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| Documents connected with the charges of the Meletians against S. Athanasius. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Part II.
V.—Documents connected with the charges of the
Meletians against S. Athanasius.
59. Peter was Bishop
among us before the persecution, and during the course of it he
suffered martyrdom. When Meletius, who held the title of bishop in
Egypt, was convicted of many crimes, and among the rest of offering
sacrifice to idols, Peter deposed him in a general council of the
bishops. Whereupon Meletius did not appeal to another council, or
attempt to justify himself before those who should come after, but made
a schism, so that they who espoused his cause are even yet called
Meletians instead of Christians664
664 Cf.
Orat. i. 2 and notes. | . He began immediately
to revile the bishops, and made false accusations, first against Peter
himself, and against his successor Achillas, and after Achillas,
against Alexander665
665 Ad.
Ep. Æg. §22. supr. §11. | . And he thus
practised craftily, following the example of Absalom, to the end that,
as he was disgraced by his deposition, he might by his calumnies
mislead the simple. While Meletius was thus employed, the Arian heresy
also had arisen. But in the Council of Nicæa, while the heresy was
anathematized, and the Arians were cast out, the Meletians on whatever
666 [Prolegg. ch. ii. §3 (1) ad fin.] Athan. speaks more
openly against this arrangement. infr. §71. | (for it is not necessary now to mention the
reason) were received. Five months however had not yet passed667
667 [According to the tenses in the original the five months mark the
date not of Alexander’s death (April 17, 328), but of the renewed
Meletian troubles. The settlement did not keep them quiet for five
months. The terminus a quo of the five months is somewhat
doubtful; but it certainly is not the Council of Nicæa, see
§71, &c. Montf. Monit. in Vit. S. Athanasii, also
Prolegg. ch. ii. §3 (1) and ch. v. §3 a.] | when, the blessed Alexander having died, the
Meletians, who ought to have remained quiet, and to have been grateful
that they were received on any terms, like dogs unable to forget their
vomit, were again troubling the Churches.
Upon learning this, Eusebius, who had the lead in
the Arian heresy, sends and buys the Meletians with large promises,
becomes their secret friend, and arranges with them for their
assistance on any occasion when he might wish for it. At first he sent
to me, urging me to admit Arius and his fellows to communion668 , and threatened me in his verbal
communications, while in his letters he [merely] made a request. And
when I refused, declaring that it was not right that those who had
invented heresy contrary to the
truth, and had been anathematized by the Ecumenical669
669 Supr.
§7, and de Decr. 27. |
Council, should be admitted to communion, he caused the Emperor also,
Constantine, of blessed memory, to write to me, threatening me, in case
I should not receive Arius and his fellows, with those afflictions,
which I have before undergone, and which I am still suffering. The
following is a part of his letter. Syncletius and Gaudentius, officers
of the palace670
670 παλατῖνοι, vid. Apol. ad Const. §19. | , were the bearers of it.
Part of a Letter from the Emperor
Having therefore knowledge of my will, grant free
admission to all who wish to enter into the Church. For if I learn that
you have hindered or excluded any who claim to be admitted into
communion with the Church, I will immediately send some one who shall
depose you by my command, and shall remove you from your place.
60. When upon this I wrote and endeavoured to
convince the Emperor, that that anti-Christian heresy had no communion
with the Catholic Church, Eusebius forthwith, availing himself of the
occasion which he had agreed upon with the Meletians, writes and
persuades them to invent some pretext, so that, as they had practised
against Peter and Achillas and Alexander, they might devise and spread
reports against us also. Accordingly, after seeking for a long time,
and finding nothing, they at last agree together, with the advice of
Eusebius and his fellows, and fabricate their first accusation by means
of Ision, Eudæmon, and Callinicus671
671 Infr.
§71 fin. Sozom. ii. 25. | ,
respecting the linen vestments672
672 στιχάρια, ecclesiastical. [See D.C.A. p. 1933.] | , to the effect that I
had imposed a law upon the Egyptians, and had required its observance
of them first. But when certain Presbyters of mine were found to be
present, and the Emperor took cognizance of the matter, they were
condemned (the Presbyters were Apis and Macarius), and the Emperor
wrote, condemning Ision, and ordering me to appear before him. His
letters were as follows673 .
Eusebius, having intelligence of this, persuades
them to wait; and when I arrive, they next accuse Macarius of breaking
the cup, and bring against me the most heinous accusation possible,
viz. that, being an enemy of the Emperor, I had sent a purse of gold to
one Philumenus. The Emperor therefore heard us on this charge also in
674 Suburb
of Nicomedia, infr. §65. | , when they, as usual, were condemned,
and driven from the presence; and, as I returned, he wrote the
following letter to the people.
Constantine, Maximus, Augustus, to the people of
the Catholic Church at Alexandria.
61. Beloved brethren, I greet you well, calling
upon God, Who is the chief witness of my intention, and on the
Only-begotten, the Author of our Law, Who is Sovereign over the lives
of all men, and Who hates dissensions. But what shall I say to you?
That I am in good health? Nay, but I should be able to enjoy better
health and strength, if you were possessed with mutual love one towards
another, and had rid yourselves of your enmities, through which, in
consequence of the storms excited by contentious men, we have left the
haven of brotherly love. Alas! what perverseness is this! What evil
consequences are produced every day by the tumult of envy which has
been stirred up among you! Hence it is that evil reports have settled
upon the people of God. Whither has the faith of righteousness
departed? For we are so involved in the mists of darkness, not only
through manifold errors, but through the faults of ungrateful men, that
we bear with those who favour folly, and though we are aware of them,
take no heed of those who set aside goodness and truth. What strange
inconsistency is this! We do not convict our enemies, but we follow the
example of robbery which they set us, whereby the most pernicious
errors, finding no one to oppose them, easily, if I may so speak, make
a way for themselves. Is there no understanding among us, for the
credit of our common nature, since we are thus neglectful of the
injunctions of the law?
But some one will say, that love is a thing
brought out by nature. But, I ask, how is it that we who have got the
law of God for our guide in addition to our natural advantages, thus
tolerate the disturbances and disorders raised by our enemies, who seem
inflamed, as it were, with firebrands? How is it, that having eyes, we
see not, neither understand, though we are surrounded by the
intelligence of the law? What a stupor has seized upon our life, that
we are thus neglectful of ourselves, and that although God admonishes
us! Is it not an intolerable evil? and ought we not to esteem such men
as our enemies, and not the household and people of God? For they are
infuriated against us, abandoned as they are: they lay grievous crimes
to our charge, and make attacks upon us as enemies.
62. And I would have you yourselves to consider
with what exceeding madness they do this. The foolish men carry their maliciousness
at their tongues’ end. They carry about with them a sort of
leaden anger, so that they reciprocally smite one another, and involve
us by way of increasing their own punishment. The good teacher is
accounted an enemy, while he who clothes himself with the vice of envy,
contrary to all justice makes his gain of the gentle temper of the
people; he ravages, and consumes, he decks himself out, and recommends
himself with false praises; he subverts the truth, and corrupts the
faith, until he finds out a hole and hiding-place for his conscience.
Thus their very perverseness makes them wretched, while they impudently
prefer themselves to places of honour, however unworthy they may be.
Ah! what a mischief is this! they say “Such an one is too old;
such an one is a mere boy; the office belongs to me; it is due to me,
since it is taken away from him. I will gain over all men to my side,
and then I will endeavour with my power to ruin him.” Plain
indeed is this proclamation of their madness to all the world; the
sight of companies, and gatherings, and rowers under command675 in their offensive cabals. Alas! what
preposterous conduct is ours, if I may say it! Do they make an
exhibition of their folly in the Church of God? And are they not yet
ashamed of themselves? Do they not yet blame themselves? Are they not
smitten in their consciences, so that they now at length shew that they
entertain a proper sense of their deceit and contentiousness? Theirs is
the mere force of envy, supported by those baneful influences which
naturally belong to it. But those wretches have no power against your
Bishop. Believe me, brethren, their endeavours will have no other
effect than this, after they have worn down our days, to leave to
themselves no place of repentance in this life. Wherefore I beseech
you, lend help to yourselves; receive kindly our love, and with all
your strength drive away those who desire to obliterate from among us
the grace of unanimity; and looking unto God, love one another. I
received gladly your Bishop Athanasius, and addressed him in such a
manner, as being persuaded that he was a man of God. It is for you to
understand these things, not for me to judge of them. I thought it
becoming that the most reverend Athanasius himself should convey my
salutation to you, knowing his kind care of you, which, in a manner
worthy of that peaceable faith which I myself profess, is continually
engaged in the good work of declaring saving knowledge, and will be
able to exhort you as is suitable, May God preserve you, beloved
Such was the letter of Constantine.
63. After these occurrences the Meletians
remained quiet for a little time, but afterwards shewed their hostility
again, and contrived the following plot, with the aim of pleasing those
who had hired their services. The Mareotis is a country district of
Alexandria, in which Meletius was not able to make a schism. Now while
the Churches still existed within their appointed limits, and all the
Presbyters had congregations in them, and while the people were living
in peace, a certain person named Ischyras676 , who
was not a clergyman, but of a worthless disposition, endeavoured to
lead astray the people of his own village, declaring himself to be a
clergyman. Upon learning this, the Presbyter of the place informed me
of it when I was going through my visitation of the Churches, and I
sent Macarius the Presbyter with him to summon Ischyras. They found him
sick and lying in a cell, and charged his father to admonish his son
not to continue any such practices as had been reported against him.
But when he recovered from his sickness, being prevented by his friends
and his father from pursuing the same course, he fled over to the
Meletians; and they communicate with Eusebius and his fellows, and at
last that calumny is invented by them, that Macarius had broken a cup,
and that a certain Bishop named Arsenius had been murdered by me.
Arsenius they placed in concealment, in order that he might seem made
away with, when he did not make his appearance; and they carried about
a hand, pretending that he had been cut to pieces. As for Ischyras,
whom they did not even know, they began to spread a report that he was
a Presbyter, in order that what he said about the cup might mislead the
people. Ischyras, however, being censured by his friends, came to me
weeping, and said that no such thing as they had reported had been done
by Macarius, and that himself had been suborned by the Meletians to
invent this calumny. And he wrote the following letter.
To the Blessed pope677
677 Cf.
de Syn. 16, [and Fest Ind. passim]. |
Athanasius, Ischyras sends health in the Lord.
64. As when I came to you, my Lord Bishop,
desiring to be received into the Church, you reproved me for what I
formerly said, as though I had proceeded to such lengths of my own free
choice, I therefore submit to you
this my apology in writing, in order that you may understand, that
violence was used towards me, and blows inflicted on me by Isaac and
Heraclides, and Isaac of Letopolis, and those of their party. And I
declare, and take God as my witness in this matter, that of none of the
things which they have stated, do I know you to be guilty. For no
breaking of a cup or overturning of the Holy Table ever took place, but
they compelled me by violent usage to assert all this. And this defence
I make and submit to you in writing, desiring and claiming for myself
to be admitted among the members of your congregation. I pray that you
may have health in the Lord.
I submit this my handwriting to you the Bishop
Athanasius in the presence of the Presbyters, Ammonas of Dicella,
Heraclius of Phascos, Boccon of Chenebri, Achillas of Myrsine, Didymus
of Taphosiris, and Justus from Bomotheus678
678 [Cf.
the list of Mareotic clergy supr., p. 72. The three deacons of
Alexandria are in the list, p. 71]. | ; and
of the Deacons, Paul, Peter, and Olympius, of Alexandria, and Ammonius,
Pistus, Demetrius, and Gaius, of the Mareotis.
65. Notwithstanding this statement of Ischyras,
they again spread abroad the same charges against me everywhere, and
also reported them to the Emperor Constantine. He too had heard before
of the affair of the cup in Psammathia679 , when
I was there, and had detected the falsehood of my enemies. But now he
wrote to Antioch to Dalmatius680
680 Dalmatius was the name of father and son, the brother and nephew
of Constantine. Socrates, Hist. i. 27. gives the title of Censor
to the son; but the Chron. Pasch. p. 531 (Dind.) gives it to the
father. Valesius, and apparently Tillemont (Empereurs, vol. 4.
p. 657) think Socrates mistaken. The younger Dalmatius was created
Cæsar by Constantine a few years before his death; and as well as
his brother Hannibalian, and a number of other relatives, was put to
death by the soldiery, on the death of Constantine. vid. Hist.
Ar. 69. [Gwatkin, p. 108 note]. | the Censor requiring
him to institute a judicial enquiry respecting the murder. Accordingly
the Censor sent me notice to prepare for my defence against the charge.
Upon receiving his letters, although at first I paid no regard to the
thing because I knew that nothing of what they said was true, yet
seeing that the Emperor was moved, I wrote to my fellow-ministers into
Egypt, and sent a deacon, desiring to learn something of Arsenius, for
I had not seen the man for five or six years. Well, not to relate the
matter at length, Arsenius was found in concealment, in the first
instance in Egypt, and afterwards my friends discovered him again in
concealment in Tyre also. And what was most remarkable, even when he
was discovered he would not confess that he was Arsenius, until he was
convicted in court before Paul, who was then Bishop of Tyre, and at
last out of very shame could not deny it.
This he did in order to fulfil his contract with
Eusebius and his fellows, lest, if he were discovered, the game they
were playing should at length be broken up; which in fact came to pass.
For when I wrote the Emperor word, that Arsenius was discovered, and
reminded him of what he had heard in Psammathia concerning Macarius the
Presbyter, he stopped the proceedings of the Censor’s court, and
wrote condemning the proceedings against me as calumnious, and
commanded Eusebius and his fellows, who were coming into the East to
appear against me, to return. Now in order to shew that they accused me
of having murdered Arsenius (not to bring forward the letters of many
persons on the subject), it shall be sufficient only to produce one
from Alexander the Bishop of Thessalonica, from which the tenor of the
rest may be inferred. He then being acquainted with the reports which
Archaph, who is also called John, circulated against me on the subject
of the murder, and having heard that Arsenius was alive, wrote as
Letter of Alexander.
To his dearly beloved son and fellow-minister
like-minded, the lord Athanasius, Alexander the Bishop sends health in
the Lord.
66. I congratulate the most excellent Sarapion,
that he is striving so earnestly to adorn himself with holy habits, and
is thus advancing to higher praise the memory of his father. For, as
the Holy Scripture somewhere says, ‘though his father die, yet he
is as though he were not dead681 :’ for he has
left behind him a memorial of his life. What my feelings were towards
the ever memorable Sozon, you yourself, my lord682
682 δέσποτα. Theod. H. E. i. 5. init. | , are
not ignorant, for you know the sacredness of his memory, as well as the
goodness of the young man. I have received only one letter from your
reverence, which I had by the hands of this youth. I mention this to
you, my lord, in order that you may know. Our dearly beloved brother
and deacon Macarius, afforded me great pleasure by writing to me from
Constantinople, that the false accuser Archaph had met with disgrace,
for having given out before all men that a live man had been murdered.
That he will receive from the righteous Judge, together with all the
tribe of his associates, that punishment, which his crimes deserve, the
unerring Scriptures assure us. May the Lord of all preserve you for
very many years, my lord, in every
way most kind.
67. And they who lived with Arsenius bear
witness, that he was kept in concealment for this purpose, that they
might pretend his death; for in searching after him we found the person
[who had done so], and he in consequence wrote the following letter to
John, who played the chief part in this false accusation.
To his dearly beloved brother John, Pinnes,
Presbyter of the Monastery683
683 [The μονὴ here is not a
monastery in the later sense, but a village or cluster of cells. This
intercepted letter demonstrates the existence of Meletian monks,
of which there is other evidence also: (see below, Introd. to Vit.
Ant. The objection of Weingarten to the genuineness of this letter
is purely arbitrary)]. | of Ptemencyrcis, in
the home of Anteopolis, sends greeting.
I wish you to know, that Athanasius sent his
deacon into the Thebais, to search everywhere for Arsenius; and
Pecysius the Presbyter, and Silvanus the brother of Helias, and
Tapenacerameus, and Paul monk of Hypsele, whom he first fell in with,
confessed that Arsenius was with us. Upon learning this we caused him
to be put on board a vessel, and to sail to the lower countries with
Helias the monk. Afterwards the deacon returned again suddenly with
certain others, and entered our monastery, in search of the same
Arsenius, and him they found not, because, as I said before, we had
sent him away to the lower countries; but they conveyed me together
with Helias the monk, who took him out of the way, to Alexandria, and
brought us before the Duke684
684 According to the system of government introduced by Diocletian and
Constantine, there were thirty-five military commanders of the troops,
under the Magistri militum, and all of these bore the name of duces or
dukes; the comites, or counts, were ten out of the number, who were
distinguished as companions of the Emperor. vid. Gibbon, ch. 17. Three
of these dukes were stationed in Egypt [i.e. in the whole prefecture;
one only in the province of Egypt in the narrower sense]. | ; when I was unable to
deny, but confessed that he was alive, and had not been murdered: the
monk also who took him out of the way confessed the same. Wherefore I
acquaint you with these things, Father, lest you should determine to
accuse Athanasius; for I said that he was alive, and had been concealed
with us, and all this is become known in Egypt, and it cannot any
longer be kept secret.
I, Paphnutius, monk of the same monastery, who
wrote this letter, heartily salute you. I pray for your health.
The following also is the letter which the
Emperor wrote when he learnt that Arsenius was found to be alive.
Constantine, Victor, Maximus, Augustus, to the
pope Athanasius.
68. Having read the letters of your wisdom, I
felt the inclination to write in return to your fortitude, and to
exhort you that you would endeavour to restore the people of God to
tranquillity, and to merciful feelings. For in my own mind I hold these
things to be of the greatest importance, that we should cultivate
truth, and ever keep righteousness in our thoughts, and have pleasure
especially in those who walk in the right way of life. But as
concerning those who are deserving of all execration, I mean the most
perverse and ungodly Meletians, who have at last stultified themselves
by their folly, and are now raising unreasonable commotions by envy,
uproar, and tumult, thus making manifest their own ungodly
dispositions, I will say thus much. You see that those who they
pretended had been slain with the sword, are still amongst us, and in
the enjoyment of life. Now what could be a stronger presumption against
them, and one so manifestly and clearly tending to their condemnation,
as that those whom they declared to have been murdered, are yet in the
enjoyment of life, and accordingly will be able to speak for
But this further accusation was advanced by these
same Meletians. They positively affirmed that you, rushing in with
lawless violence, had seized upon and broken a cup, which was deposited
in the most Holy Place; than which there certainly could not be a more
serious charge, nor a more grievous offence, had such a crime actually
been perpetrated. But what manner of accusation is this? What is the
meaning of this change and variation and difference in the
circumstances of it, insomuch that they now transfer this same
accusation to another person685 , a fact which makes
it clearer, so to speak, than the light itself, that they designed to
lay a plot for your wisdom? After this, who can be willing to follow
them, men that have fabricated such charges to the injury of another,
seeing too that they are hurrying themselves on to ruin, and are
conscious that they are accusing you of false and feigned crimes? Who
then, as I said, will follow after them, and thus go headlong in the
way of destruction; in that way in which it seems they alone suppose
that they have hope of safety and of help? But if they were willing to
walk according to a pure conscience, and to be directed by the best
wisdom, and to go in the way of a sound mind, they would easily
perceive that no help can come to them from Divine Providence, while
they are given up to such doings, and tempt their own destruction. I
should not call this a harsh judgment of them, but the simple
And finally,
I will add, that I wish this letter to be read frequently by your
wisdom in public, that it may thereby come to the knowledge of all men,
and especially reach the ears of those who thus act, and thus raise
disturbances; for the judgment which is expressed by me according to
the dictates of equity is confirmed also by real facts. Wherefore,
seeing that in such conduct there is so great an offence, let them
understand that I have thus judged; and that I have come to this
determination, that if they excite any further commotion of this kind,
I will myself in person take cognizance of the matter, and that not
according to the ecclesiastical, but according to the civil laws, and
so I will in future find them out, because they clearly are robbers, so
to speak, not only against human kind, but against the divine doctrine
itself. May God ever preserve you, beloved brother!
69. But that the wickedness of the calumniators
might be more fully displayed, behold Arsenius also wrote to me after
he was discovered in his place of concealment; and as the letter which
Ischyras had written confessed the falsehood of their accusation, so
that of Arsenius proved their maliciousness still more completely.
To the blessed Pope Athanasius, Arsenius, Bishop
of those who were heretofore under Meletius in the city of the
Hypselites, together with the Presbyters and Deacons, wishes much
health in the Lord.
Being earnestly desirous of peace and union with
the Catholic Church, over which by the grace of God you preside, and
wishing to submit ourselves to the Canon of the Church, according to
the ancient rule686
686 Vid.
supr. p. 92, note 3; the (so-called) Apostolical Canon
apparently referred to here, is Can. 27. according to
Beveridge. | , we write unto you,
dearly beloved Pope, and declare in the name of the Lord, that we will
not for the future hold communion with those who continue in schism,
and are not yet at peace with the Catholic Church, whether Bishops,
Presbyters, or Deacons. Neither will we take part with them if they
wish to establish anything in a Council; neither will we send letters
of peace687 unto them nor receive such from them;
neither yet without the consent of you, the bishop of the metropolis,
will we publish any determination concerning Bishops, or on any other
general ecclesiastical question; but we will yield obedience to all the
canons that have heretofore been ordained, after the example of the
688 i.e.
Meletian Bishops who had conformed; or, since they are not in the list,
§71. Catholic Bishops with whom the conforming party were
familiar; or Meletians after the return of Meletius. vid. Tillemont,
Mem. vol. 8. p. 658. | Ammonian, Tyrannus, Plusian, and the rest.
Wherefore we beseech your goodness to write to us speedily in answer,
and likewise to our fellow-ministers concerning us, informing them that
we will henceforth abide by the fore-mentioned resolution and will be
at peace with the Catholic Church, and at unity with our
fellow-ministers in the [various] districts. And we are persuaded that
your prayers, being acceptable unto God, will so prevail with Him, that
this peace shall be firm and indissoluble unto the end, according to
the will of God the Lord of all, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The sacred Ministry that is under you, we and
those that are with us salute. Very shortly, if God permit, we will
come to visit your goodness. I, Arsenius, pray for your health in the
Lord for many years, most blessed Pope.
70. But a stronger and clearer proof of the
calumny against us is the recantation of John, of which the most
God-beloved Emperor Constantine of blessed memory is a witness, for
knowing how John had accused himself, and having received letters from
him expressing his repentance, he wrote to him as follows.
Constantine, Maximus, Augustus to John.
The letters which I have received from your
prudence were extremely pleasing to me, because I learned from them
what I very much longed to hear, that you had laid aside every petty
feeling, had joined the Communion of the Church as became you, and were
now in perfect concord with the most reverend Bishop Athanasius. Be
assured therefore that so far I entirely approve of your conduct;
because, giving up all skirmishing, you have done that which is
pleasing to God, and have embraced the unity of His Church. In order
therefore that you may obtain the accomplishment of your wishes, I have
thought it right to grant you permission to enter the public
689 On the
“cursus publicus,” vid. Gothofred. in Cod. Theod.
viii. tit. 5. It was provided for the journeys of the Emperor, for
persons whom he summoned, for magistrates, ambassadors, and for such
private persons as the Emperor indulged in the use of it, which was
gratis. The use was granted by Constantine to the Bishops who were
summoned to Nicæa, as far as it went, in addition (though aliter
Valesius in loc.) to other means of travelling. Euseb. v. Const.
iii. 6. The cursus publicus brought the Bishops to the Council of Tyre.
ibid. iv. 43. In the conference between Liberius and
Constantius, Theod. Hist. ii. 13. it is objected that the cursus
publicus is not sufficient to convey Bishops to the Council which
Liberius proposes; he answers that the Churches are rich enough to
convey their Bishops as far as the sea. Thus S. Hilary was compelled
(data evectionis copia, Sulp. Sev. Hist. ii. 57.) to attend at
Seleucia, as Athan. at Tyre. Julian complains of the abuse of the
cursus publicus, perhaps with an allusion to these Councils of
Constantius. vid. Cod. Theod. viii. tit. 5. l. 12. where
Gothofred quotes Liban. Epitaph. in Julian. vol. i. p. 569. ed.
Reiske.) Vid. the well-known passage of Ammianus, who speaks of the
Councils being the ruin of the res vehicularia Hist. xxi. 16.
The Eusebians at Philippopolis say the same thing. Hilar. Frag.
iii. 25. The Emperor provided board and perhaps lodging for the Bishops
at Ariminum; which the Bishops of Aquitaine, Gaul, and Britain,
declined, except three British from poverty. Sulp. Hist. ii. 56.
Hunneric in Africa, after assembling 466 Bishops at Carthage, dismissed
them without modes of conveyance, provision, or baggage. Victor Utic.
Hist. iii. init. In the Emperor’s letter previous to the
assembling of the sixth Ecumenical Council, a.d. 678, (Harduin, Conc. t. 3. p. 1048 fin.) he
says he has given orders for the conveyance and maintenance of its
members. Pope John VIII. reminds Ursus, Duke of Venice (a.d. 876.), of the same duty of providing for the members
of a Council, “secundum pios principes, qui in talibus munifice
semper erant intenti.” Colet. Concil. (Ven. 1730,) t. xi.
p. 14. | , and to come to the court690
690 στρατόπεδον·
vid. Chrys. on the Statues, p. 382, note 6.
Gothofr. in Cod. Theod. vi. 32, 1. 1. Castra sunt ubi Princeps est.
ibid. 35, l. 15. also Kiesling. de Discipl. Cler. i. 5. p. 16.
Beveridge in Can. Apost. 83. interprets στρατεία
of any civil engagement as opposed to
clerical. | of my clemency.
Let it then be your care to make no delay; but as this letter gives you
authority to use the public conveyance, come to me immediately, that
you may have your desires fulfilled, and by appearing in my presence
may enjoy that pleasure which it is fit for you to receive. May God
preserve you continually, dearly beloved brother.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH