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| Against those who say that it is not right to rank the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter X.
Against those who say that it is not right to rank the
Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son.
24. But we must
proceed to attack our opponents, in the endeavour to confute those
“oppositions” advanced against us which are derived from
“knowledge falsely so-called.”924
924 1 Tim. vi. 20. The intellectual championship
of Basil was chiefly asserted in the vindication of the
consubstantiality of the Spirit, against the Arians and Semi-Arians,
of whom Euonomius and Macedonius were leaders, the latter giving his
name to the party who were unsound on the third Person of the
Trinity, and were Macedonians as well as Pneumatomachi. But
even among the maintainers of the Nicene confession there was much
less clear apprehension of the nature and work of the Spirit than of
the Son. Even so late as 380, the year after St. Basil’s
death, Gregory of Nazianzus, Orat. xxxi. de Spiritu
Sancto, Cap. 5, wrote “of the wise on our side some
held it to be an energy, some a creature, some God. Others,
from respect, they say, to Holy Scripture, which lays down no law on
the subject, neither worship nor dishonour the Holy
Spirit.” cf. Schaff’s Hist. of Christian
Ch. III. Period, Sec. 128. In Letter cxxv. of St. Basil
will be found a summary of the heresies with which he credited the
Arians, submitted to Eusthathius of Sebaste in 373, shortly before
the composition of the present treatise for
Amphilochius. |
It is not permissible, they assert, for the Holy
Spirit to be ranked with the Father and Son, on account of the
difference of His nature and the inferiority of His dignity.
Against them it is right to reply in the words of the apostles,
“We ought to obey God rather than men.”925
For if our Lord, when enjoining the baptism of
salvation, charged His disciples to baptize all nations in the name
“of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Ghost,”926 not disdaining
fellowship with Him, and these men allege that we must not rank Him
with the Father and the Son, is it not clear that they openly withstand
the commandment of God? If they deny that coordination of this
kind is declaratory of any fellowship and conjunction, let them tell us
why it behoves us to hold this opinion, and what more intimate mode of
927 The word used is
a crucial word in the controversy concerning the union of the divine
and human natures in our Lord, cf. the third Anathema of
Cyril against Nestorius and the use of this word, and
Theodoret’s counter statement (Theod. pp. 25, 27).
Theodore of Mopsuestia had preferred συνάφεια
to ἕνωσις; Andrew of
Samosata saw no difference between them. Athanasius (de
Sent. Dionys. § 17) employs it for the mutual
relationship of the Persons in the Holy Trinity:
γάρ ἐστι τῆς
ὄνομα.” | they have.
If the Lord did not indeed conjoin the Spirit with
the Father and Himself in baptism, do not928
928 μηδέ. The note
of the Ben. Eds. is, “this reading, followed by Erasmus, stirs
the wrath of Combefis, who would read, as is found in four
mss., τότε ἡμῖν,
‘then let them lay the blame on us.’ But he is
quite unfair to Erasmus, who has more clearly apprehended the drift
of the argument. Basil brings his opponents to the dilemma
that the words ‘In the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Ghost’ either do or do not assert a conjunction
with the Father and the Son. If not, Basil ought not to be
found fault with on the score of ‘conjunction,’ for he
abides by the words of Scripture, and conjunction no more follows
from his words than from those of our Lord. If they do, he
cannot be found fault with for following the words of
Scripture. The attentive reader will see this to be the
meaning of Basil, and the received reading ought to be
retained.” | let
them lay the blame of conjunction upon us, for we neither hold nor say
anything different. If on the contrary the Spirit is there
conjoined with the Father and the Son, and no one is so shameless as to
say anything else, then let them not lay blame on us for following the
words of Scripture.
25. But all the apparatus of war has been
got ready against us; every intellectual missile is aimed at us; and
now blasphemers’ tongues shoot and hit and hit again, yet harder
than Stephen of old was smitten by the killers of the
929 Χριστοφόνοι.
The compound occurs in Ps. Ignat. ad Philad. vi. | And do not
let them succeed in concealing the fact that, while an attack on us
serves for a pretext for the war, the real aim of these proceedings
is higher. It is against us, they say, that they are preparing
their engines and their snares; against us that they are shouting to
one another, according to each one’s strength or cunning, to
come on. But the object of attack is faith. The one aim
of the whole band of opponents and enemies of “sound
doctrine”930 is to shake down
the foundation of the faith of Christ by levelling apostolic
tradition with the ground, and utterly destroying it. So like
the debtors,—of course bona fide debtors—they
clamour for written proof, and reject as worthless the unwritten
tradition of the Fathers.931
931 Mr. Johnston
sees here a reference to the parable of the unjust steward, and
appositely quotes Greg. Naz. Orat. xxxi, § 3, on the
heretics’ use of Scripture, “They find a cloak for their
impiety in their affection for Scripture.” The Arians at
Nicæa objected to the ὁμοόυσιον as
unscriptural. | But we will
not slacken in our defence of the truth. We will not
cowardly abandon the cause. The Lord has delivered to us as a
necessary and saving doctrine that the Holy Spirit is to be ranked
with the Father. Our opponents think differently, and see fit
to divide and rend932 asunder, and
relegate Him to the nature of a ministering spirit. Is it not
then indisputable that they make their own blasphemy more
authoritative than the law prescribed by the Lord? Come, then,
set aside mere contention. Let us consider the points before
us, as follows:
26. Whence is it that we are
Christians? Through our faith, would be the universal
answer. And in what way are we saved? Plainly because we
were regenerate through the grace given in our baptism. How else
could we be? And after recognising that this salvation is
established through the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, shall we
fling away “that form of doctrine”933 which we received? Would it not
rather be ground for great groaning if we are found now further off
from our salvation “than when we first
believed,”934 and deny now what
we then received? Whether a man have departed this life
without baptism, or have received a baptism lacking in some of the
requirements of the tradition, his loss is equal.935
935 The
question is whether the baptism has been solemnized, according to
the divine command, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Ghost. St. Cyprian in his controversy with
Stephen, Bp. of Rome, represented the sterner view that heretical
baptism was invalid. But, with some exceptions in the East,
the position ultimately prevailed that baptism with water, and in
the prescribed words, by whomsoever administered, was
valid. So St. Augustine, “Si evangelicus
verbis in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti Marcion
baptismum consecrabat, integrum erat Sacramentum, quamvis ejus fides
sub eisdem verbis aliud opinantis quam catholica veritas docet non
esset integra.” (Cont. Petil. de unico
bapt. § 3.) So the VIII. Canon of Arles
(314), “De Afris, quod propria lege sua utuntur ut
rebaptizent, placuit, ut, si ad ecclesiam aliquis de hæresi
venerit, interrogent eum symbolum; et si perviderint eum in Patre,
et Filio et Spiritu Sancto, esse baptizatum, manus ei tantum
imponantur, ut accipiat spiritum sanctum. Quod si interrogatus
non responderit hanc Trinitatem, baptizetur.” So the
VII. Canon of Constantinople (381) by which the Eunomians who only
baptized with one immersion, and the Montanists, here called
Phrygians, and the Sabellians, who taught the doctrine of the
Fatherhood of the Son, were counted as heathen. Vide
Bright’s notes on the Canons of the Councils, p.
106. Socrates, v. 24, describes how the Eunomi-Eutychians
baptized not in the name of the Trinity, but into the death of
Christ. | And whoever does not always and
everywhere keep to and hold fast as a sure protection the confession
which we recorded at our first admission, when, being delivered
“from the idols,” we came “to the living
God,”936 constitutes
himself a “stranger” from the
“promises”937 of God, fighting
against his own handwriting,938
938 The word
χειρόγραφον, more common in Latin than in Greek, is used generally for a
bond. cf. Juv. Sat. xvi. 41,
“Debitor aut sumptos pergit non reddere
nummos, vana supervacui dicens chirographa
ligni.” On the use of the word,
vide Bp. Lightfoot on Col. ii. 14. The names of the
catechumens were registered, and the Renunciation and Profession of
Faith (Interrogationes et Responsa; ἐπερωτήσεις
may have been signed. | which he put on
record when he professed the faith. For if to me my baptism
was the beginning of life, and that day of regeneration the first of
days, it is plain that the utterance uttered in the grace of
adoption was the most honourable of all. Can I then, perverted
by these men’s seductive words, abandon the tradition which
guided me to the light, which bestowed on me the boon of the
knowledge of God, whereby I, so long a foe by reason of sin, was
made a child of God? But, for myself, I pray that with this
confession I may depart hence to the Lord, and them I charge to
preserve the faith secure until the day of Christ, and to keep the
Spirit undivided from the Father and the Son, preserving, both in
the confession of faith and in the doxology, the doctrine taught
them at their baptism.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH