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34. Now let us
shew briefly, if you will, that these things were foretold by the
Prophets. You will yourself, since you are so minded, gather together
more from the ample range of the Scriptures. The Prophet Malachi says,
“Behold the Lord Almighty shall come, and who shall abide the day
of His coming, or who shall abide the sight of Him? For He doth come as
the fire of a furnace and as fuller’s soap: and He shall sit,
refining and purifying as it were gold and silver.”3390 But that thou mayest know more certainly
Who this Lord is of Whom these things are said, hear what the Prophet
Daniel also foretells: “I saw,” saith he, “in the
vision of the night, and, behold, One like the Son of Man coming with
the clouds of heaven, and He came nigh to the Ancient of days, and was
brought near before Him; and there was given to Him dominion, and
honour, and a kingdom. And all peoples, tribes, and languages shall
serve Him. And His dominion is an eternal dominion which shall not pass
away, and His kingdom shall not be destroyed.”3391 By these words we are taught not only
of His coming and judgment, but of His dominion and kingdom, that His
dominion is eternal, and His kingdom indestructible, without end; as it
is said in the Creed,3392
3392 “The Creed” is either the Constantinopolitan, or, more
probably, that of Jerusalem, with which Rufinus, as a Presbyter of that
church, must have been familiar. There is no reason to suppose that the
clause was in the Creed of Aquileia. | “and of
His kingdom there shall be no end.” So that one who says that
Christ’s kingdom shall one day have an end is very far from the
faith. Yet it behoves us to know that the enemy is wont to counterfeit
this salutary advent of Christ with cunning fraud in order to deceive
the faithful, and in the place of the Son of Man, Who is looked for as
coming in the majesty of His Father, to prepare the Son of Perdition
with prodigies and lying signs, that instead of Christ he may introduce
Antichrist into the world; of whom the Lord Himself warned the Jews
beforehand in the Gospels, “Because I am come in My
Father’s Name, and ye received Me not, another will come in his
own name, and him ye will receive.”3393 And again, “When ye shall see
the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet,
standing in the holy place, let him that readeth understand.”3394 Daniel, therefore, in his visions
speaks very fully and amply of the coming of that delusion: but it is
not worth while to cite instances, for we have enlarged enough already;
we therefore refer any one who may wish to know more concerning these
matters to the visions themselves. The Apostle also himself says,
“Let no than deceive you by any means, for that day shall not
come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be
revealed, the Son of Perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above
everything that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he
sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as though himself were
God.”3395 And soon afterwards, “Then
shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with
the breath of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His
coming: whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and
signs and lying wonders.”3396
And again,
shortly afterwards, “And therefore the Lord shall send unto them
strong delusion, that they may believe a lie, that all may be judged
who have not believed the truth.”3397 For this reason, therefore, is this
“delusion” foretold unto us by the words of Prophets,
Evangelists, and Apostles, lest any one should mistake the coming of
Antichrist for the coming of Christ. But as the Lord Himself says,
“When they shall say unto you, lo, here is Christ, or lo, He is
there, believe it not. For many false Christs and false prophets shall
come and shall seduce many.”3398 But
let us see how He hath pointed out the judgment of the true Christ:
“As the lightning shineth from the east unto the west, so shall
the coming of the Son of Man be.”3399 When, therefore, the true Lord Jesus
Christ shall come, He will sit and set up his throne of judgment. As
also He says in the Gospel, “He shall separate the sheep from the
goats,”3400 that is, the
righteous from the unrighteous; as the Apostle writes, “We must
all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, that every man may
receive the awards due to the body, according as he hath done, whether
they be good or evil.”3401 Moreover, the
judgment will be not only for deeds, but for thoughts also, as the same
Apostle saith, “Their thoughts mutually accusing or else excusing
one another, in the day when God shall judge the secrets of
men.”3402 But on these points let this
suffice. Next follows in the order of the faith,—E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH