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| The creation of fowl and water animals. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
The creation of fowl and water
1639 Codex
Colb. 1 has the title “about creeping things and
beasts.” |
1. And God said
“Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,
cattle and creeping things, and beast of the earth after his kind; and
it was so.”1640 The command
of God advanced step by step and earth thus received her
adornment. Yesterday
it was said, “Let the waters produce moving things,” and
to-day “let the earth bring forth the living
creature.” Is the earth then alive? And are the
mad-minded Manichæans right in giving it a soul? At these
words “Let the earth bring forth,” it did not produce a
germ contained in it, but He who gave the order at the same time gifted
it with the grace and power to bring forth. When the earth had
heard this command “Let the earth bring forth grass and the tree
yielding fruit,” it was not grass that it had hidden in it that
it caused to spring forth, it did not bring to the surface a palm tree,
an oak, a cypress, hitherto kept back in its depths. It is the
word of God which forms the nature of things created. “Let
the earth bring forth;” that is to say not that she may bring
forth that which she has but that she may acquire that which she lacks,
when God gives her the power. Even so now, “Let the earth
bring forth the living creature,” not the living creature that is
contained in herself, but that which the command of God gives
her. Further, the Manichæans contradict themselves, because
if the earth has brought forth the life, she has left herself despoiled
of life. Their execrable doctrine needs no demonstration.
But why did the waters receive the command to
bring forth the moving creature that hath life and the earth to bring
forth the living creature? We conclude that, by their nature,
swimming creatures appear only to have an imperfect life, because they
live in the thick element of water. They are hard of hearing, and
their sight is dull because they see through the water; they have no
memory, no imagination, no idea of social intercourse. Thus
divine language appears to indicate that, in aquatic animals, the
carnal life originates their psychic movements, whilst in terrestrial
animals, gifted with a more perfect life,1641
the soul1642 enjoys supreme
authority. In fact the greater part of quadrupeds have more power
of penetration in their senses; their apprehension of present objects
is keen, and they keep all exact remembrance of the past. It
seems therefore, that God, after the command given to the waters to
bring forth moving creatures that have life, created simply living
bodies for aquatic animals, whilst for terrestrial animals He commanded
the soul to exist and to direct the body, showing thus that the
inhabitants of the earth are gifted with greater vital force.
Without doubt terrestrial animals are devoid of reason. At the
same time how many affections of the soul each one of them expresses by
the voice of nature! They express by cries their joy and sadness,
recognition of what is familiar to them, the need of food, regret at
being separated from their companions, and numberless emotions.
Aquatic animals, on the contrary, are not only dumb; it is impossible
to tame them, to teach them, to train them for man’s
society.1643 “The ox
knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s
crib.”1644 But the
fish does not know who feeds him. The ass knows a familiar
voice, he knows the road which he has often trodden, and even, if
man loses his way, he sometimes serves him as a guide. His
hearing is more acute than that of any other terrestrial
animal. What animal of the sea can show so much rancour and
resentment as the camel? The camel conceals its resentment for
a long time after it has been struck, until it finds an opportunity,
and then repays the wrong. Listen, you whose heart does not
pardon, you who practise vengeance as a virtue; see what you
resemble when you keep your anger for so long against your neighbour
like a spark, hidden in the ashes, and only waiting for fuel to set
your heart ablaze!
2. “Let the earth bring forth a
living soul.” Why did the earth produce a living soul?
so that you may make a difference between the soul of cattle and that
of man. You will soon learn how the human soul was formed; hear
now about the soul of creatures devoid of reason. Since,
according to Scripture, “the life of every creature is in the
blood,”1645 as the blood when
thickened changes into flesh, and flesh when corrupted decomposes into
earth, so the soul of beasts is naturally an earthy substance.
“Let the earth bring forth a living soul.” See the
affinity of the soul with blood, of blood with flesh, of flesh with
earth; and remounting in an inverse sense from the earth to the flesh,
from the flesh to the blood, from the blood to the soul, you will find
that the soul of beasts is earth. Do not suppose that it is older
than the essence1646 of their body, nor
that it survives the dissolution of the flesh;1647
1647 It may be
supposed “that the souls of brutes, being but so many
eradiations or effuxes from that source of life above, are, as soon
as ever those organized bodies of theirs, by reason of their
indisposition, become uncapable of being further acted upon by them,
then to be resumed again and retracted back to their original head
and fountain. Since it cannot be doubted but what creates
anything out of nothing, or sends it forth from itself, by free and
voluntary emanation, may be able either to retract the same back
again to its original source, or else to annihilate it at
pleasure. And I find that there have not wanted some among the
Gentile philosophers themselves who have entertained this opinion,
whereof Porphyry is one, λύεται
ἀλογος εἰς
τὴν ὅλην
ζωὴν τοῦ
πάντος.” Cudworth,
i. 35. | avoid the nonsense of those arrogant philosophers
who do not blush to liken their soul to that of a dog; who say that
they have been formerly themselves women, shrubs, fish.1648
1648 Empedocles is
named as author of the lines:
γὰρ ποτ᾽
ἐγὼ γενόμην
κόρος τε,
Θάμνος τ᾽
οἰωνός τε καὶ
εἰν ἁλὶ
cf. Diog. Laert. viii. 78, and
Plutarch, D Solert. An. ii. 964. Whether the “faba
Pythagoræ cognata” of Hor., Sat. ii. 6, 63,
implies the transmigration of the soul into it is doubtful.
cf. Juv., Sat. xv. 153. Anaximander thought
that human beings were originally generated from fish. Plut.,
Symp. viii. 8. | Have they ever been fish? I
do not know; but I do not fear to affirm that in their writings they
show less sense than fish. “Let the earth bring forth
the living creature.” Perhaps many of you ask why there
is such a long silence in the middle of the rapid rush of my
discourse. The more studious among my auditors will not be
ignorant of the reason why words fail me. What! Have I
not seen them look at each other, and make signs to make me look at
them, and to remind me of what I have passed over? I have
forgotten a part of the creation, and that one of the most
considerable, and my discourse was almost finished without touching
upon it. “Let the waters bring forth abundantly the
moving creature that hath life and fowl that may fly above the earth
in the open firmament, of heaven.”1649 I spoke of fish as long as eventide
allowed: to-day we have passed to the examination of
terrestrial animals; between the two, birds have escaped us.
We are forgetful like travellers who unmindful of some important
object, are obliged, although they be far on their road, to retrace
their steps, punished for their negligence by the weariness of the
journey. So we have to turn back. That which we have
omitted is not to be despised. It is the third part of the
animal creation, if indeed there are three kinds of animals, land,
winged and water.
“Let the waters” it is said
“bring forth abundantly moving creature that hath life and
fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of
heaven.” Why do the waters give birth also to
birds? Because there is, so to say, a family link between the
creatures that fly and those that swim. In the same way that fish
cut the waters, using their fins to carry them forward and their tails
to direct their movements round and round and straightforward, so we
see birds float in the air by the help of their wings. Both
endowed with the property of swimming, their common derivation from the
waters has made them of one family.1650
1650 Fialon quotes
Bossuet, 1st Elev. 5th week: “Qui a
donné aux oiseaux et aux poissons ces rames naturelles, qui
leur font fendre les eaux et les airs? Ce qui peut être
a donné lieu à leur Créateur de les produire
ensemble, comme animaux d’un dessin à peu près
semblable: le vol des oiseaux semblant, etre une espèce
de faculté de nager dans une liqueur plus subtile, comme la
faculté de nager dans les poissons est une espèce de vol
dans une liqueur plus épaisse.”
The theory of evolutionists is, as is
well known, that birds developed out of reptiles and reptiles from
fish. Vide E. Haeckel’s monophyletic pedigree
in his History of Creation. | At the
same time no bird is without feet, because finding all its food upon
the earth it cannot do without their service. Rapacious birds
have pointed claws to enable them to close on their prey; to the rest
has been given the indispensable ministry of feet to seek their food
and to provide for the other needs of life. There are a few who
walk badly, whose feet are neither suitable for walking nor for
preying. Among this number are swallows, incapable of walking and
seeking their prey, and the birds called swifts1651 who live on little insects carried about
by the air. As to the swallow, its flight, which grazes the
earth, fulfils the function of feet.
3. There are also innumerable kinds of
birds. If we review them all, as we have partly done the fish, we
shall find that under one name, the creatures which fly differ
infinitely in size, form and colour; that in their life, their actions
and their manners, they present a variety equally beyond the power of
description. Thus some have tried to imagine names for them of
which the singularity and the strangeness might, like brands, mark the
distinctive character of each kind known. Some, as eagles, have
been called Schizoptera, others Dermoptera, as the bats, others
Ptilota, as wasps, others Coleoptera, as beetles and all those insects
which brought forth in cases and coverings, break their prison to fly
away in liberty.1652
1652 These
are the terms of Aristotle, Hist. An. i. 5. | But we have
enough words of common usage to characterise each species and to mark
the distinction which Scripture sets up between clean and unclean
birds. Thus the species of carnivora is of one sort and of one
constitution which suits their manner of living, sharp talons, curved
beak, swift wings, allowing them to swoop easily upon their prey and to
tear it up after having seized it.1653
1653 cf.
Arist., Hist. An. viii. 3. | The
constitution of those who pick up seeds is different, and again that of
those who live on all they come across. What a variety in all
these creatures! Some are gregarious, except the birds of prey
who know no other society than conjugal union; but innumerable kinds,
doves, cranes, starlings, jackdaws, like a common life.1654
1654 Whence the
proverb κολοιὸς
κολοιόν. Arist.,
Eth. Nic. I. viii. 6. | Among them some live without a chief
and in a sort of independence; others, as cranes, do not refuse to
submit themselves to a leader. And a fresh difference
between them is that
some are stationary and non-migratory; others undertake long voyages
and the greater part of them migrate at the approach of winter.
Nearly all birds can be tamed and are capable of training, except the
weakest, who through fear and timidity cannot bear the constant and
annoying contact of the hand. Some like the society of man and
inhabit our dwellings; others delight in mountains and in desert
places. There is a great difference too in their peculiar
notes. Some twitter and chatter, others are silent, some have a
melodious and sonorous voice, some are wholly inharmonious and
incapable of song; some imitate the voice of man, taught their mimicry
either by nature or training;1655
“Super omnia humanas voces reddunt, posittaci quidem
sermocinantes.” Plin. x. 53. | others
always give forth the same monotonous cry. The cock is proud;
the peacock is vain of his beauty; doves and fowls are amorous,
always seeking each other’s society. The partridge is
deceitful and jealous, lending perfidious help to the huntsmen to
seize their prey.1656
1656 Arist.,
Hist. An. ix. 10. |
4. What a variety, I have said, in the
actions and lives of flying creatures. Some of these unreasoning
creatures even have a government, if the feature of government is to
make the activity of all the individuals centre in one common
end. This may be observed in bees. They have a common
dwelling place; they fly in the air together, they work at the same
work together; and what is still more extraordinary is that they give
themselves to these labours under the guidance of a king and
superintendent, and that they do not allow themselves to fly to the
meadows without seeing if the king is flying at their head. As to
this king, it is not election that gives him this authority; ignorance
on the part of the people often puts the worst man in power; it is not
fate; the blind decisions of fate often give authority to the most
unworthy. It is not heredity that places him on the throne; it is
only too common to see the children of kings, corrupted by luxury and
flattery, living in ignorance of all virtue. It is nature which
makes the king of the bees, for nature gives him superior size, beauty,
and sweetness of character. He has a sting like the others, but
he does not use it to revenge himself.1657
1657 Arist.,
Hist. An. v. 21, and Plin. xi. 17. “Ecce in re
parva, villisque nostra annexa, cujus assidua copia est, non constat
inter auctores, rex nullumne solus habeat aculeum, majestate tantum
armatus: an dederit eum quidem natura, sed usum ejus illi
tantum negaverit. Illud constat imperatorem aculeo non
uti.” | It is a principle of natural and
unwritten law, that those who are raised to high office, ought to be
lenient in punishing. Even bees who do not follow the example of
their king, repent without delay of their imprudence, since they lose
their lives with their sting. Listen, Christians, you to whom it
is forbidden to “recompense evil for evil” and commanded
“to overcome evil with good.”1658 Take the bee for your model, which
constructs its cells without injuring any one and without interfering
with the goods of others. It gathers openly wax from the flowers
with its mouth, drawing in the honey scattered over them like dew, and
injects it into the hollow of its cells. Thus at first honey is
liquid; time thickens it and gives it its sweetness.1659
1659 The ancient
belief was that honey fell from heaven, in the shape of dew, and
the bee only gathered it from leaves. So Verg., Ec.
iv. 30, “roscida mella,” and
Georg. iv. 1, “aerii mellis cœlestia
dona.” cf. Arist., H. A. v.
22 μελὶ
δὲ τὸ πίπτον
ἐκ τοῦ ἀ&
153·ρος, και
μάλιστα τῶν
καὶ ὅταν
κατασκήφη ἡ
ἶρις, and Plin. xi. 12.
“Sive ille est cœli sudor, sive quædam siderum
saliva, sine purgantis se aeris succus,… magnam tamen
cœlestis naturæ voluptatem affert.” So
Coleridge (Kubla Khan):
“For he on honey dew hath fed
And drunk the milk of
Paradise.” | The book of Proverbs has given the bee
the most honourable and the best praise by calling her wise and
Prov. vi. 8, lxx. The reference to the
bee is not in the Hebrew. | How much
activity she exerts in gathering this precious nourishment, by which
both kings and men of low degree are brought to health! How great
is the art and cunning she displays in the construction of the store
houses which are destined to receive the honey! After having
spread the wax like a thin membrane, she distributes it in contiguous
compartments which, weak though they are, by their number and by their
mass, sustain the whole edifice. Each cell in fact holds to the
one next to it, and is separated by a thin partition; we thus see two
or three galleries of cells built one upon the other. The bee
takes care not to make one vast cavity, for fear it might break under
the weight of the liquid, and allow it to escape. See how the
discoveries of geometry are mere by-works to the wise bee!1661
1661 cf.
Ælian. v. 13. γεωμετρίαν
δὲ καὶ κάλλη
καὶ ὡραίας
αὐτῶν ἄνευ
τέχνης τε
καὶ κανόνων
καὶ τοῦ
ὑπὸ τῶν
διαβήτου, τὸ
ἑξαγωνόν τε
μέλιτται. |
The rows of honey-comb are all hexagonal with
equal sides. They do not bear on each other in straight lines,
lest the supports should press on empty spaces between and give way;
but the angles of the lower hexagons serve as foundations and bases to
those which rise above, so as to furnish a sure support to the lower
mass, and so that each cell may securely keep the liquid
1662 The
mathematical exactness of the bee is described by Darwin in terms
which make it even more marvellous than it appeared to Basil.
“The most wonderful of all known instincts, that of the hive
bee, may be explained by natural selection having taken advantage of
numerous slight modifications of simpler instincts; natural
selection having by slow degrees more and more perfectly led the
bees to sweep equal spheres at a given distance from each other in a
double layer, and to build up and excavate the wax along the planes
of intersection.” Origin of Species, ii. 255, ed.
1861. According to this view the beings from whom hive bees,
as we know them, are descended were gifted with certain simple
instincts capable of a kind of hereditary unconscious education,
resulting in a complex instinct which constructs with exact
precision the hexagonal chamber best fitted for the purpose it is
designed to fulfil, and then packs it. And it is interesting
to note how the great apostle of abstract selection personifies it
as a “taker” of “advantage,” and a
“leader.” |
5. How
shall we make an exact review of all the peculiarities of the life of
birds? During the night cranes keep watch in turn; some sleep,
others make the rounds and procure a quiet slumber for their
companions. After having finished his duty, the sentry utters a
cry, and goes to sleep, and the one who awakes, in his turn, repays the
security which he has enjoyed.1663
1663 Arist.,
Hist. An. ix. 10. | You
will see the same order reign in their flight. One leads the
way, and when it has guided the flight of the flock for a certain
time, it passes to the rear, leaving to the one who comes after the
care of directing the march.
The conduct of storks comes very near intelligent
reason. In these regions the same season sees them all
migrate. They all start at one given signal. And it seems
to me that our crows, serving them as escort, go to bring them back,
and to help them against the attacks of hostile birds. The proof
is that in this season not a single crow appears, and that they return
with wounds, evident marks of the help and of the assistance that they
have lent. Who has explained to them the laws of
hospitality? Who has threatened them with the penalties of
desertion? For not one is missing from the company. Listen,
all inhospitable hearts, ye who shut your doors, whose house is never
open either in the winter or in the night to travellers. The
solicitude of storks for their old would be sufficient, if our children
would reflect upon it, to make them love their parents; because there
is no one so failing in good sense, as not to deem it a shame to be
surpassed in virtue by birds devoid of reason. The storks
surround their father, when old age makes his feathers drop off, warm
him with their wings, and provide abundantly for his support, and even
in their flight they help him as much as they are able, raising him
gently on each side upon their wings, a conduct so notorious that it
has given to gratitude the name of
1664 From
On the pious affection of the stork, cf. Plato,
Alc. i. 135 (§ 61), Arist., H.A. ix. 13,
20, Ælian, H.A. iii. 23 and x. 16, and Plin. x.
32. From πελαργὸς was
supposed to be derived the Pythagorean word πελαργᾶν
(Diog. Laert. viii. 20), but this is now regarded as a corruption
of πεδαρτᾶν. | Let
no one lament poverty; let not the man whose house is bare despair
of his life, when he considers the industry of the swallow. To
build her nest, she brings bits of straw in her beak; and, as she
cannot raise the mud in her claws, she moistens the end of her wings
in water and then rolls in very fine dust and thus procures
“Hirundines luto construunt, stramine roborant: si
quando inopia est luti, madefactæ multa aqua pennis pulverem
spargunt.” Plin. x. 49. cf.
Arist., Hist. An. ix. 10. | After
having united, little by little, the bits of straw with this mud, as
with glue, she feeds her young; and if any one of them has its eyes
injured, she has a natural remedy to heal the sight of her little
“Chelidoniam visui saluberriman hirundines monstravere,
vexatis pullorum oculis illa medentes.” Plin.
viii. 41. cf. Ælian, H.A. iii. 25.
Chelidonia is swallowwort or celandine. |
This sight ought to warn you not to take to evil ways on
account of poverty; and, even if you are reduced to the last extremity,
not to lose all hope; not to abandon yourself to inaction and idleness,
but to have recourse to God. If He is so bountiful to the
swallow, what will He not do for those who call upon Him with all their
The halcyon is a sea bird, which lays its eggs
along the shore, or deposits them in the sand. And it lays in the
middle of winter, when the violence of the winds dashes the sea against
the land. Yet all winds are hushed, and the wave of the sea grows
calm, during the seven days that the halcyon sits.1667
“Fœtificant bruma, qui dies halcyonides vocantur,
placido mari per eos et navigabili, Siculo maxime.
Plin. x. 47. cf. Arist., H.A. v. 8, 9, and
Ælian, H. N. i. 36. So Theoc. vii.
τὰ κύματα,
τάν τε
τε νότον
τόντ᾽ εὖρον
ὃς ἔσχατα
Sir Thomas Browne (Vulgar
Errors) denies the use of a kingfisher as a weather-gauge, but says
nothing as to the “halcyon days.” Kingfishers are
rarely seen in the open sea, but haunt estuaries which are calm without
any special miracle. Possibly the halcyon was a tern or
sea-swallow, which resembles a kingfisher, but they brood on
land. |
For it only takes seven days to hatch the young.
Then, as they are in need of food so that they may grow, God, in His
munificence, grants another seven days to this tiny animal. All
sailors know this, and call these days halcyon days. If divine
Providence has established these marvellous laws in favour of creatures
devoid of reason, it is to induce you to ask for your salvation from
God. Is there a wonder which He will not perform for
you—you have been made in His image, when for so little a bird,
the great, the fearful sea is held in check and is commanded in the
midst of winter to be calm.
6. It is said that the turtle-dove, once
separated from her mate, does not contract a new union, but remains in
widowhood, in remembrance of her first alliance.1668 Listen, O women! What
veneration for widowhood, even in these creatures devoid of reason,
how they prefer it to an unbecoming multiplicity of marriages.
The eagle shows the greatest injustice in the
education which
she gives to her young. When she has hatched two little
ones, she throws one on the ground, thrusting it out with blows
from her wings, and only acknowledges the remaining one. It
is the difficulty of finding food which has made her repulse the
offspring she has brought forth. But the osprey, it is
said, will not allow it to perish, she carries it away and brings
it up with her young ones.1669
1669 Ar. vi. 6 and
ix. 34. “Melanaetos…sola aquilarum fœtus
suos alit; ceteræ…fugant.” Plin. x.
3. “Pariunt ova terna: excludunt pullos
binos: visi sunt et tres aliquando.”
id. 4, following Musæus (apud Plutarch,
In Mario, p. 426). ὡς
μὲν τίκτει,
δύο δ᾽
ἔκλεπει, ἓν
On the osprey, see Arist., H.A. ix. 44 and Pliny
loc. “Sed ejectos ab his cognatum genus
ossifragi excipiunt, et educant cum
suis.” |
Such are parents who, under the plea of poverty, expose their
children; such are again those who, in the distribution of their
inheritance, make unequal divisions. Since they have given
existence equally to each of their children, it is just that they
should equally and without preference furnish them with the means
of livelihood. Beware of imitating the cruelty of birds
with hooked talons. When they see their young are from
henceforth capable of encountering the air in their flight, they
throw them out of the nest, striking them and pushing them with
their wings, and do not take the least care of them. The
love of the crow for its young is laudable! When they begin
to fly, she follows them, gives them food, and for a very long
time provides for their nourishment. Many birds have no
need of union with males to conceive. But their eggs are
unfruitful, except those of vultures, who more often, it is said,
bring forth without coupling:1670
1670 Arist.,
Hist. An. vi. 6 and ix. 15. So Pliny x. vii.
“Nidos nemo attigit: ideo etiam fuere qui
putarent illos ex adverso orbe advolare, nidificant enim in
excelsissimis rupibus.” cf. also
Ælian, ii. 46: γῦπα δὲ
ἄρρενα οὔ
ποτε ἀλλὰ
ἁπάσας. |
and this although they have a very long life, which often reaches
its hundredth year. Note and retain, I pray you, this point
in the history of birds; and if ever you see any one laugh at our
mystery, as if it were impossible and contrary to nature that a
virgin should become a mother without losing the purity of her
virginity, bethink you that He who would save the faithful by the
foolishness of preaching, has given us beforehand in nature a
thousand reasons for believing in the marvellous.1671
1671 This analogy
is repeated almost in identical words in Basil’s Hom. xxii.
De Providentia. cf. also his Com. on
Isaiah. St. Ambrose repeats the illustration
(Hex. v. 20). The analogy, even if the
facts were true, would be false and misleading. But it is
curious to note that were any modern divine desirous of here
following in Basil’s track, he might find the alleged facts in
the latest modern science,—e.g. in the so-called
Parthenogenesis, or virginal reproduction, among insects, as said to
be demonstrated by Siebold. Haeckel (Hist. of Creation,
Lankester’s ed. ii. p. 198) represents sexual reproduction as
quite a recent development of non-sexual
reproduction. |
7. “Let the waters bring forth the
moving creatures that have life, and fowl that may fly above the earth
in the open firmament of heaven.” They received the
command to fly above the earth because earth provides them with
nourishment. “In the firmament of heaven,” that is to
say, as we have said before, in that part of the air called
heaven,1672 from the
word ὁρᾶν, which means to
1673 The Greek word
στερέωμα, from
strong, is traceable to the root star, to
spread out, and so indirectly associated with the connotation of the
Hebrew rakia. | called
firmament, because the air which extends over our heads, compared
to the æther, has greater density, and is thickened by the
vapours which exhale from the earth. You have then heaven
adorned, earth beautified, the sea peopled with its own creatures,
the air filled with birds which scour it in every direction.
Studious listener, think of all these creations which God has
drawn out of nothing, think of all those which my speech has left
out, to avoid tediousness, and not to exceed my limits; recognise
everywhere the wisdom of God; never cease to wonder, and, through
every creature, to glorify the Creator.
There are some kinds of birds which live by night
in the midst of darkness; others which fly by day in full light.
Bats, owls, night-ravens are birds of night: if by chance you
cannot sleep, reflect on these nocturnal birds and their peculiarities
and glorify their Maker. How is it that the nightingale is always
awake when sitting on her eggs, passing the night in a continual
1674 Arist.,
H.A. viii. 75. Pliny x. 43.
“Luscinus diebus ac noctibus continuis quindecim
garrulus sine intermissu cantus, densante se frondium germine, non
in novissimum digna miratu ave.” | How is it
that one animal, the bat, is at the same time quadruped and fowl?
That it is the only one of the birds to have teeth? That it is
viviparous like quadrupeds, and traverses the air, raising itself not
upon wings, but upon a kind of membrane?1675
1675 So also
Basil in Hom. on Isaiah iii. 447. cf. Pliny x.
81, “cui et membranaceæ pinnæ
uni.” | What natural love bats have for each
other! How they interlace like a chain and hang the one upon the
other! A very rare spectacle among men, who for the greater part
prefer individual and private life to the union of common life.
Have not those who give themselves up to vain science the eyes of
owls? The sight of the owl, piercing during the night time, is
dazzled by the splendour of the sun; thus the intelligence of these
men, so keen to contemplate vanities, is blind in presence of the true
During the day, also, how easy it is for you to admire
the Creator everywhere! See how the domestic cock calls you to work with
his shrill cry, and how, forerunner of the sun, and early as the
traveller, he sends forth labourers to the harvest! What
vigilance in geese! With what sagacity they divine secret
dangers! Did they not once upon a time save the imperial
city? When enemies were advancing by subterranean passages to
possess themselves of the capitol of Rome, did not geese announce the
1676 cf.
Livy v. 47 and Plutarch, Camillus, or Verg. viii. 655. The
alternative tradition of the mine is preserved by Servius. | Is there any
kind of bird whose nature offers nothing for our admiration? Who
announces to the vultures that there will be carnage when men march in
battle array against one another? You may see flocks of vultures
following armies and calculating the result of warlike
1677 cf.
Ælian, H.A. ii. 46. καὶ
μέντοι καὶ
γῦπες καὶ
μάλα γε
ὅτι εἰς
εἰδότες καὶ
ὅτι μάχη
νεκροὺς καὶ
cf. Pliny x. 88:
“vultures sagacius odorantur.” | a calculation very
nearly approaching to human reasoning. How can I describe to you
the fearful invasions of locusts, which rise everywhere at a given
signal, and pitch their camps all over a country? They do not
attack crops until they have received the divine command. Or
shall I describe how the remedy for this curse, the thrush, follows
them with its insatiable appetite, and the devouring nature that the
loving God has given it in His kindness for men?1678 How does the grasshopper modulate
its song?1679
1679 Fialon,
quoting the well known ode of Anakreon, “μακαρίζομέν
σε τέττιξ,”
and Plato’s theory of the affection of grasshoppers and the
muses in the Phædrus, contrasts the “cantu
querulæ rumpent arbusta cicadæ” of
Vergil (George. iii. 328) and points out that the Romans
did not share the Greek admiration for the grasshopper’s
song. | Why is it
more melodious at midday owing to the air that it breathes in
dilating its chest?
But it appears to me that in wishing to describe
the marvels of winged creatures, I remain further behind than I should
if my feet had tried to match the rapidity of their flight. When
you see bees, wasps, in short all those flying creatures called
insects, because they have an incision all around, reflect that they
have neither respiration nor lungs, and that they are supported by air
through all parts of their bodies.1680
“Insecta multi negarunt spirare, idque ratione
persuadentes, quoniam in viscera interiora nexus spirabilis non
inesset. Itaque vivere ut fruges, arboresque: sed
plurimum interesse spiret aliquid an vivat. Eadem de causa nec
sanguinem iis esse qui sit nullis carentibus corde atque
jecore. Sic nec spirare ea quibus pulmo desit unde numerosa
series quæstionum exoritur. Iidem enim et vocem esse his
negant, in tanto murmure apium, cicadarum sono…nec video cur
magis possint non trahere animam talia, et vivere, quam spirare sine
visceribus.” Plin. xi. 2. | Thus
they perish, if they are covered with oil, because it stops up their
pores. Wash them with vinegar, the pores reopen and the animal
returns to life. Our God has created nothing unnecessarily and
has omitted nothing that is necessary. If now you cast your eyes
upon aquatic creatures, you will find that their organization is quite
different. Their feet are not split like those of the crow, nor
hooked like those of the carnivora, but large and membraneous;
therefore they can easily swim, pushing the water with the membranes of
their feet as with oars. Notice how the swan plunges his neck
into the depths of the water to draw his food from it, and you will
understand the wisdom of the Creator in giving this creature a neck
longer than his feet, so that he may throw it like a line, and take the
food hidden at the bottom of the water.1681
1681 Arist., De
Part. An. iv. 12. |
8. If we simply read the words of Scripture
we find only a few short syllables. “Let the waters bring
forth fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of
heaven,” but if we enquire into the meaning of these words, then
the great wonder of the wisdom of the Creator appears. What a
difference He has foreseen among winged creatures! How He has
divided them by kinds! How He has characterized each one of them
by distinct qualities! But the day will not suffice me to recount
the wonders of the air. Earth is calling me to describe wild
beasts, reptiles and cattle, ready to show us in her turn sights
rivalling those of plants, fish, and birds. “Let the earth
bring forth the living soul” of domestic animals, of wild beasts,
and of reptiles after their kind. What have you to say, you who
do not believe in the change that Paul promises you in the
resurrection, when you see so many metamorphoses among creatures of the
air? What are we not told of the horned worm of India!
First it changes into a caterpillar,1682
1682 This word is
curiously rendered by Eustathius verucæ, and by Ambrose
caulis. Garnier (Præf. in Bas. 28)
thinks that the latter perhaps found in some corrupt ms. κράμβην for
κάμπην. | then becomes a
buzzing insect, and not content with this form, it clothes itself,
instead of wings, with loose, broad plates. Thus, O women, when
you are seated busy with your weaving, I mean of the silk which is sent
you by the Chinese to make your delicate dresses,1683 remember the metamorphoses of this creature,
conceive a clear idea of the resurrection, and do not refuse to believe
in the change that Paul announces for all men.
But I am ashamed to see that my discourse oversteps the
accustomed limits; if I consider the abundance of matters on which I
have just discoursed to you, I feel that I am being borne beyond
bounds; but when I reflect upon the inexhaustible wisdom which
is displayed in the works of
creation, I seem to be but at the beginning of my story.
Nevertheless, I have not detained you so long without profit. For
what would you have done until the evening? You are not pressed
by guests, nor expected at banquets. Let me then employ this
bodily fast to rejoice your souls. You have often served the
flesh for pleasure, to-day persevere in the ministry of the soul.
“Delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the
desire of thine heart.”1684 Do
you love riches? Here are spiritual riches. “The
judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More
to be desired are they than gold and precious
stones.”1685 Do you
love enjoyment and pleasures? Behold the oracles of the Lord,
which, for a healthy soul, are “sweeter than honey and the
honey-comb.”1686 If I let
you go, and if I dismiss this assembly, some will run to the dice,
where they will find bad language, sad quarrels and the pangs of
avarice. There stands the devil, inflaming the fury of the
players with the dotted bones,1687
1687 The
κύβοι were marked on all
six sides, the ἂστράγαλοι
on only four, the ends being rounded. |
transporting the same sums of money from one side of the table to
the other, now exalting one with victory and throwing the other into
despair, now swelling the first with boasting and covering his rival
with confusion.1688
1688 With
Basil’s description of the gaming tables, presumably of
Cæsarea, cf. Ovid’s of those of Rome:
“Ira subit, deforme malum, lucrique
Jurgiaque et rixæ, sollicitusque dolor.
Crimina dicuntur, resonat clamoribus æther,
Invocat iratos et sibi quisque deos,
Nulla fides: tabulæque novæ per vota
Et lacrymis vidi sæpe madere genis.
De A.A.iii. 373
seqq. | Of what
use is bodily fasting and filling the soul with innumerable
evils? He who does not play spends his leisure
elsewhere. What frivolities come from his mouth! What
follies strike his ears! Leisure without the fear of the Lord
is, for those who do not know the value of time, a school of
“Cernis ut ignavum corrumpant otia corpus.”
Ovid, I. Pont. 6. “Facito aliquid operis ut
semper Diabolus inveniat te occupatum. Jerome, In
R. Monach. | I hope
that my words will be profitable; at least by occupying you here
they have prevented you from sinning. Thus the longer I keep
you, the longer you are out of the way of evil.
An equitable judge will deem that I have said enough,
not if he considers the riches of creation, but if he thinks of our
weakness and of the measure one ought to keep in that which tends to
pleasure. Earth has welcomed you with its own plants, water with
its fish, air with its birds; the continent in its turn is ready to
offer you as rich treasures. But let us put an end to this
morning banquet, for fear satiety may blunt your taste for the evening
one. May He who has filled all with the works of His creation and
has left everywhere visible memorials of His wonders, fill your hearts
with all spiritual joys in Jesus Christ, our Lord, to whom belong glory
and power, world without end. Amen. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH