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| Jesus Was at First Proclaimed by the Twelve as a Worker and a Teacher Only. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
18. Jesus Was at First
Proclaimed by the Twelve as a Worker and a Teacher Only.
But he who holds that the things spoken to the Twelve
refer to the times subsequent to this, and that the Apostles had not as
yet announced to their hearers that He was the Christ, will say that He
wished the conception of the Christ which was involved in the name of
Jesus to be reserved for that preaching which was more perfect, and
which brought salvation, such as Paul knew of when he said to the
Corinthians, “I determined not to know anything among you save
Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”5678 Wherefore, formerly they proclaimed
Jesus as the doer of certain things, and the teacher of certain things;
but now when Peter confesses that He was the Christ, the Son of the
living God, as He did not wish it to be proclaimed already that He was
the Christ, in order that He might be proclaimed at a more suitable
time, and that as crucified, He commands His disciples that they should
tell no man that He was the Christ. And that this was His
meaning, when He forbade proclamation to be made that He was the
Christ, is in a measure established by the words, “From that time
began Jesus to show unto His disciples how that He must go unto
Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders,” and what is
annexed;5679 for then, at the
fitting time, He proclaims, so to speak, to the disciples who knew that
Jesus was Christ, the Son of the living God, the Father having revealed
it to them, that instead of believing in Jesus Christ who had been
crucified, they were to believe in Jesus Christ who was about to be
crucified. But also, instead of believing in Christ Jesus and Him
risen from the dead, He teaches them to believe in Christ Jesus and Him
about to be risen from the dead. But since “having put off
from Himself the principalities and the powers, He made a show of them
openly, triumphing over in the cross,”5680 if
any one is ashamed of the cross of Christ, he is ashamed of the
dispensation on account of which these powers were triumphed over; and
it is fitting that he, who both believes and knows these things, should
glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,5681
through which, when Christ was crucified, the
principalities—among which, I think, was also the prince of this
world—were made a show of and triumphed over before the believing
world. Wherefore, when His suffering was at hand he said,
“Now the prince of this world has been judged,”5682 and, “Now shall the prince of this
world be cast out,” and, “I, if I be lifted from the earth,
will draw all men unto Myself;”5683 as
he no longer had sufficient power to prevent those going to Jesus who
were being drawn by Him.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH