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| The council assembled at Constantinople. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
VIII.—The council assembled at
At this
time the recent feeder of the flock at Nazianzus832
832 “Cave credas episcopum Nazianzi his verbis designari,”
says Valesius;—because before 381 the great Gregory of Nazianzus
had at the most first helped his father in looking after the church at
Nazianzus, and on his father’s death taken temporary and
apparently informal charge of the see. But in the latter part of his
note Valesius suggests that τὰ
τελευταῖα may refer to the episcopate of Gregory at Nazianzus in his
last days, after his abdication of the see of
Constantinople,—“Atque hic sensus magis placet, magis enim
convenire videtur verbis Theodoreti;” “Recent
feeder,” then, or “he who most recently fed,” will
mean “he who after the events at Constantinople which I am about
to relate, acted as bishop of Nazianzus.” Gregory left
Constantinople in June 381, repaired to Nazianzus, and after finding a
suitable man to occupy the see, retired to Arianzus, but was pressed to
return and take a leading post in order to check Apollinarian heretics.
His health broke down, and he wished to retire. He would have voted in
the election of his successor, but his opponents objected on the ground
that he either was bishop of Nazianzus, or not; if he was, there was no
vacancy; if he was not, he had no vote. Eulalius was chosen in 383, and
Gregory spent six weary years in wanderings and troubles, and at last
found in rest in 389. | was living at Constantinople,833
833 It was probably in 379 that Gregory first went to Constantinople
and preached in a private house which was to him a “Shiloh, where
the ark rested, an Anastasia, a place of resurrection” (Orat. 42.
6). Hence the name “Anastasia” given to the famous church
built on the site of the too strait house. | continually withstanding the
blasphemies of the Arians, watering the holy people with the teaching
of the Gospel, catching wanderers outside the flock and removing them
from poisonous pasture. So that flock once small he made a great one.
When the divine Meletius saw him, knowing as he did full well the
object which the makers of the canon834
834 i.e. the xvth of Nicæa, forbidding any bishop, presbyter or
deacon, to pass from one city to another. Gregory himself classes it
among “Νόμους
τεθνηκότας” (Carm. 1810–11). | had before
them when, with the view of preventing the possibility of ambitious
efforts, they forbade the translation of bishops, he confirmed Gregory
in the episcopate of Constantinople.835
835 Gregory had been practically acting as bishop, when an intriguing
party led by Peter of Alexandria tried to force Maximus, a cynic
professor, who was one of Gregory’s admiring hearers, on the
Constantinopolitan Church. “At this time,” i.e. probably in
the middle of 380, and certainly before Nov. 24, when Theodosius
entered the capital, “A priest from Thasco had come to
Constantinople with a large sum of money to buy Proconnesian marble for
a church. He too was beguiled by the specious hope held out to him.
Maximus and his party thus gained the power of purchasing the service
of a mob, which was as forward to attack Gregory as it had been to
praise him. It was night, and the bishop was ill in bed, when Maximus
with his followers went to the church to be consecrated by five
suffragans who had been sent from Alexandria for the purpose. Day began
to dawn while they were till preparing for the consecration. They had
but half finished the tonsure of the cynic philosopher, who wore the
flowing hair common to his sect, when a mob, excited by the sudden
news, rushed in upon them, and drove them from the church. They retired
to a flute player’s shop to complete their work, and Maximus,
compelled to flee from Constantinople, went to Thessalonica with the
hope of gaining over Theodosius himself.” Archdeacon Watkins.
Dict. Christ. Biog. ii. 752. | Shortly
afterwards the divine Meletius passed away to the life that knows no
pain, crowned by the praises of the funeral eloquence of all the great
Timotheus, bishop of Alexandria,
who had followed Peter, the successor of Athanasius in the
patriarchate, ordained in place of the admirable Gregorius,
Maximus—a cynic who had but recently suffered his cynic’s
hair to be shorn, and had been carried away by the flimsy rhetoric of
Apollinarius. But this absurdity was beyond the endurance of the
assembled bishops—admirable men, and full of divine zeal and
wisdom, such as Helladius, successor of the great Basil, Gregorius and
Peter, brothers of Basil, and Amphilochius from Lycaonia, Optimus from
Pisidia, Diodorus from Cilicia.836
836 Helladius, successor of Basil at the Cappadocian Cæsarea, was
orthodox, but on important occasions clashed unhappily with each of the
two great Gregories of Nyssa and Nazianzus.
On Gregorius of Nyssa
and Petrus his brother, vide page 129. Amphilochius, vide note on page
114. Optimus, vide note on page 129. Diodorus, vide note on pages 85,
126 and 133. |
The council was also attended by
Pelagius of Laodicæa,837
837 cf. note on Chap. iv. 12, page 115. | Eulogius of
838 cf. note on iv. 15, page 119. | Acacius,839
839 Of Berœa, vide page 128. |
our own Isidorus,840
840 i.e.
of Cyrus, cf. p. 134. | Cyril of
Jerusalem, Gelasius of Cæsarea in Palestine,841
841 For
fragments of his writings vide Dial. i. and iii. | who was renowned alike for lore and life
and many other athletes of virtue.
All these then whom I have named
separated themselves from the Egyptians and celebrated divine service
with the great Gregory. But he himself implored them, assembled as they
were to promote harmony, to subordinate all question of wrong to an
individual to the promotion of agreement with one another.
“For,” said he, “I shall be released from many cares
and once more lead the quiet life I hold so dear; while you, after your
long and painful warfare, will obtain the longed for peace. What can be
more absurd than for men who have just escaped the weapons of their
enemies to waste their own strength in wounding one another; by so
doing we shall be a laughing stock to our opponents. Find then some
worthy man of sense, able to sustain heavy responsibilities and
discharge them well, and make him bishop.” The excellent pastors
moved by these counsels appointed as bishop of that mighty city a man
of noble birth and distinguished for every kind of virtue as well as
for the splendour of his ancestry, by name Nectarius. Maximus, as
having participated in the insanity of Apollinarius, they stripped of
his episcopal rank and rejected. They next enacted canons concerning
the good government of the church, and published a confirmation of the
faith set forth at Nicæa. Then they returned each to his own
country. Next summer the greater number of them assembled again in the
same city, summoned once more by the needs of the church, and received
a synodical letter from the bishops of the west inviting them to come
to Rome, where a great synod was being assembled. They begged however
to be excused from travelling thus far abroad; their doing so, they
said, would be useless. They wrote however both to point out the storm
which had risen against the churches, and to hint at the carelessness
with which the western bishops had treated it. They also included in
their letter a summary of the apostolic doctrine, but the boldness and
wisdom of their expressions will be more clearly shown by the letter
itself. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH