Chapter 6.
And when Nicodemus had thus spoken, another Hebrew
rose up, and said to Pilate: I beg of thee, my lord Pilate, hear
me also. Pilate answered: Say what thou wishest. The
Hebrew says: I lay sick in bed thirty-eight years; and when he
saw me he was grieved, and said to me, Rise, take up thy couch, and go
into thine house. And while he was saying the word to me, I rose
and walked about. The Hebrews say: Ask him on what day of
the week this happened. He says: On Sabbath.1886
Jews said: And
consequently we say truly, that he does not keep the
Another, again, standing in the midst, said:
I was born blind; and as Jesus was going along the road, I cried to
him, saying, Have mercy upon me, Lord, thou son of David. And he
took clay, and anointed mine eyes; and straightway I received my
Another said: I was
crooked; and seeing him, I
cried, Have
upon me, O
Lord. And he took me by the hand, and I was
immediately raised.
Another said: I was a leper, and he healed me merely by a