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| Then returning to the words of Peter, “God made Him Lord and Christ,” he skilfully explains it by many arguments, and herein shows Eunomius as an advocate of the orthodox doctrine, and concludes the book by showing that the Divine and Human names are applied, by reason of the commixture, to either Nature. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
§4. Then
returning to the words of Peter, “God made Him Lord and
Christ,” he skilfully explains it by many arguments, and herein
shows Eunomius as an advocate of the orthodox doctrine, and concludes
the book by showing that the Divine and Human names are applied, by
reason of the commixture, to either Nature.
But we must return once more to
our vehement writer of speeches, and take up again that severe
invective of his against ourselves. He makes it a complaint against us
that we deny that the Essence of the Son has been made, as
contradicting the words of Peter, “He made Him Lord and Christ,
this Jesus Whom ye crucified791 ”; and he is
very forcible in his indignation and abuse upon this matter, and
moreover maintains certain points by which he thinks that he refutes
our doctrine. Let us see, then, the force of his attempts. “Who,
pray, ye most reckless of men,” he says, “when he has the
form of a servant, takes the form of a servant?” “No
reasonable man,” shall be our reply to him, “would use
language of this kind, save such as may be entirely alien from the hope
of Christians. But to this class you belong, who charge us with
recklessness because we do not admit the Creator to be created. For if
the Holy Spirit does not lie, when He says by the prophet, ‘All
things serve Thee792 ,’ and the whole
creation is in servitude, and the Son is, as you say793
793 Reading καθ᾽ ὑμᾶς with the earlier editions. Oehler alleges no authority for
his reading καθ᾽
ἡμᾶς, which is probably a
mere misprint. | ,
created, He is clearly a fellow-servant with all things, being degraded
by His partaking of creation to partake also of servitude. And Him Who
is in servitude you will surely invest with the servant’s form:
for you will not, of course, be ashamed of the aspect of servitude when
you acknowledge that He is a servant by nature. Who now is it, I pray,
my most keen rhetorician, who transfers the Son from the servile form
to another form of a servant? he who claims for Him uncreated being,
and thereby proves that He is no servant, or you, rather, who
continually cry that the Son is the servant of the Father, and was
actually under His dominion before He took the servant’s form? I
ask for no other judges; I leave the vote on these questions in your
own hands. For I suppose that no one is so shameless in his dealings
with the truth as to oppose acknowledged facts out of sheer impudence.
What we have said is clear to any one, that by the peculiar attributes
of servitude is marked that which is by nature servile, and to be
created is an attribute proper to servitude. Thus one who asserts that
He, being a servant, took upon Him our form, is surely the man who
transfers the Only-begotten from servitude to
He tries, however, to fight
against our words, and says, a little further on (for I will pass over
at present his intermediate remarks, as they have been more or less
fully discussed in my previous arguments), when he charges us with
being “bold in saying or thinking things uncontrivable,”
and calls us “most miserable794
794 Oehler’s punctuation here seems to require
correction. | ,”—he
adds, I say, this:—“For if it is not of the Word Who was in
the beginning and was God that the blessed Peter speaks, but of Him Who
was ‘seen,’ and Who ‘emptied Himself,’ as Basil
says, and if the man Who was ‘seen’ ‘emptied
Himself’ to take ‘the form of a servant,’ and He Who
‘emptied Himself’ to take the form of a servant,’
‘emptied Himself’ to come into being as man, then the man
who was ‘seen’ ‘emptied himself,’ to come into
being as man.” It may be that the judgment of my readers has
immediately detected from the above citation the knavery, and, at the
same time, the folly of the argument he maintains: yet a brief
refutation of what he says shall be subjoined on our side, not
so much to
overthrow his blundering sophism, which indeed is overthrown by itself
for those who have ears to hear, as to avoid the appearance of passing
his allegation by without discussion, under the pretence of contempt
for the worthlessness of his argument. Let us accordingly look at the
point in this way. What are the Apostle’s words? “Be it
known,” he says, “that God made Him Lord and Christ795 .” Then, as though some one had asked
him on whom such a grace was bestowed, he points as it were with his
finger to the subject, saying, “this Jesus, Whom ye
crucified.” What does Basil say upon this? That the demonstrative
word declares that that person was made Christ, Who had been
crucified by the hearers;—for he says, “ye
crucified,” and it was likely that those who had demanded the
murder that was done upon Him were hearers of the speech; for the time
from the crucifixion to the discourse of Peter was not long. What,
then, does Eunomius advance in answer to this? “If it is not of
the Word Who was in the beginning and was God that the blessed Peter
speaks, but of Him Who was ‘seen,’ and Who ‘emptied
Himself,’ as Basil says, and if the man who was
‘seen’ ‘emptied himself’ to take ‘the
form of a servant’”—Hold! who says this, that the man
who was seen emptied himself again to take the form of a servant? or
who maintains that the suffering of the Cross took place before the
manifestation in the flesh? The Cross did not precede the body, nor the
body “the form of the servant.” But God is manifested in
the flesh, while the flesh that displayed God in itself, after having
by itself fulfilled the great mystery of the Death, is transformed by
commixture to that which is exalted and Divine, becoming Christ and
Lord, being transferred and changed to that which He was, Who
manifested Himself in that flesh. But if we should say this, our
champion of the truth maintains once more that we say that He Who was
shown upon the Cross “emptied Himself” to become another
man, putting his sophism together as follows in its
wording:—“If,” quoth he, “the man who was
‘seen’ ‘emptied himself’ to take the
‘form of a servant,’ and He Who ‘emptied
Himself’ to take the ‘form of a servant,’
‘emptied Himself’ to come into being as man, then the man
who was ‘seen’ ‘emptied himself’ to come into
being as man.”
How well he remembers the task
before him! how much to the point is the conclusion of his argument!
Basil declares that the Apostle said that the man who was
“seen” was made Christ and Lord, and this clear and
quick-witted over-turner of his statements says, “If Peter does
not say that the essence of Him Who was in the beginning was made, the
man who was ‘seen’ ‘emptied himself’ to take
the ‘form of a servant,’ and He Who ‘emptied
Himself’ to take the ’form of a servant, emptied Himself to
become man.” We are conquered, Eunomius, by this invincible
wisdom! The fact that the Apostle’s discourse refers to Him Who
was “crucified through weakness796 ” is
forsooth powerfully disproved when we learn that if we believe this to
be so, the man who was “seen” again becomes another,
“emptying Himself” for another coming into being of man.
Will you never cease jesting against what should be secure from such
attempts? will you not blush at destroying by such ridiculous sophisms
the awe that hedges the Divine mysteries? will you not turn now, if
never before, to know that the Only-begotten God, Who is in the bosom
of the Father, being Word, and King, and Lord, and all that is exalted
in word and thought, needs not to become anything that is good,
seeing that He is Himself the fulness of all good things? What then is
that, by changing into which He becomes what He was not before? Well,
as He Who knew not sin becomes sin797 , that He may
take away the sin of the world, so on the other hand the flesh which
received the Lord becomes Christ and Lord, being transformed by the
commixture into that which it was not by nature: whereby we learn that
neither would God have been manifested in the flesh, had not the Word
been made flesh, nor would the human flesh that compassed Him about
have been transformed to what is Divine, had not that which was
apparent to the senses become Christ and Lord. But they treat the
simplicity of what we preach with contempt, who use their syllogisms to
trample on the being of God, and desire to show that He Who by creation
brought into being all things that are, is Himself a part of creation,
and wrest, to assist them in such an effort to establish their
blasphemy, the words of Peter, who said to the Jews, “Be it known
to all the house of Israel that God made Him Lord and Christ, this
Jesus Whom ye crucified798 .” This is the
proof they present for the statement that the essence of the
Only-begotten God is created! What? tell me, were the Jews, to whom the
words were spoken, in existence before the ages? was the Cross before
the world? was Pilate before all creation? was Jesus in existence
first, and after that the Word? was the flesh more ancient than the
Godhead? did Gabriel bring glad tidings to Mary before the world was?
did not the Man that was in Christ take beginning by way of birth in
the days of Cæsar Augustus, while the Word that was God in the
beginning is our King, as the prophet testifies, before all ages799 ? See you not what confusion you bring
upon the matter,
turning, as the phrase goes, things upside down? It was the fiftieth
day after the Passion, when Peter preached his sermon to the Jews and
said, “Him Whom ye crucified, God made Christ and Lord.” Do
you not mark the order of his saying? which stands first, which second
in his words? He did not say, “Him Whom God made Lord, ye
crucified,” but, “Whom ye crucified, Him God made Christ
and Lord”: so that it is clear from this that Peter is speaking,
not of what was before the ages, but of what was after the
How comes it, then, that you
fail to see that the whole conception of your argument on the subject
is being overthrown, and go on making yourself ridiculous with your
childish web of sophistry, saying that, if we believe that He who was
apparent to the senses has been made by God to be Christ and Lord, it
necessarily follows that the Lord once more “emptied
Himself” anew to become Man, and underwent a second birth? What
advantage does your doctrine get from this? How does what you say show
the King of creation to be created? For my own part I assert on the
other side that our view is supported by those who contend against us,
and that the rhetorician, in his exceeding attention to the matter, has
failed to see that in pushing, as he supposed, the argument to an
absurdity, he is fighting on the side of those whom he attacks, with
the very weapons he uses for their overthrow. For if we are to believe
that the change of condition in the case of Jesus was from a lofty
state to a lowly one, and if the Divine and uncreated Nature alone
transcends the creation, he will, perhaps, when he thoroughly surveys
his own argument, come over to the ranks of truth, and agree that the
Uncreated came to be in the created, in His love for man. But if he
imagines that he demonstrates the created character of the Lord by
showing that He, being God, took part in human nature, he will find
many such passages to establish the same opinion which carry out their
support of his argument in a similar way. For since He was the Word and
was God, and “afterwards,” as the prophet says, “was
seen upon earth and conversed with men800 ,” He will hereby be proved to be one of
the creatures! And if this is held to be beside the question, similar
passages too are not quite akin to the subject. For in sense it is just
the same to say that the Word that was in the beginning was manifested
to men through the flesh, and to say that being in the form of God He
put on the form of a servant: and if one of these statements gives no
help for the establishment of his blasphemy, he must needs give up the
remaining one also. He is kind enough, however, to advise us to abandon
our error, and to point out the truth which He himself maintains. He
tells us that the Apostle Peter declares Him to have been made Who was
in the beginning the Word and God. Well, if he were making up dreams
for our amusement, and giving us information about the prophetic
interpretation of the visions of sleep, there might be no risk in
allowing him to set forth the riddles of his imagination at his
pleasure. But when he tells us that he is explaining the Divine
utterances, it is no longer safe for us to leave him to interpret the
words as he likes. What does the Scripture say? “God made Lord
and Christ this Jesus whom ye crucified801 .” When everything, then, is found to
concur—the demonstrative word denoting Him Who is spoken of by
the Name of His Humanity, the charge against those who were stained
with blood-guiltiness, the suffering of the Cross—our thought
necessarily turns to that which was apparent to the senses. But he
asserts that while Peter uses these words it is the pretemporal
existence that is indicated by the word “made”802
802 Altering Oehler’s punctuation, which here seems certainly
faulty: some slighter alterations have also been made in what precedes,
and in what follows. | . Well, we may safely allow nurses and old
wives to jest with children, and to lay down the meaning of dreams as
they choose: but when inspired Scripture is set before us for
exposition, the great Apostle forbids us to have recourse to old
wives’ tattle803 . When I hear
“the Cross” spoken of, I understand the Cross, and when I
hear mention of a human name, I understand the nature which that name
connotes. So when I hear from Peter that “this” one was
made Lord and Christ, I do not doubt that he speaks of Him Who had been
before the eyes of men, since the saints agree with one another in this
matter as well as in others. For, as he says that He Who was crucified
has been made Lord, so Paul also says that He was “highly
exalted804 ,” after the Passion and the
Resurrection, not being exalted in so far forth as He is God. For what
height is there more sublime than the Divine height, that he should say
God was exalted thereunto? But he means that the lowliness of the
Humanity was exalted, the word, I suppose, indicating the assimilation
and union of the Man Who was assumed to the exalted state of the Divine
Nature. And even if one were to allow him licence to misinterpret the
Divine utterance, not even so will his argument conclude in accordance
with the aim of his heresy. For be it granted that Peter does
say of Him Who was in the beginning, “God made Him Lord and
Christ, this Jesus Whom ye crucified,” we shall find that even so
his blasphemy does not gain any strength against the truth. “God
made Him,” he says, “Lord and Christ.” To which of
the words are we to refer the word made? with which of those
that are employed in this sentence are we to connect the word? There
are three before us:—“this,” and “Lord,”
and “Christ.” With which of these three will he construct
the word “made”? No one is so bold against the truth as to
deny that “made” has reference to “Christ” and
“Lord”; for Peter says that He, being already whatever He
was, was “made Christ and Lord” by the Father.
These words are not mine: they
are those of him who fights against the Word. For he says, in the very
passage that is before us for examination, exactly
thus:—“The blessed Peter speaks of Him Who was in the
beginning and was God, and expounds to us that it was He Who became
Lord and Christ.” Eunomius, then, says that He Who was whatsoever
He was became Lord and Christ, as the history of David tells us that
he, being the son of Jesse, and a keeper of the flocks, was anointed to
be king: not that the anointing then made him to be a man, but that he,
being what he was by his own nature, was transformed from an ordinary
man to a king. What follows? Is it thereby the more established that
the essence of the Son was made, if, as Eunomius says, God made
Him, when He was in the beginning and was God, both Lord and Christ?
For Lordship is not a name of His being but of His being
in authority, and the appellation of Christ indicates His
kingdom, while the idea of His kingdom is one, and that of His Nature
another. Suppose that Scripture does say that these things took place
with regard to the Son of God. Let us then consider which is the more
pious and the more rational view. Which can we allowably say is made
partaker of superiority by way of advancement—God or man? Who has
so childish a mind as to suppose that the Divinity passes on to
perfection by way of addition? But as to the Human Nature, such a
supposition is not unreasonable, seeing that the words of the Gospel
clearly ascribe to our Lord increase in respect of His Humanity:
for it says, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and favour805 .” Which, then, is the more reasonable
suggestion to derive from the Apostle’s words?—that He Who
was God in the beginning became Lord by way of advancement, or that the
lowliness of the Human Nature was raised to the height of majesty as a
result of its communion with the Divine? For the prophet David also,
speaking in the person of the Lord, says, “I am established as
king by Him806 ,” with a meaning very close to
“I was made Christ:” and again, in the person of the Father
to the Lord, he says, “Be Thou Lord in the midst of Thine
enemies807 ,” with the same meaning as Peter,
“Be Thou made Lord of Thine enemies.” As, then, the
establishment of His kingdom does not signify the formation of His
essence, but the advance to His dignity, and He Who bids Him “be
Lord” does not command that which is non-existent to come into
being at that particular time, but gives to Him Who is the rule
over those who are disobedient,—so also the blessed Peter, when
he says that one has been made Christ (that is, king of all) adds the
word “Him” to distinguish the idea both from the essence
and from the attributes contemplated in connection with it. For He made
Him what has been declared when He already was that which He is.
Now if it were allowable to assert of the transcendent Nature that it
became anything by way of advancement, as a king from being an ordinary
man, or lofty from being lowly, or Lord from being servant, it might be
proper to apply Peter’s words to the Only-begotten. But since the
Divine Nature, whatever it is believed to be, always remains the same,
being above all augmentation and incapable of diminution, we are
absolutely compelled to refer his saying to the Humanity. For God the
Word is now, and always remains, that which He was in the beginning,
always King, always Lord, always God and Most High, not having become
any of these things by way of advancement, but being in virtue of His
Nature all that He is declared to be, while on the other hand He Who
was, by being assumed, elevated from Man to the Divinity, being
one thing and becoming another, is strictly and truly said to
have become Christ and Lord. For He made Him to be Lord from being a
servant, to be King from being a subject, to be Christ from being in
subordination. He highly exalted that which was lowly, and gave to Him
that had the Human Name that Name which is above every name808 . And thus came to pass that unspeakable
mixture and conjunction of human littleness commingled with Divine
greatness, whereby even those names which are great and Divine are
properly applied to the Humanity, while on the other hand the Godhead
is spoken of by human names809
809 This
passage may be taken as counterbalancing that in which S. Gregory seems
to limit the communicatio idiomatum (see above, page 184, n. 6):
but he here probably means no more than that names or
titles which properly belong to the Human Nature of our Lord are
applied to His Divine Personality. | . For it is the same
Person who both has the Name which is above every name, and is
worshipped by all creation in the human Name of Jesus. For he says,
“at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in heaven
and things in earth, and things under the earth, and every tongue shall
confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father810 .” But enough of these
matters.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH