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10. Starting from
this point you may understand the majesty of the Holy Ghost also. For
the Gospel witnesses of Him that when the angel said to the Virgin,
“Thou shalt bring forth a Son and shalt call His name Jesus, for
He shall save His people from their sins,”3280 she replied, “How shall this be,
seeing I know not a man?” on which the angel said to her,
“The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the
Highest shall overshadow thee. Wherefore that holy Thing which shall be
born of Thee shall be called the Son of God.”3281 See here the Trinity mutually
cooperating with each other. The Holy Ghost is spoken of as coming upon
the Virgin, and the Power of the Highest as overshadowing her. What is
the Power of the Highest but Christ Himself, Who is the Power of God
and the Wisdom of God? Whose is this Power? The Power of the Highest.
There is here then the Highest, there is also the Power of the Highest,
there is also the Holy Ghost. This is the Trinity, everywhere latent,
and everywhere apparent, distinct in names and persons, but inseparable
in the substance of the Godhead. And although the Son alone is born of
the Virgin, yet there is present also the Highest, there is present
also the Holy Ghost, that both the conception and the bringing forth of
the Virgin may be sanctified.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH