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| Challenge to the accusers as to the alleged letter. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
11. Challenge to the accusers
as to the alleged letter.
Now I have already called upon God, and His Word,
the Only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ, to witness for me, that I
have never written to that man, nor received letters from him. And as
to my accuser, give me leave to ask him a few short questions
concerning this charge also. How did he come to the knowledge of this
matter? Will he say that he has got copies of the letter? for this is
what the Arians laboured to prove. Now in the first place, even if he
can shew writing resembling mine, the thing is not yet certain; for
there are forgers, who have often imitated the hand1318 even of you who are Emperors. And the
resemblance will not prove the genuineness of the letter, unless my
customary amanuensis shall testify in its favour. I would then again
ask my accusers, Who provided you with these copies? and whence were
they obtained? I had my writers1319
1319 Vid. Rom. xvi. 22. Lucian is spoken of as the amanuensis of the Confessors
who wrote to S. Cyprian, Ep. 16. Ed. Ben. Jader perhaps of
Ep. 80. [Epp. 23, 79, Hartel.] S. Jerome was either
secretary or amanuensis to Pope Damasus, vid. Ep. ad Ageruch.
(123. n. 10. Ed. Vallars.) vid. Lami de Erud. 24, Ap. p.
258. | , and he his
servants, who received his letters from the bearers, and gave them into
his hand. My assistants are forthcoming; vouchsafe to summon the others
(for they are most probably still living), and enquire concerning these
letters. Search into the matter, as though Truth were the partner of
your throne. She is the defence of Kings, and especially of Christian
Kings; with her you will reign most securely, for holy Scripture says,
‘Mercy and truth preserve the king, and they will encircle his
throne in righteousness1320 .’ And the
wise Zorobabel gained a victory over the others by setting forth the
power of Truth, and all the people cried out, ‘Great is the
truth, and mighty above all things1321 .’E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH