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| He next skilfully confutes the partial, empty and blasphemous statement of Eunomius on the subject of the absolutely existent. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
He next skilfully confutes the partial, empty and blasphemous
statement of Eunomius on the subject of the absolutely
Now the wording of their
doctrine is as follows: “We believe in the one and only true God,
according to the teaching of the Lord Himself, not honouring Him with a
lying title (for He cannot lie), but really existent, one God in nature
and in glory, who is without beginning, eternally, without end,
alone.” Let not him who professes to believe in accordance with
the teaching of the Lord pervert the exposition of the faith that was
made concerning the Lord of all to suit his own fancy, but himself
follow the utterance of the truth. Since then, the expression of the
Faith comprehends the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Ghost, what agreement has this construction of theirs to show with the
utterances of the Lord, so as to refer such a doctrine to the teaching
of those utterances? They cannot manage to show where in the Gospels
the Lord said that we should believe on “the one and only true
God:” unless they have some new Gospel. For the Gospels which are
read in the churches continuously from ancient times to the present
day, do not contain this saying which tells us that we should believe
in or baptize into “the one and only true God,” as these
people say, but “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Ghost.” But as we were taught by the voice of the Lord,
this we say, that the word “one” does not indicate the
Father alone, but comprehends in its significance the Son with the
Father, inasmuch as the Lord said, “I and My Father are one265 .” In like manner also the name
“God” belongs equally to the Beginning in which the Word
was, and to the Word Who was in the Beginning. For the Evangelist tells
us that “the Word was with God, and the Word was God266 .” So that when Deity is expressed the
Son is included no less than the Father. Moreover, the true cannot be
conceived as something alien from and unconnected with the truth. But
that the Lord is the Truth no one at all will dispute, unless he be one
estranged from the truth. If, then, the Word is in the One, and is God
and Truth, as is proclaimed in the Gospels, on what teaching of the
Lord does he base his doctrine who makes use of these distinctive
terms? For the antithesis is between “only” and “not
only,” between “God” and “no God,”
between “true” and “untrue.” If it is with
respect to idols that they make their distinction of phrases, we too
agree. For the name of “deity” is given, in an equivocal
sense, to the idols of the heathen, seeing that “all the gods of
the heathen are demons,” and in another sense marks the contrast
of the one with the many, of the true with the false, of those who are
not Gods with Him who is God267
267 Or,
possibly, “and the contrast he makes between the one and the
many, &c. is irrelevant” (ἄλλως
ἀντιδιαιρεῖ): the quotation is from Ps. xcvi. 6
(LXX.). | . But if the contrast
is one with the Only-begotten God268
268 Cf.
S. John i. 18, reading (as S. Gregory seems to have done) θεός for υἱ&
231·ς. | , let our sages
learn that truth has its opposite only in falsehood, and God in one who
is not God. But inasmuch as the Lord Who is the Truth is God, and is in
the Father and is one relatively to the Father269 ,
there is no room in the true doctrine for these distinctions of
phrases. For he who truly believes in the One sees in the One Him Who
is completely united with Him in truth, and deity, and essence, and
life, and wisdom, and in all attributes whatsoever: or, if he does not
see in the One Him Who is all these it is in nothing that he believes.
For without the Son the Father has neither existence nor name, any more
than the Powerful without Power, or the Wise without Wisdom. For Christ
is “the Power of God and the Wisdom of God270 ;” so that he who imagines he sees the
One God apart from power, truth, wisdom, life, or the true light,
either sees nothing at all or else assuredly that which is evil. For
the withdrawal of the good attributes becomes a positing and
origination of evil.
“Not honouring Him,”
he says, “with a lying title, for He cannot lie.” By that
phrase I pray that Eunomius may abide, and so bear witness to the truth
that it cannot lie. For if he would be of this mind, that everything
that is uttered by the Lord is far removed from falsehood, he will of
course be persuaded that He speaks the truth Who says, “I am in
the Father, and the Father in Me271 ,”—plainly, the One in His
entirety, in the Other in His entirety, the Father not superabounding
in the Son, the Son not being deficient in the Father,—and Who
says also that the Son should be honoured as the Father is honoured272 , and “He that hath seen Me hath seen
the Father273 ,” and “no man knoweth the
Father save the Son274 ,” in all which
passages there is no hint given to those who receive these declarations
as genuine, of any variation275 of glory, or of
essence, or anything else, between the Father and the Son.
“Really existent,”
he says, “one God in nature and in glory.” Real existence
is opposed to unreal existence. Now each of existing things is really
existent in so far as it is; but that which, so far as appearance and
suggestion go, seems to be, but is not, this is not really existent, as
for example an appearance in a dream or a man in a picture. For these
and such like things, though they exist so far as appearance is
concerned, have not real existence. If then they maintain, in
accordance with the Jewish opinion, that the Only-begotten God does not
exist at all, they are right in predicating real existence of the
Father alone. But if they do not deny the existence of the Maker of all
things, let them be content not to deprive of real existence Him Who
is, Who in the Divine appearance to Moses gave Himself the name of
Existent, when He said, “I am that I am276 :” even as Eunomius in his later
argument agrees with this, saying that it was He Who appeared to Moses.
Then he says that God is “one in nature and in glory.”
Whether God exists without being by nature God, he who uses these words
may perhaps know: but if it be true that he who is not by nature God is
not God at all, let them learn from the great Paul that they who serve
those who are not Gods do not serve God277 .” But we “serve the living and
true God,” as the Apostle says278 : and He Whom we
serve is Jesus the Christ279 . For Him the Apostle
Paul even exults in serving, saying, “Paul, a servant of Jesus
Christ280 .” We then, who no longer serve them
which by nature are no Gods281 , have come to the
knowledge of Him Who by nature is God, to Whom every knee boweth
“of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the
earth282 .” But we should not have been His
servants had we not believed that this is the living and true God, to
Whom “every tongue maketh confession that Jesus is Lord to the
glory of God the Father283 .”
“God,” he says,
“Who is without beginning, eternally, without end, alone.”
Once more “understand, ye simple ones,” as Solomon says,
“his subtlety284 ,” lest haply ye
be deceived and fall headlong into the denial of the Godhead of the
Only-begotten Son. That is without end which admits not of death and
decay: that, likewise, is called everlasting which is not only for a
time. That, therefore, which is neither everlasting nor without end is
surely seen in the nature which is perishable and mortal. Accordingly
he who predicates “unendingness” of the one and only God,
and does not include the Son in the assertion of
“unendingness” and “eternity,” maintains by
such a proposition, that He Whom he thus contrasts with the eternal and
unending is perishable and temporary. But we, even when we are told
that God “only hath immortality285 ,”
understand by “immortality” the Son. For life is
immortality, and the Lord is that life, Who said, “I am the
Life286 .” And if He be said to dwell “in
the light that no man can approach unto287 ,” again we make no difficulty in
understanding that the true Light, unapproachable by falsehood, is the
Only-begotten, in Whom we learn from the Truth itself that the Father
is288 . Of these opinions let the reader choose the
more devout, whether we are to think of the Only-begotten in a manner
worthy of the Godhead, or to call Him, as heresy prescribes, perishable
and temporary.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH