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Book V.
Before we begin the fifth book
of our history, we must beg those who may peruse this treatise, not to
censure us too hastily because having set out to write a church history
we still intermingle with ecclesiastical matters, such an account of
the wars which took place during the period under consideration, as
could be duly authenticated. For this we have done for several reasons:
first, in order to lay before our readers an exact statement of facts;
but secondly, in order that the minds of the readers might not become
satiated with the repetition of the contentious disputes of bishops,
and their insidious designs against one another; but more especially
that it might be made apparent, that whenever the affairs of the state
were disturbed, those of the Church, as if by some vital sympathy,
became disordered also.677
677The views here expressed show a crude conception of
the vital relation between church and state. The very tone of apology
which tinges their expression is based on a misconception of the idea
of history. But Socrates was not below his age in this respect. See
Introd., p. xiii.
Indeed whoever shall attentively examine the subject will find, that
the mischiefs of the state, and the troubles of the church have been
inseparably connected; for he will perceive that they have either
arisen together, or immediately succeeded one another. Sometimes the
affairs of the Church come first in order; then commotions in the state
follow, and sometimes the reverse, so that I cannot believe this
invariable interchange is merely fortuitous, but am persuaded that it
proceeds from our iniquities; and that these evils are inflicted upon
us as merited chastisements, if indeed as the apostle truly says,
‘Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to
judgment; and some men they follow after.’678
For this reason we have interwoven many affairs of the state with our
ecclesiastical history. Of the wars carried on during the reign of
Constantine we have made no mention, having found no account of them
that could be depended upon because of their iniquity: but of
subsequent events, as much information as we could gather from those
still living679
679For the risks of this method, see IV. 31 and
in the order of their occurrence, we have passed in rapid review. We
have continually included the emperors in these historical details;
because from the time they began to profess the Christian religion, the
affairs of the Church have depended on them, so that even the greatest
Synods have been, and still are convened by their appointment. Finally,
we have particularly noticed the Arian heresy, because it has so
greatly disquieted the churches. Let these remarks be considered
sufficient in the way of preface: we shall now proceed with our