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| Chapter CXVI.—It is shown how this prophecy suits the Christians. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter CXVI.—It is shown how this
prophecy suits the Christians.
“But to
give you the account of the revelation of the holy Jesus Christ, I take
up again my discourse, and I assert that even that revelation was made
for us who believe on Christ the High Priest, namely this crucified One;
and though we lived in fornication and all kinds of filthy conversation,
we have by the grace of our Jesus, according to His Father’s will,
stripped ourselves of all those filthy wickednesses with which we were
imbued. And though the devil is ever at hand to resist us, and anxious to
seduce all to himself, yet the Angel of God, i.e., the Power of God sent
to us through Jesus Christ, rebukes him, and he departs from us. And we are just as if
drawn out from the fire, when purified from our former sins, and
[rescued] from the affliction and the fiery trial by which the devil and
all his coadjutors try us; out of which Jesus the Son of God has promised
again to deliver us,2386
Maranus changed ἀποσπᾷ into
ἀποσπᾶν, an
emendation adopted in our translation. Otto retains the reading of the
ms. “out of which
Jesus the Son of God again snatches us. He promised that He would clothe
us with,” etc. | and invest us with prepared garments, if
we do His commandments; and has undertaken to provide an eternal kingdom
[for us]. For just as that Jesus (Joshua),
called by the prophet a priest, evidently had on filthy garments because
he is said to have taken a harlot for a wife,2387 and is
called a brand plucked out of the fire, because he had received remission
of sins when the devil that resisted him was rebuked; even so we, who
through the name of Jesus have believed as one man in God the Maker of
all, have been stripped, through the name of His first-begotten Son, of
the filthy garments, i.e., of our sins; and being vehemently inflamed by
the word of His calling, we are the true high priestly race of God, as
even God Himself bears witness, saying that in every place among the
Gentiles sacrifices are presented to Him well-pleasing and pure. Now God
receives sacrifices from no one, except through His priests.2388