1. The great human family speedily divided into branches
2. The surname of Clarke originated from the office of clerk
3. The knowledge of letters not common in ancient times in England
4. Withred, king of Kent, A. D. 700, signed a charter of Liberties with the sign of the Cross, because he could not write
5. Henry the First, the only one of his family that could write
6. Boldon Book contains a Survey of the Bishoprick of Durham, in 1183 Adam, the Clerk, mentioned as tenant in it Various instances of surnames in that and Domesday, derived from offices and employments
7. Different kinds of names among the Romans Difference between the pranomen, nomen, and cognomen Ingenui among the Romans, the same as gentleman among the English
8. Family of Clarke originally English Went over to Ireland in the seventeenth century, and settled in the county of Antrim Matrimonial connections Hugh Stuart Boyd, allied to the family of Clarke by marriage, and still holds some of the estates
9. Short pedigree of the Clarke family. (note)
10. Anecdote of William Clarke, great — great-grandfather of Adam Clarke. (note)
11. John Clarke the great — grandfather, has 19 children, — 18 sons and 1 daughter (note)
12. Horseman Clarke died of hydrophobia in consequence of being spattered with the foam of a mad dog. (note)
13. The Clarke family lost their estates, in consequence of the absence of a material witness in a tria1 at law (note)
14. John Clarke, father of Adam, takes his degree of M. A. at Edinburgh and Glasgow Enters as Sizer in Trinity College, Dublin, being intended for the church His prospects in the church blighted by a premature marriage Licensed as a public parish schoolmaster Marries Miss Hannah MacLean, descended from the MacLeans of Mull Feud between the MacLeans and MacDonalds
15. Mr. John Clarke embarks for America, with the promise of a professorship in one of the new Universities there Is prevented from sailing by his father Gets into difficulties in consequence of breaking up his establishment Settles in an obscure village in the county of Derry called Moybeg
16. Adam, his second son, born No register of the time of his birth preserved
17. Tracy Clarke, the eldest son, licensed by the Consistorial Court of Derry, as a parish schoolmaster Bound apprentice to a surgeon Goes to Dublin, and studies anatomy under Dr. Cleghorne, of Trinity College Sails in a slave ship to Guinea and the West Indies His Journal destroyed by the captain of the ship Various instances of cruelty witnessed by him during his voyage Is disgusted with the horrid nature of the traffic; abandons it, and establishes himself as a surgeon, near Liverpool,
18. Adam Clarke very hardy in his infancy His uncle, the Rev. J. MacLean, remarkable for his strength One of his aunts very diminutive The district remarkable for having produced tall strong men
19. Adam gets well through the small pox by naturally adopting the cool regimen His early religious impressions and conversations with a school-fellow
20. Anecdote of Dr. Barnard
21. Adam has a horror of becoming fat Has his fortune told by a spaeman Is a very inapt scholar Prediction of a neighboring schoolmaster concerning him
22. Unfitness of many public teachers for their employment
23. Adam abandons his Latin grammar in despair Is severely reproved by the master, and taunted by his school-fellows His intellect becomes suddenly enlightened, and he advances in his learning rapidly. Reflections upon this sudden revolution
24. Advice to schoolmasters
25. Adam never makes any great progress in arithmetic
26. Depressed state of the family
27. The prices of various branches of education in Ireland at the latter end of the 18th century
28. Mr. John Clarke cultivates his farm according to the rules laid down by Virgil in his Georgics
29. Adam and his brother alternately work in the farm, and instruct each other Read the Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil in the midst of scenes similar to those described in that work
30. Fragments of a Satire written by Adam on one of his schoolfellows Scholia on ditto
31. The love of reading in Adam and his brother becomes intense They lay by their half-pence and pence to buy books A catalogue of their books
32. Works of imagination useful to young minds
33. Adam reads the Pilgrim’s Progress His reflections as a child upon the conduct of Christian in the dungeon More mature reflections Becomes an enthusiastic admirer of the Trojan hero, Hector, from hearing his father recite portions of the Iliad Is induced to attempt to obtain a knowledge of occult philosophy Forms an acquaintance with a company of traveling tinkers, who profess to be adept in magic Is deterred from pursuing his magical studies by reading an answer to a question on the subject in the Athenian Oracle” From the reports spread in the neighborhood of his supernatural powers, marauders are deterred from robbing his father’s premises Receives the first taste for Oriental literature by reading the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments Derives great benefit from reading the adventures of Robinson Crusoe and Aesop’s Fables
34. Manner in which the peasants of the North of Ireland spend their winters’ evenings
35. Strong impression made upon the memory of the hearer by the relation of the Gaelic stories
36. Baptism of Fion ma cool, or Fingal, by St. Patrick Manners of the Irish peasantry
37. Adam’s Mother, a Presbyterian of the old puritanic school Her method of reproving her children An instance of the affect of her reproofs upon her son Adam Her creed leads her to represent the Almighty rather as a God of justice than a God of mercy She impresses on her family a great reverence for the Bible Evening prayer taught by her to her children Morning prayer and Doxology Her manner of spending the Sabbath with her family
38. Religious education of the family
39. Mode of practicing sacred music in the North of Ireland Various instances from sacred and profane history of the antiquity of this mode of singing Not in use among the Irish Roman Catholics
40. An account of the Caoinian or Irish howl
41. A. C. learns dancing Its evil effects upon him His protest against this branch of education
42. Various projects or A. C.’s settlement in life Has a narrow escape for his life in consequence of a fall from a horse A. C has another narrow escape from death by drowning Conversation with Dr. Letsom on the subject Sensations while under water, and on coming to life
43. A remarkable anecdote of an attempted robbery and murder
44. Unfortunate accident by an incautious use of fire arms
45. Remarkable events attending the deaths of two brothers
46. General belief in fairies in that part of Ireland
1. Summary of religion
2. A. C.’s first religious instructors He hears for the first time of the Methodists, through the medium of a Newspaper Is induced to go to hear them by the prospect of deriving amusement Is struck by at observation of the preacher Is induced to go to hear him again
3. Adam’s parents approve of the Methodist doctrines The preachers are invited to, and entertained in, their house A. C. begins to feel an increasing attachment to religion True religion makes no man slothful
4. A. C. is stirred up to greater diligence in prayer, by a conversation with Mr. Barber He in dispirited by opinions of religious friends Determines to search the Scriptures for himself He forms the Articles of his Creed from his own study of the Sacred Writings, without referring to any human creed or confession of faith
5. A. C. is taken by his mother to a class-meeting Is taken notice of a and encouraged by the leader His mind becomes filled with doubts
6. An anecdote of the Caliph Aalee
7. A. C. is filled with doubts concerning the Atonement This proceeds so far that be conceives himself guilty of idolatry by praying in the name of Christ Is delivered from this state of mind by earnest prayer From his own feelings on the subject, he always thought it his duty to caution others against the Arian and Socinian errors
8. A.C., from his own experience on this occasion, forms his opinion of the spurious doctrine of the Eternal Sonship of Christ Arguments against this doctrine
9. Danger of young converts meeting with persons who are full of doubtful disputations
10. A. C.’s mental sufferings from the temporary perversion of his creed He has a strong desire to receive the Sacrament for the first time His preparations for that solemn ordinance The clergyman much affected while giving him the bread A. C.’s feelings during the ordinance, and his opinion of the this Sacrament
11. Advice to communicants
12. A. C. undergoes great spiritual anguish Reflections on this Finds peace with God Converses with Mr. Barber on the subject Receives the witness of the Spirit, and a clear evidence of his acceptance with God Extract of a Sermon preached by him, on this subject, seven years after, at Plymouth
13. Reflections on the nature and use of religion
14. A. C. finds his mind enlightened and more adapted to receive instruction through his increase in spiritual knowledge Acquires a taste for Natural Philosophy, by the perusal of Derham’s Astro-theology and Ray’s Wisdom of God in the Creation The Dictionaries of John Kersey and Benjamin Martin of great use to him Two of his Sisters join the Methodists He is the means of the conversion of one of his sohool-fellows
15. Account of Andrew Coleman His wonderful progress in learning An intimate friendship between him and A. C. He is employed as a class-leader Sent out as a traveling preacher Dies at the age of eighteen of a consumption A. C.’s reflections on his death
16. Instances of Andrew Coleman’s extraordinary memory
17. Adam Clarke begins to exhort in the neighboring villages His method of procedure in such cases Sometimes preaches in nine or ten villages in one day Turns his attention to mathematics His profits in gnomonics Makes considerable exertions to obtain a knowledge of the French language Occasionally amuses himself with attempts at poetry
18. A. C. is placed on trial, prior to being apprenticed with Mr. Francis Bennet, a linen merchant All his religious friends averse to this arrangement Mr. John Bredin writes to Mr. Wesley concerning him Mr. Wesley offers to take him into Kingswood School His parents receive the proposal with indignation Mr. Bennet offers to set him up in business as an Irish provision merchant He meets with many judicious and religious friends at Coleraine He derives much spiritual benefit from the perusal of “Baxter’s Saints Everlasting Rest,” and the “Journal of David Brainard” He attracts the notice of Mr. Rutherford and other preachers He is unpleasantly situated in Mr. Bennet’s family, owing to a termagant of a servant and a sick relative His method of reproving sin An extract from his Journal
19. Much temptation, as well as prayer and reading, necessary to form a Christian minister
20. A. C. becomes exceedingly cautious in his conversation, that at last he doubts the most evident facts, and hesitates at trusting the evidence of his senses
21. He brings himself down to the edge of the grave by fasting and selfdenial
22. His memory becomes affected
23. He is filled with distressing doubts His opinion that at he was permitted to undergo all these trials in order to qualify him for the ministerial office In after life no case of conscience could come before him its which he was not qualified to judge from his own experience of the state. His deliverance from this state of misery The means he used to strengthen his memory His imperfect memory of use to him as a preacher He is obliged in the pulpit to trust to judgment rather than recollection This renders his mode of preaching new and effective
1. Advice to young ministers
2. Different ranks in the primitive church
3. A. C.’s great reluctance to commence [as a] regular preacher His first sermon He is encouraged by the approbation of his congregations Prepares to leave Ireland Gets a certificate from the Rector of the parish Is ordered over to Kingswood School Strong objections of his parents to this measure His Mother becomes persuaded that God has called her son to the Ministry, and brings over his Father to consent to the voyage to England
4. A. C. embarks at Londonderry and sails for Liverpool Occurrences during the voyage The ship is visited by a press-gang A. C.’s reflections upon this unconstitutional method of manning the Royal Navy
5. A. C. is taken by the captain of the packet to his house His conversation there with a Scotch lady And a Roman Catholic He takes his place by the Fly for Birmingham Company on the road Danger of quoting Heathen authors as evidences in favor of Christianity Equal danger in quoting the Fathers in proof of the doctrines of the Gospel Is kindly received at Birmingham Has his expectations of Kingswood School considerably lessened His arrival at Bristol Occurrences at the inn in Bristol Sets off for Kingswood with three halfpence in his pocket His unfeeling reception there His usage there Instances of the tyranny of the mistress
6. A. C.’s first introduction to Mr. Rankin
7. Character of Mr. Rankin A. C.’s intercourse with him in after life
8. A description of Kingswood School in the year 1783 Domestic establishment there Characters of the teachers Mr. Wesley’s declared opinion of this School in the year 1783. Reasons of the disorganization of the School The School much improved of late years
9. A. C. finds a half guinea while digging its the garden He is thus enabled to purchase a Hebrew grammar This apparently trifling occurrence lays the foundation of all his knowledge of the Sacred Writings in the Old Testament His first introduction to Mr. Wesley
10. A. C. is ordained by Mr. Wesley, and sent to Bradford, in Wiltshire Hears Mr. Wesley preach Meets with Mr. Charles Wesley
11. The reason why A. C.’s name does not appear in the Minutes of the Methodist Conference the first year of his becoming a traveling preacher
12. A.C.’s situation becomes much improved by the arrival of Mr. Wesley
13. Farther instances of tyranny in the mistress of Kingswood School
14. A. C. is confirmed by the bishop of Bristol His feelings on leaving Kingswood School He is very young when sent out to preach, and from his youthful appearance is generally called the “little boy” His qualifications as a preacher His creed Reflections on the Articles of his Creed Reflections on the tenth Article, relative to the Eternal Sonship
1. Extent of the Bradford (Wilts) Circuit in
2. Great extent of circuit favorable to a young preacher
3. A. C. is fearful that his youth may hinder his usefulness as a preacher is pleasingly disappointed in this respect An anecdote of his preaching at Road God blesses his ministry in all parts of the circuit
4. A. C. commences the study of the Hebrew language
5. A critique upon Bayley’s Hebrew grammar
6. A. C.’s method of studying Reads through the volumes of Mr. Wesley’s History of the Church, while riding on horseback to attend his various appointments Has his studies put a stop to for a time by the injudicious interference of a brother preacher Makes a vow to give up all learning Is encouraged in this resolution by the preacher before alluded to The sinful nature of such a vow The manner in which Mr. C. was led to view it in its proper light
7. A quotation from a Sermon of Bridaine
8. Mr. Wesley encourages Mr. C. to resume his studies
9. A. C. finds that, after four years loss of time, it is no easy thing to resume his studies with profit to himself
10. The assertion, that the Methodists as a body undervalue learning, not a correct one
11. Mr. C. gives up the us of tea and coffee in consequence of reading a pamphlet written on the subject by Mr. Wesley Saves several years of time, during his life, by thus giving up tea-parties He is summoned to the Bristol Conference in 1783 Extracts from his Journal He is admitted into Full Connection, after traveling only eleven months His reflections on this occasion His whimsical dilemma upon his examination He is appointed to the Norwich Circuit, August, 1783 His ministerial exertions during the preceding ten months
12. Mr. C.’s personal experience during the same period His reasons for not wishing to preserve his Journal
13. Extent of the Norwich Circuit in the year 1783 The names and characters of the preachers in that Circuit The Circuit very low as regarded numbers and religion
14. The manner of providing for the preachers in Norwich
15. Ludicrous anecdote
16. Anecdote of a clergyman
17. Mr. C.’s mechanical contrivances He literally obeys the advice given to preachers when admitted into the Methodist Connection He undergoes great hardships in his Circuit during the winter of 1783—4 His expedients to preserve himself from the cold
18. Luxuries of primitive Methodism
19. Extracts from Mr. C.’s Journal
20. Mr. C. hears Mr. Wesley preach eight sermons, of which he preserves the texts
21. The people of Norfolk much addicted to Sabbath-breaking
22. An anecdote of a Norfolk miller Ditto of Mr. John Hampson and Mr. Wesley Ditto of Mr. George Holder
23. An extract from Mr. C.’s Journal concerning the Swedenborgian doctrine of “no persons” in the Trinity
24. A Sabbath-breaker shot
25. More extracts from the Journal
26. Mr. C.’s prejudice against female preachers He hears Miss Sewell preach His sentiments in some measure altered Reflections in his Journal on female preaching He is appointed to the St. Austell Circuit Has a guinea sent him to defray his traveling expenses during a journey of 400 miles His journey from Norfolk to Cornwall
27. Extent of the St. Austell circuit in the year 1784 Great revival of religion there Several persons, distinguished for their abilities, join the Society Character of Mr. Samuel Drew
28. Mr. C. goes to preach at a place called Trego Is not permitted to preach and is turned out at night His behavior on this occasion He nearly loses his life by the falling of his horse Does not recover from the ill effects of his fall for more than three years
29. Extracts from Mr. C.’s Journal
30. Description of a remarkable meteor
31. State of religion in the St. Austell circuit
32. Mr. C. injures his health by his exertions He preaches 8 sermons, besides giving numerous exhortations, and traveling some hundreds of miles in eleven mouths He turns his attention to chemistry He works at the furnace himself in order to understand the various Scriptural allusions to the refining of silver Reads the alchemistic writers, and goes through several of the initiatory operations Forms an intimate friendship with Mr. Richard Mabyn, of Camelford He is appointed to the Plymouth Dock circuit Extent of the circuit in 1785 The Society is doubled during the year of Mr. C.’s ministry He obtains the loan of Chambers’s Encyclopedia His high opinion of that work Suggestions for the improvement of it Purchases Leigh’s Critica Sacra Has a copy of Dr. Kennicott’s Hebrew Bible lent him by Miss Kennicott; this work first directs his attention to Biblical Criticism His unpleasant situation with a choir of singers His opinion of choirs of singers as forming part of religious worship
33. An Account of Mr. Mason
34. A remarkable anecdote illustrating the effect of quack medicines Dangerous nature of these nostrums
35. Mr. C.’s appointment to the Norman Isles He prepares to go to Jersey His first acquaintance with the family of Cooke Becomes attached to Miss Mary Cooke, afterwards Mrs. Clarke
36. Reflections, extracted from his Journal, chiefly written during visits to Winchester Cathedral On Earth Glory Remarkable Epitaph on two brothers of the name of Clarke, Reasons for the slow progress of Revelation On Conscience Are Natural Evils the effect of Inevitable Necessity
37. Mr. C.’s opinion of the common practice of publishing after their death, Letters written by eminent men Injury done to the memory of Pope and Swift by this practice Injury done to the character of the late Mr. Fletcher, of Madeley, by ill-judging friends
38. A description of the Norman Isles Mr. C. commences preaching there He begins de novo with Greek and Latin Takes up the Septuagint His opinion of this Version Notes the most important differences between this Version and the Hebrew Text Derives much assistance from the Public Library at St. Hellier’s Here he first meets with a copy of the Polyglott Dean Pridesux’s Connections gives him on accurate view of the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel Reads Walton’s Introductio ad Linguas Orientales, and the Schola Syriaca of Professor Leusden Devotes all his leisure time to the reading and collating the original Texts in the Polyglott, particularly the Hebrew, Samaritan, Chaldee, Syriac, Vulgate, and Septuagint Obtains a Polyglot of his own His reflections on this occasion
39. Mr. Wesley, accompanied by Dr. Coke and Mr. Bradford, visits the Norman Isles They leave the Islands for Penzance Occurrences on the voyage
40. Mr. C.’s opinion of Mr. Wesley
41. Character of Miss Cooke, afterwards Mrs. Clarke The connection between her and Mr. C. opposed by her friends Mr. Wesley is induced, by false representations, to oppose their marriage Afterwards, in finding out his error, becomes a mediator
42. Mr. C. and Miss Cooke are married, April 17, 1788 The union a happy one Other marriages in that family
43. Mr. C. is attacked by a mob, while preaching at La Valle in Guernsey He has another narrow escape for his life from a mob at St. Aubin’s, in the Island of Jersey The mob nearly destroy the preachinghouse Dr. C.’s account of this transaction, in his comment on Luke 4:20
44. Mr. C. goes, the following Sabbath, to the same place to preach Is again attacked by the mob His address to them Is taken under their protection, and never again molested by them The mob being ashamed of their conduct, and having given up persecution, a magistrate opposes him. He nearly loses his life from the effects of intense cold Is preserved by the presence of mind of his companion A similar instance occurred to Dr. Solander and Sir Joseph Banks Mr. C. has, in after years the opportunity of serving his preserver
45. Mr. C.’s first visit to the Isle of Alderney Threatened opposition of the Governor Lands in the Island, and preaches at a poor cottage Is, after a short interval, called upon to preach again before one of the justices Preaches on the following Sabbath at the English church Meets with no opposition from the authorities, and is well received by all Is obliged to be his own cook during his stay in the island
46. Proofs of the fertility of the Norman Isles
47. Mr. C.’s removal to the Bristol circuit, in 1789 His health much injured by in continual exertions
48. Mr. Wesley’s last Conference, at Bristol, in 1790 Rule made there that no preacher should preach three times during the same day Difference between preaching a sermon and uttering one
50. Mr. C. appointed to the Dublin circuit, 1790 Is laid up with a rheumatic affection, in consequence of residing in a nearly finished damp house
51. Disputes in the Dublin Circuit concerning the introduction of the Liturgy into the Methodists’ Chapel
52. Mr. C. gives his voice against the use of the Liturgy in the Methodists’ Chapel His reasons for opposing the introduction of the Liturgy Sees his mistake in after life
53. Death of Mr. Wesley
54. A letter from Dr. Barnard, Bishop of Killaloe, to Mr. Clarke (note) 55 . Mr. C. appointed one of his six trustees by Mr. Wesley’s will Enters himself in Trinity College, Dublin Studies under Drs. Dickinson, Cleghorn, and R. Percival Establishes the Strangers’ Friend Society, in Dublin, Manchester, and London He removes to Manchester, 1791 Obliged to have recourse to the Buxton waters for the recovery of his health
56. Commencement of the French Revolution Mr. C.’s colleagues take opposite sides on this question
57. Ministers of the Gospel have nothing to do with politics Conclusion of Dr. Clarke’s own Narrative