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| How Appolonius suffered Martyrdom at Rome. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XXI.—How Appolonius suffered Martyrdom
at Rome.
1. About the same time, in the reign of Commodus, our
condition became more favorable, and through the grace of God the
churches throughout the entire world enjoyed peace,1672 and the word of salvation was leading
every soul, from every race of man to the devout worship of the God of
the universe. So that now at Rome many who were highly distinguished
for wealth and family turned with all their household and relatives
unto their salvation.
2. But the demon who hates what
is good, being malignant in his nature, could not endure this, but
prepared himself again for conflict, contriving many devices against
us. And he brought to the judgment seat Apollonius,1673
1673 Jerome (de vir. ill. chap. 42, and Epist. ad Magnum,
4) calls Apollonius a Roman senator. It is possible that this is only a
natural conclusion drawn by Jerome from Eusebius’ statement that
he defended himself before the Senate; and this possibility might seem
to be strengthened by the fact that Eusebius does not call him a
senator here, as we should expect him to do if he knew him to be one.
On the other hand, it is highly probable (as shown in the next note)
that Jerome had read the fuller account of Apollonius’ martyrdom
included by Eusebius in his Collection of Martyrdoms, and hence
it seems likely that that account contained the statement that
Apollonius was a senator. Jerome makes Apollonius the author of an
insigne volumen, which he read in the Senate in defense of his
faith; but there seems to be no foundation for such a report. It is
apparently the result simply of a misunderstanding of the words of
Eusebius, who states that Apollonius delivered before the Senate a most
eloquent defense of the faith, but does not imply that he wrote an
apology. The words that Eusebius uses at the close of this chapter
imply rather that the defense made by Apollonius was recorded after its
delivery, and that it is this report of it which can be read in his
Collection of Martyrdoms. | of the city of Rome, a man renowned
among the faithful for learning and philosophy, having stirred up one
of his servants, who was well fitted for such a purpose, to accuse
1674 Jerome, followed by Sophronius, reports that the accusation
against Apollonius was brought by a slave. Jerome gives the
slave’s name as Severus (a servo Severo proditus); while
Sophronius makes Severus the name of the judge (παρὰ τοῦ
δούλου παρὰ
εἶναι). The latter is
impossible, however, as the name of the judge was Perennius according
to Eusebius. Vallarsi states that some mss. of
Jerome read sub Commodo principe ac Severo proditus, and
supposes that ac Severo is a corruption for the words a
servo (which he thinks may have stood alone in the original text),
and that some student, perceiving the error, wrote upon the margin of
his copy the words a servo, and that subsequently the note crept
into the text, while the word Severo was still retained, thus
producing our present reading a servo Severo. This is an
ingenious suggestion, but the fact is overlooked that Sophronius
undoubtedly read in the original translated by him the words a servo
Severo, for we can explain his rendering only by supposing that he
read thus, but understood the word Severo as the dative of the
indirect object after proditus, instead of the ablative in
apposition with servo. In the face of Sophronius’
testimony to the original form of the text, no alteration of the common
reading can be accepted. As to the source of Jerome’s
Severus, since there is nothing in the present chapter of
Eusebius to suggest such an addition, and no reason can be imagined for
the independent insertion of the name, the only legitimate conclusion
seems to be, that the name occurred in the account of Apollonius’
martyrdom referred to by Eusebius just below, and that Jerome took it
thence. If this be so, then that martyrology must have been the
authority also for Jerome’s statement that Apollonius was accused
by a slave; and hence the statement may be accepted as true, and not as
the result of a misinterpretation of the reference of Eusebius’
words (ἕνα γέ τινα
τῶν εἰς ταῦτα
αὐτῷ), as supposed by
some. Since it is thus almost certain that Jerome had himself examined
the fuller account of Apollonius’ martyrdom referred to by
Eusebius, a favorable light is thrown back upon his report that
Apollonius was a senator, and it becomes probable that he obtained this
statement from the same source (see the previous note). |
3. But this wretched man made
the charge unseasonably, because by a royal decree it was unlawful that
informers of such things should live. And his legs were broken
immediately, Perennius the judge having pronounced this sentence upon
1675 M.
de Mandajors, in his Histoire de l’Acad. des Inscript.
tom. 18, p. 226 (according to Gieseler’s Ch. Hist.,
Harper’s edition, I. p. 127), “thinks that the slave was
put to death as the betrayer of his master, according to an old law
renewed by Trajan; but that the occurrence had been misunderstood by
the Christians, and had given rise to the tradition, which is found in
Tertullian and in the Edictum ad Comm. Asiæ, that an
emperor at this period had decreed the punishment of death for
denouncing a Christian.” Such a law against the denunciation of
masters by slaves was passed under Nerva; but Gieseler remarks that, in
accordance with the principles of the laws upon this subject,
“either Apollonius only, or his slave only, could have been put
to death, but in no case both. Jerome does not say either that Severus
was the slave of Apollonius, or that he was executed; and since
Eusebius grounds this execution expressly on a supposititious law, it
may have belonged only to the Oriental tradition, which may have
adduced this instance in support of the alleged law.” It is
possible that Gieseler is right in this conclusion; but it is also
quite possible that Eusebius’ statement that the slave was
executed is correct. The ground of the execution was, of course, not,
as Eusebius thinks, the fact that he brought an accusation against a
Christian, but, as remarked by de Mandajors, the fact that, being a
slave, he betrayed his master. Had the informant been executed because
he brought an accusation against a Christian, the subsequent execution
of the latter would be inexplicable. But it is conceivable that the
prefect Perennius may have sentenced the informant to death, in
accordance with the old law mentioned by de Mandajors, and that then,
Apollonius being a senator, he may have requested him to appear before
that body, and make his defense to them, in order that he might pass
judgment upon him in accordance with the decision of the Senate. It is
quite conceivable that, the emperor being inclined to favor the
Christians, Perennius may not have cared to pass judgment against
Apollonius until he had learned the opinion of the Senate on the matter
(cf. what Neander has to say on the subject, in his Ch. Hist.).
As remarked by Valesius, the Senate was not a judicial court, and hence
could not itself sentence Apollonius; but it could, of course,
communicate to the prefect its opinion, and he could then pass judgment
accordingly. It is significant that the Greek reads ὡσὰν ἀπὸ
συγκλήτου, inserting the particle ὡσ€ν, “as if”;
i.e. “as if by decree of the Senate.” |
4. But the martyr, highly
beloved of God, being earnestly entreated and requested
by the judge to give an account of himself before the Senate, made in
the presence of all an eloquent defense of the faith for which he was
witnessing. And as if by decree of the Senate he was put to death by
decapitation; an ancient law requiring that those who were brought to
the judgment seat and refused to recant should not be liberated.1676
1676 Valesius thinks the reference here is to Pliny’s rescript to
Trajan (see above, Bk. III. chap. 33). This is possible, though the
language of Eusebius seems to imply a more general reference to all
kinds of cases, not simply to the cases of Christians. | Whoever desires to know his arguments
before the judge and his answers to the questions of Perennius, and his
entire defense before the Senate will find them in the records of the
ancient martyrdoms which we have collected.1677
1677 On Eusebius’ great Collection of Martyrdoms, which is
now lost, see above, p. 30. | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH