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| Chapter I. The Object of the Following Treatise. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
A Commonitory422
422 Commonitory. I have retained the original title in
its anglicised form, already familiar to English ears in connection
with the name of Vincentius. Its meaning as he uses it is indicated
sufficiently, in § 3, “An aid to memory.”
Technically, it meant a Paper of Instructions given to a person
charged with a commission, to assist his memory as to its
details. |
For the Antiquity and Universality of the Catholic Faith Against
the Profane Novelties of All Heresies.
Chapter I.
The Object of the Following Treatise.
[1.] I,
Peregrinus. It does not appear why Vincentius writes under
an assumed name. Vossius, with whom Cardinal Noris evidently agrees,
supposes that his object was to avoid openly avowing himself the author
of a work which covertly attacked St. Augustine. Vossius, Histor.
Pelag. p. 246. Ego quidem ad Vossii sententiam plane
accessissem, nisi tot delatæ a sapientissimis Scriptoribus
Commonitorio laudes religionem mihi pene
injecissent.—Noris, Histor.
Pelag. p. 246. | who am the least
of all the servants of God, remembering the admonition of Scripture,
“Ask thy fathers and they will tell thee, thine elders and they
will declare unto thee,”424 and again,
“Bow down thine ear to the words of the wise,”425 and once more, “My son, forget not
these instructions, but let thy heart keep my words:”426 remembering these admonitions, I say, I,
Peregrinus, am persuaded, that, the Lord helping me, it will be of no
little use and certainly as regards my own feeble powers, it is most
necessary, that I should put down in writing the things which I have
truthfully received from the holy Fathers, since I shall then have
ready at hand wherewith by constant reading to make amends for the
weakness of my memory.
[2.] To this I am incited not only by regard to the
fruit to be expected from my labour but also by the consideration of
time and the opportuneness of place:
By the consideration of time,—for seeing that time
seizes upon all things human, we also in turn ought to snatch from it
something which may profit us to eternal life, especially since a
certain awful expectation of the approach of the divine judgment
importunately demands increased earnestness in religion, while the
subtle craftiness of new heretics calls for no ordinary care and
I am incited also by the opportuneness of place,
in that, avoiding the concourse and crowds of cities, I am dwelling in
the seclusion of a Monastery, situated in a remote grange,427
427 Noris, from this
word, “villula,” a grange or country house, concludes that
Vincentius, at the time of writing, though a monk, was not a monk of
Lérins for there could be no
“villula” there then, Honoratus having found the island
desolate and without inhabitant, when he settled on it but a few years
previously, “vacantem insulam ob nimictatem squaloris, et
inaccessam venenatorum animalium metu.” Histor.
Pelag. p. 251. Why, however, may not the
“villula” have been built subsequently to
Honoratus’s settlement and indeed, as a part of it? Whether
Vincentius was an inmate of the monastery of Lérins at the time of writing the Commonitory or not,
he was so eventually, and died there. | where, I can follow without distraction
the Psalmist’s428 admonition,
“Be still, and know that I am God.”
Moreover, it suits well with my purpose in adopting this
life; for, whereas I was at one time involved in the manifold and
deplorable tempests of secular warfare, I have now at length, under
Christ’s auspices, cast anchor in the harbour of religion, a
harbour to all always most safe, in order that, having there been freed
from the blasts of vanity and pride, and propitiating God by the
sacrifice of Christian humility, I may be able to escape not only the
shipwrecks of the present life, but also the flames of the world to
[3.] But now, in the Lord’s name, I will set about
the object I have in view; that is to say, to record with the fidelity
of a narrator rather than the presumption of an author, the things
which our forefathers have handed down to us and committed to our
keeping, yet observing this rule in what I write, that I
shall by no means touch upon everything
that might be said, but only upon what is necessary; nor yet in an
ornate and exact style, but in simple and ordinary language,429
429 “Il dit qu’il l’a voulu écrire d’un style
facile et commun, sans le vouloir orner et polir; et je voudrois que
les ouvrages qu’on a pris le plus de peine à polir dans ce
siècle (le 4me) et dans le suivant, ressemblassent à
celui-ci.” Tillemont, T. xv. p.
144. | so that the most part may seem to be
intimated, rather than set forth in detail. Let those cultivate
elegance and exactness who are confident of their ability or are moved
by a sense of duty. For me it will be enough to have provided a
Commonitory (or Remembrancer) for myself, such
as may aid my memory, or rather, provide against my forgetfulness:
which same Commonitory however, I shall endeavor, the Lord helping me,
to amend and make more complete by little and little, day by day, by
recalling to mind what I have learnt. I mention this at the outset,
that if by chance what I write should slip out of my possession and
come into the hands of holy men, they may forbear to blame anything
therein hastily, when they see that there is a promise that it will yet
be amended and made more complete.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH