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| Chapter III.—Exhortations as to ecclesiastical duties. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter III.—Exhortations as to
ecclesiastical duties.
“Honour widows that are widows
indeed.”1278 Be the friend of orphans;
for God is “the Father of the fatherless, and the Judge of the
widows.”1279 Do nothing without the
bishops; for they are priests, and thou a servant of the priests. They
baptize, offer sacrifice,1280
1280 The term ἱερουργέω, which
we have translated as above, is one whose signification is disputed. It
occurs once in the New Testament (Rom. xv. 16) where
it is translated in our English version simply “ministering.”
Etymologically, it means “to act as a priest,” and we have in
our translation followed Hesychius (Cent. iv.), who explains it as
meaning “to offer sacrifice.” [The whole passage in the
Epistle to the Romans, where this word occurs may be compared (original
Greek) with Mal. i. 11, Heb. v.
1, etc.] | ordain, and lay on hands; but thou
ministerest to them, as the holy Stephen
did at Jerusalem to
James and the presbyters. Do not neglect the sacred meetings1281 [of the saints];
inquire after every one by name. “Let no man despise thy youth, but
be thou an example to the believers, both in word and