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| Documents connected with the Council of Tyre. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
VI.—Documents connected with the Council of
71. Thus ended the conspiracy. The Meletians were
repulsed and covered with shame; but notwithstanding this Eusebius and
his fellows still did not remain quiet, for it was not for the
Meletians but for Arius and his fellows, that they cared, and they were
afraid lest, if the proceedings of the former should be stopped, they
should no longer find persons to play the parts691 , by
whose assistance they might bring in that heresy. They therefore again
stirred up the Meletians, and persuaded the Emperor to give orders that
a Council should be held afresh at Tyre, and Count Dionysius was
despatched thither, and a military guard was given to Eusebius and his
fellows. Macarius also was sent as a prisoner to Tyre under a guard of
soldiers; and the Emperor wrote to me, and laid a peremptory command
upon me, so that, however unwilling, I set out. The whole conspiracy
may be understood from the letters which the Bishops of Egypt wrote;
but it will be necessary to relate how it was contrived by them in the
outset, that so may be perceived the malice and wickedness that was
exercised against me. There are in Egypt, Libya, and Pentapolis, nearly
one hundred Bishops; none of whom laid anything to my charge; none of
the Presbyters found any fault with me; none of the people spoke aught
against me; but it was the Meletians who were ejected by Peter, and the
Arians, that divided the plot between them, while the one party claimed
to themselves the right of accusing me, the other of sitting in
judgment on the case. I objected to Eusebius and his fellows as being
my enemies on account of the heresy; next, I shewed in the following
manner that the person who was called my accuser was not a Presbyter at
all. When Meletius was admitted into communion (would that he had never
been so admitted692 !) the blessed
Alexander who knew his craftiness required of him a schedule of the
Bishops whom he said he had in Egypt, and of the presbyters and deacons
that were in Alexandria itself, and if he had any in the country
district. This the Pope Alexander has done, lest Meletius, having
received the freedom of the Church, should tender693
693 [πωλήσ: i.e. palm
them off on the church. Cf. Lat. venditare.] |
many, and thus continually, by a fraudulent procedure, foist upon us
whomsoever he pleased. Accordingly he has made out the following
schedule of those in Egypt.
A schedule presented by Meletius to the Bishop
I, Meletius of Lycopolis, Lucius of Antinopolis,
Phasileus of Hermopolis, Achilles of Cusæ, Ammonius of
In Ptolemais, Pachymes of Tentyræ.
In Maximianopolis, Theodorus of Coptus.
In Thebais, Cales of Hermethes, Colluthus of
Upper Cynopolis, Pelagius of Oxyrynchus, Peter of Heracleopolis, Theon
of Nilopolis, Isaac694 of Letopolis,
Heraclides of Niciopolis695 , Isaac of Cleopatris,
Melas of Arsenoitis.
In Heliopolis, Amos of Leontopolis, Ision of
In Pharbethus, Harpocration of Bubastus, Moses of
Phacusæ, Callinicus696 of Pelusium,
Eudæmon of Tanis697 , Ephraim of
In Sais, Hermæon of Cynopolis and Busiris,
Soterichus of Sebennytus, Pininuthes of Phthenegys, Cronius of Metelis,
Agathammon of the district of Alexandria.
In Memphis, John who was ordered by the Emperor
to be with the Archbishop698
698 [The
‘archbishop’ is Meletius; this is the first occurrence of
the word; it evidently has not its later fixed sense. The historical
allusion is obscure.] | . These are those of
And the Clergy that he had in Alexandria were
Apollonius Presbyter, Irenæus Presbyter, Dioscorus Presbyter,
Tyrannus Presbyter. And Deacons; Timotheus Deacon, Antinous Deacon,
Hephæstion Deacon. And Macarius Presbyter of Parembole699
699 A
village on the Mareotic lake. vid. Socr. iv. 23. Athan Opp. ed. Pat. t.
3. p. 86–89. | .
72. These Meletius presented actually in person700
700 [Prolegg. ch. ii. §3 (1) sub. fin. and ch. v.
§3a.] | to the Bishop Alexander, but he made no
mention of the person called Ischyras, nor ever professed at all that he had any Clergy in the
Mareotis. Notwithstanding our enemies did not desist from their
attempts, but still he that was no Presbyter was feigned to be one, for
there was the Count ready to use compulsion towards us, and soldiers
were hurrying us about. But even then the grace of God prevailed: for
they could not convict Macarius in the matter of the cup; and Arsenius,
whom they reported to have been murdered by me, stood before them alive
and shewed the falseness of their accusation. When therefore they were
unable to convict Macarius, Eusebius and his fellows, who became
enraged that they had lost the prey of which they had been in pursuit,
persuaded the Count Dionysius, who is one of them, to send to the
Mareotis, in order to see whether they could not find out something
there against the Presbyter, or rather that they might at a distance
patch up their plot as they pleased in our absence: for this was their
aim. However,—when we represented that the journey to the
Mareotis was a superfluous undertaking (for that they ought not to
pretend that statements were defective which they had been employed
upon so long, and ought not now to defer the matter; for they had said
whatever they thought they could say, and now being at a loss what to
do, they were making pretences); or if they must needs go to the
Mareotis, that at least the suspected parties should not be
sent,—the Count was convinced by my reasoning, with respect to
the suspected persons; but they did anything rather than what I
proposed, for the very persons whom I objected against on account of
the Arian heresy, these were they who promptly went off, viz. Diognius,
Maris, Theodorus, Macedonius, Ursacius, and Valens. Again, letters were
written to the Prefect of Egypt and a military guard was provided; and,
what was remarkable and altogether most suspicious, they caused
Macarius the accused party to remain behind under a guard of soldiers,
while they took with them the accuser701 . Now who after
this does not see through this conspiracy? Who does not clearly
perceive the wickedness of Eusebius and his fellows? For if a judicial
enquiry must needs take place in the Mareotis, the accused also ought
to have been sent thither. But if they did not go for the purpose of
such an enquiry, why did they take the accuser? It was enough that he
had not been able to prove the fact. But this they did in order that
they might carry on their designs against the absent Presbyter, whom
they could not convict when present, and might concoct a plan as they
pleased. For when the Presbyters of Alexandria and of the whole
district found fault with them because they were there by themselves,
and required that they too might be present at their proceedings (for
they said that they knew both the circumstances of the case, and the
history of the person named Ischyras), they would not allow them; and
although they had with them Philagrius the Prefect of Egypt702 , who was an apostate, and heathen soldiers,
during an enquiry which it was not becoming even for Catechumens to
witness, they would not admit the Clergy, lest there as well as at Tyre
there might be those who would expose them.
73. But in spite of these precautions they were
not able to escape detection: for the Presbyters of the City and of the
Mareotis, perceiving their evil designs, addressed to them the
following protest.
To Theognius, Maris, Macedonius, Theodorus,
Ursacius, and Valens, the Bishops who have come from Tyre, these from
the Presbyters and Deacons of the Catholic Church of Alexandria under
the most reverend Bishop Athanasius.
It was incumbent upon you when you came hither
and brought with you the accuser, to bring also the Presbyter Macarius;
for trials are appointed by Holy Scripture to be so constituted, that
the accuser and accused may stand up together. But since neither you
brought Macarius, nor our most reverend Bishop Athanasius came hither
with you, we claimed for ourselves the right of being present at the
investigation, that we might see that the enquiry was conducted
impartially, and might ourselves be convinced of the truth. But when
you refused to allow this, and wished, in company only with the Prefect
of Egypt and the accuser, to do whatever you pleased, we confess that
we saw a suspicion of evil in the affair, and perceived that your
coming was only the act of a cabal and a conspiracy. Wherefore we
address to you this letter, to be a testimony before a genuine Council,
that it may be known to all men, that you have carried on an ex
parte proceeding and for your own ends, and have desired nothing
else but to form a conspiracy against us. A copy of this, lest it
should be kept secret by you, we have handed in to Palladius also the
703 Curiosus; the Curiosi (in curis agendis) were properly the
overseers of the public roads, Du Cange in voc., but they became in
consequence a sort of imperial spy and were called the Emperor’s
eyes. Gothofr. in Cod. Theod. t. 2. p. 194. ed. 1665.
Constantius confined them to the school of the Agentes in rebus (infr.
Apol. ad Const. §10.), under the Master of the Offices.
Gothoft. ibid. p. 192. | of Augustus. For what you have already
done causes us to suspect you, and to reckon on the like conduct from you
I Dionysius Presbyter have handed in this letter.
Alexander Presbyter, Nilaras Presbyter, Longus Presbyter, Aphthonius
Presbyter, Athanasius Presbyter, Amyntius Presbyter, Pistus Presbyter,
Plution Presbyter, Dioscorus Presbyter, Apollonius Presbyter, Sarapion
Presbyter, Ammonius Presbyter, Gaius Presbyter, Rhinus Presbyter,
Æthales Presbyter.
Deacons; Marcellinus Deacon, Appianus Deacon,
Theon Deacon, Timotheus Deacon, a second Timotheus Deacon.
74. This is the letter, and these the names of
the Clergy of the city; and the following was written by the Clergy of
the Mareotis, who know the character of the accuser, and who were with
me in my visitation.
To the holy Council of blessed Bishops of the
Catholic Church, all the Presbyters and Deacons of the Mareotis send
health in the Lord.
Knowing that which is written, ‘Speak that
thine eyes have seen,’ and, ‘A false witness shall not be
unpunished704 ’, we testify what we have seen,
especially since the conspiracy which has been formed against our
Bishop Athanasius has made our testimony necessary. We wonder how
Ischyras ever came to be reckoned among the number of the Ministers of
the Church, which is the first point we think it necessary to mention.
Ischyras never was a Minister of the Church; but when formerly he
represented himself to be a Presbyter of Colluthus, he found no one to
believe him, except only his own relations705 . For
he never had a Church, nor was ever considered a Clergyman by those who
lived but a short distance from his village, except only, as we said
before, by his own relations. But, notwithstanding he assumed this
designation, he was deposed in the presence of our Father Hosius at the
Council which assembled at Alexandria706 , and was
admitted to communion as a layman, and so he continued subsequently,
having fallen from his falsely reputed rank of presbyter. Of his
character we think it unnecessary to speak, as all men have it in their
power to become acquainted therewith. But since he has falsely accused
our Bishop Athanasius of breaking a cup and overturning a table, we are
necessarily obliged to address you on this point. We have said already
that he never had a Church in the Mareotis; and we declare before God
as our witness, that no cup was broken, nor table overturned by our
Bishop, nor by any one of those who accompanied him; but all that is
alleged respecting this affair is mere calumny. And this we say, not as
having been absent from the Bishop, for we are all with him when he
makes his visitation of the Mareotis, and he never goes about alone,
but is accompanied by all of us Presbyters and Deacons, and by a
considerable number of the people. Wherefore we make these assertions
as having been present with him in every visitation which he has made
amongst us, and testify that neither was a cup ever broken, nor table
overturned, but the whole story is false, as the accuser himself also
witnesses under his own hand707 . For when, after he
had gone off with Meletians, and had reported these things against our
Bishop Athanasius, he wished to be admitted to communion, he was not
received, although he wrote and confessed under his own hand that none
of these things were true, but that he had been suborned by certain
persons to say so.
75. Wherefore also Theognius, Theodorus, Maris,
Macedonius, Ursacius, Valens, and their fellows came into the Mareotis,
and when they found that none of these things were true, but it was
likely to be discovered that they had framed a false accusation against
our Bishop Athanasius, Theognius and his fellows being themselves his
enemies, caused the relations of Ischyras and certain Arian madmen to
say whatever they wished. For none of the people spoke against the
Bishop; but these persons, through fear of Philagrius the Prefect of
Egypt, and by threats and with the support of the Arian madmen,
accomplished whatever they desired. For when we came to disprove the
calumny, they would not permit us, but cast us out, while they admitted
whom they pleased to a participation in their schemes, and concerted
matters with them, influencing them by fear of the Prefect Philagrius.
Through his means they prevented us from being present, that we might
discover whether those who were suborned by them were members of the
Church or Arian madmen. And you also, dearly beloved Fathers, know, as
you teach us, that the testimony of enemies avails nothing. That what
we say is the truth the handwriting708
708 χείρ, infr. Apol.
ad Const. §11. | of Ischyras
testifies, as do also the facts themselves, because when we were
conscious that no such thing as was pretended had taken place, they
took with them Philagrius, that through fear of the sword and by
threats they might frame whatever plots they wished. These things we
testify as in the presence of God; we make these assertions as knowing
that there will be a judgment held
by God; desiring indeed all of us to come to you, but being content
with certain of our number, so that the letters may be instead of the
presence of those who have not come.
I, Ingenius Presbyter, pray you health in the
Lord, beloved fathers. Theon Presbyter, Ammonas P., Heraclius P.,
Boccon P., Tryphon P., Peter P., Hierax P., Sarapion P., Marcus P.,
Ptollarion P., Gaius P., Dioscorus P., Demetrius P., Thyrsus P.
Deacons; Pistus Deacon, Apollos D., Serras D.,
Pistus D., Polynicus D., Ammonius D., Maurus D., Hephæstus D.,
Apollos D., Metopas D., Apollos D., Serapas D., Meliphthongus D.,
Lucius D., Gregoras D.
76. The same to the Controller, and to
Philagrius, at that time Prefect of Egypt.
To Flavius Philagrius, and to Flavius Palladius,
709 On the
different kinds of Ducenaries, vid. Gothofr. in Cod. Theod. XI.
vii. 1. Here, as in Euseb. Hist. vii. 30. the word stands for a
Procurator, whose annual pay amounted to 200 sestertia, vid. Salmas.
Hist. Aug. t. l. p. 533. In like manner a Centenary is one who
receives 100. | , Officer of the Palace, and Controller,
and to Flavius Antoninus, Commissary of Provisions, and Centenary of my
lords the most illustrious Prefects of the sacred Prætorium, these
from the Presbyters and Deacons of the Mareotis, a nome of the Catholic
Church which is under the most Reverend Bishop Athanasius, we address
this testimony by those whose names are underwritten:—
Whereas Theognius, Maris, Macedonius, Theodorus,
Ursacius, and Valens, as if sent by all the Bishops who assembled at
Tyre, came into our Diocese alleging that they had received orders to
investigate certain ecclesiastical affairs, among which they spoke of
the breaking of a cup of the Lord, of which information was given them
by Ischyras, whom they brought with them, and who says that he is a
Presbyter, although he is not,—for he was ordained by the
Presbyter Colluthus who pretended to the Episcopate, and was afterwards
ordered by a whole Council, by Hosius and the Bishops that were with
him, to take the place of a Presbyter, as he was before; and
accordingly all that were ordained by Colluthus resumed the same rank
which they held before, and so Ischyras himself proved to be a
layman,—and the church which he says he has, never was a church
at all, but a quite small private house belonging to an orphan boy of
the name of Ision;—for this reason we have offered this
testimony, adjuring you by Almighty God, and by our Lords Constantine
Augustus, and the most illustrious Cæsars his sons, to bring these
things to the knowledge of their piety. For neither is he a Presbyter
of the Catholic Church nor does he possess a church, nor has a cup ever
been broken, but the whole story is false and an invention.
Dated in the Consulship of Julius Constantius the
most illustrious Patrician710
710 The
title Patrician was revived by Constantine as a personal distinction.
It was for life, and gave precedence over all the great officers of
state except the Consul. It was usually bestowed on favourites, or on
ministers as a reward of services. Gibbon, Hist. ch. 17. This
Julius Constantius, who was the father of Julian, was the first who
bore the title, with L. Optatus, who had been consul the foregoing
year. Illustrissimus was the highest of the three ranks of honour.
ibid. | , brother of the most
religious Emperor Constantine Augustus, and of Rufinus Albinus, most
illustrious men, on the tenth day of the month Thoth711
711 [Sep.
8. 335 a.d. See note on leap-year at the end
of the table of Egyptian months, below, Introd. to
Letters.] | .
These were the letters of the Presbyters.
77. The following also are the letters and
protests of the Bishops who came with us to Tyre, when they became
aware of the conspiracy and plot.
To the Bishops assembled at Tyre, most honoured
Lords, those of the Catholic Church who have come from Egypt with
Athanasius send greeting in the Lord.
We suppose that the conspiracy which has been
formed against us by Eusebius, Theognius, Maris, Narcissus, Theodorus,
Patrophilus, and their fellows is no longer uncertain. From the very
beginning we all demurred, through our fellow-minister Athanasius, to
the holding of the enquiry in their presence, knowing that the presence
of even one enemy only, much more of many, is able to disturb and
injure the hearing of a cause. And you also yourselves know the enmity
which they entertain, not only towards us, but towards all the
orthodox, how that for the sake of the madness of Arius, and his
impious doctrine, they direct their assaults, they form conspiracies
against all. And when, being confident in the truth, we desired to shew
the falsehood, which the Meletians had employed against the Church,
Eusebius and his fellows endeavoured by some means or other to
interrupt our representations, and strove eagerly to set aside our
testimony, threatening those who gave an honest judgment, and insulting
others, for the sole purpose of carrying out the design they had
against us. Your godly piety, most honoured Lords, was probably
ignorant of their conspiracy, but we suppose that it has now been made
manifest. For indeed they have themselves plainly disclosed it; for
they desired to send to the Mareotis those of their party who are
suspected by us, so that, while we were absent and remained here, they
might disturb the people and accomplish what they wished. They knew
that the Arian madmen, and
Colluthians712 and Meletians, were enemies of the
Catholic Church and therefore they were anxious to send them, that in
the presence of our enemies they might devise against us whatever
schemes they pleased. And those of the Meletians who are here, even
four days previously (as they knew that this enquiry was about to take
place), despatched at evening certain of their party, as couriers, for
the purpose of collecting Meletians out of Egypt into the Mareotis,
because there were none at all there, and Colluthians and Arian madmen,
from other parts, and to prepare them to speak against us. For you also
know that Ischyras himself confessed before you, that he had not more
than seven persons in his congregation. When therefore we heard that,
after they had made what preparations they pleased against us, and had
sent these suspected persons, they were going about to each of you, and
requiring your subscriptions, in order that it might appear as if this
had been done with the consent of you all; for this reason we hastened
to write to you, and to present this our testimony; declaring that we
are the objects of a conspiracy under which we are suffering by and
through them, and demanding that having the fear of God in your minds,
and condemning their conduct in sending whom they pleased without our
consent, you would refuse your subscriptions, lest they pretend that
those things are done by you, which they are contriving only among
themselves. Surely it becomes those who are in Christ, not to regard
human motives, but to prefer the truth before all things. And be not
afraid of their threatenings, which they employ against all, nor of
their plots, but rather fear God. If it was at all necessary that
persons should be sent to the Mareotis, we also ought to have been
there with them, in order that we might convict the enemies of the
Church, and point out those who were aliens, and that the investigation
of the matter might be impartial. For you know that Eusebius and his
fellows contrived that a letter should be presented, as coming from the
Collutians, the Meletians, and Arians, and directed against us: but it
is evident that these enemies of the Catholic Church speak nothing that
is true concerning us, but say everything against us. And the law of
God forbids an enemy to be either a witness or a judge. Wherefore as
you will have to give an account in the day of judgment, receive this
testimony, and recognising the conspiracy which has been framed against
us, beware, if you are requested by them, of doing anything against us,
and of taking part in the designs of Eusebius and his fellows. For you
know, as we said before, that they are our enemies, and you are aware
why Eusebius of Cæsarea became such last year713
713 [Ath.
had refused to attend a synod at Cæsarea, a.d. 334. See Thdt. H. E. i. 28, Prolegg. ch. ii.
§4. and D.C.B. ii. 315 b.] | .
We pray that you may be in health, greatly beloved Lords.
78. To the most illustrious Count Flavius
Dionysius, from the Bishops of the Catholic Church in Egypt who have
come to Tyre.
We suppose that the conspiracy which has been
formed against us by Eusebius, Theognius, Maris, Narcissus, Theodorus,
Patrophilus and their fellows, is no longer uncertain. From the very
beginning we all demurred, through our fellow-minister Athanasius, to
the holding of the enquiry in their presence, knowing that the presence
of even one enemy only, much more of many, is able to disturb and
injure the hearing of a cause. For their enmity is manifest which they
entertain, not only towards us, but also towards all the orthodox,
because they direct their assaults, they form conspiracies against all.
And when, being confident in the truth, we desired to shew the
falsehood which the Meletians had employed against the Church, Eusebius
and his fellows endeavoured by some means or other to interrupt our
representations, and strove eagerly to set aside our testimony,
threatening those who gave an honest judgment and insulting others, for
the sole purpose of carrying out the design they had against us. Your
goodness was probably ignorant of the conspiracy which they have formed
against us, but we suppose that it has now been made manifest. For
indeed they have themselves plainly disclosed it; for they desired to
send to the Mareotis those of their party who are suspected by us, so
that, while we were absent and remained here, they might disturb the
people and accomplish what they wished. They knew that Arian madmen,
Colluthians, and Meletians were enemies of the Church, and therefore
they were anxious to send them, that in the presence of our enemies,
they might devise against us whatever schemes they pleased. And those
of the Meletians who are here, even four days previously (as they knew
that this enquiry was about to take place), despatched at evening two
individuals of their own party, as couriers, for the purpose of
collecting Meletians out of Egypt into the Mareotis, because there were
none at all there, and Colluthians, and Arian madmen, from other parts, and to prepare them to speak
against us. And your goodness knows that he himself confessed before
you, that he had not more than seven persons in his congregation. When
therefore we heard that, after they had made what preparations they
pleased against us, and had sent these suspected persons, they were
going about to each of the Bishops and requiring their subscriptions,
in order that it might appear that this was done with the consent of
them all; for this reason we hastened to refer the matter to your
honour, and to present this our testimony, declaring that we are the
objects of a conspiracy, under which we are suffering by and through
them, and demanding of you that having in your mind the fear of God,
and the pious commands of our most religious Emperor, you would no
longer tolerate these persons, but condemn their conduct in sending
whom they pleased without our consent.
I Adamantius Bishop have subscribed this letter,
Ischyras, Ammon, Peter, Ammonianus, Tyrannus, Taurinus, Sarapammon,
Ælurion, Harpocration, Moses, Optatus, Anubion, Saprion,
Apollonius, Ischyrion, Arbæthion, Potamon, Paphnutius, Heraclides,
Theodorus, Agathammon, Gaius, Pistus, Athas, Nicon, Pelagius, Theon,
Paninuthius, Nonnus, Ariston, Theodorus, Irenæus, Blastammon,
Philippus, Apollos, Dioscorus, Timotheus of Diospolis, Macarius,
Heraclammon, Cronius, Myis, Jacobus, Ariston, Artemidorus, Phinees,
Psais, Heraclides.
Another from the same.
79. The Bishops of the Catholic Church who have
come from Egypt to Tyre, to the most illustrious Count Flavius
Perceiving that many conspiracies and plots are
being formed against us through the machinations of Eusebius,
Narcissus, Flacillus, Theognius, Maris, Theodorus, Patrophilus, and
their fellows (against whom we wished at first to enter an objection,
but were not permitted), we are constrained to have recourse to the
present appeal. We observe also that great zeal is exerted in behalf of
the Meletians, and that a plot is laid against the Catholic Church in
Egypt in our persons. Wherefore we present this letter to you,
beseeching you to bear in mind the Almighty Power of God, who defends
the kingdom of our most religious and godly Emperor Constantine, and to
reserve the hearing of the affairs which concern us for the most
religious Emperor himself. For it is but reasonable, since you were
commissioned by his Majesty, that you should reserve the matter for him
upon our appealing to his piety. We can no longer endure to be the
objects of the treacherous designs of the fore-mentioned Eusebius and
his fellows, and therefore we demand that the case be reserved for the
most religious and God-beloved Emperor, before whom we shall be able to
set forth our own and the Church’s just claims. And we are
convinced that when his piety shall have heard our cause, he will not
condemn us. Wherefore we again adjure you by Almighty God, and by our
most religious Emperor, who, together with the children of his piety,
has thus ever been victorious714
714 Cf.
Euseb. v. Const. ii. 48. | and prosperous these
many years, that you proceed no further, nor suffer yourselves to move
at all in the Council in relation to our affairs, but reserve the
hearing of them for his piety. We have likewise made the same
representations to my Lords the orthodox Bishops.
80. Alexander715 , Bishop of
Thessalonica, on receiving these letters, wrote to the Count Dionysius
as follows.
The Bishop Alexander to my master Dionysius.
I see that a conspiracy has evidently been formed
against Athanasius; for they have determined, I know not on what
grounds, to send all those to whom he has objected, without giving any
information to us, although it was agreed that we should consider
together who ought to be sent. Take care therefore that nothing be done
rashly (for they have come to me in great alarm, saying that the wild
beasts have already roused themselves, and are going to rush upon them;
for they had heard it reported, that John had sent certain716 ), lest they be beforehand with us, and
concoct what schemes they please. For you know that the Colluthians who
are enemies of the Church, and the Arians, and Meletians, are all of
them leagued together, and are able to work much evil. Consider
therefore what is best to be done, lest some mischief arise, and we be
subject to censure, as not having judged the matter fairly. Great
suspicions are also entertained of these persons, lest, as being
devoted to the Meletians, they should go through those Churches whose
Bishops are here717 , and raise an alarm
amongst them, and so disorder the whole of Egypt. For they see that
this is already taking place to a great extent.
Accordingly the Count Dionysius wrote to Eusebius
and his fellows as follows.
81. This is what I have already mentioned to my
lords, Flacillus718
718 Perhaps
president of the Council, cf. §20. [But see Prolegg. ch. ii.
§5.] | and his fellows, that
Athanasius has come forward and complained that those very persons have been sent whom he
objected to; and crying out that he has been wronged and deceived.
Alexander the lord of my soul719 has also written to
me on the subject; and that you may perceive that what his Goodness has
said is reasonable, I have subjoined his letter to be read by you.
Remember also what I wrote to you before: I impressed upon your
Goodness, my lords, that the persons who were sent ought to be
commissioned by the general vote and decision of all. Take care
therefore lest our proceedings fall under censure, and we give just
grounds of blame to those who are disposed to find fault with us. For
as the accuser’s side ought not to suffer any oppression, so
neither ought the defendant’s. And I think that there is no
slight ground of blame against us, when my lord Alexander evidently
disapproves of what we have done.
82. While matters were proceeding thus we
withdrew from them, as from an assembly of treacherous men720 , for whatsoever they pleased they did,
whereas there is no man in the world but knows that ex parte
proceedings cannot stand good. This the divine law determines; for when
the blessed Apostle was suffering under a similar conspiracy and was
brought to trial, he demanded, saying, ‘The Jews from Asia ought
to have been here before thee, and object, if they had aught against
me721 .’ On which occasion Festus also, when
the Jews wished to lay such a plot against him, as these men have now
laid against me, said, ‘It is not the manner of Romans to deliver
any man to die, before that he which is accused have the accuser face
to face, and have licence to answer for himself concerning the crime
laid against him722 .’ But Eusebius
and his fellows both had the boldness to pervert the law, and have
proved more unjust even than those wrong-doers. For they did not
proceed privately at the first, but when in consequence of our being
present they found themselves weak, then they straightway went out,
like the Jews, and took counsel together alone, how they might destroy
us and bring in their heresy, as those others demanded Barabbas. For
this purpose it was, as they have themselves confessed, that they did
all these things.
83. Although these circumstances were amply
sufficient for our vindication, yet in order that the wickedness of
these men and the freedom of the truth might be more fully exhibited, I
have not felt averse to repeat them again, in order to shew that they
have acted in a manner inconsistently with themselves, and as men
scheming in the dark have fallen foul of their own friends, and while
they desired to destroy us have like insane persons wounded themselves.
For in their investigation of the subject of the Mysteries, they
questioned Jews, they examined Catechumens723 ;
‘Where were you,’ they said, ‘when Macarius came and
overturned the Table?’ They answered, ‘We were
within;’ whereas there could be no oblation if Catechumens were
present. Again, although they had written word everywhere, that
Macarius came and overthrew everything, while the Presbyter was
standing and celebrating the Mysteries, yet when they questioned
whomsoever they pleased, and asked them, ‘Where was Ischyras when
Macarius rushed in?’ those persons answered that he was lying
sick in a cell. Well, then, he that was lying was not standing, nor was
he that lay sick in his cell offering the oblation. Besides whereas
Ischyras said that certain books had been burnt by Macarius, they who
were suborned to give evidence, declared that nothing of the kind had
been done, but that Ischyras spoke falsely. And what is most
remarkable, although they had again written word everywhere, that those
who were able to give evidence had been concealed by us, yet these
persons made their appearance, and they questioned them, and were not
ashamed when they saw it proved on all sides that they were slanderers,
and were acting in this matter clandestinely, and according to their
pleasure. For they prompted the witnesses by signs, while the Prefect
threatened them, and the soldiers pricked them with their swords; but
the Lord revealed the truth, and shewed them to be slanderers.
Therefore also they concealed the minutes of their proceedings, which
they retained themselves, and charged those who wrote them to put out
of sight, and to commit to no one whomsoever. But in this also they
were disappointed; for the person who wrote them was Rufus, who is now
public executioner in the Augustalian724
724 Vid.
Encyc. §3, p. 43, note 2. | prefecture, and
is able to testify to the truth of this; and Eusebius and his fellows
sent them to Rome by the hands of their own friends, and Julius the
Bishop transmitted them to me. And now they are mad, because we
obtained and read what they wished to conceal.
84. As such was the character of their
machinations, so they very soon shewed plainly the reasons of their
conduct. For when they went away, they took the Arians with them to
Jerusalem, and there admitted them to communion, having sent out a
letter concerning them, part725 of which, and the beginning, is as
The holy Council by the grace of God assembled at
Jerusalem, to the Church of God which is in Alexandria, and to the
Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons, in all Egypt, the Thebais, Libya,
Pentapolis, and throughout the world, sends health in the Lord.
Having come together out of different Provinces
to a great meeting which we have held for the consecration of the
726 [i.e.
Church, see D.C.A. s.v. Martyrium.] | of the Saviour, which has been appointed to
the service of God the King of all and of His Christ, by the zeal of
our most God-beloved Emperor Constantine, the grace of God hath
afforded us more abundant rejoicing of heart; which our most
God-beloved Emperor himself hath occasioned us by his letters, wherein
he hath stirred us up to do that which is right, putting away all envy
from the Church of God, and driving far from us all malice, by which
the members of God have been heretofore torn asunder, and that we
should with simple and peaceable minds receive Arius and his fellows,
whom envy, that enemy of all goodness, has caused for a season to be
excluded from the Church. Our most religious Emperor has also in his
letter testified to the correctness of their faith, which he has
ascertained from themselves, himself receiving the profession of it
from them by word of mouth, and has now made manifest to us by
subjoining to his own letters the men’s orthodox opinion in
85. Every one that hears of these things must see
through their treachery. For they made no concealment of what they were
doing; unless perhaps they confessed the truth without wishing it. For
if I was the hindrance to the admittance of Arius and his fellows into
the Church, and if they were received while I was suffering from their
plots, what other conclusion can be arrived at, than that these things
were done on their account, and that all their proceedings against me,
and the story which they fabricated about the breaking of the cup and
the murder of Arsenius, were for the sole purpose of introducing
impiety into the Church, and of preventing their being condemned as
heretics? For this was what the Emperor threatened formerly in his
letters to me. And they were not ashamed to write in the manner they
did, and to affirm that those persons whom the whole Ecumenical Council
anathematized held orthodox sentiments. And as they undertook to say
and do anything without scruple, so they were not afraid to meet
together ‘in a corner,’ in order to overthrow, as far as
was in their power, the authority of so great a Council.
Moreover, the price which they paid for false
testimony yet more fully manifests their wickedness and impious
intentions. The Mareotis, as I have already said, is a country district
of Alexandria, in which there has never been either a Bishop or a
727 That
Chorepiscopi were real Bishops, vid. Bevereg. in Conc. Ancyr. Can. 13.
Routh in Conc. Neocæs. Can. 13. referring to Rhabanus Maurus.
Thomassin on the other hand denies that they were Bishops, Discipl.
Eccl. i. 2. c. 1. [see D.C.A. s.v.] | ; but the Churches of the whole district
are subject to the Bishop of Alexandria, and each Presbyter has under
his charge one of the largest villages, which are about ten or more in
728 Ten
under each Presbyter. Vales ad Socr. Hist. i. 27. Ten
altogether, Montfaucon in loc. with more probability; and so Tillemont,
vol. 8. p. 20. [Six villages are mentioned supr. §64,
fin.] | . Now the village in which Ischyras lives is a
very small one, and possesses so few inhabitants, that there has never
been a church built there, but only in the adjoining village.
Nevertheless, they determined, contrary to ancient usage729
729 It was
against the Canon of Sardica, and doubtless against ancient usage, to
ordain a Bishop for so small a village, vid. Bingham, Antiqu. II. xii.,
who, however, maintains by instances, that at least small towns might
be sees. Also it was against usage that a layman, as Ischyras, should
be made a Bishop. ibid. x. 4, &c. St. Hilary, however, makes him a
Deacon. Fragm. ii. 16. | , to nominate a Bishop for this place, and not
only so, but even to appoint one, who was not so much as a Presbyter.
Knowing as they did the unusual nature of such a proceeding, yet being
constrained by the promises they had given in return for his false
impeachment of me, they submitted even to this, lest that abandoned
person, if he were ungratefully treated by them, should disclose the
truth, and thereby shew the wickedness of Eusebius and his fellows.
Notwithstanding this he has no church, nor a people to obey him, but is
scouted by them all, like a dog730
730 Dogs
without owners, and almost in a wild state, abound, as is well known,
in Eastern cities; vid. Psalm lix. 6, 14, 15; 2
Kings ix. 35, 36. and for the view taken in Scripture of dogs, vid. Bochart,
Hieroz. ii. 56 [and Dict. Bib. s.v.]. | , although they have
even caused the Emperor to write to the Receiver-General (for
everything is in their power), commanding that a church should be built
for him, that being possessed of that, his statement may appear
credible about the cup and the table. They caused him immediately to be
nominated a Bishop also, because if he were without a church, and not
even a Presbyter, he would appear to be a false accuser, and a
fabricator of the whole matter. At any rate he has no people, and even
his own relations are not obedient to him, and as the name which he
retains is an empty one, so also the following letter is ineffectual,
which he keeps, making a display of it as an exposure of the utter
wickedness of himself and of
Eusebius and his fellows.
The Letter of the Receiver-General.731
731 Catholicus, §14, Apol. Const. §10. [The mention,
below, of ‘Augusti and Cæsars’ makes 337 the earliest
likely date for this letter.] |
Flavius Hemerius sends health to the
Tax-collector of the Mareotis.
Ischyras the Presbyter having petitioned the
piety of our Lords, Augusti and Cæsars, that a Church might be
built in the district of Irene, belonging to Secontarurus732
732 Cf.
§17. note 7. [Prolegg. ch. ii. §4.] | , their divinity has commanded that this
should be done as soon as possible. Take care therefore, as soon as you
receive the copy of the sacred Edict, which with all due veneration is
placed above, and the Reports which have been formed before my
devotion, that you quickly make an abstract of them, and transfer them
to the Order book, so that the sacred command may be put in
86. While they were thus plotting and scheming, I
went up733 and represented to the Emperor the unjust
conduct of Eusebius and his fellows, for he it was who had commanded
the Council to be held, and his Count presided at it. When he heard my
report, he was greatly moved, and wrote to them as follows.
Constantine, Victor734
734 Euseb.
v. Const. ii. 48. | ,
Maximus, Augustus, to the Bishops assembled at Tyre.
I know not what the decisions are which you have
arrived at in your Council amidst noise and tumult: but somehow the
truth seems to have been perverted in consequence of certain confusions
and disorders, in that you, through your mutual contentiousness, which
you are resolved should prevail, have failed to perceive what is
pleasing to God. However, it will rest with Divine Providence to
disperse the mischiefs which manifestly are found to arise from this
contentious spirit, and to shew plainly to us, whether you, while
assembled in that place, have had any regard for the truth, and whether
you have made your decisions uninfluenced by either favour or enmity.
Wherefore I wish you all to assemble with all speed before my piety in
order that you may render in person a true account of your
The reason why I have thought good to write thus
to you, and why I summon you before me by letter, you will learn from
what I am going to say. As I was entering on a late occasion our
all-happy home of Constantinople, which bears our name (I chanced at
the time to be on horseback), on a sudden the Bishop Athanasius, with
certain others whom he had with him, approached me in the middle of the
road, so unexpectedly, as to occasion me much amazement. God, who
knoweth all things, is my witness, that I should have been unable at
first sight even to recognise him, had not some of my attendants, on my
naturally inquiring of them, informed me both who it was, and under
what injustice he was suffering. I did not however enter into any
conversation with him at that time, nor grant him an interview; but
when he requested to be heard I was refusing, and all but gave orders
for his removal; when with increasing boldness he claimed only this
favour, that you should be summoned to appear, that he might have an
opportunity of complaining before me in your presence, of the
ill-treatment he has met with. As this appeared to me to be a
reasonable request, and suitable to the times, I willingly ordered this
letter to be written to you, in order that all of you, who constituted
the Council which was held at Tyre, might hasten without delay to the
735 στρατόπεδον, §70. note 6. | of my clemency, so as to prove by facts that
you had passed an impartial and uncorrupt judgment. This, I say, you
must do before me, whom not even you will deny to be a true servant of
For indeed through my devotion to God, peace is
preserved everywhere, and the Name of God is truly worshipped even by
the barbarians, who have hitherto been ignorant of the truth. And it is
manifest, that he who is ignorant of the truth, does not know God
either. Nevertheless, as I said before, even the barbarians have now
come to the knowledge of God, by means of me, His true servant736
736 “Once in an entertainment, at which he (Constantine)
received Bishops, he made the remark that he too was a Bishop; using
pretty much these words in my hearing, ‘You are Bishops of
matters within the Church, I am appointed by God to be Bishop of
matters external to it.” Euseb. Vit. Const. iv.
24. | , and have learned to fear Him Whom they
perceive from actual facts to be my shield and protector everywhere.
And from this chiefly they have come to know God, Whom they fear
through the dread which they have of me. But we, who are supposed to
set forth (for I will not say to guard) the holy mysteries of His
Goodness, we, I say, engage in nothing but what tends to dissension and
hatred, and, in short, whatever contributes to the destruction of
mankind. But hasten, as I said before, and all of you with all speed
come to us, being persuaded that I shall endeavour with all my might to
amend what is amiss, so that those things specially may be preserved
and firmly established in the law of God, to which no blame nor
dishonour may attach; while the enemies of the law, who under pretence
of His holy Name bring in manifold and divers blasphemies, shall be
scattered abroad, and entirely
crushed, and utterly destroyed.
87. When Eusebius and his fellows read this
letter, being conscious of what they had done, they prevented the rest
of the Bishops from going up, and only themselves went, viz. Eusebius,
Theognius, Patrophilus, the other Eusebius, Ursacius, and Valens. And
they no longer said anything about the cup and Arsenius (for they had
not the boldness to do so), but inventing another accusation which
concerned the Emperor himself, they declared before him, that
Athanasius had threatened that he would cause the corn to be withheld
which was sent from Alexandria to his own home737 . The
Bishops Adamantius, Anubion, Agathammon, Arbethion, and Peter, were
present and heard this. It was proved also by the anger of the Emperor;
for although he had written the preceding letter, and had condemned
their injustice, as soon as he heard such a charge as this, he was
immediately incensed, and instead of granting me a hearing, he sent me
away into Gaul. And this again shews their wickedness further; for when
the younger Constantine, of blessed memory, sent me back home,
remembering what his father had written738
738 [See
Bright, Hist. Writ. p. xii. note 3, and on the date of this
letter, Prolegg. ch. v. §3 b, and note 6 below.] | , he
also wrote as follows.
Constantine Cæsar, to the people of the
Catholic Church of the city of Alexandria.
I suppose that it has not escaped the knowledge
of your pious minds, that Athanasius, the interpreter of the adorable
Law, was sent away into Gaul for a time, with the intent that, as the
savageness of his bloodthirsty and inveterate enemies persecuted him to
the hazard of his sacred life, he might thus escape suffering some
irremediable calamity, through the perverse dealing of those evil men.
In order therefore to escape this, he was snatched out of the jaws of
his assailants, and was ordered to pass some time under my government,
and so was supplied abundantly with all necessaries in this city, where
he lived, although indeed his celebrated virtue, relying entirely on
divine assistance, sets at nought the sufferings of adverse fortune.
Now seeing that it was the fixed intention of our master Constantine
Augustus, my Father, to restore the said Bishop to his own place, and
to your most beloved piety, but he was taken away by that fate which is
common to all men, and went to his rest before he could accomplish his
wish; I have thought proper to fulfil that intention of the Emperor of
sacred memory which I have inherited from him. When he comes to present
himself before you, you will learn with what reverence he has been
treated. Indeed it is not wonderful, whatever I have done on his
behalf; for the thoughts of your longing desire for him, and the
appearance of so great a man, moved my soul, and urged me thereto. May
Divine Providence continually preserve you, beloved brethren.
Dated from Treveri the 15th before the Calends of
739 June
17. a.d. 337 [see Gwatk. Stud.,
136]. | .
88. This being the reason why I was sent away
into Gaul, who, I ask again, does not plainly perceive the intention of
the Emperor, and the murderous spirit of Eusebius and his fellows, and
that the Emperor had done this in order to prevent their forming some
more desperate scheme? for he listened to them in simplicity740
740 ἐπήκουσε γὰρ
ἁπλῶς. Montfaucon in
Onomast. (Athan. t. 2. ad calc.) points out some passages in his
author, where ἐπακούειν, like ὑπακούειν, means “to answer.” vid. Apol. Const.
§16 init. Orat. iii. 27 fin. | . Such were the practices of Eusebius and his
fellows, and such their machinations against me. Who that has witnessed
them will deny that nothing has been done in my favour out of
partiality, but that that great number of Bishops both individually and
collectively wrote as they did in my behalf and condemned the falsehood
of my enemies justly, and in accordance with the truth? Who that has
observed such proceedings as these will deny that Valens and Ursacius
had good reason to condemn themselves, and to write741
as they did, to accuse themselves when they repented, choosing rather
to suffer shame for a short time, than to undergo the punishment of
false accusers for ever and ever742
742 Here
ends the second part of the Apology, as is evident by turning back to
§58. (supr. p. 130) to which this paragraph is an allusion. The
express object of the second part was to prove, what has now been
proved by documents, that Valens and Ursacius did but succumb to plain
facts which they could not resist. It is observable too from this
passage that the Apology was written before their relapse, i.e. before
a.d. 351 or 352. The remaining two sections
are often after 357, as they mention the fall of Liberius and Hosius,
and speak of Constantius in different language from any which has been
found above. [Introd. to Apol. Const. and Hist.
Ar.] | ?
89. Wherefore also my blessed fellow-ministers,
acting justly and according to the laws of the Church, while certain
affirmed that my case was doubtful, and endeavoured to compel them to
annul the sentence which was passed in my favour, have now endured all
manner of sufferings, and have chosen rather to be banished than to see
the judgment of so many Bishops reversed. Now if those genuine Bishops
had withstood by words only those who plotted against me, and wished to
undo all that had been done in my behalf; or if they had been ordinary
men, and not the Bishops of
illustrious cities, and the heads of great Churches, there would have
been room to suspect that in this instance they too had acted
contentiously and in order to gratify me. But when they not only
endeavoured to convince by argument, but also endured banishment, and
one of them is Liberius, Bishop of Rome, (for although he did not
endure743 to the end the sufferings of banishment, yet
he remained in his exile for two years, being aware of conspiracy
formed against us), and since there is also the great Hosius, together
with the Bishops of Italy, and of Gaul, and others from Spain, and from
Egypt, and Libya, and all those from Pentapolis (for although for a
little while, through fear of the threats of Constantius, he seemed not
to resist them744
744 Cf.
Apol. Fug.; §5, and Hist. Ar. §45. | yet the great violence and tyrannical
power exercised by Constantius, and the many insults and stripes
inflicted upon him, proved that it was not because he gave up my cause,
but through the weakness of old age, being unable to bear the stripes,
that he yielded to them for a season), therefore I say, it is
altogether right that all, as being fully convinced, should hate and
abominate the injustice and the violence which they have used towards
me; especially as it is well known that I have suffered these things on
account of nothing else but the Arian impiety.
90. Now if anyone wishes to become acquainted
with my case, and the falsehood of Eusebius and his fellows, let him
read what has been written in my behalf, and let him hear the
witnesses, not one, or two, or three, but that great number of Bishops;
and again let him attend to the witnesses of these proceedings,
Liberius and Hosius, and their fellows, who when they saw the attempts
made against us, chose rather to endure all manner of sufferings than
to give up the truth, and the judgment which had been pronounced in our
favour. And this they did with an honourable and righteous intention,
for what they suffered proves to what straits the other Bishops were
reduced. And they are memorials and records against the Arian heresy,
and the wickedness of false accusers, and afford a pattern and model
for those who come after, to contend for the truth unto death745 , and to abominate the Arian heresy which
fights against Christ, and is a forerunner of Antichrist, and not to
believe those who attempt to speak against me. For the defence put
forth, and the sentence given, by so many Bishops of high character,
are a trustworthy and sufficient testimony in our behalf.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH