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| Baptism Not to Be Presumptously Received. It Requires Preceding Repentance, Manifested by Amendment of Life. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter VI.—Baptism Not to Be Presumptously Received. It
Requires Preceding Repentance, Manifested by Amendment of
Whatever, then, our poor ability has attempted to
suggest with reference to laying hold of repentance once for all, and
perpetually retaining it, does indeed bear upon all who are
given up to the Lord, as being all competitors for salvation in earning
the favour of God; but is chiefly urgent in the case of those young
novices who are only just beginning to bedew8464
their ears with divine discourses, and who, as whelps in yet early
infancy, and with eyes not yet perfect, creep about uncertainly, and
say indeed that they renounce their former deed, and assume (the
profession of) repentance, but neglect to complete it.8465 For the very end of desiring importunes them
to desire somewhat of their former deeds; just as fruits, when
they are already beginning to turn into the sourness or bitterness of
age, do yet still in some part flatter8466
their own loveliness. Moreover, a presumptuous confidence in baptism
introduces all kind of vicious delay and tergiversation with regard to
repentance; for, feeling sure of undoubted pardon of their sins,
men meanwhile steal the intervening time, and make it for
themselves into a holiday-time8467
“Commeatus,” a military word ="furlough,” hence
“holiday-time.” | for sinning, rather
than a time for learning not to sin. Further, how inconsistent is it to
expect pardon of sins (to be granted) to a repentance which they have
not fulfilled! This is to hold out your hand for merchandise, but not
produce the price. For repentance is the price at which the Lord
has determined to award pardon: He proposes the redemption8468 of release from penalty at this compensating
exchange of repentance. If, then, sellers first examine the coin with
which they make their bargains, to see whether it be cut, or scraped,
or adulterated,8469
8469 Adulter; see de
Idol. c. i. | we believe likewise
that the Lord, when about to make us the grant of so costly
merchandise, even of eternal life, first institutes a probation of our
repentance. “But meanwhile let us defer the reality of our
repentance: it will then, I suppose, be clear that we are amended when
we are absolved.”8470 By no means; (but
our amendment should be manifested) while, pardon being in abeyance,
there is still a prospect of penalty; while the penitent does
not yet merit—so far as merit we can—his liberation; while
God is threatening, not while He is forgiving. For what slave, after
his position has been changed by reception of freedom, charges himself
with his (past) thefts and desertions? What soldier, after his
discharge, makes satisfaction for his (former) brands? A sinner is
bound to bemoan himself before receiving pardon, because the
time of repentance is coincident with that of peril and of fear. Not
that I deny that the divine benefit—the putting away of sins, I
mean—is in every way sure to such as are on the point of entering
the (baptismal) water; but what we have to labour for is, that it may
be granted us to attain that blessing. For who will grant to you, a man
of so faithless repentance, one single sprinkling of any water
whatever? To approach it by stealth, indeed, and to get the minister
appointed over this business misled by your asseverations, is easy; but
God takes foresight for His own treasure, and suffers not the unworthy
to steal a march upon it. What, in fact, does He say? “Nothing
hid which shall not be revealed.”8471
Draw whatever (veil of) darkness you please over your deeds, “God
is light.”8472 But some think as
if God were under a necessity of bestowing even on the unworthy,
what He has engaged (to give); and they turn His liberality into
slavery. But if it is of necessity that God grants us the symbol of
8473 Symbolum mortis
indulget. Comp. Rom. vi. 3, 4,
8; Col. ii. 12, 20. | then He does so
unwillingly. But who permits a gift to be permanently retained
which he has granted unwillingly? For do not many afterward fall
out of (grace)? is not this gift taken away from many? These, no doubt,
are they who do steal a march upon (the treasure), who, after
approaching to the faith of repentance, set up on the sands a house
doomed to ruin. Let no one, then, flatter himself on the ground of
being assigned to the “recruit-classes” of learners, as if
on that account he have a licence even now to sin. As soon as you
“know the Lord,”8474 you should fear
Him; as soon as you have gazed on Him, you should reverence Him. But
what difference does your “knowing” Him make, while
you rest in the same practises as in days bygone, when you knew Him
not? What, moreover, is it which distinguishes you from a
perfected8475 servant of God? Is
there one Christ for the baptized, another for the learners? Have
they some different hope or reward? some different dread of judgment?
some different necessity for repentance? That baptismal washing
is a sealing of faith, which faith is begun and is commended by the
faith of repentance. We are not washed in order that we
may cease sinning, but because we have ceased,
since in heart we have been bathed8476
8476 See John xiii. 10 and Matt. xxiii. 26. | already. For the first baptism of a
learner is this, a perfect fear;8477
thenceforward, in so far as you have understanding of the Lord faith
is sound, the conscience having once for all embraced
repentance. Otherwise, if it is (only) after the baptismal
waters that we cease sinning, it is of necessity, not of
free-will, that we put on innocence. Who, then, is pre-eminent
in goodness? he who is not allowed, or he whom it
displeases, to be evil? he who is bidden, or he whose
pleasure it is, to be free from crime? Let us, then, neither
keep our hands from theft unless the hardness of bars withstand us, nor
refrain our eyes from the concupiscence of fornication unless we be
withdrawn by guardians of our persons, if no one who has surrendered
himself to the Lord is to cease sinning unless he be bound thereto by
baptism. But if any entertain this sentiment, I know not whether
he, after baptism, do not feel more sadness to think that he has
ceased from sinning, than gladness that he hath escaped
from it. And so it is becoming that learners desire baptism, but
do not hastily receive it: for he who desires it, honours it; he
who hastily receives it, disdains it: in the one appears modesty, in
the other arrogance; the former satisfies, the latter neglects it; the
former covets to merit it, but the latter promises it to himself as a
due return; the former takes, the latter usurps it. Whom would you
judge worthier, except one who is more amended? whom more amended,
except one who is more timid, and on that account has fulfilled the
duty of true repentance? for he has feared to continue still in sin,
lest he should not merit the reception of baptism. But the hasty
receiver, inasmuch as he promised it himself (as his due), being
forsooth secure (of obtaining it), could not fear: thus he
fulfilled not repentance either, because he lacked the instrumental
agent of repentance, that is, fear.8478 Hasty
reception is the portion of irreverence; it inflates the seeker, it
despises the Giver. And thus it sometimes deceives,8479
8479 Or,
“disappoints,” i.e., the hasty recipient himself. | for it promises to itself the gift
before it be due; whereby He who is to furnish the gift is ever
offended.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH