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| The Bishops that were well known at this Time. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XXII.—The Bishops that were well known
at this Time.
In the
tenth year of the reign of Commodus, Victor1678
1678 The dates assigned to Victor’s episcopate by the ancient
authorities vary greatly. Eusebius here puts his accession in the tenth
year of Commodus (i.e. 189 a.d.), and this is
accepted by Lipsius as the correct date. Jerome’s version of the
Chron. puts his accession in the reign of Pertinax, or the first
year of Septimius Severus (i.e. 193), while the Armenian version puts
it in the seventh year of Commodus (186). Eusebius, in his
History, does not state directly the duration of his episcopate,
but in chap. 28 he says that Zephyrinus succeded him about the ninth
year of Severus, i.e. according to his erroneous reckoning (see Bk. VI.
chap. 21, note 3) about 200, which would give Victor an episcopate of
about eleven years. Jerome, in his version of the Chron. and in
his de vir. ill., assigns him ten years; the Armenian version of
the Chron. twelve years. The Liberian Catalogue makes his
episcopate something over nine years long; the Felician Catalogue
something over ten. Lipsius, considering Victor in connection with his
successors, concludes that he held office between nine and ten years,
and therefore gives as his dates 189–198 or 199 (see p. 172 sq.).
According to an anonymous writer quoted in chap. 28, Victor
excommunicated Theodotus of Byzantium for teaching that Christ was a
mere man. He is best known, however, on account of his action in
connection with the great Quartodeciman controversy (see chap. 24).
Jerome, in his version of the Chron., says of him cujus
mediocria de religione extant volumina, and in his de vir.
ill. chap. 34, he tells us that he wrote upon the passover, and
also some other works (super quæstione Paschæ, et alia
quædam scribens opuscula). Harnack believes that he has
discovered one of these works (all of which have been supposed lost) in
the Pseudo-Cyprianic de Aleatoribus. In his Texte und
Unters. Bd. V. Heft 1, he has discussed the subject in a very
learned and ingenious manner. The theory has much to commend it, but
there are difficulties in its way which have not yet been removed; and
I am inclined to think it a product of the first half of the third
century, rather than of the last quarter of the second (see the
writer’s review of Harnack’s discussion in the
Presbyterian Review, Jan., 1889, p. 143 sqq.). | succeeded Eleutherus,1679
1679 On Eleutherus, see the Introduction to this book, note 2. As
remarked there, Eleutherus, according to the testimony of most of our
sources, held office fifteen years. The “thirteen years” of
this chapter are therefore an error, clearly caused by the possession
on the part of Eusebius of a trustworthy tradition that he died in the
tenth year of Commodus, which, since he incorrectly put his accession
into the seventeenth year of Marcus Aurelius (or Antoninus Verus, as he
calls him), made it necessary for him to draw the false conclusion that
he held office only thirteen years. | the latter having held the episcopate
for thirteen years. In the same year, after Julian1680
1680 On
Julian, bishop of Alexandria, see chap. 9, note 2. | had completed his tenth year, Demetrius1681
1681 The date of the accession of Demetrius, the eleventh bishop of
Alexandria, as given here and in the Chron., was 189 a.d. According to Bk. VI. chap. 26, below, confirmed
by the Chron., he held office forty-three years. There is no
reason for doubting the approximate accuracy of these dates. Demetrius
is known to us chiefly because of his relations to Origen, which were
at first friendly, but finally became hostile. He seems to have been a
man of great energy, renowned as an administrator rather than as a
literary character. He was greatly interested in the catechetical
school at Alexandria, but does not seem to have taught in it, and he
left no writings, so far as we know. His relations with Origen will
come up frequently in the Sixth Book, where he is mentioned a number of
times (see especially chap. 8, note 4). | received the charge of the parishes at
Alexandria. At this time the above-mentioned Serapion,1682 the eighth from the apostles, was still
well known as bishop of the church at Antioch. Theophilus1683
1683 Theophilus, bishop of Cæsarea, has gained prominence chiefly
on account of his connection with the paschal controversy. He presided
with Narcissus over the council mentioned in the next chapter, which
was called to consider the paschal question, and in conjunction with
the other bishops present composed an epistle, which was still extant
in Eusebius’ time (according to the next chapter), and of which
he gives a fragment in chap. 25. Jerome, in his de vir. ill. c.
43, speaks very highly of this epistle (synodicam valde utilem
composuit epistolam); but it seems to have been no longer extant in
his time, for in mentioning it and the epistle of Bacchylus of Corinth
and others in his Chron., he says that the memory of them still
endured (quarum memoria ad nos usque perdurat). The dates of
Theophilus’ accession to office and of his death are not known to
us. | presided at Cæsarea in Palestine;
and Narcissus,1684
1684 On Narcissus, see above, chap. 12. | whom we have
mentioned before, still had charge of the church at Jerusalem.
1685 This Bacchylus is possibly identical with the Bacchylides who is
mentioned in Bk. IV. chap. 23 as one of those who had urged Dionysius,
bishop of Corinth, to write a certain epistle. Bacchylus also is
prominent solely on account of his connection with the paschal
controversy. According to the next chapter, he was himself the author
of an epistle on the subject, which he wrote, according to Jerome
(de vir. ill. c. 44), in the name of all the bishops of Achaia
(ex omnium qui in Achaia erant episcoporum persona). But the
words of Eusebius seem to imply that the epistle was an individual, not
a synodical one, for he does not say, “an epistle of those
in,” &c., as he does in every other case. We must conclude,
therefore, that Jerome, who had not seen the epistle, was mistaken in
making it a synodical letter. Jerome characterizes it as an elegant
composition (elegantem librum); but, like the epistle of
Theophilus, mentioned in the preceding note, it seems not to have been
extant in Jerome’s time. The dates of Bacchylus’ accession
to office and of his death are not known to us. | at the same time was bishop of
Corinth in Greece, and Polycrates1686
1686 Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, is one of the most noted men
connected with the paschal controversy, for the reason that he was the
leader of the bishops of the province of Asia, in which province alone
the Quartodeciman practice was uniformly observed. He was thus the
leading opponent of Bishop Victor of Rome. His relation to the paschal
controversy is brought out more fully in chap. 24. The dates of
Polycrates’ accession to office and of his death are not known to
us; though, of course, with Theophilus, Narcissus, Bacchylus, and the
other bishops concerned in the paschal controversy, he flourished
during the reign of Septimius Severus, while Victor was bishop of Rome.
The only writing of Polycrates of which we know is his epistle to
Victor, a portion of which is quoted by Eusebius, in Bk. III. chap. 31,
and a still larger portion in chap. 24 of this book.
Jerome, in his de
vir. ill. c. 45 speaks in terms of the highest praise of
Polycrates, and quotes from Eusebius the larger fragment, given in
chap. 24, adding, Hæc propterea posui, ut ingenium et
auctoritatem viri ex parvo opusculo demonstrarem. The fact that he
quotes only the passages given by Eusebius would be enough to show that
he quoted from Eusebius, and not directly from Polycrates, even were it
not plain from the statement in his Chron., referred to in note
6, that Polycrates’ epistle was, so far as Jerome knew, no longer
extant. Polycrates himself informs us, in the second fragment given in
chap. 24, that he wrote his epistle with the consent and approval of
all the bishops present at the council summoned by him to discuss the
paschal question. The fact that both Eusebius and Jerome praise
Polycrates so highly, and testify to his orthodoxy, shows how
completely the paschal question had been buried before their time, and
how little the Quartodeciman practice was feared. | of
the parish of
Ephesus. And besides these a multitude of others, as is likely, were
then prominent. But we have given the names of those alone, the
soundness of whose faith has come down to us in writing.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH