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The remarks which we have made not only answer the
statements of Celsus regarding the superintending spirits, but
anticipate in some measure what he afterwards brings forward, when he
says: “Let the second party come forward; and I shall ask
them whence they come, and whom they regard as the originator of their
ancestral customs. They will reply, No one, because they spring
from the same source as the Jews themselves, and derive their
instruction and superintendence4194 from no other
quarter, and notwithstanding they have revolted from the
Jews.” Each one of us, then, is come “in the last
days,” when one Jesus has visited us, to the “visible
mountain of the Lord,” the Word that is above every word, and to
the “house of God,” which is “the Church of the
living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”4195 And we notice how it is built upon
“the tops of the mountains,” i.e., the predictions of all
the prophets, which are its foundations. And this house is
exalted above the hills, i.e., those individuals among men who make a
profession of superior attainments in wisdom and truth; and all the
nations come to it, and the “many nations” go
forth, and say to one
another, turning to the religion which in the last days has shone forth
through Jesus Christ: “Come ye, and let us go up to the
mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God
of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in
them.”4196 For the law
came forth from the dwellers in Sion, and settled among us as a
spiritual law. Moreover, the word of the Lord came forth from
that very Jerusalem, that it might be disseminated through all places,
and might judge in the midst of the heathen, selecting those whom it
sees to be submissive, and rejecting4197 the
disobedient, who are many in number. And to those who inquire of
us whence we come, or who is our founder,4198 we
reply that we are come, agreeably to the counsels of Jesus, to
“cut down our hostile and insolent ‘wordy’4199
4199 συγκόψαι
ἡμῶν λογικὰς
μαχαίρας καὶ
εἰς ἄροτρα,
καὶ τὰς κατὰ
τὸ πρότερον
ἡμῶν μάχιμον
ζιβύνας εἰς
μετασκευάζομεν. | swords into ploughshares, and to convert
into pruning-hooks the spears formerly employed in war.”4200 For we no longer take up “sword
against nation,” nor do we “learn war any more,”
having become children of peace, for the sake of Jesus, who is our
leader, instead of those whom our fathers followed, among whom we were
“strangers to the covenant,” and having received a law, for
which we give thanks to Him that rescued us from the error (of our
ways), saying, “Our fathers honoured lying idols, and there is
not among them one that causeth it to rain.”4201
4201 Cf. Jer. xvi. 19 and xiv. 22: ὡς
ἐκτήσαντο οἱ
πατέρες ἡμῶν
εἴδωλα, καὶ
οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν
ὑετίζων. | Our Superintendent, then, and Teacher,
having come forth from the Jews, regulates the whole world by the word
of His teaching. And having made these remarks by way of
anticipation, we have refuted as well as we could the untrue statements
of Celsus, by subjoining the appropriate answer.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH