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| Athanasius' Account of the Deeds of Violence committed at Alexandria by George the Arian. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XXVIII.—Athanasius’ Account of the Deeds of
Violence committed at Alexandria by George the Arian.
What cruelties George
perpetrated at Alexandria at the same time may be learned from the
narration of Athanasius, who both suffered in and witnessed the
occurrences. In his ‘Apology for his flight,’346
346Athan. Apol. de Fuga, 6.
speaking of these transactions, he thus expresses himself:
‘Moreover, they came to Alexandria, again seeking
to destroy me: and on this occasion their proceedings were worse than
before; for the soldiery having suddenly surrounded the church, there
arose the din of war, instead of the voice of prayer. Afterwards, on
his arrival during Lent,347
, lit. = ‘forty days’ fast,’ formed by mistaken
analogy to πεντηκοστή
George, sent from Cappadocia, added to the evil which he was instructed
to work. When Easter-week348
348Suspending, i.e., all violence during the period of
festivity attending the observance of Easter.
was passed, the virgins were cast into prison, the bishops were led in
chains by the military, and the dwellings even of orphans and widows
were forcibly entered and their provisions pillaged. Christians were
assassinated by night; houses were sealed;349
349Houses are often sealed by state and municipal
officials in the East, even at the present time, when their contents
are to be confiscated, or for any other reason an inventory is to be
made by the authorities. The sealing consists in fastening and securing
the locks and bolts and attaching the impression of the official seal
to some sealing-wax which is put over them. In this case the object of
the sealing was apparently the confiscation of the contents.
and the relatives of the clergy were endangered on their account. Even
these outrages were dreadful; but those that followed were still more
so. For in the week after the holy Pentecost, the people, having
fasted, went forth to the cemetery to pray, because all were averse to
communion with George: that wickedest of men being informed of this,
instigated against them Sebastian, an officer who was a Manichæan.
He, accordingly, at the head of a body of troops armed with drawn
swords, bows, and darts, marched out to attack the people, although it
was the Lord’s day: finding but few at prayers,—as the most
part had retired because of the lateness of the hour,—he
performed such exploits as might be expected from them. Having kindled
a fire, he set the virgins near it, in order to compel them to say that
they were of the Arian faith: but seeing they stood their ground and
despised the fire, he then stripped them, and so beat them on the face,
that for a long time afterwards they could scarcely be recognized.
Seizing also about forty men, he flogged them in an extraordinary
manner: for he so lacerated their backs with rods fresh cut from the
palm-tree, which still had their thorns on, that some were obliged to
resort repeatedly to surgical aid in order to have the thorns extracted
from their flesh, and others, unable to bear the agony, died under its
infliction. All the survivors with one virgin they banished to the
Great Oasis.350
350The modern El-Onah or El-Kharjeh,
situated west of the Nile, seven days’ journey from Thebes,
contains several small streams, and abounds in vegetation, including
palm-trees, orange and citron groves, olive orchards, &c. See
Smith, Dict. of Geogr.
The bodies of the dead they did not so much as give up to their
relatives, but denying them the rites of sepulture they concealed them
as they thought fit, that the evidences of their cruelty might not
appear. They did this acting as madmen. For while the friends of the
deceased rejoiced on account of their confession, but mourned because
their bodies were uninterred, the impious inhumanity of these acts was
sounded abroad the more conspicuously. For soon after this they sent
into exile out of Egypt and the two Libyas the following bishops:
Ammonius, Thmuïs, Caïus, Philo, Hermes, Pliny, Psenosiris,
Nilammon, Agatho, Anagamphus, Mark, Ammonius, another Mark, Dracontius,
Adelphius, and Athenodorus; and the presbyters Hierax and Discorus. And
so harshly did they treat them in conducting them, that some expired
while on their journey, and others in the place of banishment. In this
way they got rid of more than thirty bishops, for the anxious desire of
the Arians, like Ahab’s, was to exterminate the truth if
Such are the words of Athanasius in regard to the
atrocities perpetrated by George at Alexandria. The emperor meanwhile
led his army into Illyricum. For there the urgency of public affairs
demanded his presence; and especially the proclamation of Vetranio351
351Sozomen (IV. 4) calls him Οὐετερανίων
; cf. also Zosimus, II. 44, on the way in which he was elevated and
soon afterwards reduced.
as emperor by the military. On arriving at Sirmium, he came to a
conference with Vetranio during a truce; and so managed, that the
soldiers who had previously declared for him changed sides, and saluted
Constantius alone as Augustus and sovereign autocrat. In the
acclamations, therefore, no notice was taken of Vetranio. Vetranio,
perceiving himself to be abandoned, immediately threw himself at the
feet of the emperor; Constantius, taking from him his imperial crown
and purple, treated him with great clemency, and recommended him to
pass the rest of his days tranquilly in the condition of a private
citizen: observing that a life of repose at his advanced age was far
more suitable than a dignity which entailed anxieties and care.
Vetranio’s affairs came to this issue; and the emperor ordered
that a liberal provision out of the public revenue should be given him.
Often afterwards writing to the emperor during his residence at Prusa
in Bithynia, Vetranio assured him that he had conferred the greatest
blessing on him, by liberating him from the disquietudes which are the
inseparable concomitants of sovereign power. Adding that he himself did
not act wisely in depriving himself of that happiness in retirement,
which he had bestowed upon him. Let this suffice on this point. After
these things, the Emperor Constantius having created Gallus his kinsman
Cæsar, and given him his own name,352
352See I. 1, and note on the name of Eusebius
Pamphilus; cf. Smith and Cheetham, Dict. of Christ. Ant.
sent him to Antioch in Syria, providing thus for the guarding of the
eastern parts. When Gallus was entering this city, the Savior’s
sign appeared in the East:353
353Similar to the appearance mentioned in I. 2. See
note on that passage.
for a pillar in the form of a cross seen in the heavens gave occasion
of great amazement to the spectators. His other generals the emperor
despatched against Magnentius with
considerable forces, and he himself remained at Sirmium, awaiting the
course of events.