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| Of the expedition against the Persians. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XVI.—Of the expedition against the
No sooner had the Persians heard of the death of Constantius, than
they took heart, proclaimed war, and marched over the frontier of the
Roman empire. Julian therefore determined to muster his forces, though
they were a host without a God to guard them. First he sent to Delphi,
to Delos and to Dodona, and to the other oracles649
649 This
is probably the last occasion on which the moribund oracles were
consulted by any one of importance. Of Delphi, the “navel of the
earth” (Strabo ix. 505) in Phocis, Cicero had written some four
centuries earlier “Cur isto modo jam oracula Delphi non eduntur,
non modo nostra ætate, sed jam diu, ut nihil possit esse
contemptius:” Div. ii. 57. Plutarch, who died about a.d. 120, wrote already “de defectu
The oracle of Apollo at Delos
was consulted only in the summer months, as in the winter the god was
supposed to be at Patara: so Virgil (iv. 143) writes
“Qualis ubi hibernam
Lyciam Xanthique fluenta
Deserit, ac Delum maternam
invisit Apollo.”
Dodona in Epirus was the most
ancient of the oracular shrines, where the suppliant went
ἐκ δρυὸς
Διὸς βουλὴν
Od. xiv. 327.
oracles” were potentially “dumb,”
“Apollo…with hollow shriek the steep of Delphos
leaving,” as Milton sings, at the Nativity, but it was not till
the reign of Theodosius that they were finally silenced. | and enquired of the seers if he should
march. They bade him march and promised him victory. One of these
oracles I subjoin in proof of their falsehood. It was as follows.
“Now we gods all started to get trophies of victory by the river
beast and of them I Ares, bold raiser of the din of war, will be
650 νῦν πάντες
θεοῖ νίκης
παρὰ θηρὶ
ποταμῷ τῶν δ᾽
῎Αρης | Let them that style the Pythian a God
wise in word and prince of the muses ridicule the absurdity of the
utterance. I who have found out its falsehood will rather pity him who
was cheated by it. The oracle called the Tigris “beast”
because the river and the animal bear the same name. Rising in the
mountains of Armenia, and flowing through Assyria it discharges itself
into the Persian gulf. Beguiled by these oracles the unhappy man
indulged in dreams of victory, and after fighting with the Persians had
visions of a campaign against the Galileans, for so he called the
Christians, thinking thus to bring discredit on them. But, man of
education as he was, he ought to have bethought him that no mischief is
done to reputation by change of name, for even had Socrates been called
Critias and Pythagoras Phalaris they would have incurred no disgrace
from the change of name—nor yet would Nireus if he had been named
651 These
four illustrations, occurring in a single sentence indicate a certain
breadth of reading on the part of the writer, and bear out his
character for learning. (cf. Gibbon and Jortin, remarks on Eccl. Hist.
ii. 113.) Socrates, the best of the philosophers, is set against
Critias, one of the worst of the politicians of Hellas; Pythagoras, the
Samian sage of Magna Græcia, against Phalaris, the Sicilian tyrant
“tauro violenti membra
Torruit;” (Ovid. A. A. 1.
but did not write the Epistles
once ascribed to him. Theodoretus probably remembered his Homer when he
cited Thersites as the ugliest man of the old world;—
“He was squint-eyed, and
lame of either foot;
So crook-back’d that he
had no breast; sharp-headed, where did shoot
Here and there spersed, thin
mossy hair.
Il. ii. 219. Chapman’s
And the juxtaposition of
Pythagoras and Nireus suggests that it may possibly have been Horace
who suggested Nireus as the type of beauty:—
“Nec te Pythagoræ
fallant arcana renati,
Formaque vincas Nirea,”
(Hor. Epod. xv.)
though Nireus appears
as κάλλιστος
ἀνήρ in the same book of
the Iliad as that in which Thersites is derided, and Theodoret is said
to have known no Latin. | have lost the comeliness with which
nature had gifted him. Julian had learned about these things, but laid
none of them to heart, and supposed that he could wrong us by using an
inappropriate title. He believed the lies of the oracles and threatened
to set up in our churches the statue of the goddess of