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| The Reason why under Constantine, the Name of Christ was spread throughout the Whole World. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter VI.—The Reason
why under Constantine, the Name of Christ was spread throughout the
Whole World.
The church having been in this
manner spread throughout the whole Roman world, religion was introduced
even among the barbarians themselves.1151
1151Irenæus adv. Hæres i. 3 (ed.
Harvey); Philost. ii. 5, 6.
The tribes on both sides of the Rhine were Christianized, as likewise
the Celts and the Gauls who dwelt upon the most distant shores of the
ocean; the Goths, too, and such tribes as were contiguous to them, who
formerly dwelt on either of the high shores of the Danube, had long
shared in the Christian faith, and had changed into a gentler and more
rational observance. Almost all the barbarians had professed to hold
the Christian doctrine in honor, from the time of the wars between the
Romans and foreign tribes, under the government of Gallienus and the
emperors who succeeded him. For when an unspeakable multitude of mixed
nations passed over from Thrace into Asia and overran it, and when
other barbarians from the various regions did the same things to the
adjacent Romans, many priests of Christ who had been taken captive,
dwelt among these tribes; and during their residence among them, healed
the sick, and cleansed those who were possessed of demons, by the name
of Christ only, and by calling on
the Son of God; moreover they led1152
. The Christian life, and especially the monastic, was regarded as the
true philosophy.
a blameless life, and excited envy by their virtues. The barbarians,
amazed at the conduct and wonderful works of these men, thought that it
would be prudent on their part, and pleasing to the Deity, if they
should imitate those whom they saw were better; and, like them, would
render homage to God. When teachers as to what should be done, had been
proposed to them, the people were taught and baptized, and subsequently
were gathered into churches.