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| List of the Benefits which Constantine conferred in the Freedom of the Christians and Building of Churches; and other Deeds for the Public Welfare. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter VIII.—List of
the Benefits which Constantine conferred in the Freedom of the
Christians and Building of Churches; and other Deeds for the Public
As soon as the sole government
of the Roman empire was vested in Constantine, he issued a public
δημόσιον. The decree is
given at full length in Eus. V. C. ii. 24–42; and the
other legislative chapters of Bks. ii. and iv. Cf. Eus. H. E. x.
5–7; Soc. i. 18.
commanding all his subjects in the East to honor the Christian
religion, carefully to worship the Divine Being, and to recognize that
only as Divine which is also essentially so, and which has the power
that endures for ever and ever: for he delights to give all good things
ungrudgingly to those who zealously embrace the truth; he meets their
undertakings with the best hopes, while misfortunes, whether in peace
or in war, whether in public or in private life, befall transgressors.
Constantine then added, but without vain boasting, that, God having
accounted him as a fitting servant, worthy to reign, he had been led
from the British sea to the Eastern provinces in order that the
Christian religion might be extended, and that those who, on account of
the worship of God had remained steadfast in confessions or martyrdoms,
might be advanced to public honors. After making these statements, he
entered upon a myriad other details by which he thought his subjects
might be drawn to religion. He decreed that all acts and judgments
passed by the persecutors of the church against Christianity should be
revoked; and commanded that all those who, on account of their
confession of Christ, had been sent to banishment—either to the
isles or elsewhere, contrary to their own inclination—and all
those who had been condemned to labor in the mines, the public works,
the harems, the linen factories, or had been enrolled as public
functionaries, should be restored to liberty. He removed the stigma of
dishonor from those upon whom it had been cast, and permitted those who
had been deprived of high appointments in the army, either to reassume
their former place, or with an honorable discharge, to enjoy a liberal
ease according to their own choice; and when he had recalled all to the
enjoyment of their former liberties and customary honors, he likewise
restored their possessions. In the case of those who had been slain,
and whose property had been confiscated, he enacted that the
inheritance should be transferred to the next of kin, or, in default of
heirs, to the church belonging to the locality where the estate was
situated; and when the inheritance had passed into other hands, and had
become either private or national property, he commanded it to be
restored. He likewise promised to resort to the fittest and best
possible arrangements when the property had been purchased by the
exchequer, or had been received therefrom by gift. These measures, as
it had been said, having been enacted by the emperor, and ratified by
law, were forthwith carried into execution. Christians were thus placed
in almost all the principal posts of the Roman government; the worship
of false gods was universally prohibited; and the arts of divination,
the dedication of statues, and the celebration of pagan festivals were
interdicted. Many of the most ancient customs observed in the cities
fell into disuse: and among the Egyptians the measure used to indicate
the increase of the waters of the Nile was no longer borne into pagan
temples, but into churches. The spectacle of gladiators was then prohibited
among the Romans; and the custom which prevailed among the
Phœnicians of Lebanon and Heliopolis of prostituting virgins
before marriage, who were accustomed to cohabit in lawful marriage
after the first trial of an illicit intercourse, was abolished. Of the
houses of prayer, the emperor repaired some which were of sufficient
magnitude; others were brilliantly restored by additional length and
breadth, and he erected new edifices in places where no building of the
kind had existed previously. He furnished the requisite supplies from
the imperial treasury, and wrote to the bishops of the cities and the
governors of the provinces, desiring them to contribute whatever might
be wished, and enjoining submission and zealous obedience to the
The prosperity of religion kept pace with the increased
prosperity of the empire. After the war with Licinius, the emperor was
successful in battle against foreign nations; he conquered the
Sarmatians and the people called Goths, and concluded an advantageous
treaty with them. These people dwelt upon the Ister; and as they were
very warlike, and always ready in arms both by the multitude and
magnitude of their bodies, they kept the other tribes of barbarians in
awe, and found antagonists in the Romans alone. It is said that, during
this war, Constantine perceived clearly, by means of signs and dreams,
that the special protection of Divine Providence had been extended to
him. Hence when he had vanquished all those who rose up in battle
against him he evinced his thankfulness to Christ by zealous attention
to the concerns of religion, and exhorted the governors to recognize
the one true faith and way of salvation. He enacted that part of the
funds levied from tributary countries should be forwarded by the
various cities to the bishops and clergy, wherever they might be
domiciled, and commanded that the law enjoining this gift should be a
statute forever. In order to accustom the soldiers to worship God as he
did, he had their weapons marked with the symbol of the cross, and he
erected a house of prayer in the palace. When he engaged in war, he
caused a tent to be borne before him, constructed in the shape of a
church, so that in case he or his army might be led into the desert,
they might have a sacred edifice in which to praise and worship God,
and participate in the mysteries.1083
1083Μυστηρίων ,
that is to say, the sacraments of the church.
Priests and deacons followed the tent, who fulfilled the orders about
these matters, according to the law of the church. From that period the
Roman legions, which now were called by their number, provided each its
own tent, with attendant priests and deacons. He also enjoined the
observance of the day termed the Lord’s day,1084
1084Eus. V. C. iv. 18, 19.
which the Jews call the first day of the week, and which the pagans
dedicate to the sun, as likewise the day before the seventh, and
commanded that no judicial or other business should be transacted on
those days, but that God should be served with prayers and
supplications. He honored the Lord’s day, because on it Christ
arose from the dead, and the day above mentioned, because on it he was
crucified. He regarded the cross with peculiar reverence, on account
both of the power which it conveyed to him in the battles against his
enemies, and also of the divine manner in which the symbol had appeared
to him. He took away by law the crucifixion customary among the Romans,
from the usage of the courts. He commanded that this divine symbol
should always be inscribed and stamped whenever coins and images should
be struck, and his images, which exist in this very form, still testify
to this order. And indeed he strove in everything, particularly in the
enactment of laws, to serve God. It appears, too, that he prohibited
many flagitious and licentious connections,1085
1085He probably alludes to the law of Constantine,
“de raptu virginum vel viduarum.” See Codex Theodos. ix.
which till that period had not been forbidden; as one, who cares about
it, may see at a glance from these few instances what the laws were,
which he established about these points; it appears to me unreasonable
now to treat them exhaustively. I consider it necessary, however, to
mention the laws enacted for the honor and consolidation of religion,
as they constitute a considerable portion of ecclesiastical history. I
shall therefore proceed to the recital.