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1. At
this time also Africanus,2022
2022 Julius Africanus (as he is called by Jerome) was one of the most
learned men of the Ante-Nicene age. Not much is known of his life,
though he seems to have resided, at least for a time, in Emmaus, a town
of Palestine, something over twenty miles from Jerusalem (not the
Emmaus of Luke xxiv. 13, which was but seven or
eight miles from the city), for we hear in the Chron., and in
Jerome’s de vir. ill. c. 63, of his going on an embassy to
the Emperor Heliogabalus, and securing the rebuilding of the ruined
city Emmaus under the name of Nicopolis, which it henceforth bore. He
does not appear to have been a clergyman, or at any rate not a bishop;
for he is spoken of as such by no early authority, and he is addressed
by Origen in an extant epistle, which must have been written toward the
close of his life, simply as “brother.” His dates cannot be
fixed with any exactness. He must have been already a prominent man
when he went on an embassy to the emperor (between 218 and 222). He
must have been considerably older than Origen, for in his epistle to
him he calls him “son,” and that although Origen was at the
time beyond middle life himself. Unless Eusebius is mistaken, he was
still alive and active in the time of Gordian (238–244). But if
he was enough older than Origen to address him as “son,” he
can hardly have lived much beyond that reign. He seems to have been a
Christian philosopher and scholar rather than an ecclesiastic, and took
no such part in the church affairs of the time as to leave mention of
his name in the accounts of the synods of his day. He was quite a
traveler, as we learn from his own writings, and had the well-deserved
reputation of being one of the greatest scholars of the age. Eusebius
mentions four works left by him, the Cesti, the
Chronicon, and the epistles to Origen and to Aristides. Jerome
(l.c.) mentions only the last three, but Photius (Cod.
34) refers to all four. The Cesti (κεστοί “embroidered girdles”) seems to have derived its name
from the miscellaneous character of its contents, which included notes
on geography, the art of war, medicine, agriculture, &c. It is said
by Syncellus to have been composed of nine books: Photius mentions
fourteen, Suidas twenty-four. It is no longer extant, but numerous
scattered fragments have been preserved. Its authenticity has been
doubted, chiefly because of its purely secular character, and the
nature of some of the notes, which do not seem worthy of the
clear-headed and at the same time Christian scholar. But the external
evidence, which is not unsupported by the internal, is too strong to be
set aside, and we must conclude that the work is genuine. The extant
fragments of it are given in various works on mathematics, agriculture,
etc. (see Richardson’s Bibliographical Synopsis, p. 68).
The epistle of Africanus to Origen is the only one of his writings
preserved in a complete form. It seems that Origen, in a discussion
with a certain Bassus (see Origen’s epistle to Africanus,
§2), at which Africanus was present, had quoted from that part of
the Book of Daniel which contains the apocryphal story of Susannah.
Africanus afterward wrote a brief epistle to Origen, in which he
contended that the story is not authentic, urging among other arguments
differences in style between it and the rest of the book, and the fact
that the story is not found in Hebrew, and that certain phrases show
that it was composed originally in Greek. Origen replied at
considerable length, maintaining the authenticity of the passage, and
thereby showing himself inferior to Africanus in critical judgment.
Origen’s reply was written from Nicomedia (see §1), where he
was staying with Ambrose (see §15). It seems probable that this
visit to Nicomedia was made on his way to or from his second visit to
Athens (see next chapter, note 4). Africanus’ greatest work, and
the one which brought him most fame, was his Chronicon, in five
books. The work is no longer extant, but considerable fragments of it
have been preserved (e.g. in Eusebius’ Præp. Evang.
X. 10, and Dem. Evang. VIII., and especially in the
Chronographia of Syncellus), and the Chronicon of
Eusebius which is really based upon it, so that we are enabled to gain
a very fair idea of its original form. As described by Photius, it was
concise, but omitted nothing worthy of mention, beginning with the
creation and coming down to the reign of Macrinus. It actually extended
to the fourth year of Heliogabalus (221), as we see from a quotation
made by Syncellus. The work seems to have been caused by the common
desire of the Christians (exhibited by Tatian, Clement of Alexander,
and others) to prove in their defense of Christianity the antiquity of
the Jewish religion, and thus take away the accusation of novelty
brought against Christianity by its opponents. Africanus apparently
aimed to produce a universal chronicle and history which should exhibit
the synchronism of events in the history of the leading nations of the
world, and thus furnish solid ground for Christian apologists to build
upon. It was the first attempt of the kind, and became the foundation
of Christian chronicles for many centuries. The time at which it was
written is determined with sufficient accuracy by the date at which the
chronological table closes. Salmon (in the Dict. of Christ.
Biog.) remarks that it must have been completed early in the year
221, for it did not contain the names of the victors in the Olympic
games of the 250th Olympiad, which took place in that year (as we learn
from the list of victors copied by Eusebius from Africanus). It is said
by Eusebius, just below, that Africanus reports in this work that he
had visited Alexandria on account of the great celebrity of Heraclas.
This is very surprising, for we should hardly have expected
Heraclas’ fame to have attracted such a man to Alexandria until
after Origen had left, and he had himself become the head of the
school. On the fourth writing mentioned by Eusebius, the epistle to
Aristides, see above, Bk. I. chap. 7, note 2. The fragments of
Africanus’ works, with the exception of the Cesti, have
been printed, with copious and valuable notes, by Routh, Rel.
Sac. II. 221–509; English translation in the Ante-Nicene
Fathers, Am. ed. VI. 125–140. | the writer of the
books entitled Cesti, was well known. There is extant an epistle of his
to Origen, expressing doubts2023
2023 ἀποροῦντος. A very mild way of putting his complete rejection of the
story! | of the story of
Susannah in Daniel, as being spurious and fictitious. Origen answered
this very fully.
2. Other works of the same
Africanus which have reached us are his five books on Chronology, a
work accurately and laboriously prepared. He says in this that he went
to Alexandria on account of the great fame of Heraclas,2024
2024 On
Heraclas, see chap. 3, note 2. | who excelled especially in philosophic
studies and other Greek learning, and whose appointment to the
bishopric of the church there we have already mentioned.
3. There is extant also another
epistle from the same Africanus to Aristides on the supposed
discrepancy between Matthew and Luke in the Genealogies of Christ. In
this he shows clearly the agreement of the evangelists, from an account
which had come down to him, which we have already given in its proper
place in the first book of this work.2025