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| On his Birthday, II.: Delivered on the Anniversary of his Consecration. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
On his Birthday, II.: Delivered
on the Anniversary654
654 This sermon,
which in the older editions used to be joined in one with the first,
was separated by the Ballerinii and assigned to the (1st?) anniversary
of his pontifical consecration. Quesnel, who did not go so far as
to separate the two parts, saw that there were certain expressions in
the first portion which did not suit the common title given to the
whole in anniversario die assumptionis eius, proposed to alter
it to in octava consecrationis eius (on the octave,
&c.). I have adhered to the Ball.’s division, though I
am not entirely convinced by their arguments. | of his
I. The Lord
raises up the weak and gives him grace according to his
The Divine condescension has made this an
honourable day for me, for it has shown by raising655
655 Provexit
unwillingly altered by the Ball. from provehit, against
all the mss., to suit their view. |
my humbleness to the highest rank, that He despised not any of His
own. And hence, although one must be diffident of merit, yet it
is one’s bounden duty to rejoice over the gift, since He who is
the Imposer of the burden656
656 Oneris, others
honoris (advancement). | is Himself657
657 Ipse est,
others (including Quesnel) ipse mihi fiet (future). | the Aider in its execution: and lest
the weak recipient should fall beneath the greatness of the grace, He
who conferred the dignity will also give the power. As the day
therefore returns in due course on which the Lord purposed that I should begin my episcopal office,
there is true cause for me to rejoice to the glory of God, Who that I might love Him much, has forgiven me much,
and that I might make His Grace wonderful, has conferred His gifts upon
me in whom He found no recommendations of merit. And by this His
work what does the Lord suggest and commend to
our hearts but that no one should presume upon his own righteousness
nor distrust God’s mercy which shines
out more pre-eminently then, when the sinner is made holy and the
downcast lifted
up. For the measure of heavenly
gifts does not rest upon the quality of our deeds, nor in this world,
in which “all life is temptation658 ,” is each one rewarded according to
his deserving, for if the Lord were to take
count of a man’s iniquities, no one could stand before His
II. The mighty assemblage of prelates
testifies to men’s loyal acceptance of Peter in Peter’s
unworthy successor.
Therefore, dearly-beloved, “magnify the
Lord with me and let us exalt His name
together659 ,” that the
whole reason of to-day’s concourse may be referred to the praise
of Him Who brought it to pass. For so far as my own feelings are
concerned, I confess that I rejoice most over the devotion of you all;
and when I look upon this splendid assemblage of my venerable
660 The Ball. quote from
several more or less contemporary authorities to prove that this
concourse is more likely to have been on the anniversary than on the
day of consecration itself and they say that such a celebration of the
octave as Quesnel suggests is unknown to all antiquity. | I feel that, where
so many saints are gathered, the very angels are amongst us. Nor
do I doubt that we are to-day visited by a more abundant outpouring of
the Divine Presence, when so many fair tabernacles of God, so many excellent members of the Body of Christ are
in one place and shine with one light. Nor yet I feel sure, is
the fostering condescension and true love of the most blessed Apostle
Peter absent from this congregation: he has not deserted your
devotion, in whose honour you are met together. And so he too
rejoices over your good feeling and welcomes your respect for the
Lord’s own institution as shown towards
the partners of His honour, commending the well ordered love of the
whole Church, which ever finds Peter in Peter’s See, and from
affection for so great a shepherd grows not lukewarm even over so
inferior a successor as myself. In order therefore, dearly
beloved, that this loyalty which you unanimously display towards my
humbleness may obtain the fruit of its zeal, on bended knee entreat the
merciful goodness of our God that in our days
He will drive out those who assail us, strengthen faith, increase love,
increase peace and deign to render me His poor slave, whom to show the
riches of His grace He has willed to stand at the helm of the Church,
sufficient for so great a work and useful in building you up, and to
this end to lengthen our time for service that the years He may grant
us may be used to His glory through Christ our Lord. Amen.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH