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| Chapter I.—Exhortations to earnestness and moderation. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter I.—Exhortations to
earnestness and moderation.
I Exhort
thee in God, that thou add [speed] to thy course, and that thou vindicate
thy dignity. Have a care to preserve concord with the saints. Bear [the
burdens of] the weak, that “thou mayest fulfil the law of
Christ.”1266 Devote1267
1267 Literally, “having leisure
for.” | thyself to fasting and prayer, but not beyond
measure, lest thou destroy thyself1268
1268 Literally, “cast thyself down.” |
thereby. Do not altogether abstain from wine and flesh, for these things
are not to be viewed with abhorrence, since [the Scripture] saith,
“Ye shall eat the good things of the earth.”1269 And again, “Ye shall eat flesh even as herbs.”1270 And again, “Wine maketh glad the heart of
man, and oil exhilarates, and bread strengthens him.”1271 But all are to be used with moderation, as
being the gifts of God. “For who shall eat or who shall drink
without Him? For if anything be beautiful, it is His; and if anything be
good, it is His.”1272 Give attention to reading,1273 that thou mayest not only thyself know the
laws, but mayest also explain them to others, as the earnest servant1274
1274 Literally,
“athlete.” | of God. “No man that warreth
entangleth himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him
who hath chosen him to be a soldier; and if a man also strive for
masteries, yet is he not crowned except he strive lawfully.”1275 I that am in bonds pray that my soul may be in
place of yours.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH