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| Chapter XXXII.—That one God was the author of both Testaments, is confirmed by the authority of a presbyter who had been taught by the apostles. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXXII.—That one God was the
author of both Testaments, is confirmed by the authority of a presbyter who had
been taught by the apostles.
1. After this
fashion also did a presbyter,4242
4242 Harvey remarks here, that this can hardly be the same
presbyter mentioned before, “who was only a hearer of those who had
heard the apostles. Irenæus may here mean the venerable martyr Polycarp,
bishop of Smyrna.” | a disciple of the apostles, reason
with respect to the two testaments, proving that both were truly from one
and the same God. For [he maintained] that there was no other God besides
Him who made and fashioned us, and that the discourse of those men has no
foundation who affirm that this world of ours was made either by angels,
or by any other power whatsoever, or by another God. For if a man be once
moved away from the Creator of all things, and if he grant that this
creation to which we belong was formed by any other or through any other
[than the one God], he must of necessity fall into much inconsistency,
and many contradictions of this sort; to which he will [be able to]
no explanations which can be regarded as either
probable or true. And, for this reason, those who introduce other
doctrines conceal from us the opinion which they themselves hold
respecting God, because they are aware of the untenable4243
4243 “Quassum et futile.” The text
varies much in the mss.
| and absurd nature of their doctrine, and are afraid lest, should
they be vanquished, they should have some difficulty in making good their
escape. But if any one believes in [only] one God, who also made all
things by the Word, as Moses likewise says, “God said, Let there be
light: and there was light;”4244 and as we
read in the Gospel, “All things were made by Him; and without Him
was nothing made;”4245 and the Apostle Paul [says]
in like manner, “There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God
and Father, who is above all, and through all, and in us all”4246 —this man will first of all “hold
the head, from which the whole body is compacted and bound together, and,
through means of every joint according to the measure of the ministration
of each several part, maketh increase of the body to the edification of
itself in love.”4247 And then shall every word also seem consistent to him,4248 if he for his part diligently read the Scriptures
in company with those who are presbyters in the Church, among whom is the
apostolic doctrine, as I have pointed out.
2. For all the apostles taught that there were indeed
two testaments among the two peoples; but that it was one and the same
God who appointed both for the advantage of those men (for whose4249
4249 We here read “secundum
quos” with Massuet, instead of usual “secundum
quod.” | sakes the testaments were given) who were
to believe in God, I have proved in the third book from the very teaching
of the apostles; and that the first testament was not given without
reason, or to no purpose, or in an accidental sort of manner; but that it
“Concurvans,” corresponding to συγκάμπτων,
which, says Harvey, “would be expressive of those who were brought
under the law, as the neck of the steer is bent to the yoke.”
| those to whom it was given to the service of God, for their
benefit (for God needs no service from men), and exhibited a type of
heavenly things, inasmuch as man was not yet able to see the things of
God through means of immediate vision;4251
4251 The Latin is, “per proprium visum.”
| and foreshadowed the images of those things which [now actually]
exist in the Church, in order that our faith might be firmly
4252 [If this
and the former chapter seem to us superfluous, we must reflect that such
testimony, from the beginning, has established the unity of Holy
Scripture, and preserved to us—the Bible.] | and contained
a prophecy of things to come, in order that man might learn that God has
foreknowledge of all things.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH