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| Temples Built by Constantine the Great; the City called by his Name; its Founding; the Buildings within it; the Temple of Michael the Archsoldier, in the Sosthenium, and the Miracles which have occurred there. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter III.—Temples
built by Constantine the Great; the City called by his Name; its
Founding; the Buildings within it; the Temple of Michael the
Archsoldier, in the Sosthenium, and the Miracles which have occurred
The emperor,1145
1145Eus. V. C. iii. 50–58; iv. 58; Soc. i.
18; Zos. ii. 30–32.
always intent on the advancement of religion, erected the most
beautiful temples to God in every place, particularly in metropolises,
such as Nicomedia in Bithynia, Antioch on the river Orontes, and
Byzantium. He greatly improved this latter city, and constituted it the
equal of Rome in power, and participation in the government; for, when
he had settled the affairs of the empire according to his own mind, and
had rectified foreign affairs by wars and treaties, he resolved upon
founding a city which should be called by his own name, and should be
equal in celebrity to Rome. With this intention, he repaired to a plain
at the foot of Troy, near the Hellespont, above the tomb of Ajax,
where, it is said, the Achaians had their naval stations and tents
while besieging Troy; and here he laid the plan of a large and
beautiful city, and built the gates on an elevated spot of ground, whence they are
still visible from the sea to those sailing by. But when he had
advanced thus far, God appeared to him by night, and commanded him to
seek another spot. Led by the hand of God, he arrived at Byzantium in
Thrace, beyond Chalcedon in Bithynia, and here he was desired to build
his city and to render it worthy of the name of Constantine. In
obedience to the words of God, he therefore enlarged the city formerly
called Byzantium, and surrounded it with high walls. He also erected
magnificent dwelling houses southward through the regions. Since he was
aware that the former population was insufficient for so great a city,
he peopled it with men of rank and their households, whom he summoned
hither from the elder Rome and from other countries. He imposed taxes
to cover the expenses of building and adorning the city, and of
supplying its inhabitants with food, and providing the city with all
the other requisites. He adorned it sumptuously with a hippodrome,
fountains, porticos, and other structures. He named it New Rome and
Constantinople, and constituted it the imperial capital for all the
inhabitants of the North, the South, the East, and the shores of the
Mediterranean, from the cities on the Ister and from Epidamnus and the
Ionian gulf, to Cyrene and that part of Libya called Borium.
He constructed another council house which they call
senate; he ordered the same honors and festal days as those customary
to the other Romans, and he did not fail studiously to make the city
which bore his name equal in every respect to that of Rome in Italy;
nor were his wishes thwarted; for by the assistance of God, it had to
be confessed as great in population and wealth. I know of no cause to
account for this extraordinary aggrandizement, unless it be the piety
of the builder and of the inhabitants, and their compassion and
liberality towards the poor. The zeal they manifested for the Christian
faith was so great that many of the Jewish inhabitants and most of the
Greeks were converted. As this city became the capital of the empire
during the period of religious prosperity, it was not polluted by
altars, Grecian temples, nor sacrifices; and although Julian authorized
the introduction of idolatry for a short space of time, it soon
afterwards became extinct. Constantine further honored this newly
compacted city of Christ, named after himself, by adorning it with
numerous and magnificent houses of prayer. And the Deity also
co-operated with the spirit of the emperor, and by Divine
manifestations persuaded men that these prayer houses in the city were
holy and salvatory. According to the general opinion of foreigners and
citizens, the most remarkable church was that built in a place formerly
called Hestiæ. This place, which is now called Michaelium, lies to
the right of those who sail from Pontus to Constantinople, and is about
thirty-five stadia distant from the latter city by water, but if you
make the circuit of the bay, the journey between them is seventy stadia
and upwards. This place obtained the name which now prevails, because
it is believed that Michael, the Divine archangel, once appeared there.
And I also affirm that this is true, because I myself received the
greatest benefits, and the experience of really helpful deeds on the
part of many others proves this to be so. For some who had fallen into
fearful reverses or unavoidable dangers, others with disease and
unknown sufferings, there prayed to God, and met with a change in their
misfortunes. I should be prolix were I to give details of circumstance
and person. But I cannot omit mentioning the case of Aquilinus, who is
even at the present time residing with us, and who is an advocate in
the same court of justice as that to which we belong.1146
1146ἀγορεύοντι .
This shows that Sozomen was an advocate in the law courts at the very
time of his writing this history.
I shall relate what I heard from him concerning this occurrence and
what I saw. Being attacked with a severe fever, arising from a
yellowish bile, the physicians gave him some foreign drug to drink.
This he vomited, and, by the effort of vomiting, diffused the bile,
which tinged his countenance with a yellow color. Hence he had to vomit
all his food and drink. For a long time he remained in this state; and
since his nourishment would not be quiet in him, the skill of the
physicians was at a loss for the suffering. Finding that he was already
half dead, he commanded his servant to carry him to the house of
prayer; for he affirmed earnestly that there he would either die or be
freed from his disease. While he was lying there, a Divine Power
appeared to him by night, and commanded him to dip his foot in a
confection made of honey, wine, and pepper. The man did so, and was
freed from his complaint, although the prescription was contrary to the
professional rules of the physicians, a confection of so very hot a
nature being considered adverse to a bilious disorder. I have also
heard that Probianus, one of the physicians of the palace, who was
suffering greatly from a disease in the feet, likewise met with
deliverance from sickness at this place, and was accounted worthy of
being visited with a wonderful and Divine vision. He had formerly been
attached to the Pagan superstitions, but afterwards became a Christian;
yet, while he admitted in one way or another the probability of the
rest of our doctrines, he could not understand how, by the Divine cross, the salvation of all is effected.
While his mind was in doubt on this subject, the symbol of the cross,
which lay on the altar of this church, was pointed out to him in the
Divine vision, and he heard a voice openly declaring that, as Christ
had been crucified on the cross, the necessities of the human race or
of individuals, whatsoever they might be, could not be met by the
ministration of Divine angels or of pious and good men; for that there
was no power to rectify apart from the venerated cross. I have only
recorded a few of the incidents which I know to have taken place in
this temple, because there is not time to recount them all.