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| Every Sin—Every False Doctrine is a “Gate of Hades.” PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
12. Every
Sin—Every False Doctrine is a “Gate of
But when we have understood how each of the sins through
which there is a way to Hades5634
5634 Or, each of the sins
on account of which Christ was about to go to Hades.
(Erasmus) | is a gate of Hades,
we shall apprehend that the soul, which has “spot or wrinkle or
any such thing,”5635 and because of
wickedness is neither holy nor blameless, is neither a rock upon which
Christ builds, nor a church, nor part of a church which Christ builds
upon the rock. But if any one wishes to put us5636 to shame in regard to these things because
of the great majority of those of the church who are thought to
believe, it must be said to him not only “Many are called, but
few chosen;”5637 but also that which
was said by the Saviour to those who come to Him, as it is recorded in
Luke in these words, “Strive to enter in by the narrow door, for
many, I say unto you, shall seek to enter in through the narrow door
and shall not be able;”5638 and also that which
is written in the Gospel of Matthew thus, “For narrow is the
gate, and strait is the way that leadeth unto life, and few be they
that find it.”5639 Now, if you
attend to the saying, “Many, I say unto you, shall seek to enter
in and shall not be able,”5640 you will
understand that this refers to those who boast that they are of the
church, but live weakly and contrary to the word. Of those, then,
who seek to enter in, those who are not able to enter will not be able
to do so, because the gates of Hades prevail against them; but in the
case of those against whom the gates of Hades will not prevail, those
seeking to enter in will be strong, being able to do all things, in
Christ Jesus, who strengtheneth them.5641 And in like manner each one of those
who are the authors of any evil opinion has become the architect of a
certain gate of Hades; but those who co-operate with the teaching of
the architect of such things are servants and stewards, who are the
bond-servants of the evil doctrine which goes to build up
impiety. And though the gates of Hades are many and almost
innumerable, no gate of Hades will prevail against the rock or against
the church which Christ builds upon it. Notwithstanding, these
gates have a certain power by which they gain the mastery over some who
do not resist and strive against them; but they are overcome by others
who, because they do not turn aside from Him who said, “I am the
door,”5642 have rased from
their soul all the gates of Hades. And this also we must know
that as the gates of cities have each their own names, in the same way
the gates of Hades might be named after the species of sins; so that
one gate of Hades is called “fornication,” through which
fornicators go, and another “denial,” through which the
deniers of God go down into Hades. And likewise already each of
the heterodox and of those who have begotten any “knowledge which
is falsely so called,”5643 has built a gate of
Hades—Marcion one gate, and Basilides another, and Valentinus
another.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH