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| Chapter XV. Of the example of patience given by Abbot Paphnutius. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XV.
Of the example of patience given by Abbot
Now let us give the other
instance of Abbot Paphnutius, who always remained so zealously in the
recesses of that renowned and far-famed desert of Scete, in which he is
now Presbyter, so that the rest of the anchorites gave him the name of
2090 i.e., the Buffalo. On
Paphnutius see the note on Conf. III. | because he always
delighted in dwelling in the desert as if with a sort of innate liking.
And so as even in boyhood he was so good and full of grace that even
the renowned and great men of that time admired his gravity and
steadfast constancy, and although he was younger in age, yet put him on
a level with the Elders out of regard for his virtues, and thought fit
to admit him to their order, the same envy, which formerly excited the
minds of his brethren against the patriarch Joseph, inflamed one out of
the number of his brethren with a burning and consuming jealousy. And
this man wanting to mar his beauty by some blemish or spot, hit on this
kind of devilry, so as to seize an opportunity when Paphnutius had left
his cell to go to Church on Sunday: and secretly entering his cell he
slyly hid his own book among the boughs which he used to weave of palm
branches, and, secure of his well-planned trick, himself went off as if
with a pure and clean conscience to Church. And when the whole service
was ended as usual, in the presence of all the brethren he brought his
complaint to S. Isidore2091
2091 Gazet thinks that
this Isidore is the same person as the one mentioned in the Lausiac
History c. i.; and Sozomen VI. xxviii., but doubts whether he is
identical with the person of the same name mentioned in Rufinus:
History of the Monks c. xvii., Sozomen VIII. xii., and Socrates VI.
ix. | who was Presbyter
of this desert before this same Paphnutius, and declared that his book
had been stolen from his cell. And when his complaint had so disturbed
the minds of all the brethren, and more especially of the Presbyter, so
that they knew not what first to suspect or think, as all were overcome
with the utmost astonishment at so new and unheard of a crime, such as
no one remembered ever to have been committed in that desert before
that time, and which has never happened since, he who had brought
forward the matter as the accuser urged that they should all be kept in
Church and certain selected men be sent to search the cells of the
brethren one by one. And when this had been entrusted to three of the
Elders by the Presbyter, they turned over the bed-chambers of them all,
and at last found the book hidden in the cell of Paphnutius among the
boughs of the palms which they call σειρά, just as the plotter
had hidden it. And when the inquisitors at once brought it back to the
Church and produced it before all, Paphnutius, although he was
perfectly clear in the sincerity of his conscience, yet like one who
acknowledged the guilt of thieving, gave himself up entirely to make
amends and humbly asked for a plan of repentance, as he was so careful
of his shame and modesty (and feared) lest if he tried to remove the
stain of the theft by words, he might further be branded as a liar, as
no one would believe anything but what had been found out. And when he
had immediately left the Church not cast down in mind but rather
trusting to the judgment of God, he continually shed tears at his
prayers, and fasted thrice as often as before, and prostrated himself
in the sight of men with all humility of mind. But when he had thus
submitted himself with all contrition of flesh and spirit for almost a
fortnight, so that he came early on the morning of Saturday and Sunday
not to receive the Holy Communion2092
2092 On the Saturday and
Sunday celebration of the Holy Communion in Egypt compare the
Institutes III. ii. In Gaul it was apparently received daily:
Institutes VI. viii. | but to
prostrate himself on the threshold of the Church and humbly ask for
pardon, He, Who is the witness of all secret things and knows them,
suffered him to be no
tried by Himself or defamed by others. For what the author of the
crime, the wicked thief of his own property, the cunning defamer of
another’s credit, had done with no man there as a witness, that
He made known by means of the devil who was himself the instigator of
the sin. For possessed by a most fierce demon, he made known all the
craft of his secret plot, and the same man who had conceived the
accusation and the cheat betrayed it. But he was so long and grievously
vexed by that unclean spirit that he could not even be restored by the
prayers of the saints living there, who by means of divine gifts can
command the devils, nor could the special grace of the Presbyter
Isidore himself cast out from him his cruel tormentor, though by the
Lord’s bounty such power was given him that no one who was
possessed was ever brought to his doors without being at once healed;
for Christ was reserving this glory for the young Paphnutius, that the
man should be cleansed only by the prayers of him against whom he had
plotted, and that the jealous enemy should receive pardon for his
offence and an end of his present punishment, only by proclaiming his
name, from whose credit he had thought that he could detract. He then
in his early youth already gave these signs of his future character,
and even in his boyish years sketched the lines of that perfection
which was to grow up in mature age. If then we want to attain to his
height of virtue, we must lay the same foundation to begin