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| Pantænus the Philosopher. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
X.—Pantænus the
1. About that time, Pantænus,1505
1505 Pantænus is the first teacher of the Alexandrian school that
is known to us, and even his life is involved in obscurity. His chief
significance for us lies in the fact that he was the teacher of
Clement, with whom the Alexandrian school first steps out into the full
light of history, and makes itself felt as a power in Christendom.
Another prominent pupil of Pantænus was Alexander, bishop of
Jerusalem (see below, Bk. VI. chap. 14). Pantænus was originally a
Stoic philosopher, and must have discussed philosophy in his school in
connection with theology, for Origen appeals to him as his example in
this respect (see below, Bk. VI. chap. 19). His abilities are testified
to by Clement (in his Hypotyposes; see the next chapter,
§4), who speaks of him always in terms of the deepest respect and
affection. Of his birth and death we know nothing. Clement,
Strom. I. 1, calls him a “Sicilian bee,” which may,
perhaps, have reference to his birthplace. The statement of Philip of
Side, that he was an Athenian, is worthless. We do not know when he
began his work in Alexandria, nor when he finished it. But from Bk. VI.
chap. 6 we learn that Clement had succeeded Pantænus, and was in
charge of the school in the time of Septimius Severus. This probably
means not merely that Pantænus had left Egypt, but that he was
already dead; and if that be the case, the statement of Jerome (de
vir. ill. 36), that Pantænus was in charge of the school
during the reigns of Septimius Severus and Caracalla, is erroneous
(Jerome himself expressly says, in ibid. chap. 38, that Clement
succeeded Pantænus upon the death of the latter). Jerome’s
statement, however, that Pantænus was sent to India by Demetrius,
bishop of Alexandria, is not necessarily in conflict with the
indefinite account of Eusebius, who gives no dates. What authority
Jerome has for his account we do not know. If his statement be correct,
the journey must have taken place after 190; and thus after, or in the
midst or, his Alexandrian activity. Eusebius apparently accepted the
latter opinion, though his statement at the end of this chapter is
dark, and evidently implies that he was very uncertain in regard to the
matter. His whole account rests simply on hearsay, and therefore too
much weight must not be laid upon its accuracy. After Clement comes
upon the scene (which was at least some years before the outbreak of
the persecution of Severus, 200 a.d.—when he left the city) we hear nothing more of
Pantænus. Some have put his journey to India in this later period;
but this is contrary to the report of Eusebius, and there is no
authority for the opinion. Photius (Cod. 118) records a
tradition that Pantænus had himself heard some of the apostles;
but this is impossible, and is asserted by no one else. According to
Jerome, numerous commentaries of Pantænus were extant in his time.
Eusebius, at the close of this chapter, speaks of his expounding the
Scriptures “both orally and in writing,” but he does not
enumerate his works, and apparently had never seen them. No traces of
them are now extant, unless some brief reminiscences of his teaching,
which we have, are supposed to be drawn from his works, and not merely
from his lectures or conversations (see Routh, Rel. Sac. I. p.
375–383). | a
man highly distinguished for his learning, had charge of the school of
the faithful in Alexandria.1506
1506 The
origin of this school of the faithful, or “catechetical
school,” in Alexandria is involved in obscurity. Philip of Side
names Athenagoras as the founder of the school, but his account is full
of inconsistencies and contradictions, and deserves no credence. The
school first comes out into the light of history at this time with
Pantænus at its head, and plays a prominent part in Church history
under Clement, Origen, Heraclas, Dionysius, Didymus, &c., until the
end of the fourth century, when it sinks out of sight in the midst of
the dissensions of the Alexandrian church, and its end like its
beginning is involved in obscurity. It probably owed its origin to no
particular individual, but arose naturally as an outgrowth from the
practice which flourished in the early Church of instructing
catechumens in the elements of Christianity before admitting them to
baptism. In such a philosophical metropolis as Alexandria, a school,
though intended only for catechumens, would very naturally soon assume
a learned character, and it had already in the time of Pantænus at
least become a regular theological school for the preparation
especially of teachers and preachers. It exercised a great influence
upon theological science, and numbered among its pupils many celebrated
theologians and bishops. See the article by Redepenning in Herzog, 2d
ed. I. 290–292, and Schaff’s Ch. Hist. II.
777–781, where the literature of the subject is given. | A school of sacred
learning, which continues to our day, was established there in ancient
1507 Jerome (de vir. ill. c. 36) states that there had always
been ecclesiastical teachers in Alexandria from the time of Mark. He is
evidently, however, giving no independent tradition, but merely draws
his conclusion from the words of Eusebius who simply says “from
ancient times.” The date of the origin of the school is in fact
entirely unknown, though there is nothing improbable in the statement
of Jerome that ecclesiastical teachers were always there. It must,
however, have been some years before a school could be developed or the
need of it be felt. | and as we have been
informed,1508 was managed by men of great ability
and zeal for divine things. Among these it is reported1509 that Pantænus was at that time
especially conspicuous, as he had been educated in the philosophical
system of those called Stoics.
2. They say that he displayed
such zeal for the divine Word, that he was appointed as a herald of the
Gospel of Christ to the nations in the East, and was sent as far as
1510 Jerome
(de vir. ill. 36) says that he was sent to India by the bishop
Demetrius at the request of the Indians themselves,—a statement
more exact than that of Eusebius, whether resting upon tradition
merely, or upon more accurate information, or whether it is simply a
combination of Jerome’s, we do not know. It is at any rate not at
all improbable (see above, note 1). A little farther on Eusebius
indicates that Pantænus preached in the same country in which the
apostle Bartholomew had done missionary work. But according to Lipsius
(Dict. of Christ. Biog. I. p. 22) Bartholomew’s
traditional field of labor was the region of the Bosphorus. He follows
Gutschmid therefore in claiming that the Indians here are confounded
with the Sindians, over whom the Bosphorian kings of the house of
Polemo ruled. Jerome (Ep. ad Magnum; Migne, Ep. 70)
evidently regards the India where Pantænus preached as India
proper (Pantænus Stoicæ sectæ philosophus, ob
pracipue eruditionis gloriam, a Demetrio Alexandriæ episcopo
missus est in Indiam, ut Christum apud Brachmanas, et illius gentis
philosophos prædicaret). Whether the original tradition was
that Pantænus went to India, and his connection with Bartholomew
(who was wrongly supposed to have preached to the Indians) was a later
combination, or whether, on the other hand, the tradition that he
preached in Bartholomew’s field of labor was the original and the
mission to India a later combination, we cannot tell. It is probable
that Eusebius meant India proper, as Jerome certainly did, but both of
them may have been mistaken. | For indeed1511
1511 ἦσαν
γὰρ, ἦσαν
Eusebius seems to think it a remarkable fact that there should
still have been preaching evangelists. Evidently they were no
longer common in his day. It is interesting to notice that he calls
them “evangelists.” In earlier times they were called
“apostles” (e.g. in the Didache), but the latter had
long before Eusebius’ time become a narrower, technical
term. |
there were still many evangelists of the Word who sought earnestly to
use their inspired zeal, after the examples of the apostles, for the
increase and building up of the Divine Word.
3. Pantænus was one of
these, and is said to have gone to India. It is reported that among
persons there who knew of Christ, he found the Gospel according to
Matthew, which had anticipated his own arrival. For Bartholomew,1512 one of the apostles, had preached to them,
and left with them the writing of Matthew in the Hebrew language,1513
1513 If
the truth of this account be accepted, Pantænus is a witness to
the existence of a Hebrew Matthew. See above, Bk. III. chap. 24, note
5. It has been assumed by some that this Gospel was the Gospel
according to the Hebrews (see Bk. III. chap. 25, note 24). This is
possible; but even if Pantænus really did find a Hebrew Gospel of
Matthew as Eusebius says (and which, according to Jerome, de vir.
ill. 36, he brought back to Alexandria with him), we have no
grounds upon which to base a conclusion as to its nature, or its
relation to our Greek Matthew. | which they had preserved till that
4. After many good deeds,
Pantænus finally became the head of the school at Alexandria,1514
1514 Eusebius apparently puts the journey of Pantænus in the
middle of his Alexandrian activity, and makes him return again and
teach there until his death. Jerome also agrees in putting the journey
in the middle and not at the beginning or close of his Alexandrian
activity. It must be confessed, however, that Eusebius’ language
is very vague, and of such a nature as perhaps to imply that he really
had no idea when the mission took place. | and expounded the treasures of divine
doctrine both orally and in writing.1515