann. Syracus. Epist. 12. (al. 64.) Op. 2. col. 940. ftc172 Gavantus observes,... ‘putant esse Gelasium doctrina clarissimum, Innoc. 3. [Op. 1. 370, Colossians 1575, Myster. Miss.] Lib. 3. 100. 10. et Honor. in Gemma an. Lib. 1. cap. 90.’ — Gavant. Thesaur. sacr. rit. cum addit. Merati, 1. 12:5. Tom. 1. p. 67, Venet. 1769. Gelasius flourished A.D. 492. It is not however known who the scholastic or learned man mentioned by Gregory was. Vide note of Merati in loc.
Gavant.; Bona, Rer. Liturg. libr. duo, 2. 11:2. stud. Sala, Tom. 3. p. 245 — 7, August. Taur. 1747 — 53; and Palmer, Orig. Liturg. 1846. ch. ‘Liturgy of Rome.’ ftc173 ‘canons’ 1561: ‘the canon’ 1570. ftc174 Orationem... Dominicam idcirco mox post precem dicimus, quia mos apostolorum fuit, ut ad ipsam solummodo orationem oblationis hostiam consecrarent. — Gregor. Magn. ibid. ftc175 ‘of,’ ‘etc.’, ‘apostles, this is no... with you,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc176 i.e. of the host in the service of the mass. — Missal. ad us. Sar.
Canon, fol. 158, Londin. 1555. ftc177 Ta< th~v ejpiklh>sewv rJh>mata ejpi< th~| ajnadei>xei tou~ a[rtou th~v eujcaristi>av kai< tou~ pothri>ou th~v eujlogi>av, ti>v tw~n aJgi>wn ejggra>fwv hJmi~n katale>loipen ; — Basil. Lib. de Spir. Sanct. cap. 27. Op. 3. 54 ¾ 55, ed. Bened. Paris. 1721 — 30. The Benedictine editors observe on this: “Non respicit Basilius ad ritum ostensionis eucharistiae, ut multi existimarunt, sed potius ad verba Liturgiae ipsi adscriptae, cum petit sacerdos, ut veniat Spiritus sanctus. ftc178 ‘not to make of’ 1561: ‘to make nothing for’ 1570. ftc179 ‘for’ 1561: ‘that ye might have’ 1563. ftc180 ‘Prevented:’ anticipated. ftc181 The last three pages, from p. 515 above, third paragraph, ‘he saying that he would pray for me,’ etc., are taken from the ‘ Examinations,’ etc. 1561; and do not occur in any edition of the ‘Acts and monuments’ of Foxe. ftc182 A fragment of this conference exists in an early transcript in MS. 1. 2. 8. no. 27. Emman. Coll. Cambridge. ftc183 ‘was,’ ‘books of the,’ repeated by misprints in 1561. ftc184 Quid enim? Et si de aliqua modica quaestione disceptatio esset, nonne oporteret in antiquissimas recurrere ecclesias, in quibus apostoli conversati sunt, et ab eis de praesenti quaestione sumere quod certum et re liquidum est? Quid autem si neque apostoli quidem scripturas reliquissent nobis, nonne oportebat ordinem sequi traditionis, quam tradiderunt iis quibus committebant ecclesias? — Iren. Cont. Haer. Lib. 3. cap. 4:1. Op. 1:178, Venet. 1734. Vide Stillingfleet, Vindic. of Abp.
Laud, Conf. part 1. ch. 9. 4. 5. p. 268 — 72, ed. 1665; and Goode, Rule of Faith, 1842, 2. p. 277 — 90, in connection with this passage. ftc185 Cum enim ex scripturis arguuntur [haeretici], in accusationem convertuntur ipsarum scripturarum, quasi non recte habeant, neque sint ex auctoritate, et quia varie sint dictae, et quia non possit ex his inveniri veritas ab his qui nesciant traditionem: non enim per literas traditam illam, sed per vivam vocem. — Id. ibid. 2:1. p. 174. ftc186 ‘so,’ ‘the authority of,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc187 ‘that church still had received’ 1561: ‘which had still retained’ 1563. ftc188 ‘in it’ 1561: ‘the church’ 1570. ftc189 ‘this one thing’ 1570: not in 1561 or 1563. ftc190 ‘more sorry’ 1561: ‘sorry that’ 1563. ftc191 So 1570: ‘that the same... then if you now had them’ 1561. ftc192 ‘lord,’ ‘by,’ a misprint, 1561: ‘lords,’ ‘be my,’ 1563. ftc193 ‘exclude thereby’ 1561: ‘thereby conclude’ 1563. ftc194 saith that Christ,’ ‘with their tongs,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc195 Mh< o[ti a]rtov ejsti Par. 1679-1700. ftc212 ‘alleged to be so’ 1561: ‘so’ 1563. ftc213 ‘whole’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc214 ‘quoth I my lord’ 1561, a misprint. ftc215 ‘judged not it’ 1561: ‘judge it not’ 1563. ftc216 ‘and in . . sacrilege’, ‘the,’ ‘in England,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc217 ... koinai< kai< para< tou~ iJere>wv kai< par j aujtw~n gi>nontai aiJ eujcai> kai< pa>ntev ui>an le>gousin eujch Comm. Lib. 2. in Epist. ad Galatians Praef. Op. 7. col. 427-8, stud.
Vallars. Veron. 1734-42. ftc219 So 1563: ‘saith Amen, answering’ 1561. ftc220 ‘that,’ ‘turn,’ 1561: ‘so that,’ ‘term,’ 1563. ftc221 ‘as’ 1561, 1563, 1570, 1576: ‘as it’ 1583. ftc222 ‘I,’ 1561: a misprint for ‘he.’ ftc223 So 1563: ‘make free... make bound generally’ 1561. ftc224 ‘but’ 1561, 1563, 1570, 1576: ‘our’ 1583. ftc225 Nunc... nullo modo cognoscitur,... quae sit vera ecclesia Christi, nisi tantummodo per scripturas. — Chrysost. Op. Imp. in Matthew Hom. 49. ex cap. 24. Op. 6. p. 204, ed. Bened. Par. 1718-38. The words “nisi tantummodo per scripturas” occur again twice in the immediate context. — This Treatise is considered not to be by Chrysostom: see Cave, Hist. Liter. 1:312, Oxon. 1740-3. See also Goode, Rule of Faith, vol. 2. p. 127 — 9, 439 — 41. ftc226 Bibl. cum Gloss. Ord. et Expos. N. de Lyra, Matthew cap. 16. Pars 5. fol. 52, Basil, 1502, where... ‘ecclesia,’ etc... . ‘potestatis, vel dignitatis ecclesiasticae, vel secularis, quia multi principes et summi pontifices et alii inferiores inventi sunt apostatasse a fide: propter quod ecclesia consistit in illis personis in quibus,’ etc. ftc227 The rendering of the Latin is in 1570, not in 1561. ftc228 Unum moneo, cavete antichristum: male enim vos parietum amor cepit, male ecclesiam Dei in tectis aedificiisque veneramini, male sub his pacts nomen ingeritis. Anne ambiguum est, in his antichristum esse sessurum? Montes mihi, et silvae, et lacus, et carceres, et voragines sunt tutiores: in his enim prophetae aut manentes aut demersi Dei Spiritu prophetabant. — Hilar. Lib. cont. Auxent. 12. Op. col. 1269, ed. Bened. Par. 1693. ftc229 Alfons. de Castro Adv. Haer. Colon. 1539. Copy, British Museum.
This Romish divine died at Brussels, February 1558, having been appointed Archbishop of Compostella. ftc230 ‘it is... that,’ ‘now am... only,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc231 ‘the,’ ‘for to reason thus,’ ‘even so reason you,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc232 ‘it is,’ ‘France,’ ‘saith he,’ 1561: ‘is far,’ ‘frame,’ ‘quod Alphonsus,’ 1563. ftc233 ‘so,’ ‘thereof,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc234 ‘if you’ 1561: ‘and’ 1563. ftc235 ‘that,’ ‘transitory,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc236 Sicut... secundum quemdam modum sacramentum corporis Christi corpus Christi est, sacramentum sanguinis Christi sanguis Christi est, ita sacramentum fidei fides est... . Ac per hoc cum respondetur parvulus credere, qui fidei nondum habet affectum, respondetur fidem habere propter fidei sacramentum, et convertere se ad Deum propter conversionis sacramentum, quia et ipsa responsio ad celebrationem pertinet sacramenti. — August. Epist. 98:9. Ad Bonifac. Op. 2. col. 267-8, ed. Bened. Par. 1679 — 1700. ftc237 ‘closing the baptism’ 1561: ‘cleansing the baptized’ 1563. ‘Baptismi lavacrum sacramentum fit divinae gratiae, et Spiritus in unda inclusi, quo perpurgantur hi qui baptismo abluuntur.’ — Fox. Rerum in eccles. gestar, comm. p. 500, Basil. 1559. ftc238 ‘on’ 1561: ‘but this I grant that after’ 1563. ftc239 ‘that’ 1561: ‘in that you,’ 1563. ftc240 Utrumque enim sacramentum est, et quadam consecratione utrumque homini datur, illud cum baptizatur, istud cum ordinatur: ideoque in catholica utrumque non licet iterari. — August. Cont. Epist.
Parmenian. Lib. 2. cap. 13. Op. 9. col. 44, ed. Bened. Par. 1679-1700.
See Bp. Jewel on this passage in the Defence of the Apology of the Church of England, Part 2. chap. 11. Divis. 2. ftc241 ‘a’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc242 ‘that,’ ‘we are,’ 1561: ‘this,’ ‘were,’ 1563. ftc243 Vide p. 88, note 4, above. ftc244 ‘before’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc245 Biblia veteris ac novi Testamenti summa fide ac studio singulari, cum aliorum doctissimorum interpretum, tum vero in primis S. Pagnini ac Fr. Vatabli opera... ex Hebraeis Graecisque fontibus expressa, et latinitate donata... . Basil. per Thom. Guarin. 1564. ftc246 ‘that’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc247 ‘I,’ ‘to me in Christ my Savior,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc248 ‘king’s’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc249 a Vide p. 512, note 5, above. ftc250 This conference with Weston on March 21, 1555, is omitted in the first English edition of Foxe’s Acts, etc. 1563, but is supplied in and the after editions from the ‘Examinations and conferences’ of Bradford, printed by Griffith, 1561. The conference with Weston on March 28, p. 544 — 9, is also misplaced in the Acts, etc. 1563, which is corrected in the subsequent impressions of that work. ftc251 ‘calleth’ 1561: ‘affirmeth’ 1570. ftc252 Ego... fidenter dico quia quisquis se universalem sacerdotem vocat, vel vocari desiderat, in elatione sua antichristum praecurrit, quia superbiendo se ceteris praeponit. — Gregor. Magni Papae 1. Epist.
Lib. 7. Indict. 15. Ad Mauric. August. Epist. 33. Op. 2. col. 881 ed.
Bened. Par. 1705. ftc253 ‘you’ 1570: not in 1561. ftc254 ... haereticus est, ut mea fert opinio, qui alicujus temporalis commodi, et maxime gloriae principatusque sui gratia, falsas ac novas opiniones vel gignit vel sequitur. — August. lib. de Util. Credend. cap. 1. Op. 8. col. 45, ed. Bened. Par. 1679-1700. ftc255 ‘to be’ 1570: not in 1561. ftc256 Vade, inquit, a me; ita vivas: fieri non potest, ut filius istarum lacrymarum pereat. — August. Confess. Lib. 3. cap. 12. Op. 1. col. 96. ftc257 The answer to Monica in the last note is stated by Augustine in loco to have been given “per sacerdotem tuum, quemdam episcopum nutritum in ecclesia, et exercitatum in libris tuis:” but Ambrose was the means of turning Augustine from Manichaeism. — August. Confess.
Lib. 5. cap. 13. 14. Op. 1. col. 117, 118; and De Util. Credend. cap. 8.
Op. 8. col. 58. ftc258 See note 1. ftc259 ‘and’ 1570: not in 1561. ftc260 Vide p. 512, note 5, above. ftc261 ‘and’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc262 Vide p. 91, note 7, above. ftc263 Vide August. Cont. Lit. Petil. Lib. 2. cap. 47. Op. 9. col. 246, ‘ipsa [mensa] utrique fuit una, sed non utrique valuit ad unum;’ and Hieron.
Comm. in Malachi cap. 1. et cap. 2. Op. 6. col. 949 — 65, stud.
Vallars. Veron. 1734 — 42: and see Abp. Cranmer, Works, 1. p. 57 — 8, 223 — 5, Parker. Soc. ftc264 Panis iste quem Dominus discipulis porrigebat, non effigie sed natura mutatus, omnipotentia verbi factus est caro. — Arnold. Abbat. Bonaevall.
De coen. Dom. in Cypr. Op. Append. p. 40, Oxon. 1682.
Arnoldus flourished A.D. 1162. See Bp Jewel, Reply to Harding, Art. 10. div. 2. Parker Soc. p. 565, on the passage in question. ftc265 ... esso non desinit substantia vel natura panis et vini. — Gelas. Episc.
Romans adv. Eutych. et Nestor. in Mag. Biblioth. Vet. Parr. 4. 1. 423, Paris. 1634: also in Routh, Script. Eccl. Opusc. 2:139, Oxon. 1840. ftc266 Vide p. 87, note 5, above. ftc267 i.e. Pendleton’s. See before, p. 487. ftc268 ‘he’ 1561, a misprint for ‘I.’ ftc269 ‘with other talk more’ 1570: not in 1561. ftc270 ‘spoken’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc271 ‘Infirm:’ weaken. ftc272 See p. 511, note 5, above; and note 5 in the next page. ftc273 So 1563. ‘The copy whereof in English (for I did write it in Latin) shall immediately follow this communication’ 1561. The paper on transubstantiation does not however appear in the ‘Examinations,’ etc. of Bradford, 1561: it is therefore reprinted above from the first English edition of the Acts, etc. of Foxe, 1563. There is an early transcript of this document in MS. 1. 2. 8. (no. 12.) Emman. Coll. Cambridge. An abstract of it is given in the Latin edition of Foxe, Acts, etc. Rerum in ecclesia gestarum commentarii, Basil. 1559. ftc274 Quo peraeque adversus universas haereses jam hinc praejudi catum sit, id esse verum quodcumque primum; id esse adulterum quodcumque posterius. — Tertull. Adv. Prax. cap. 2. Op. 206-7, Lut. Par. 1675. ftc275 ... idem ipse sacerdos et sacrificium Jesus Christus, cujus corpus et sanguis in sacramento altaris sub speciebus panis et vini veraciter continentur, transubstantiatis pane in corpus et vino in sanguinem potestate divina, ut ad perficiendum mysterium unitatis accipiamus ipsi de suo quod accepit ipse de nostro. — Innocent. 3. Concil. Lat. Decr.
De Trin. 1. Op. 1. 461, Colossians 1575. See also Concil. Lateran. 4. in Concil. stud. Labb. et Cossart. 11. 1. col. 143, Lut. Par. 1671-2; and Corp. Jur. Canon. Decretal. Greg. 9. Lib. L. De Summe. Trin. et Fid.
Cath. Titus 1. cap. i. p. 460, Paris. 1618. ftc276 See p. 511, note 5, above. ftc277 See note F. ftc278 kai< ti>nov e[neken oujc u[dwr e]pien ajnasta Bened. Par. 1718-38. ftc279 ‘Dico vobis, non bibam a modo ex ista creatura vitis, usque in diem illum, quo vobiscum bibam novum vinum in regno Patris mei.’ Qua in parte invenimus calicem mixtum fuisse quem Dominus obtulit, et vinum fuisse quod sanguinem suum dixit. Unde apparet sanguinem Christi non offerri, si desit vinum calici. — Cypr. Epist. 63. ad Caecil. Op. 152, Oxon. 1682. ftc280 See p. 543, note 6, above. ftc281 Comperimus autem, quod quidam sumpta tantummodo corporis sacri portione a calice sacri cruoris abstineant. Qui proculdubio (quoniam nescio qua superstitione docentur obstringi) aut integra sacramenta percipiant, aut ab integris arceantur; quia divisio unius ejusdemque mysterii sine grandi sacrilegio non potest provenire. — Gelas. in Corp.
Jur. Canon. Decret. Gratian. Decr. Tert. Pars, De Consecr. Dist. 2. can. 12. p. 417, Paris. 1618. ftc282 The last eleven words are in 1563, not in 1561. ftc283 ‘last’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc284 ‘always’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc285 Puer dicit, Credatur patri meo, quia moriens mentiri non potuit. — August. Serm. 355. (al. De diversis 49.) Op. 5. col. 1382, ed. Bened.
Par. 1679-1700. ftc286 St. Augustine expressly says, ‘Quidquid autem figurate fit aut dicitur, non est mendacium.’ — Id. De mendac, cap. 5. Op. 6. col. 423: and vide Cont. mendac, ad Consent. cap. 10. Op. 6. col. 460-2. ftc287 See p. 543, note 5, above. ftc288 See the passage from Gelasius in p. 543, note 6, above: and see Abp.
Cranmer on the passage in the pseudo-Cyprian referred to in the last note, Defence of the sacrament, 2. 11. Works, 1:308, Parker Soc. ftc289 ‘which they had before,’ ‘as,’ 1563: not in 1561. ftc290 Compare the Sermon on the Lord’s supper, p. 86 above. ftc291 Cypr. Epist. 63, ad Caecil. Op. 148-57, Oxon. 1682: and vide annot.
Fell. Episc. Oxon. in Epist. ftc292 ... quia hospitalitatem sectati sunt, eum quem in ipsa expositione scripturarum non cognoverant, in panis fractione cognoscunt. — August. Quaest. Evang. Lib. 2. Quaest. 51. Op. 3. 2. col. 276, ed.
Bened. Par. 1679-1700. Vide Bp. Jewel, Reply to Harding, Art. 2. div. 12. p. 232, Parker Soc. ftc293 ‘stablished’ 1563: ‘stablish’ 1561. ftc294 ‘Overly:’ over. ftc295 ‘need,’ ‘nothing,’ 1561: ‘needed,’ ‘any thing,’ 1563. ftc296 ‘not,’ ‘first,’ 1563: omitted in 1561. ftc297 This conference on April 5 is given in the ‘Examinations,’ etc. 1561, and in Foxe, Acts, etc. 1570 and after editions, but is omitted in 1563.
The ‘Talk with a servant,’ p. 553-6, is reprinted from Foxe, Acts, etc. 1570, as it does not occur in the ‘Examinations,’ etc. 1561, or in Foxe 1563. That last ‘colloquy’ must have taken place after February 25, the date of the conference with A Castro, to which Bradford refers, p. 554. ftc298 ‘it’ 1570: not in 1561. ftc299 Vide p. 528, note 9, above. ftc300 ‘mihi’ 1570: not in 1561. ftc301 Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1651-2, or ed. 1843-8, 7:255-7. It will appear hereafter among the letters of Bradford. ftc302 See p. 550, note 1, above. ftc303 Alphonsus a Castro preached before King Philip against religious persecution, February 10, 1555: it was a political maneuver. See Foxe, Acts, etc., 1583, p. 1529, or ed. 1843-8, 6:704-5; Bp. Burnet, Hist.
Ref.; Collier, Ecc. Hist.; Turner, Hist. 3. 481-2, ed. 1829; Anderson, Annals, Eng. Bible, 2:289-92. ftc304 ... dico et firmissime teneo justum esse, ut haereticus incorrigibilis occidatur. — Alfons, a Castro De just. haeret. punit. Lib. 2. cap. 12. fol. 121, Salmant. 1547. Copy, British Museum. ftc305 Basil. Homil. in Martyr. Julitt. 1-3. Op. 2. 33-5, ed. Bened. Paris. 1721-30. ftc306 ‘stept me’ 1570, 1576, 1583. ftc307 See references, p. 350, note 4, above. ftc308 Bradford only describes himself thus in some of his earliest letters, addressed to Traves. — Foxe, Acts, etc. 1583, p. 1660 — 4, or ed. 1843 — 8, 7:275 — 84. ftc309 See p. 35 — 6, above. ftc310 Quinctil. De Instit. Orat. Lib. 1. cap. 11. ftc311 Id. ibid. Lib. 1. cap. 6.: and vide Lib. 2. cap. 3.; Lib. 8. cap. 2. ftc312 August. Enarr. in Psalm 138. Op. 4. col. 1545, ed. Bened. Par. — 1700: and De Doctr. Christ. Lib. 4:24. Op. 3. Pars 1. col. 73. ftc313 Vide Herbert. Typogr. Antiq. 2. 1141, 1156. ftc314 Vide Fuller, Worthies, Hertfordshire, Lond. 1662. ftc315 John Dod, fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, had preceded Dr.
Robert Harris in the rectory of Hanwell. He died 1645, aged 96. — Clarke, Lives, p. 168 — 78, Lond. 1677. Fuller, Worthies, Cheshire, Lond. 1662. ftc316 Evidently John Dod: see last note, and Clarke, ibid. p. 319. ftc317 Mosheim. Eccl. Hist. cent. 15. 2. 2:24. and 3:9. ftc318 Possibly a reference to Peter ‘Cantor Parisiensis,’ who died 1197. — Id. ibid. cent. 12. 2. 3:6: Apology for Lollard doctrines, p. 154, Camden Soc. 1842. ftc319 Mosheim. ibid. cent. 15. 2. 2:24.: McCrie, Reform. Italy, p. 27 — 36, Edinb. 1833. ftc320 See accounts of these divines in Clarke, Lives, p. 12 — 5, 22 — 4, Lond. 1677; Fuller, Abel redivivus 1651, p. 431 — 40, 586 — 92; Mosheim, Eccl. Hist. cent. 16. sect. 3. 2. 2:37, and cent. 17. sect. 2. 2. 2:9; Wood, Athenae Oxon. Bliss. 2. col. 319 — 20, 514 — 7, 670 — 3. ftc321 Richard Capel, author of ‘Temptations, their nature, danger, and cure,’ 1650, published afterward a ‘fourth part,’ 1655: he was fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and rector of Eastington. After his death, 1656, were published his ‘Remains, being an appendix to his treatise of Temptation,’ etc., 1658. — Wood, ibid. 3. 421 — 3; Clarke, ibid. p. 303 — 13; and account of his Life in Preface to his ‘Remains,’ by Valentine Marshall. ftc322 The battle of Edgehill, a few miles from Hanwell, was fought, October 23,1642, while Dr. Harris was rector of the latter place: and soldiers were quartered in his house. — Clarke, Lives, p. 321, Lond. 1677. ftc323 Thomas Lever was ordained deacon and priest by Bp. Ridley, 1550, and was an eloquent preacher in the reign of Edward VI. He was appointed master of Sherborn Hospital, 1561; and died, 1577. He was the author of various Sermons and other pieces. Vide Strype, Mem. 2. 1:403, 404 — 9, 427, Grindal, 253, Annals, 2. 2:156; and Bp. Ridley, Works, p. 59, Parker Soc. ftc324 See p. 112 and 296 above. The heading to this preface, in the ‘Godly Meditations,’ etc. 1567, is: ‘A preface, shewing the true understanding of God’s word, and the right use of God’s works and benefits, evident and easy to be seen in the exercise of these Meditations.’ ftc325 See p. 112, 296, above. ftc326 See p. 321, note 1, above. ftc327 The words ‘et cogitationem’ are added in the original. ftc328 In the original, ‘die nocte.’ ftc329 The heading of this prayer in the Meditations of Bradford, 1559, is: ‘A most fruitful prayer for the dispersed church of Christ, very necessary to be used of the godly in these days of affliction, compiled by R. P.’ ftc330 ‘of’ 1578,1607,1614: not in 1559. ftc331 ‘standeth’ 1559: ‘stand’ 1578, 1607, 1614. ftc332 An allusion to the marriage of queen Mary with Philip II. of Spain, July 25, 1554. — Strype, Mem. 3. 1:196 — 210, 418 — 20. ftc333 The letter is that ‘on the mass, to Hopkins and others at Coventry,’ p, 389-99 above. It had been printed before by Bp. Coverdale, ‘Letters of the martyrs’ 1564, p. 345-54. ftc334 Bp. Ridley’s Declaration of the Lord’s supper was reprinted by the learned Henry Wharton, Lond. 1688. See Works of Bp. Ridley, p. 14:5 — 45. ftc335 The entire Disputation of Bp. Ridley had appeared in Latin in the edition of Foxe’s ‘Acts and Monuments,’ printed in that language, the Rerum in ecclesia gestarum commentarii, Basil. 1559; and has lately been reprinted after collation with a MS. in the collection of Abp.
Parker in Corpus Christi Coll. Cambridge) in Works of Bp. Ridley, p. 433 — 81, Parker Soc. ftc336 The following words are scored across in the original, ‘Quod in eucharistiae, sive altaris sacramento, verum et naturale Christi corpus et verus et naturalis Christi sanguis sub speciebus panis et vini vere non est; et quod ibi est et materialis panis et materiale vinum tantum, absque veritate et praesentia corporis et sanguinis Christi.’ ftc337 This heading is in the Emmanuel MS., but not in 1564. ftc338 The last eleven words are in the Emmanuel MS., but not in 1564. ftc339 ‘call’ MS.: ‘calling’ 1564. ftc340 ‘sought’ MS.: ‘taught.’
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