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| That Haggai’s Prophecy, in Which He Said that the Glory of the House of God Would Be Greater Than that of the First Had Been, Was Really Fulfilled, Not in the Rebuilding of the Temple, But in the Church of Christ. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 48.—That Haggai’s
Prophecy, in Which He Said that the Glory of the House of God Would
Be Greater Than that of the First Had Been,1230
Was Really Fulfilled, Not in the
Rebuilding of the Temple, But in the Church of Christ.
This house of God is more glorious
than that first one which was constructed of wood and stone, metals
and other precious things. Therefore the prophecy of Haggai was
not fulfilled in the rebuilding of that temple. For it can never
be shown to have had so much glory after it was rebuilt as it had
in the time of Solomon; yea, rather, the glory of that house is
shown to have been diminished, first by the ceasing of prophecy,
and then by the nation itself suffering so great calamities, even
to the final destruction made by the Romans, as the things
above-mentioned prove. But this house which pertains to the new
testament is just as much more glorious as the living stones, even
believing, renewed men, of which it is constructed are better.
But it was typified by the rebuilding of that temple for this
reason, because the very renovation of that edifice typifies in the
prophetic oracle another testament which is called the new. When,
therefore, God said by the prophet just named, “And I will give
peace in this place,”1231 He is to be understood who is
typified by that typical place; for since by that rebuilt place is
typified the Church which was to be built by Christ, nothing else
can be accepted as the meaning of the saying, “I will give peace
in this place,” except I will give peace in the place which that
place signifies. For all typical things seem in some way to
personate those whom they typify, as it is said by the apostle,
“That Rock was Christ.”1232 Therefore the glory of this new
testament house is greater than the glory of the old testament
house; and it will show itself as greater when it shall be
dedicated. For then “shall come the desired of all
nations,”1233 as we read
in the Hebrew. For before His advent He had not yet been desired
by all nations. For they knew not Him whom they ought to desire,
in whom they had not believed. Then, also, according to the
Septuagint interpretation (for it also is a prophetic meaning),
“shall come those who are elected of the Lord out of all
nations.” For then indeed there shall come only those who are
elected, whereof the apostle saith, “According as He hath chosen
us in Him before the foundation of the world.”1234 For the Master Builder who said,
“Many are
called, but few are
chosen,”1235 did not
say this of those who, on being called, came in such a way as to be
cast out from the feast, but would point out the house built up of
the elect, which henceforth shall dread no ruin. Yet because the
churches are also full of those who shall be separated by the
winnowing as in the threshing-floor, the glory of this house is not
so apparent now as it shall be when every one who is there shall be
there always.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH