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| Even If the Permission Had Been Given by St. Paul in the Sense Which the Psychics Allege, It Was Merely Like the Mosaic Permission of Divorce--A Condescension to Human Hard-Heartedness. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XIV.—Even If the Permission Had Been Given by St. Paul in the
Sense Which the Psychics Allege, It Was Merely Like the Mosaic
Permission of Divorce—A Condescension to Human
Now, if the apostle had even absolutely permitted
marriage when one’s partner has been lost subsequently to
(conversion to) the faith, he would have done (it), just as (he did)
the other (actions) which he did adversely to the (strict) letter of
his own rule, to suit the circumstances of the times:
circumcising Timotheus673
673 Acts
xvi. 3; see Gal. iii. iv. | on account of
“supposititious false brethren;” and leading certain
“shaven men” into the temple674 on
account of the observant watchfulness of the Jews—he who
chastises the Galatians when they desire to live in (observance of) the
law.675 But so did circumstances require him to
“become all things to all, in order to gain all;”676 “travailing in birth with them until
Christ should be formed in them;”677 and
“cherishing, as it were a nurse,” the little ones of faith,
by teaching them some things “by way of indulgence, not by way of
command”—for it is one thing to indulge, another to
bid—permitting a temporary licence of re-marriage on
account of the “weakness of the flesh,” just as Moses of
divorcing on account of “the hardness of the
And here, accordingly, we will render the supplement of
this (his) meaning. For if Christ abrogated what Moses enjoined,
because “from the beginning (it) was not so;” and
(if)—this being so—Christ will not therefore be reputed to
have come from some other Power; why may not the Paraclete, too, have
abrogated an indulgence which Paul granted—because second
marriage withal “was not from the beginning”—without
deserving on this account to be regarded with suspicion, as if he were
an alien spirit, provided only that the superinduction be worthy of God
and of Christ? If it was worthy of God and of Christ to check
“hard-heartedness” when the time (for its indulgence) was
fully expired, why should it
not be more worthy both of God and of Christ to shake off
“infirmity of the flesh” when “the time” is
already more “wound up?” If it is just that
marriage be not severed, it is, of course, honourable too that it be
not iterated. In short, in the estimation of the world, each is
accounted a mark of good discipline: one under the name of
concord; one, of modesty. “Hardness of heart” reigned
till Christ’s time; let “infirmity of the flesh” (be
content to) have reigned till the time of the Paraclete. The New
Law abrogated divorce—it had (somewhat) to abrogate; the New
Prophecy (abrogates) second marriage, (which is) no less a divorce of
the former (marriage). But the “hardness of heart”
yielded to Christ more readily than the “infirmity of the
flesh.” The latter claims Paul in its own support more than
the former Moses; if, indeed, it is claiming him in its support when it
catches at his indulgence, (but) refuses his prescript—eluding
his more deliberate opinions and his constant “wills,” not
suffering us to render to the apostle the (obedience) which he
And how long will this most shameless
“infirmity” persevere in waging a war of extermination
against the “better things?” The time for its
indulgence was (the interval) until the Paraclete began His operations,
to whose coming were deferred by the Lord (the things) which in His day
“could not be endured;” which it is now no longer competent
for any one to be unable to endure, seeing that He through whom the
power of enduring is granted is not wanting. How long shall we
allege “the flesh,” because the Lord said, “the flesh
is weak?”678 But He has
withal premised that “the Spirit is prompt,” in order that
the Spirit may vanquish the flesh—that the weak may yield to the
stronger. For again He says, “Let him who is able to
receive, receive (it);”679 that is, let him who
is not able go his way. That rich man did go his
way who had not “received” the precept of dividing his
substance to the needy, and was abandoned by the Lord to his own
680 See Matt. xix. 16–26; Mark x.
17–27; Luke xviii. 18–27. | Nor will
“harshness” be on this account imputed to Christ, the
ground of the vicious action of each individual free-will.
“Behold,” saith He, “I have set before thee good and
681 See Deut. xxx. 1, 15, 19, and xi. 26. See, too, de Ex. Cast., c.
ii. | Choose that
which is good: if you cannot, because you will not—for that
you can if you will He has shown, because He has proposed each to your
free-will—you ought to depart from Him whose will you do