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| Apolinarius, Bishop of the Church of Hierapolis. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XXVII.—Apolinarius, Bishop of the
Church of Hierapolis.
A number of works of Apolinarius1315
1315 The
first extant notice of Apolinarius is that of Serapion, bishop of
Antioch from about 192 to 209 (see Harnack, Zeit des Ignatius,
p. 46), in the epistle quoted by Eusebius in V. 19. We learn from this
notice that Apolinarius was already dead when Serapion wrote (he calls
him “most blessed bishop”; μακαριώτατος), and that he had been a skillful opponent of Montanism.
His name is not mentioned again, so far as we know, by any Father of
the second or third century. Jerome (de vir. ill. 26) simply
repeats the account of Eusebius, but in his Epist. ad Magnum, c.
4 (Migne, I. 607), he enumerates Apolinarius among those Christian
writers who were acquainted with heathen literature, and made use of it
in the refutation of heresies. Photius (Cod. 14) praises his
literary style in high terms. Socrates (H. E. III. 7) names
Apolinarius with Irenæus, Clement of Alexandria, and Serapion as
holding that the incarnate Christ had a human soul (žμψυχον τὸν
ἐνανθρωπήσαντα). Jerome, in his de vir. ill. chap. 18, mentions an
Apolinarius in connection with Irenæus as a chiliast. But in his
Comment. in Ezech. Bk. XI. chap. 36, he speaks of Irenæus
as the first, and Apolinarius as the last, of the Greek Millenarians,
which shows that some other Apolinarius is meant in that place, and
therefore without doubt in the former passage also; and in another
place (Prooem. in lib. XVIII. Comm. in Esaiam) he says that
Apolinarius replied to Dionysius of Alexandria on the subject of the
Millenium, and we are therefore led to conclude that Apolinarius,
bishop of Laodicea (of the fourth century), is meant (see Routh,
Rel. Sac. I. 174). Of the bishops of Hierapolis, besides
Apolinarius, we know only Papias and Abircius Marcellus (of whom we
have a Martyrdom, belonging to the second century; see Pitra, Spic.
Solesm. III. 533), who, if he be identical with the Abircius
Marcellus of Eusebius, Bk. V. chap. 16 (as Harneck conjectures) must
have been bishop after, not before Apolinarius (see note 6 on Bk. V.
chap. 16). It is impossible to determine the exact date of
Apolinarius’ episcopate, or of his death. As we see from
Serapion’s notice of him, he must have been dead at least before
202. And if Abircius Marcellus was bishop after him, and also bishop in
the second century, Apolinarius must have died some years before the
year 200, and thus about the same time as Melito. The fact that he is
mentioned so commonly in connection with Melito, sometimes before and
sometimes after him, confirms this conclusion. The Chron.
mentions him as flourishing in the tenth (Syncellus and Jerome), or the
eleventh (Armenian) year of Marcus Aurelius. His Apology was addressed,
as we learn from Eusebius, to Marcus Aurelius; and the fact that only
the one emperor is mentioned may perhaps be taken (as some have taken
it) as a sign that it was written while Marcus Aurelius was sole
emperor (i.e. between 169 and 176). In Bk. V. chap. 5, Eusebius speaks
of the story of the thundering legion as recorded by Apolinarius, and
it has been thought (e.g. by Salmon, in the Dict. of Christ.
Biog.) that this circumstance was recorded in the Apology,
which cannot then have been written before the year 174. Harnack,
however, remarks that this venturesome report can hardly have stood in
a work addressed to the emperor himself. But that seems to assume that
the story was not fully believed by Apolinarius, which can hardly have
been the case. The truth is, the matter cannot be decided; and no more
exact date can be given for the Apology. Eusebius, in the
present chapter, informs us that he has seen four works by Apolinarius,
but says that there were many others extant in his day. In addition to
the ones mentioned by Eusebius, we know of a work of his, On the
Passover (περὶ τοῦ
π€σχα), which is
mentioned by the Chron. Paschale, and two brief fragments of
which are preserved by it. These fragments have caused a discussion as
to whether Apolinarius was a Quartodeciman or not. The language of the
first fragment would seem to show clearly that he was opposed to the
Quartodecimans, and this explains the fact that he is never cited by
the later Quartodecimans as a witness for their opinions. The tone of
the work, however, as gathered from the fragments, shows that it must
have been written before the controversy had assumed the bitter tone
which it took when Victor became bishop of Rome; i.e. it was written,
probably, in the seventies (see, also, Bk. V. chap. 23, note 1).
Photius (Cod. 14) mentions three apologetic works by Apolinarius
known to him: πρὸς
εὐσεβείας, and περὶ
ἀληθείας. The first and last are mentioned by Eusebius, but the second is
a work otherwise unknown to us. There is no reason to suppose, as some
have done, that the περὶ
εὐσεβείας does not designate a separate work (cf. e.g., Donaldson,
Hist. of Christ. Lit. and Doctrine, III. 243), for Eusebius
expressly says that he mentions only a part of Apolinarius’
writings. Theodoret (Hær. Fab. I. 21) mentions Apolinarius,
together with Musanus and Clement, as having written against the
Severians (see chap. 29, below). But, as Harnack justly remarks (p.
235), the most we can conclude from this is that Apolinarius in his
Anti-Montanistic work, had mentioned the Severians with disapproval.
Five mss. of Eusebius, and the Church
Hist. of Nicephorus, mention just after the work On Truth, a
work Against the Jews, in two books (καὶ πρὸς
πρῶτον καὶ
δεύτερον). The words are found in many of our editions, but are omitted by
the majority of the best Greek mss., and also
by Rufinus and Jerome, and therefore must be regarded as an
interpolation; and so they are viewed by Heinichen, Laemmer, Otto,
Harnack, and others. Harnack suggests that they were inserted under the
influence of Bk. V. chap. 17, §5, where the works of Miltiades are
given. We thus have knowledge of six, and only six, distinct works of
Apolinarius, though, since no writer has pretended to give a complete
list, it is quite probable that he wrote many others. | have been
preserved by many, and the following have reached us: the Discourse
addressed to the above-mentioned emperor,1316
1316 On
the approximate date of this Apology, see the previous note. No
fragments of the work are now extant, unless the account of the
thundering legion mentioned by Eusebius in Bk. V. chap. 5 belong to it
(see the previous note). Jerome speaks of the work as an insigne
volumen pro fide Christianorum, and in chap. 26, §1, Eusebius
speaks of it as λόγος ὑπερ
This has given rise to the idea that the περὶ
εὐσεβείας mentioned by Photius may be identical with this Apology (see
the previous note). But such an important work would certainly not have
been mentioned with such an ambiguous title by Photius. We may
conclude, in fact, that Photius had not seen the Apology. The Chron.
Paschale mentions the Apology in connection with those of
“Melito and many others,” as addressed to the Emperor
Marcus Aurelius. |
five books Against the Greeks,1317
1317 No fragments of this work are known to us. Nicephorus (H.
E. IV. 11) says that it was in the form of a dialogue, and it is
quite possible that he speaks in this case from personal knowledge, for
the work was still extant in the time of Photius, who mentions it in
Cod. 14 (see Harnack, p. 236). | On Truth, a
first and second book,1318
1318 No fragments of this work are extant, and its nature is unknown to
us. It may have resembled the work of Melito upon the same subject (see
the previous chapter). The work is mentioned by Photius as one of
three, which he had himself seen. | and those
which he subsequently wrote against the heresy of the Phrygians,1319
1319 Eusebius states here that the works against the Montanists were
written later than the other works mentioned. Where he got this
information we do not know; it is possible, as Harnack suggests, that
he saw from the writings themselves that Marcus Aurelius was no longer
alive when they were composed. Eusebius speaks very highly of these
Anti-Montanistic works, and in Bk. V. chap. 16, §1, he speaks of
Apolinarius as a “powerful weapon and antagonist” of the
Montanists. And yet it is a remarkable fact that he does not take his
account of the Montanists from the works of Apolinarius, but from later
writings. This fact can be explained only as Harnack explains it by
supposing that Apolinarius was not decided and clear enough in his
opposition to the sect. The writer from whom Eusebius quotes is
certainly strong enough in his denunciations to suit Eusebius or any
one else. Eusebius’ statement, that the Montanistic movement was
only beginning at the time Apolinarius wrote against it (i.e. according
to him between 175 and 180), is far from the truth (see on this
subject, Bk. V. chap. 16, note 12). How many of these works Apolinarius
wrote, and whether they were books, or merely letters, we do not know.
Eusebius says simply καὶ ἃ μετὰ
συνέγραψε. Serapion (in Eusebius, Bk. V. chap. 19) calls them
γρ€μματα, which Jerome (de vir. ill. chap. 41) translates
litteras. These γρ€μματα are taken as “letters” by Valesius, Stroth,
Danz, and Salmon; but Otto contends that the word γρ€μματα, in the usage of Eusebius (cf. Eusebius, V. 28. 4),
properly means “writings” or “books”
(scripta or libri), not “letters,” and so the
word is translated by Closs. The word itself is not absolutely
decisive, but it is more natural to translate it
“writings,” and the circumstances of the case seem to favor
that rather than the rendering “letters.” I have therefore
translated it thus in Bk. VI. chap. 19. On the life and writings of
Apolinarius, see especially Salmon’s article in the Dict. of
Christ. Biog. and Harnack’s Texte und Untersuch. I. 1,
232–239. The few extant fragments of his works are published by
Routh (I. 151–174), and by Otto (IX. 479–495); English
translation in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, VIII. 772. | which not long afterwards came out with
its innovations,1320 but at that time
was, as it were, in its incipiency, since Montanus, with his false
prophetesses, was then laying the foundations of his error.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH