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| Chapter XV. Though the Spirit be called Lord, three Lords are not thereby implied; inasmuch as two Lords are not implied by the fact that the Son in the same manner as the Father is called Lord in many passages of Scripture; for Lordship exists in the Godhead, and the Godhead in Lordship, and these coincide without division in the Three Persons. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XV.
Though the Spirit be called Lord, three Lords are not
thereby implied; inasmuch as two Lords are not implied by the fact that
the Son in the same manner as the Father is called Lord in many
passages of Scripture; for Lordship exists in the Godhead, and the
Godhead in Lordship, and these coincide without division in the Three
104. But perhaps,
again, you may say: If I call the Spirit Lord, I shall set forth
three Lords. Do you then when you call the Son Lord either deny
the Son or confess two Lords? God forbid, for the Son Himself
said: “Do not serve two lords.”1367 But certainly He denied not
either Himself or the Father to be Lord; for He called the Father Lord,
as you read: “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and
earth.”1368 And the
Lord spoke of Himself, as we read in the Gospel: “Ye call
Me Master and Lord, and ye do well, for so I am.”1369 But He spoke not of two Lords;
indeed He shows that He did not speak of two Lords, when He warns
them: “Do not serve two lords.” For there are
not two Lords where the Lordship is but one, for the Father is in the
Son and the Son in the Father, and so there is one Lord.
105. Such, too, was the teaching of the
Law: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is one
Lord,”1370 that is,
unchangeable, always abiding in unity of power, always the same, and
not altered by any accession or diminution. Therefore Moses
called Him One, and yet also relates that the Lord rained down fire
from the Lord.1371 The
Apostle, too, says: “The Lord grant unto him to find mercy
of the Lord.”1372 The Lord
rains down from the Lord; the Lord grants mercy from the Lord.
The Lord is neither divided when He rains from the Lord, nor is there a
separation when He grants mercy from the Lord, but in each case the
oneness of the Lordship is expressed.
106. In the Psalms, too, you find:
“The Lord said unto my Lord.”1373 And he did not therefore deny
that the Father was his Lord, because he spoke of the Son as his Lord;
but therefore called the Son his Lord, that you might not think Him to
be the Son, but the Lord of the prophet, as the Lord Himself showed in
the Gospel, when He said: “If David in the Spirit called
Him Lord, how is he his Son?”1374
David, not the Spirit, calls Him Lord in the Spirit. Or if they
falsely infer from this that the Spirit called Him Lord, they must
necessarily by a like sacrilege seem to assert that the Son of God is
also the Son of the Spirit.
107. So, as we do not say that there are two
Lords, when we so style both the Father and the Son, so, too, we do not
say that there are three Lords, when we confess the Spirit to be
Lord. For as it is profane to say that there are three Lords or
three Gods, so, too, is it utter profanity to speak of two Lords or two
Gods; for there is one God, one Lord, one Holy Spirit; and He Who is
God is Lord, and He Who is Lord is God, for the Godhead is in the
Lordship, and the Lordship is in the Godhead.
108. Lastly, you have read that the Father
is both Lord and God: “O Lord my God, I will call upon
Thee, hear Thou me.”1375 You find
the Son to be both Lord and God, as you have read in the Gospel, that,
when Thomas had touched the side of Christ, he said, “My Lord and
my God.”1376 So in
like manner as the Father is God and the Son Lord, so too the Son is
God and the Father Lord. The holy designation changes from one to
the other, the divine nature changes not, but the dignity remains
unchangeable. For they are not [as it were] contributions
gathered from bounty, but free-will gifts of natural love; for both
Unity has its special property, and the special properties are bound
together in unity.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH