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Book V.—General Reply
to Sundry of Marcion’s Heresies.1625 The first Book did the enemy’s words recall In order, which the senseless renegade Composed and put forth lawlessly; hence, too, Touched briefly flesh’s hope, Christ’s victory, 5 And false ways’ speciousness. The next doth teach The Law’s conjoined mysteries, and what In the new covenant the one God hath Delivered. The third shows the race, create From freeborn mother, to be ministers 10 Sacred to seers and patriarchs;1626
O Christ, in number twice six out of all,1627
Chosest; and, with their names, the lustral1628
Of our own elders noted, (times preserved On record,) showing in whose days appeared 15 The author1629
Lawless, and roaming, cast forth1630
The fourth, too, the piacular rites recalls Of the old Law themselves, and shows them types In which the Victim True appeared, by saints 20 Expected long since, with the holy Seed. This fifth doth many twists and knots untie, Rolls wholly into sight what ills soe’er Were lurking; drawing arguments, but not Without attesting prophet. 25 With strong arms fortified we vanquish foes, Yet hath the serpent mingled so at once All things polluted, impious, unallowed, Commaculate,—the blind’s path without light! A voice contaminant!—that, all the while 30 We are contending the world’s Maker is Himself sole God, who also spake by voice Of seers, and proving that there is none else Unknown; and, while pursuing Him with praise, Who is by various endearment1631
35 Are blaming—among other fallacies— The Unknown’s tardy times: our subject’s fault Will scarce keep pure our tongue. Yet, for all that, Guile’s many hidden venoms us enforce (Although with double risk1632
40 Who, then, the God whom ye say is the true, Unknown to peoples, alien, in a word, To all the world?1633
Came he from high? If ’tis his own1634
Why seek so late? If not his own, why rob 45 Bandit-like? and why ply with words unknown So oft throughout Law’s rein a People still Lingering ’neath the Law? If, too, he comes To pity and to succour all combined, And to re-elevate men vanquisht quite 50 By death’s funereal weight, and to release Spirit from flesh’s bond obscene, whereby The inner man (iniquitously dwarfed) Is held in check; why, then, so late appear His ever-kindness, duteous vigilance? 55 How comes it that he ne’er at all before Offered himself to any, but let slip
Seeks to regain another’s subjects: ne’er Expected; not known; sent into the orb. 60 Seeking the “ewe” he had not lost before, The Shepherd ought1636
Of flesh, as if his victor-self withal Had ever been a spirit, and as such1637
Willed to rescue all expelled souls, 65 Without a body, everywhere, and leave The spoiled flesh to earth; wholly to fill The world1638
To leave the orb void; and to raise the souls To heaven. Then would human progeny 70 At once have ceased to be born; nor had Thereafter any scion of your1639
Been born, or spread a new pest1640
Is shown to have been done) he should have set 75 A bound to future race; with solid heart Nuptial embraces would he, in that case
Of fruitful seed; made irksome intercourse With female sex; and closed up inwardly 80 The flesh’s organs genital: our mind Had had no will, no potent faculty Our body: after this the “inner man” Could withal, joined with blood,1643
And cleaved to flesh, and would have ever been 85 Perishing. Ever perishes the “ewe:” And is there then no power of saving her? Since man is ever being born beneath Death’s doom, what is the Shepherd’s work, if thus
90 In that case, but not rescued, she is proved. But now choice is allowed of entering Wedlock, as hath been ever; and that choice Sure progeny hath yoked: nations are born And folk scarce numerable, at whose birth 95 Their souls by living bodies are received; Nor was it meet that Paul (though, for the time, He did exhort some few, discerning well The many pressures of a straitened time) To counsel men in like case to abide
The tender ages marry, nor defraud Each other, but their compact’s dues discharge. But say, whose suasion hath, with fraud astute, Made you “abide,” and in divided love 105 Of offspring live secure, and commit crime Adulterous, and lose your life? and, though ’Tis perishing, belie (by verbal name) That fact. For which cause all the so sweet sounds Of his voice pours he forth, that “you must do, 110 Undaunted, whatsoever pleases you;” Outwardly chaste, stealthily stained with crime! Of honourable wedlock, by this plea,1646
He hath deprived you. But why more? ’Tis well (Forsooth) to be disjoined! for the world, too, 115 Expedient ’tis! lest any of your seed Be born! Then will death’s organs1647
The while you hope salvation to retain, Your “total man” quite loses part of man, With mind profane: but neither is man said 120 To be sole spirit, nor the flesh is called “The old man;” nor unfriendly are the flesh And spirit, the true man combined in one, The inner, and he whom you call “old foe;”1648
Nor are they seen to have each his own set 125 Of senses. One is ruled; the other rules, Groans, joys, grieves, loves; himself1649
Most dear, too; through which1650
Is visible, with which commixt he is Held ever: to its wounds he care applies; 130 And pours forth tears; and nutriments of food Takes, through its limbs, often and eagerly: This hopes he to have ever with himself Immortal; o’er its fracture doth he groan; And grieves to quit it limb by limb: fixt time 135 Death lords it o’er the unhappy flesh; that so From light dust it may be renewed, and death Unfriendly fail at length, when flesh, released, Rises again. This will that victory be Supreme and long expected, wrought by Him, 140 The aye-to-be-revered, who did become True man; and by His Father’s virtue won: Who man’s redeemed limbs unto the heavens Hath raised,1651
Thither in hope, first to His nation; then 145 To those among all tongues in whom His work Is ever doing: Minister imbued With His Sire’s parent-care, seen by the eye Of the Illimitable, He performed, By suffering, His missions.1652
150 The impious voices? what th’ abandoned crew? If He Himself, God the Creator’s self, Gave not the Law,1653
Paved in the waves a path, and freely gave The seats which He had said of old, why comes 155 He in that very People and that land Aforesaid? and why rather sought He not
Why, further, did He teach that, through the seers, (With Name foretold in full, yet not His own,) 160 He had been often sung of? Whence, again, Could He have issued baptism’s kindly gifts, Promised by some one else, as His own works? These gifts men who God’s mandates had transgressed, And hence were found polluted, longed for, 165 And begged a pardoning rescue from fierce death.
Who recognised them when erst heard, and now Have recognised them, when in due time found, Christ’s true hand is to give them, this, with voice 170 Paternal, the Creator-Sire Himself Warns ever from eternity, and claims; And thus the work of virtue which He framed, And still frames, arms, and fosters, and doth now Victorious look down on and reclothe 175 With His own light, should with perennial praise Abide.1658
To make men recognise what God can give And man can suffer, and thus live?1660
Neither predictions earlier nor facts 180 The latest can suede senseless frantic1661
That God became a man, and (after He Had suffered and been buried) rose; that they May credit those so many witnesses
185 With heavenly word, let them both1663
At least terrestrial reason. When the Lord Christ came to be, as flesh, born into the orb In time of king Augustus’ reign at Rome, First, by decree, the nations numbered are 190 By census everywhere: this measure, then, This same king chanced to pass, because the Supreme, in whose high reigning hand doth lie The king’s heart, had impelled him:1664
To do it, and the enrolment was reduced 195 To orderly arrangement. Joseph then Likewise, with his but just delivered wife Mary,1665
Themselves withal are numbered. Let, then, such As trust to instruments of human skill, 200 Who may (approving of applying them As attestators of the holy word) Inquire into this census, if it be But found so as we say, then afterwards Repent they and seek pardon while time still
The Jews, who own1667
A grave crime, while in our disparagement They glow, and do resist us, neither call Christ’s family unknown, nor can1668
They hanged a man, who spake truth, on a tree:1669
210 Ignorant that the Lord’s flesh which they bound1670
Was not seed-gendered. But, while partially They keep a reticence, so partially They triumph; for they strive to represent God to the peoples commonly as man. 215 Behold the error which o’ercomes you both!1671
This error will our cause assist, the while, We prove to you those things which certain are. They do deny Him God; you falsely call Him man, a body bodiless! and ah! 220 A various insanity of mind Sinks you; which him who hath presumed to hint You both do, sinking, sprinkle:1672
Will then approve Him man alike and God Commingled, and the world1673
While then the Son Himself of God Is seeking to regain the flesh’s limbs,1674
Already robed as King, He doth sustain Blows from rude palms; with spitting covered is His face; a thorn-inwoven crown His head 230 Pierces all round; and to the tree1675
Is fixed; wine drugged with myrrh,1676
Is mixt with vinegar; parted His robe,1678
Each one hath seized he keeps; in murky gloom, 235 As God from fleshly body silently Outbreathes His soul, in darkness trembling day Took refuge with the sun; twice dawned one day; Its centre black night covered: from their base Mounts move in circle, wholly moved was earth, 240 Saints’ sepulchres stood ope, and all things joined In fear to see His passion whom they knew! His lifeless side a soldier with bare spear Pierces, and forth flows blood, nor water less Thence followed. These facts they1680
245 And are unwilling the misdeed to own, Willing to blink the crime. Without a body wear a robe? or is’t Susceptible of penalty? the wound Of violence does it bear? or die? or rise? 250 Is blood thence poured? from what flesh. since ye say He had none? or else, rather, feigned He? if ’Tis safe for you to say so; though you do (Headlong) so say, by passing over more In silence. Is not, then, faith manifest? 255 And are not all things fixed? The day before
And handing down a memorable rite1682
To His disciples, taking bread alike And the vine’s juice, “My body, and My blood
And bade it ever afterward be done. Of what created elements were made, Think ye, the bread and wine which were (He said) His body with its blood? and what must be 265 Confessed? Proved He not Himself the world’s1684
Maker, through deeds? and that He bore at once A body formed from flesh and blood? This God This true Man, too, the Father’s Virtue ’neath
270 United both in glory and in age;1686
Because alone He ministers the words Of the All-Holder; whom He1687
God’s Son, God’s dearest Minister, is He! 275 Hence hath He generation, hence Name too, Hence, finally, a kingdom; Lord from Lord; Stream from perennial Fount! He, He it was Who to the holy fathers (whosoe’er Among them doth profess to have “seen God”1689
280 God is our witness—since the origin Of this our world,1690
The Father’s words of promise and of charge From heaven high: He led the People out; Smote through th’iniquitous nation; was Himself 285 The column both of light and of cloud’s shade; And dried the sea; and bids the People go Right through the waves, the foe therein involved And covered with the flood and surge: a way Through deserts made He for the followers 290 Of His high biddings; sent down bread in showers1691
From heaven for the People; brake the rock; Bedewed with wave the thirsty;1692
The mandate of the Law to Moses spake With thunder, trumpet-sound, and flamey column 295 Terrible to the sight, while men’s hearts shook. After twice twenty years, with months complete, Jordan was parted; a way oped; the wave Stood in a mass; and the tribes shared the land, Their fathers’ promised boons! The Father’s word, 300 Speaking Himself by prophets’ mouth, that He1693
Would come to earth and be a man, He did Predict; Christ manifestly to the earth Life’s only Hope, the Cleanser of our flesh,1694
305 Death’s Router, from th’ Almighty Sire’s empire At length He came, and with our human limbs He clothed Him. Adam—virgin—dragon—tree,1695
The cause of ruin, and the way whereby Rash death us all had vanquisht! by the same 310 Our Shepherd treading, seeking to regain His sheep—with angel—virgin—His own flesh— And the “tree’s” remedy;1696
And doomed to perish was aye wont to go To meet his vanquisht peers; hence, interposed, 315 One in all captives’ room, He did sustain In body the unfriendly penalty With patience; by His own death spoiling death; Becomes salvation’s cause; and, having paid Throughly our debts by throughly suffering 320 On earth, in holy body, everything, Seeks the infern! here souls, bound for their crime, Which shut up all together by Law’s weight, Without a guard,1697
Promised of old, hoped for, and tardy, He 325 To the saints’rest admitted, and, with light, Brought back. For on the third day mounting up,1698
A victor, with His body by His Sire’s Virtue immense, (salvation’s pathway made,) And bearing God and man is form create, 330 He clomb the heavens, leading back with Him Captivity’s first-fruits (a welcome gift
His seat beside light’s Father, and resumed The virtue and the glory of which, while 335 He was engaged in vanquishing the foe
With flesh, on our part. Him, Lord, Christ, King, God, Judgment and kingdom given to His hand, The father is to send unto the orb.
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