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| Chapter V.—I will not teach you profound doctrines. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter V.—I will not teach you
profound doctrines.
Am I not able to write
to you of heavenly things? But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict
injury on you who are but babes [in Christ]. Pardon me in this respect,
lest, as not being able to receive [such doctrines], ye should be
strangled by them. For even I, though I am
bound [for Christ], yet am not on that account able to understand
heavenly things, and the places750 of the angels,
and their gatherings under their respective princes, things visible and
invisible. Without reference to such abstruse subjects, I am still but a
learner [in other respects751
751 Literally, “passing by this;” but both text
and meaning are very doubtful. | ]; for many things are wanting
to us, that we come not short of God.
For might752
752 ἐβουλόμην
apparently by mistake for ἐδυνάμην.
| not I write to you things more full of mystery? But I fear to do
so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are but babes [in Christ].
Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their
weighty import,753
Literally, “their force.” | ye should be strangled
by them. For even I, though I am bound [for
Christ], and am able to understand heavenly things, the angelic orders,
and the different sorts754 of angels and hosts, the
distinctions between powers and dominions, and the diversities between
thrones and authorities, the mightiness of the Æons, and the
pre-eminence of the cherubim and seraphim, the sublimity of the spirit,
the kingdom of the Lord, and above all, the incomparable majesty of
Almighty God—though I am acquainted with these things, yet am I
not therefore by any means perfect; nor am I such a disciple as Paul or
Peter. For many things are yet wanting to me, that I may not fall short