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| Also, a promise given in a dream must not be pressed. Why should such things be raked up by old friends against one another? PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
31. I
might well reply as I have done even if it were a question of a promise
made with full consciousness. But this is a new and shameless thing; he
throws in my teeth a mere dream. How am I to answer? I have no time for
thinking of anything outside my own sphere. I wish that I were not
prevented from reading even the Holy Scriptures by the throngs that
beset this place, and the gathering of Christians from all parts of the
world. Still, when a man makes a dream into a crime, I can quote to him
the words of the Prophets, who say that we are not to believe dreams;
for even to dream of adultery does not condemn us to hell, and to dream
of the crown of martyrdom does not raise us to heaven. Often I have
seen myself in dreams dead and placed in the grave: often I have flown
over the earth and been carried as if swimming through the air, over
mountains and seas. My accuser might, therefore, demand that I should
cease to live, or that I should have wings on my shoulders, because my
mind has often been mocked in sleep by vague fancies of this kind. How
many people are rich while asleep and wake to find themselves beggars!
or are drinking water to cool their thirst, and wake up with their
throats parched and burning! You exact from me the fulfilment of a
promise given in a dream. I will meet you with a truer and closer
question: Have you done all that you promised in your baptism? Have you
or I fulfilled all that the profession of a monk demands? I beg you,
think whether you are not looking at the mote in my eye through the
beam in your own. I say this against my will; it is by sorrow that my
reluctant tongue is forced into words. As to you, it is not enough for
you to make up charges about my waking deeds, but you must accuse me
for my dreams. You have such an interest in my actions that you must
discuss what I have said or done in my sleep. I will not dwell on the
way in which, in your zeal to speak against me, you have besmirched
your own profession, and have done all you can by word and deed for the
dishonouring of the whole body of Christians. But I give you fair
warning, and will repeat it again and again. You are attacking a
creature who has horns: and, if it were not that I lay to heart the
words of the Apostle3069 “The evil
speakers3070 shall not inherit the kingdom of
God,” and3071 “By hating
one another you have been consumed one of another,” I would make
you feel what a vast discord you have stirred up after a slight and
pretended reconciliation. What advantage is it to you to heap up
slanders against me both among friends and strangers? Is it because I
am not an Origenist, and do not believe that I sinned in heaven, that I
am accused as a sinner upon earth? And was the result of our renewal of
friendship to be, that I was not to speak against heretics for fear
that my notice of them should be taken for an assault upon you? So long
as I did not refuse to be belauded by you, you followed me as a master,
you called me friend and brother, and acknowledged me as a catholic in
every respect. But when I asked to be spared your praises, and judged
myself unworthy to have such a great man for my trumpeter, you
immediately ran your pen through what you had written, and began to
abuse all that you had praised before, and to pour forth from
the same mouth both sweet and bitter words. I wish you could understand
what self-repression I am exerting in not suiting my words to the
boiling heat of my breast; and how I pray, like the Psalmist:3072 “Set a watch, O Lord, before my
mouth, keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to the words of
malice;” and, as he says elsewhere:3073 “While the wicked stood before me
I was dumb and was humbled and kept silence even from good
words;” and again:3074 “I became
as a man that heareth not and in whose mouth are no reproofs.”
But for me the Lord the Avenger will reply, as he says through the
Prophet:3075 “Vengeance is mine, I will
repay, saith the Lord”: and in another place:3076 “Thou satest and spakest against
thy brother, and hast slandered thy mother’s son. These things
hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest indeed by that I
should be such an one as thyself; but I will reprove thee, and set them
before thine eyes;” so that you may see yourself brought in
guilty of those things which you falsely lay to another’s
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