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| The Subsequent Wickedness of Licinius, and his Death. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter VIII.—The Subsequent
Wickedness of Licinius, and his Death.
1. Such
blessings did divine and heavenly grace confer upon us through the
appearance of our Saviour, and such was the abundance of benefits which
prevailed among all men in consequence of the peace which we enjoyed.
And thus were our affairs crowned with rejoicings and
2. But malignant envy, and the
demon who loves that which is evil, were not able to bear the sight of
these things; and moreover the events that befell the tyrants whom we
have already mentioned were not sufficient to bring Licinius to sound
3. For the latter, although his
government was prosperous and he was honored with the second rank after
the great Emperor Constantine, and was connected with him by the
closest ties of marriage, abandoned the imitation of good deeds, and
emulated the wickedness of the impious tyrants whose end he had seen
with his own eyes, and chose rather to follow their principles than to
continue in friendly relations with him who was better than they. Being
envious of the common benefactor he waged an impious and most terrible
war against him, paying regard neither to laws of nature, nor treaties,
nor blood, and giving no thought to covenants.2970
2970 To
speak of Licinius as alone responsible for the civil war between
himself and Constantine, which ended in his own downfall, is quite
unjustifiable; indeed, this entire chapter is a painful example of the
way in which prejudice distorts facts. The positions of the two
emperors was such that a final struggle between them for the sole
supremacy was inevitable. Already, in 314, a war broke out, which seems
to have resulted from Licinius’ refusal to deliver up a relative
of his own, who had in some way been concerned in a conspiracy against
Constantine. The occasion of the war is not perfectly plain, but it is
certain that Constantine, not Licinius, was the aggressor. Constantine
came off victorious, but was not able to overthrow his rival, and a
treaty was concluded by which Illyricum, one of Licinius’ most
important provinces, was ceded to Constantine. The two emperors
remained at peace, each waiting for a time when he could with advantage
attack the other, until 323, when a second and greater war broke out,
to which Eusebius, who omits all reference to the former, refers in
these two chapters. The immediate occasion of this war, as of the
former, is obscure, but it was certainly not due to Constantine’s
pity for the oppressed Christian subjects of Licinius, and his pious
desire to avenge their sufferings, as Eusebius, who in his Vita
Const. II. 3, in contradiction to this present passage, claims for
his prince the honor of beginning the war without any other
provocation, would have us believe. Doubtless the fact that Licinius
was persecuting his Christian subjects had much to do with the outbreak
of the war; for Constantine saw clearly that Licinius had weakened his
hold upon his subjects by his conduct, and that therefore a good time
had arrived to strike the decisive blow. A pretext—for of course
Constantine could not go to war without some more material and
plausible pretext than sympathy with oppressed Christian
brethren—was furnished by some sort of a misunderstanding in
regard to the respective rights of the two sovereigns in the border
territory along the Danube frontier, and the war began by Constantine
taking the initiative, and invading his rival’s territory. Two
battles were fought,—one at Adrianople in July, and the other at
Chrysopolis in September, 323,—in both of which Constantine was
victorious, and the latter of which resulted in the surrender of
Licinius, and the accession of Constantine to the supreme sovereignty
of both East and West. Cf. Gibbon, Harper’s ed., I. p. 490 sq.,
and Burckhardt’s Zeit Constantins, 2d ed., p. 328
sq. |
4. For Constantine, like an
all-gracious emperor, giving him evidences of true favor, did not
refuse alliance with him, and did not refuse him the illustrious
marriage with his sister, but honored him by making him a partaker of
the ancestral nobility and the ancient imperial blood,2971 and granted him the right of sharing in
the dominion over all as a brother-in-law and co-regent, conferring
upon him the government and administration of no less a portion of the
Roman provinces than he himself possessed.2972
2972 A more flagrant misrepresentation of facts could hardly be
imagined. Licinius received his appointment directly from Galerius and
owed nothing whatever to Constantine; in fact, was an Augustus before
the latter was, and held his half of the empire quite independently of
the latter, and indeed by a far clearer title than Constantine held
his. See above, Bk. VIII. chap. 13, notes 18 and 21. |
5. But Licinius, on the
contrary, pursued a course directly opposite to this; forming daily all
kinds of plots against his superior, and devising all sorts of
mischief, that he might repay his benefactor with evils. At first he
attempted to conceal his preparations, and pretended to be a friend,
and practiced frequently fraud and deceit, in the hope that he might
easily accomplish the desired end.2973
2973 There is no reason to suppose that Licinius was any more guilty
than Constantine in these respects. |
6. But God was the friend,
protector, and guardian of Constantine, and bringing the plots which
had been formed in secrecy and darkness to the light, he foiled them.
So much virtue does the great armor of piety possess for the warding
off of enemies and for the preservation of our own safety. Protected by
this, our most divinely favored emperor escaped the multitudinous plots
of the abominable man.
7. But when Licinius perceived
that his secret preparations by no means progressed according to his
mind,—for God revealed every plot and wickedness to the
God-favored emperor,—being no longer able to conceal himself, he
undertook an open war.2974
2974 This is in direct contradiction to Eusebius’ own statement
in his Vita Const. II. 3 (see above, note 1), and is almost
certainly incorrect. |
8. And at the same time that he
determined to wage war with Constantine, he also proceeded to join
battle with the God of the universe, whom he knew that Constantine
worshiped, and began, gently for a time and quietly, to attack his
pious subjects, who had never done his government any harm.2975
2975 Licinius, as Görres has shown in his able essay Die
Licinianische Christenverfolgung, p. 5 sq., did not begin to
persecute the Christians until the year 319 (the persecution was
formerly commonly supposed to have begun some three or four years
earlier). The causes of his change of policy in this matter it is
impossible to state with certainty, but the exceedingly foolish step
seems to have been chiefly due to his growing hatred and suspicion of
the Christians as the friends of Constantine. Though he had not
hitherto been hostile to them, he had yet never taken any pains to win
their friendship and to secure their enthusiastic support as
Constantine had, and as a consequence they naturally looked with envy
upon their brethren in the west, who were enjoying such signal marks of
imperial favor. Licinius could not but be conscious of this; and as the
relations between himself and Constantine became more and more
strained, it was not unnatural for him to acquire a peculiar enmity
toward them, and finally to suspect them of a conspiracy in favor of
his rival. Whether he had any grounds for such a suspicion we do not
know, but at any rate he began to show his changed attitude in 319 by
clearing his palace of Christians (see § 10). No more foolish step
can be imagined than the opening of a persecution at this critical
juncture. Just at a time when he needed the most loyal support of all
his subjects, he wantonly alienated the affections of a large and
influential portion of them, and in the very act gave them good reason
to become devoted adherents of his enemy. The persecution of Licinius,
as Görres has clearly shown (ibid. p. 29 sq.) was limited
in its extent and mild in its character. It began, as Eusebius informs
us, with the expulsion of Christians from the palace, but even here it
was not universal; at least, Eusebius of Nicomedia and other prominent
clergymen still remained Licinius’ friends, and were treated as
such by him. In fact, he evidently punished only those whom he thought
to be his enemies and to be interested in the success of Constantine,
if not directly conspiring in his behalf. No general edicts of
persecution were issued by him, and the sufferings of the Christians
seem to have been confined almost wholly to occasional loss of property
or banishment, or, still less frequently, imprisonment. A few bishops
appear to have been put to death, but there is no reason to suppose
that they suffered at the command of Licinius himself. Of course, when
it was known that he was hostile to the Christians, fanatical heathen
officials might venture, occasionally at least, to violate the existing
laws and bring hated bishops to death on one pretext or another. But
such cases were certainly rare, and there seem to have been no
instances of execution on the simple ground of Christianity, as indeed
there could not be while the Edict of Milan remained unrepealed.
Eusebius’ statement that Licinius was about to proceed to severer
measures, when the war with Constantine broke out and put a stop to his
plans, is very likely true; but otherwise his report is rather highly
colored, as many other sources fully warrant us in saying. For a
careful and very satisfactory discussion of this whole subject, see
Görres, ibid. p. 32 sq. | This he did under the compulsion of his innate
wickedness which drove him into terrible blindness.
9. He did not therefore keep
before his eyes the memory of those who had persecuted the Christians
before him, nor of those whose destroyer and executioner he had been
appointed, on account of the impieties which they had committed. But
departing from sound reason, being seized, in a word, with insanity, he
determined to war against God himself as the ally of Constantine,
instead of against the one who was assisted by him.
10. And in the first place, he
drove from his house every Christian, thus depriving himself, wretched
man, of the prayers which they offered to God in his behalf, which they
are accustomed, according to the teaching of their fathers, to offer
for all men. Then he commanded that the soldiers in the cities should
be cashiered and stripped of their rank unless they chose to sacrifice
to the demons. And yet these were small matters when compared with the
greater things that followed.
11. Why is it necessary to
relate minutely and in detail all that was done by the hater of God,
and to recount how this most lawless man invented unlawful laws?2976
2976 Note the play on the word νόμος.
ἀνόμους ὁ
πανανομώτατος | He passed an ordinance that no one
should exercise humanity toward the sufferers in prison by giving them
food, and that none should show mercy to those that were perishing of
hunger in bonds; that no one should in any way be kind, or do any good
act, even though moved by Nature herself to sympathize with one’s
neighbors. And this was indeed an openly shameful and most cruel law,
calculated to expel all natural kindliness. And in addition to this it
was also decreed, as a punishment, that those who showed compassion
should suffer the same things with those whom they compassionated; and
that those who kindly ministered to the suffering should be thrown into
bonds and into prison, and should endure the same punishment with the
sufferers. Such were the decrees of Licinius.
12. Why should we recount his
innovations in regard to marriage or in regard to the
dying—innovations by which he ventured to annul the ancient laws
of the Romans which had been well and wisely formed, and to introduce
certain barbarous and cruel laws, which were truly unlawful and
2977 Another play upon the same word: νόμους,
ἀνόμους ὡς
ἀληθῶς καὶ
παρανόμους | He invented, to the detriment of
the provinces which were subject to him, innumerable prosecutions,2978
2978 ἐπισκήψεις. The same word is used in connection with Maximinus in Bk.
VIII. chap. 14, § 10, above. Valesius cites passages from Aurelius
Victor, and Libanius, in which it is said that Licinius was very kindly
disposed toward the rural population of his realm, and that the cities
flourished greatly under him. Moreover, Zosimus gives just such an
account of Constantine as Eusebius gives of Licinius. Allowance must
undoubtedly be made on the one side for Eusebius’ prejudice
against Licinius, as on the other for Zosimus’ well-known hatred
of Constantine. Doubtless both accounts are greatly exaggerated, though
they probably contain considerable truth, for there were few Roman
emperors that did not practice severe exactions upon their subjects, at
times at least, if not continually, and it is always easy in a case of
this kind to notice the dark and to overlook the bright features of a
reign. Licinius was certainly a cruel man in many respects, and one
hardly cares to enter the lists in his defense, but it should be
observed that, until he became the enemy of Constantine and the
persecutor of the Christians, Eusebius uniformly spoke of him in the
highest terms. Compare Stroth’s note ad locum (quoted also
by Closs). | and all sorts of methods of extorting
gold and silver, new measurements of land2979
2979 i.e. for the purpose of making new assessments, which is always
apt to be looked upon as an oppressive act, whether unjust or
not. | and injurious exactions from men in the
country, who were no longer living, but long since dead.
13. Why is it necessary to speak
at length of the banishments which, in addition to these things, this
enemy of mankind inflicted upon those who had done no wrong, the
expatriations of men of noble birth and high reputation whose young
wives he snatched from them and consigned to certain baser fellows of
his own, to be shamefully abused by them, and the many married women
and virgins upon whom he gratified his passions, although he was in
advanced age2980
2980 ἐσχατόγηρως. Valesius remarks that, according to the epitomist of
Victor, Licinius died in the sixtieth year of his age, so that at the
time of which Eusebius was speaking he was little more than fifty years
of age. | —why, I say, is it necessary
to speak at length of these things, when the excessive wickedness of
his last deeds makes the first appear small and of no
14. For, finally, he reached
such a pitch of madness that he attacked the bishops, supposing that
they—as servants of the God over all—would be hostile to
his measures. He did not yet proceed against them openly, on account of
his fear of his superior, but as before, secretly and craftily,
employing the treachery of the governors for the destruction of the
most distinguished of them. And the manner of their murder was strange,
and such as had never before been heard of.
15. The deeds which he
performed at Amaseia2981
2981 Amaseia, or Amasia, as it is more commonly called, was an
important city of Pontus, situated on the river Iris. | and in the
other cities of Pontus surpassed every excess of cruelty. Some of the
churches of God were again razed to the ground, others were closed, so
that none of those accustomed to frequent them could enter them and
render the worship due to God.
16. For his evil conscience led
him to suppose that prayers were not offered in his behalf; but he was
persuaded that we did everything in the interest of the God-beloved
emperor, and that we supplicated God for him.2982
2982 Eusebius makes it clear enough in this sentence that Licinius
suspected a treasonable conspiracy on the part of the Christians. See
above, note 1. | Therefore he hastened to turn his fury
against us.
17. And then those among the
governors who wished to flatter him, perceiving that in doing such
things they pleased the impious tyrant,2983 made some of the bishops suffer the
penalties customarily inflicted upon criminals, and led away and
without any pretext punished like murderers those who had done no
wrong. Some now endured a new form of death: having their bodies cut
into many pieces with the sword, and after this savage and most
horrible spectacle, being thrown into the depths of the sea as food for
18. Thereupon the worshipers of
God again fled, and fields and deserts, forests and mountains, again
received the servants of Christ. And when the impious tyrant had thus
met with success in these measures, he finally planned to renew the
persecution against all.
19. And he would have succeeded
in his design, and there would have been nothing to hinder him in the
work, had not God, the defender of the lives of his own people, most
quickly anticipated that which was about to happen, and caused a great
light to shine forth as in the midst of a dark and gloomy night, and
raised up a deliverer for all, leading into those regions with a lofty
arm, his servant, Constantine. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH