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| Preliminary Remarks on the Feast of Easter: and how the Word of God, having conferred Manifold Benefits on Mankind, was betrayed by his Beneficiaries. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
The Oration
the emperor
which he addressed
“to the assembly of the
Chapter I.—Preliminary Remarks on the Feast of Easter: and how the
Word of God, having conferred Manifold Benefits on Mankind, was
betrayed by his Beneficiaries.
That light which far outshines the day and sun, first pledge of
resurrection, and renovation of bodies long since dissolved,3366
3366 Or “once suffering.” | the divine token3367
3367 ἕρμαιου,
“gift of Hermes”; i.e. providential good-fortune. Valesius
wrongly conjectures ἕρμα,
“foundation” of promise. | of promise, the path which leads to
everlasting life—in a word, the day of the Passion—is
arrived, best beloved doctors, and ye, my friends who are assembled
here, ye blessed multitudes, who worship him who is the author of all
worship, and praise him continually with heart and voice, according to
the precepts of his holy word. But thou, Nature,3368
3368 Valesius, followed by various translators, substitutes
“God” for “Nature.” But all ms. authority, and the context as well, is
against. | parent of all things, what blessing
like to this hast thou ever accomplished for mankind? Nay rather, what
is in any sense thy workmanship, since he who formed the universe is
himself the author of thy being? For it is he who has arrayed thee in
thy beauty; and the beauty of Nature is life according to
Nature’s laws. But principles quite opposed to Nature have
mightily prevailed; in that men have agreed in withholding his rightful
worship from the Lord of all, believing that the order of the universe
depended, not on his providence, but, on the blind uncertainty of
chance: and this notwithstanding the clearest announcement of the truth
by his inspired prophets, whose words should have claimed belief, but
were in every way resisted by that impious wickedness which hates the
light of truth, and loves the obscure mazes of darkness. Nor was this
error unaccompanied by violence and cruelty, especially in that the
will of princes encouraged the blind impetuosity of the multitude, or
rather itself led the way in the career of reckless folly. Such
principles as these, confirmed by the practice of many generations,
became the source of terrible evils in those early times: but no sooner
had the radiance of the Saviour’s presence appeared, than justice
took the place of wrong, a calm succeeded the confusion of the storm,
and the predictions of the prophets were all fulfilled. For after he
had enlightened the world by the glorious discretion and purity of his
character, and had ascended to the mansions of his father’s
house, he founded his Church on earth, as a holy temple of virtue, an
immortal, imperishable temple, wherein the worship due to the Supreme
Father and to himself should be piously performed. But what did the
insane malice of the nations hereupon devise? Their effort was to
reject the grace of Christ, and to ruin that Church which was ordained
for the salvation of all, though they thus ensured the overthrow of
their own superstition.3369
3369 1709, Molz., Vales., Cous., render
“substitute in place thereof their own
superstition.” | Once more
then unholy sedition, once more war and strife prevailed, with
stiff-neckedness, luxurious riot, and that craving for wealth which now
soothes its victims with specious hope, now strikes them with
groundless fear; a craving which is contrary to nature, and the very
characteristic of Vice herself. Let her, however, lie prostrate in the
dust, and own the victorious power of Virtue; and let her rend and tear
herself, as well she may, in the bitterness of repentance. But let us
now proceed to speak of topics which pertain to the Divine
doctrine.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH