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| To Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, on Perseverance in the Faith. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Letter CXX.
To Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, on
Perseverance in the Faith.
Leo, the bishop, to his beloved brother Theodoret, the
I. He congratulates Theodoret on their
joint victory, and expresses his approval of an honest inquiry which
leads to good results.
On the return of our brothers and fellow-priests,
whom the See of the blessed Peter sent to the holy council, we
ascertained, beloved, the victory you and we together had won by
assistance from on high over the blasphemy of Nestorius, as well as
over the madness of Eutyches. Wherefore we make our boast in the
Lord, singing with the prophet:
“our help is in the name of the Lord,
who hath made heaven and earth489 :”
who has suffered us to sustain no harm in the person of our brethren,
but has corroborated by the irrevocable assent of the whole brotherhood
what He had already laid down through our ministry: to show that,
what had been first formulated by the foremost See of Christendom, and
then received by the judgment of the whole Christian world, had truly
proceeded from Himself: that in this, too, the members may be at
one with the Head. And herein our cause for rejoicing grows
greater when we see that the more fiercely the foe assailed
Christ’s servants, the more did he afflict himself. For
lest the assent of other Sees to that which the Lord of all has appointed to take precedence of the rest
might seem mere complaisance, or lest any other evil suspicion might
creep in, some were found to dispute our decisions before they were
finally accepted490
490 These were, of course,
the bishops of Illyricum and Palestine, who raised objections at
various points in the reading of Leo’s Tome at Chalcedon.
They were allowed five days to reconsider the matter, and ultimately
yielded their consent. See Introduction, p. x., and
Bright’s notes to the Tome, who gives their objections and
answers in detail, esp. nn. 148, 156, 160, and 173. | . And while
some, instigated by the author of the disagreement, rush forward into a
warfare of contradictions, a greater good results through his fall
under the guiding hand of the Author of all goodness. For the
gifts of God’s grace are sweeter to us
when they are gained with mighty efforts: and uninterrupted peace
is wont to seem a lesser good than one that is restored by
labours. Moreover, the Truth itself shines more brightly, and is
more bravely maintained when what the Faith had already taught is
afterwards confirmed by further inquiry. And still further, the
good name of the priestly office gains much in lustre where the
authority of the highest is preserved without it being thought that the
liberty of the lower ranks has been at all infringed. And the
result of a discussion contributes to the greater glory of God when the debaters exert themselves with confidence in
overcoming the gainsayers: that what of itself is shown wrong may
not seem to be passed over in prejudicial silence.
II. Christ’s victory has won back
many to the Faith.
Exult therefore, beloved brother, yes, exult
triumphantly in the only-begotten Son of God. Through us He has conquered for Himself the
reality of Whose flesh was denied. Through us and for us He has
conquered, in whose cause we have conquered. This happy day ranks
next to the Lord’s Advent for the
world. The robber is laid low, and there is restored to our age
the mystery of the Divine Incarnation which the enemy of mankind was
obscuring with his chicaneries, because the facts would not let him
actually destroy it. Nay, the immortal mystery had
perished from the hearts of
unbelievers, because so great salvation is of no avail to unbelievers,
as the Very Truth said to His disciples: “he that believeth
and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be
condemned491 .” The
rays of the Sun of Righteousness which were obscured throughout the
East by the clouds of Nestorius and Eutyches, have shone out brightly
from the West, where it has reached its zenith in the Apostles and
teachers of the Church. And yet not even in the East is it to be
believed that it was ever eclipsed where noble confessors492
492 He is thinking
especially of the martyred Flavian. | have been found among your ranks: so
that, when the old enemy was trying afresh, through the impenitent
heart of a modern Pharaoh493
493 Dioscorus of
Alexandria is meant. | , to blot out the
seed of faithful Abraham and the sons of promise, he grew weary,
through God’s mercy, and could harm no
one save himself. And in regard to him the Almighty has worked
this wonder also, in that He has not overwhelmed with the founder of
the tyranny those who were associated with him in the slaughter of the
people of Israel, but has gathered them into His own people; and as the
Source of all mercy knew to be worthy of Himself and possible for
Himself alone, He has made them conquerors with us who were conquered
by us. For whilst the spirit of falsehood is the only true enemy
of the human race, it is undoubted that all whom the Truth has won over
to His side share in His triumph over that enemy. Assuredly it
now is clear how divinely authorized are these words of our Redeemer,
which are so applicable to the enemies of the Faith that one may not
doubt they were said of them: “You,” He says,
“are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father it is
your will to fulfil. He was a murderer from the beginning and
stood not in the truth, because the truth is not in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the
father thereof494 .”
III. Dioscorus, who in his madness has
attacked even the bishop of Rome, has shown himself the instrument of
It is not to be wondered, then, that they who have
accepted a delusion as to our nature in the true God agree with their father on these points also,
maintaining that what was seen, heard, and in fact, by the witness of
the gospel, touched and handled in the only Son of God, belonged not to that to which it was proved to
belong495 , but to an essence co-eternal and
consubstantial with the Father: as if the nature of the Godhead
could have been pierced on the Cross, as if the Unchangeable could grow
from infancy to manhood, or the eternal Wisdom could progress in
wisdom, or God, who is a Spirit, could
thereafter be filled with the Spirit. In this, too, their sheer
madness betrayed its origin, because, as far as it could, it attempted
to injure everybody. For he, who afflicted you with his
persecutions, led others wrong by driving them to consent to his
wickedness. Yea, even us too, although he had wounded us in each
one of the brethren (for they are our members), even us he did not
exempt from special vexation in attempting to inflict an injury upon
his Head with strange and unheard of and incredible effrontery496
496 A reference to Letter
XCVIII. (from the Synod of Chalcedon to Leo), chap. ii. shows that
Dioscorus had threatened Leo with excommunication; excommunicationem
meditatus est contra te qui corpus ecclesiæ unire
festinas. | . But would that he had recovered his
senses even after all these enormities, and had not saddened us by his
death and eternal damnation. There was no measure of wickedness
that he did not reach: it was not enough for him that, sparing
neither living nor dead, and forswearing truth and allying himself with
falsehood, he imbrued his hands, that had been already long polluted,
in the blood of a guiltless, catholic priest497
497 This was of course
Flavian. Quesnel quotes Liberatus the deacon (chap. x. of the
Breviary) as asserting that no sooner was Dioscorus made bishop of
Alexandria than oppressit Cyrilli heredes et per calumnias multas ab
eis abstulit pecunias. His accusers at Chalcedon charge him
with being an Origenist, an Arian, a murderer, an incendiary, and an
evil liver generally. | . And since it is written:
“he that hateth his brother is a murderer498 :” he has actually carried
out what he was said already to have done in hate, as if he had never
heard of this nor of that which the Lord says,
“learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find
rest unto your souls: for My yoke is easy and My burden is
light499 .” A worthy preacher of the
devil’s errors has been found in this Egyptian plunderer, who,
like the cruellest tyrant the Church has had, forced his villainous
blasphemies on the reverend brethren through the violence of riotous
mobs and the blood-stained hands of soldiers. And when our
Redeemer’s voice assures us that the author of murder and of
lying is one and the same, He has carried out both equally: as if
these things were written not to be avoided but to be
perpetrated: and thus does he apply to the completion of his
destruction the salutary warnings of the Son of God, and turns a deaf ear to what the same Lord has said, “I speak that which I have
seen with My Father; and ye
do that which ye have seen with your father500 .”
IV. Those who undertake to speak
authoritatively on doctrine, must preserve the balance between the
Accordingly while he strove to cut short Flavian
of blessed memory’s life in the present world, he has deprived
himself of the light of true life. While he tried to drive you
out of your churches, he has cut off himself from fellowship with
Christians. While he drags and drives many into agreement with
error, he has stabbed his own soul with many a wound, a solitary
convicted offender beyond all, and through all and for all, for he was
the cause of all men’s being accused. But, although,
brother, you who are nurtured on solid food, have little need of such
reminders, yet that we may fulfil what belongs to our position
according to that utterance of the Apostle who says, “Besides
these things that are without, that which presseth on me daily, anxiety
for all the churches. Who is weakened and I am not weak?
Who is made to stumble and I burn not501 ?” we
believe this admonition ought to be given especially on the present
occasion, that whenever by the ministration of the Divine grace we
either overwhelm or cleanse those who are without, in the pool of
doctrine, we go not away in aught from those rules of Faith which the
Godhead of the Holy Ghost brought forward at the Council of Chalcedon,
and weigh our words with every caution so as to avoid the two extremes
of new false doctrine502
502 Inter utrumque hostem
novellæ perfidiæ, sc. Nestorianism and Eutychianism. | : not any longer
(God forbid it) as if debating what is
doubtful, but with full authority laying down conclusions already
arrived at; for in the letter which we issued from the Apostolic See,
and which has been ratified by the assent of the entire holy Synod, we
know that so many divinely authorised witnesses are brought together,
that no one can entertain any further doubt, except one who prefers to
enwrap himself in the clouds of error, and the proceedings of the Synod
whether those in which we read the formulating of the definition of
Faith, or those in which the aforesaid letter of the Apostolic See was
zealously supported by you, brother, and especially the address of the
whole Council to our most religious Princes, are corroborated by the
testimonies of so many fathers in the past that they must persuade any
one, however unwise and stubborn his heart, so long as he be not
already joined with the devil in damnation for his
V. Theodoret’s orthodoxy has been
happily and thoroughly vindicated.
Wherefore this, too, it is our duty to provide
against the Church’s enemies, that, as far as in us lies, we
leave them no occasion for slandering us, nor yet, in acting against
the Nestorians or Eutychians, ever seem to have retreated before the
other side, but that we shun and condemn both the enemies of Christ in
equal measure, so that whenever the interests of the hearers in any way
require it, we may with all promptitude and clearness strike down them
and their doctrines with the anathema that they deserve, lest if we
seem to do this doubtfully or tardily, we be thought to act against our
503 The Ballerinii remind
us that all these allusions to keeping the balance of Truth in this and
the last chapter, and here to acting promptissme et
evidentissime were intended for Theodoret’s especial benefit,
who from his former defence of Nestorius and attacks on Cyril had been
suspected of the Nestorian taint, but had expressly cleared himself at
the Council of Chalcedon. This explains the res ipsæ
and the experimenta of the next sentence, and the solemn
adjuration of the sentence next but one. | . And although the facts themselves are
sufficient to remind your wisdom of this, yet now actual experience has
brought the lesson home. But blessed be our God, whose invincible Truth has shown you free from all
taint of heresy in the judgment of the Apostolic See504
504 See the Acts of
Chalcedon I, ingrediatur et reverendissimus episcopus Theodoretus ut
sit particeps synodi, quia et restituit ei episcopatum sanctissimus
archiepiscopus Leo, and 8, where the judges ask for a verdict,
“sicut et sanctissimus Leo archiepiscopus
iudicavit,” to which the whole council replied Post Deum
Leo iudicavit. | . To whom you will repay due thanks for
all these labours, if you keep yourself such a defender of the
universal Church as we have proved and do still prove you. For
that God has dispelled all calumnious
fallacies, we attribute to the blessed Peter’s wondrous care of
us all, for after sanctioning the judgment of his See in defining the
Faith, he allowed no sinister imputation to rest on any of you, who
have laboured with us for the catholic Faith: because the Holy
Spirit adjudged that no one could fail to come out conqueror of those
whose Faith had now conquered.
VI. He asks Theodoret for his continued
cooperation, and refers him to a letter which he has written to the
bishop of Antioch.
It remains that we exhort you to continue your
co-operation with the Apostolic See, because we have learnt that some
remnants of the Eutychian and Nestorian error still linger amongst
you. For the victory which Christ our Lord has vouchsafed to His Church, although it increases
our confidence, does not yet entirely destroy our anxiety, nor is it
granted us to sleep but to work on more calmly. Hence it is we
wish to be assisted in this too by your watchful care, that you
hasten to inform the
Apostolic See by your periodic reports what progress the Lord’s teaching makes in those regions; to the end
that we may assist the priests of that district in whatever way
experience suggests.
On those matters which were mooted in the
often-quoted council, in unlawful opposition to the venerable canons of
Nicæa, we have written to our brother and fellow-bishop, the
occupant of the See of Antioch505 , adding that too which
you had given us verbal information about by your delegates with
reference to the unscrupulousness of certain monks, and laying down
strict injunctions that no one, be he monk506
506 It must be remembered
that monachus esse in those days meant complete withdrawal from
all active life in the world, the preaching orders being a much later
institution. The Ballerinii suggest that it may have been a
certain abbot Barsumas, who with his followers is said (Act. Chalc. 4)
totam Syriam commovisse. See also Lett. CXIX., chap.
vi. | or
layman, that boasts himself of some knowledge, should presume to preach
except the Lord’s priests. That
letter, however, we wish to reach all men’s knowledge for the
benefit of the universal Church through our aforesaid brother and
fellow-bishop Maximus; and for that reason we have not thought fit to
add a copy of it to this; because we have no doubt of the due carrying
out of our injunctions to our aforesaid brother and
fellow-bishop. (In another hand.) God keep thee safe, beloved brother. Dated 11 June
in the consulship of the illustrious Opilio (453).E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH