Verse 14. "The Lord blessed the house of Obed-edom" - That this man was only a sojourner at Gath, whence he was termed Gittite, and that he was originally a Levite, is evident from 1 Chron. xv. 17, 18.
The Targum ends this chapter thus: "And the Word of the Lord blessed Obed-edom, and his children, and his grand-children; and his wife conceived, and his eight daughters-in-law: and each brought forth eight at one birth, insomuch that in one day there were found, of fathers and children, fourscore and one; and He blessed and increased greatly all that belonged to him." This exposition will not be generally received; but all rabbins must be allowed to deal in the marvellous.
For other remarks see on 2 Sam. vi. 1, &c.