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| Chapter VI. The example of Pope Stephen in resisting the Iteration of Baptism. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter VI.
The example of Pope Stephen in resisting the Iteration
of Baptism.
[15.] Great then is the
example of these same blessed men, an example plainly divine, and
worthy to be called to mind, and meditated
continually by every true Catholic, who, like the seven-branched
candlestick, shining with the sevenfold light of the Holy Spirit,
showed to posterity how thenceforward the audaciousness of profane
novelty, in all the several rantings of error, might be crushed by the
authority of hallowed antiquity. Nor is there anything new in
this? For it has always been the case in the Church, that the more a
man is under the influence of religion, so much the more prompt is he to
oppose innovations. Examples there are without number: but to be brief,
we will take one, and that, in preference to others, from the Apostolic
438 “The Apostolic
see” (Sedes Apostolica) here means Rome of course. But the title
was not restricted to Rome. It was common to all sees which could claim
an apostle as their Founder. Thus St. Augustine, suggesting a rule for
determining what books are to be regarded as Canonical, says, “In
Canonicis Scripturis Ecclesiarum Catholicarum quamplurium auctoritatem
sequatur, inter quas sane illæ sint quæ Apostolicas Sedes
habere et Epistolas accipere meruerunt.” “Let him follow the
authority of those Catholic Churches which have been counted worthy to
have Apostolic Sees; i.e., to have been founded by Apostles, and
to have been the recipients of Apostolic Epistles.”—De
Doctr. Christiana, II. § 13. But the title, even in St.
Augustine’s time, had even a wider meaning. “Anciently every
bishop’s see was dignified with the title of Sedes Apostolica,
which in those days was no peculiar title of the bishop of Rome, but given
to all bishops in general, as deriving their origin and counting their
succession from the apostles.”—Bingham, Antiq. II.,
c. 2, § 3. | so that it may be clearer than day to every one
with how great energy, with how great zeal, with how great earnestness,
the blessed successors of the blessed apostles have constantly defended
the integrity of the religion which they have once received.
[16.] Once on a time then, Agrippinus,439
439 Agrippinus. See note 4, below. | bishop of
Carthage, of venerable memory, held the doctrine—and he was the
first who held it—that Baptism ought to be repeated, contrary to
the divine canon, contrary to the rule of the universal Church, contrary
to the customs and institutions of our ancestors. This innovation drew
after it such an amount of evil, that it not only gave an example of
sacrilege to heretics of all sorts, but proved an occasion of error to
certain Catholics even. When then all men protested against
the novelty, and the priesthood everywhere, each as his zeal prompted him,
opposed it, Pope Stephen of blessed memory, Prelate of the Apostolic See,
in conjunction indeed with his colleagues but yet himself the foremost,
withstood it, thinking it right, I doubt not, that as he exceeded all
others in the authority of his place, so he should also in the devotion
of his faith. In fine, in an epistle sent at the time to Africa, he laid
down this rule: “Let there be no innovation—nothing but what
has been handed down.”440
Stephen’s letter has not come down to us, happily perhaps for his
credit, judging by the terms in which Cyprian speaks of it in the letter
in which he quotes the passage in the text.—Ad Pompeian, Ep.
74. | For that holy and prudent man well knew that true piety
admits no other rule than that whatsoever things have been faithfully
received from our fathers the same are to be faithfully consigned to our
children; and that it is our duty, not to lead religion whither we would,
but rather to follow religion whither it leads; and that it is the part
of Christian modesty and gravity not to hand down our own beliefs or
observances to those who come after us, but to preserve and keep what
we have received from those who went before us. What then was the issue
of the whole matter? What but the usual and customary one? Antiquity
was retained, novelty was rejected. [17.] But it may be,
the cause of innovation at that time lacked patronage. On the contrary,
it had in its favor such powerful talent, such copious eloquence, such a
number of partisans, so much resemblance to truth, such weighty support in
Scripture (only interpreted in a novel and perverse sense), that it seems
to me that that whole conspiracy could not possibly have been defeated,
unless the sole cause of this extraordinary stir, the very novelty of
what was so undertaken, so defended, so belauded, had proved wanting to
it. In the end, what result, under God, had that same African Council
or decree?441
441 The Council
held under the presidency of Cyprian in 256. Its acts are contained
in Cyprian’s works, Ed. Fell. pp. 158, etc. An earlier council
had been held in the same city in the beginning of the century under
Agrippinus. Both had affirmed the necessity of rebaptizing heretics, or,
as they would rather have said, of baptizing them. The controversy was set
at rest by a decision of the council of Arles, in 314, which ordered, in
its Eighth Canon, that if the baptism had been administered in the name of
the Trinity, converts should be admitted simply by the imposition of hands
that they might receive the Holy Ghost. | None whatever. The
whole affair, as though a dream, a fable, a thing of no possible
account, was annulled, cancelled, and trodden underfoot.
[18.] And O marvellous revolution! The authors of this same doctrine
are judged Catholics, the followers heretics; the teachers are absolved,
the disciples condemned; the writers of the books will be children of
the Kingdom, the defenders of them will have their portion in Hell. For
who is so demented as to doubt that that blessed light among all holy
bishops and martyrs, Cyprian, together with the rest of his colleagues,
will reign with Christ; or, who on the other hand so sacrilegious as to
deny that the Donatists and those other pests, who boast the authority of
that council for their iteration of baptism, will be consigned to eternal
fire with the devil?442
442 See
Hooker’s reference to this passage.—Eccles. Poll. v.
62, § 9. | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH